


Professor不会写,用 teacher    丝绸之路  The Silk Road 用The Road


刘老师是一各有上进心的人,Miss Liu is a person with ambition



感恩节-Thanksgiving Day      不会写,可以用 a day  to  show our thanks(our appreciation)。

京杭大运河 -Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal     不会写,可以用 a river from Beijing to Hangzhou





 In recent years, more and more museums in China have been open to the public for free. The number of both museum exhibitions and visitors have increased significantly. It is common to see long queues in front of some popular museums. As a result, these museums must take measures to limit the number of visitors. Nowadays, the forms of exhibitions are becoming increasingly diverse. To make exhibitions more attractive, some large museums take advantage of advanced technologies, such as multimedia and virtual reality. Many museums also hold online exhibitions, so that people can watch rare exhibits on the internet. For most visitors, however, it is still more attractive to watch the exhibits at the scene.



成语(Chinese idioms)是汉语中的一种独特的表达方式,大多由四个汉字组成。它们高度简练且形式固定,但通常能形象地表达深刻的含义。成语大多来源于中国古代的文学作品,通常与某些神话、传说或者历史事件有关。如果不知道某个成语的出处,就很难理解其确切含义。因为,学习成语有助于人们更好地理解中国传统文化。成语在日常会话和文学创作中广泛使用。恰当使用成语可以使一个人的语言更具有表现力,交流更有效。

Chinese idioms are a unique way of expression in Chinese, which are mostly composed of four Chinese characters.They are highly concise and fixed in form, but they can usually express profound meanings vividly.Idioms are mostly derived from ancient Chinese literary works, usually related to some myths, legends or historical events. It is difficult to understand the exact meaning of an idiom without knowing its origin. Therefore, learning idioms can help people better understand Chinese traditional culture. Idioms are widely used in daily conversation and literary creation. Proper use of idioms can make one's language more expressive and communicate more effectively.



荷花(lotus flower)是中国的名花之一,深受人们喜爱。中国许多地方的湖泊和池塘都适宜荷花生长。荷花色彩鲜艳,夏日清晨绽放,夜晚闭合。花期长达两三个月,吸引来自各地的游客前往观赏。荷花具有多种功能,既能绿化水面,又能美化庭园,还可净化水质、减少污染、改善环境。荷花迎骄阳而不惧,出污泥而不染,象征纯洁、高雅,常常用来比喻人的高尚品德。历来是诗人画家创作的重要题材。荷花盛开的地方也是许多摄影爱好者经常光顾之地。

Lotus flower is one of the famous flowers in China, which is loved by people. Many lakes and ponds in China are suitable for lotus growth. Lotus flowers of vivid colors bloom from the early morning to the dusk in summer.The flowering period lasts for two to three months, attracting tourists from all over the world.The lotus has multiple functions, including greening the water surface, beautifying the garden, purifying water, reducing pollution and improving the environment. As a symbol of purity and elegance, the lotus flower neither fearing the blazing sun nor being contaminated by the silt and often served as a metaphor for the noble character of a man. That is why it has always been an important subject for poets and painters. The place where the lotus blooms is most frequented by many photography enthusiasts.



《西游记》(Journey to the West) 也许是中国文学四大经典小说中最具有影响力的一部,当然也是在国外最广为人知的一部小说。这部小说描绘了著名僧侣玄奘在三个随从的陪同下穿越中国西部地区前往印度取经(Buddhist scripture)的艰难历程。虽然故事的主题基于佛教,但这部小说采用了大量中国民间故事和神话的素材,创造了各种栩栩如生的人物和动物形象。其中最著名的是孙悟空,他与各种各样妖魔作斗争的故事几乎为每个中国孩子所熟知。

Journey to the West is perhaps the most influential one of the four classic novels in Chinese literature, and certainly it is also the most widely known novel abroad.This novel depicts the difficult journey of the famous monk,Xuanzang, accompanied by his three followers, traveling through western China to India for the Buddhist scripture. Although the theme of the story is based on Buddhism, the novel adopts a large number of Chinese folk tales and myths to create a variety of vivid characters and animal images. In the story, Sun Wukong is the most famous character, and the stories that he fights with various demons are known to almost all Chinese children.




