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原创 Ubuntu 20.04不能启动Terminal的办法

今天用Virtualbox安装了一个Ubuntu,但是死活启动不了Terminal,就不能安装sshd server。默认root是没有启动的,你必须给root设置密码后,才可以使用。实验了半天,终于找到一个方发,但是不知道原因是什么。就是在语言中把语言切换成加拿大之后,重启,就好了。这真是一个诡异的问题。

2024-04-15 15:39:34 229

原创 如何把一张在Excel中的大表格打印到一页pdf文件上


2024-04-10 10:03:07 122

原创 NVIDIA的GPU型号的解读

数据中心GPU可以有非常神秘的名称:K80,T4,A100,L40。但这些不仅仅是字母和数字的随机集合。它们对有关 GPU 规格和性能的重要信息进行编码。在 GPU 的名称中,字母是体系结构名称的第一个字母。例如,A 代表安培,L 代表洛夫莱斯。NVIDIA GPU 架构以著名科学家的名字命名。不同层的 GPU 针对不同的计算工作负载进行了优化。GPU的首字母的代码。

2023-09-06 10:53:29 673

原创 C和Python调用C的动态库的调查


2023-09-06 09:13:50 254

原创 什么是Boundary SCAN


2023-07-12 14:09:58 336

原创 Windows系统解压zip文件之后乱码的问题的原因和解决方法


2022-11-11 10:44:18 9607 1

原创 Linux中的五种网络API的模型的解释

Blocking I/O一堆人去咖啡店买咖啡,第一个人点了咖啡后,就在柜台前等店员煮好咖啡;第一个人拿到咖啡后,才可以服务下一个人;Non-Blocking I/O一堆人去咖啡店买咖啡,第一个人点了咖啡后,他一直会问店员,咖啡好了没?没好的话,等一会继续问;直到咖啡好了为止I/O Multiplexing店员回主动通知客人咖啡好了,但是客人还是需要站在柜台旁边等着select/poll/epollSignal-driven I/O客人在柜台点餐后,客人就可以离开去干别的事情了;咖啡好了后店员主动通知

2022-11-09 18:28:10 489

原创 如何预估项目


2022-10-28 10:03:37 280

原创 QT使用时,报错说No suitable kits can be found

No suitable kits can be found;区分大小写

2022-10-19 11:33:50 3575

原创 AWS中的HVM和PV格式的AMI的区别

AMI就是amazon machine image,就是我们理解的镜像文件。由于aws历史上使用的是xen,所以才会出现PV和HVM的格式的区别。只要Linux发行版有这两种格式,Windows一直是HVM格式的。PV就是上一篇文章中的半虚拟化技术,宿主机需要修改和适配;HVM格式的文件不需要任何修改。在之前PV由于经过了修改性能比HVM的性能好一点,但是现在的话HVM的性能已经和PV的差不多了。所以amazon现在建议都使用HVM格式的镜像文件。https://cloudacademy.com/b

2022-07-05 17:26:22 773

原创 AWS的虚拟化技术

提到aws的底层的虚拟化的技术的时候,大家可能总是能看到这张图。但是我一直没有看的太懂,于是今天花点时间仔细看看了。这里详细解释一下。先解释一下图中的术语:上面颜色部分由于我是色盲所以不说颜色了,下面的颜色的性能最差,上面颜色的性能最高VM:虚拟机 HW:硬件VS:软件虚拟化 VH:硬件虚拟化 P:半虚拟化,没有包含所有的组合SR-IOV(net):网络组件的硬件虚拟化技术,ixgbe/ena driver SR-IOV(store):存储组件的硬件虚拟化技术 nvme driver第一条不是a

2022-07-05 17:01:08 967

原创 WireframeSketcher使用介绍

I was used for almost 8 years in my previous company. It’s simple and easy to use.Now I need to build a new website for my customer in new company, so I think it in my first glance.But I don’t have a license to use it, so I go to the https://wireframesk

2022-03-21 13:37:41 808

原创 64bit architecture support 32bit so file

64bit architecture support 32bit so file# dpkg --print-architectureamd64# dpkg --print-foreign-architectures# dpkg --add-architecture i386# dpkg --print-foreign-architecturesi386# dpkg --remove-architecture i386# dpkg --print-foreign-architecture

2021-06-17 10:45:55 129

原创 Ubuntu apt source的软件分类


2021-06-17 10:44:10 163

原创 create pip mirror

create pip mirrorpython3 -m venv bandersnatchbandersnatch/bin/pip install bandersnatchbandersnatch/bin/bandersnatch --help当时pip的完全mirror,需要7.9T左右,在执行前需要有相应的disk和网络带宽https://pypi.org/stats/https://github.com/pypa/bandersnatch/https://packaging.python

2021-06-17 10:43:12 233

原创 apt update output

apt update outputWhen you use apt-get update it verifies if the same update indexes need downloading, if not it does not download the same updated indexes again.Hit means apt checked the timestamps on package list, those match and there are no changes.

2021-06-17 10:40:43 109

原创 What does pip install . (dot) mean?

What does pip install . (dot) mean?Install the project found in the current directory".This is just a specific case of pip install /path/to-source/tree.Explicitly, pip install . will execute the setup.py file in the current directory (which will usually

2021-06-17 10:40:04 211

原创 docker使用时的命令

docker remove imagedocker rmi IMAGEdocker rm CONTAINERdocker commit: create images from containerdocker commit -a liang -m "ubuntu installed basic tools" b3185dbd6b39 ubuntu-basic:20.04docker container clean# docker container pruneWARNING! This wi

2021-06-17 10:33:33 94

原创 Apache httpd module learning memo2

port.conf文件是让httpd监听某些端口[root@controller conf]# pwd/etc/httpd/conf[root@controller conf]# cat ports.conf# ************************************# Listen & NameVirtualHost resources in module puppetlabs-apache# Managed by Puppet# ******************

2021-06-17 10:33:15 84

原创 在中国,在Ubuntu上安装OpenStack需要的mirror

replace ubuntu mirror# vi /etc/apt/sources.list# tsinghua ubuntu 20.04 deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal main restricted universe multiverse# deb-src https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu/ focal main restricted universe mult

2021-06-16 17:57:07 400

原创 rabbitmq是使用erlang实现的

5672, 5671: used by AMQP 0-9-1 and 1.0 clients without and with TLS25672: used for inter-node and CLI tools communication (Erlang distribution server port) and is allocated from a dynamic range(limited to a single port by default, computed as AMQP port +

2021-06-16 17:48:43 183

原创 cirros的密码

在openstack中使用到的默认image是cirros,但是在使用的时候一直创建不了instance,最后发现packstack安装的cirrosimage文件很小,应该是下载的时候网络断掉了。所以重新在他们的官网上下载一个后,上传到openstack中去,就可以创建instance了。但是在使用virsh console连接cirros的instance的时候,不知道用户名和密码。其实在进入console之后连续按两次enter键,就会提示用户名和密码是什么了。...

2021-06-16 17:45:43 3334

原创 CentOS中查找包依赖和所安装的文件

find the rpm dependency(rpm or yum)# rpm -qR openstack-packstack-puppet# yum -q deplist openstack-packstack-puppetfind which package contains the specified file# rpm -qf /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.4/libgomp.so# rpm -qf [file name]# yum wh.

2021-06-16 17:41:02 1037

原创 CentOS/Ubuntu下的包安装时的额外处理

find the deb postinst under below folder/var/lib/dpkg/infodeb包的介绍control 用了记录软件标识,版本号,平台,依赖信息等数据preinst 在解包data.tar.gz前运行的脚本postinst 在解包数据后运行的脚本prerm 卸载时,在删除文件之前运行的脚本postrm 在删除文件之后运行的脚本https://blog.csdn.net/gatieme/article/details/5282990

2021-06-16 17:35:31 137

原创 Ubuntu下查找package的依赖

11.root@b5100be54915:/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d# apt list|grep openstackWARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.openstack-dashboard-common/focal-updates 4:19.2.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 allopenstack-dashboard-ubuntu-th..

2021-06-16 17:31:55 470

原创 在CentOS/Ubuntu下,怎么找到你安装的文件

CentOS:# rpm -qa | grep package_keyword# rpm -ql package_nameUbuntu10. search/list file for package in ubuntu# dpkg-query -l# dpkg -l|grep openstackii python3-openstackclient 5.5.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Command-li

2021-06-16 17:29:20 102

原创 最新版本的mysql-workbench在Ubuntu 20上连接maridb崩溃

mysql-workbench seems can not direct connect to maridbpay attention the bind ip address for maridb when create connection# netstat -nap|grep 3306|grep LISTEtcp 0 0* LISTEN 1617/mysqld

2021-06-16 17:23:23 139

原创 gnocchi中的resource/metric/measure等的关系


2021-06-16 17:07:54 462

原创 Ubuntu/CentOS中的journal log的查看方法

什么是journal log它是一个binary格式的集中存放的Linux系统下的log文件Journal is a component of systemd. It capture log messages of kernel logs, syslog messages, or error log messages. It collect them, index them and makes availabe to the users. Journal are stored in /run/log/