Beijing Daxing International Airport is located 46 kilometers south of Tiananmen Square. It was put into use on September 30, 2019. The construction of the mega project began in 2014. There was more than 40000 workers at peak times. The terminals are designed compactly, allowing the largest number of planes to park in the location near the center of the navigation building, which provides great convenience for passengers. The terminal consists of a total of 82 gates, but it takes passengers less than 8 minutes to arrive at any gate after passing through security. The airport is designed to ensure 300 takeoffs and landings per hour. The airport will have been able to handle 100 million passengers a year by 2040 and is expected to be the busiest airport in the world.





Hainan is the second largest island in China after Taiwan, and is located in the southernmost province of China.Hainan Island enjoys beautiful scenery, a pleasing climate, abundant sunshine, creatures of diverse varieties, dotted hot springs, and clear sea water. Therefore, Hainan is acclaimed as “Garden of Four Seasons” and the holiday resort, attracting great numbers of both domestic and overseas tourists every year.

Since Hainan Province was established in 1988, with the rapid development of its tourism,service industry and hi-tech industry, it has become the only provincial Special Economic Zone in China. Under the support of the central government and people across the country, Hainan will be built into the country’s largest free trade zone.



中国共产党第一次全国代表大会会址位于上海兴业路76号,是一栋典型的上海式住宅,建于1920年秋。1921 年7月23日,中国共产党第一次全国代表大会在此召开,大会通过了中国共产党的第一个纲领和第一个决议,选举产生了中央领导机构,宣告了中国共产党的诞生。1952年9月,中共一大会址修复,建立纪念馆并对外开放。纪念馆除了介绍参加一大的代表之外,还介绍党的历史发展进程,现已成为了解党史、缅怀革命先烈的爱国主义教育基地。

The site of the 1st National Congress of the Communist Party of China, located at 76 of xingye Road, Shanghai, is a residence of typical Shanghai style which was built in the autumn of 1920.  On July 23, 1921, the first National Congress of the CPC was held here. The Congress passed the first program and resolution of the CPC, elected the central leadership, and announced the birth of the CPC. In September 1952, the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China was restored, a memorial hall was established and opened to the public. In addition to introducing delegates to the First National Congress, the Memorial Hall also introduces the historical development process of the Party. It has become a patriotism education base to understand the Party's history and remember the revolutionary martyrs.



贴春联(Spring Festival couplets)是中国人欢度春节的一个重要习俗。春联由一对诗句和四字横批(horizontal scroll)组成,诗句和横批用金色或黑色写在红纸上,红色代表幸运,金色代表财富。春联贴在大门左右两侧和门框上方。春联的诗句体现中国传统诗词的特点,两句诗的字数相同、内容相关。横批凸显春联的主题,更是锦上添花。春联以简洁的文字描绘生动的形象,抒发美好的愿望,当家家户户贴春联时,人们就会意识到春节已经正式拉开序幕。

Pasting the Spring Festival couplets is an important custom for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival couplets consist of a pair of poems and four character horizontal scrolls. The verses are written in horizontal scrolls on red paper in gold or black. Red represents luck and gold represents wealth. The Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the left and right sides of the gate and above the door frame.

The lines of the Spring Festival couplets embody the characteristics of traditional Chinese poetry. The two lines have the same number of characters and are related in content. The horizontal scroll highlighting the theme of the Spring Festival couplets is even the icing on the top. The Spring Festival couplets depict vivid images in simple words and express good wishes. When every household pastes the Spring Festival couplets, people will realize that the Spring Festival has officially kicked off.

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