2021-06-16 13:32:30 1391

原创 ansible memo

Ansible in its simplest form has been described as a Python-based open source ITautomation tool that can be used to configure\manage systems, deploy software (or almostanything), and provide orchestration to a process.Playbooks are one of the core featu

2021-06-02 13:20:35 67

原创 在Ubuntu上安装OpenStack的memo1

Dockerfile-CentosBasic?Ubuntu4. EANBLE ROOTsudo passwd rootreplace with tuna mirrorshttps://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/help/ubuntu/ubuntu codenameFocal Fossa 20.04https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNamesinstall sshdsudo apt upda...

2021-05-30 20:14:48 92 1

原创 查看OpenStack的版本

show openstack version[root@localhost ~]# openstack --versionopenstack 4.0.2Using openstack --version will only give you the version of openstack client you are using,then 打开下面的网页,做相应的对比,例如:Train --> 4.0.0;仍是下面的网址中没有对应的版本的话,那就是你要的client比较新;那需要在第.

2021-05-28 10:56:27 4595

原创 学习OpenStack的时候,遇到的缩写

AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol).OpenDaylight(ODL) and Open Virtual Network (OVN)Software-defined networking (SDN)Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS)Quality of Service (QoS)Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS)PCI-SIG

2021-05-28 10:55:14 125

原创 puppet的一些总结

packstack使用的是puppet安装的openstack,所以把puppet简单的分析了一下。Puppet will perform the following tasks:Test whether the resource is already in sync with the target stateIf the resource is not in sync, it will trigger a sync actiondot file to png# dot -Tpng relat

2021-05-28 10:49:21 160

原创 安装openstack的ovs的时候,6640端口总是不能监听

check firewall/seliux/networkmanager is disable or not?# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux# reboot# sestatus重启完成后,检查is_connected是trueselinux disable the listen action for port 6640:

2021-05-28 10:44:53 307

原创 启用iptables的log

use insert to insert the rule into the first entry to input table, or your packet maybe drop by the previous rule# iptables -I INPUT -j LOG log file is here check with below commandShow only kernel messages. This implies -b and adds the match “_TRANSPO

2021-05-28 10:40:26 947

原创 新加计算节点的时候,总是连接失败

使用packstack安装完成后的openstack,再新加计算节点的时候,总是提示连接失败。检查了半天是因为iptable的原因,因为自己安装的脚本在给rabbitmq加的rule如下,只有通过192.168.12.22这个节点才可以访问它,所有新加的计算节点总是连接不大rabbitmq。ACCEPT tcp -- multiport dports 5671,5672 why controller dr

2021-05-28 10:39:03 1364

原创 使用命令来查看openstack数据库

# mysql -urootMariaDB [(none)]> show databases;+--------------------+| Database |+--------------------+| aodh || cinder || glance || gnocchi || information_schema || keystone

2021-05-28 10:34:15 1228

原创 使用命令来查看rabbitmq的状态

# man rabbitmq-env.conf# rabbitmqctl report# rabbitmqctl status# rabbitmqctl list_usersListing usersguest [administrator]use Erlang to display RabbitMQ configuration parameters.[root@controller rabbitmq]# rabbitmqctl eval 'application:get_all_en

2021-05-28 10:32:50 2446

原创 openstack中使用到的一些端口

ports 3306 /* 001 mariadb incoming mariadb */ports 5671,5672 /* 001 amqp(rabbitmq) incoming amqp */ports 6379 /* 001 redis service incoming redis service from x.x.x.x */ports 80 /* 001 horizon 80

2021-05-28 10:27:53 441


Soft-Test sample ADC_tutorial DFT_TOC DSPSampling FunctionalTest RF_Test ScanSample SRAM





RF engineering basic concepts the Smith chart.pdf

The Smith chart is a very valuable and important tool that facilitates interpretation of S-parameter measurements. This paper will give a brief overview on why and more importantly on how to use the chart. Its definition as well as an introduction on how to navigate inside the chart are illustrated. Useful examples show the broad possibilities for use of the chart in a variety of applications.


Waveform Generation Language from Fluence Technology, Inc

The Waveform Generation Language (WGL) is a data description language. It is used to convey an editable ASCII representation of the data contained in a Waveform DataBase (WDB), allowing you to use your system’s text editor to fully customize the database


Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) for Digital Test Vectors原版

Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) for Digital Test Vectors原版



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