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欢迎使用Markdown编辑器写博客本Markdown编辑器使用StackEdit修改而来,用它写博客,将会带来全新的体验哦:Markdown和扩展Markdown简洁的语法代码块高亮图片链接和图片上传LaTex数学公式UML序列图和流程图离线写博客导入导出Markdown文件丰富的快捷键快捷键加粗 Ctrl + B 斜体 Ctrl + I 引用 Ctrl

2017-10-24 20:00:23 320

转载 The FEniCS computing platform

The FEniCS computing platformFEniCS is a popular computing platform for partial differential equations (PDE). FEniCS enables users to quickly translate scientific models into efficient finite elemen

2017-04-11 17:50:22 739

原创 探讨:小球沿不同路线运动时的水平速度


2017-02-13 19:54:17 1779

原创 一道求极值的三角函数题

问题函数 y=22√sinxcosx+sinx+cosxy=2\sqrt{2}\sin x\cos x+\sin x+\cos x 的最大值是多少?(填空题)解答看到一本书上说下面的思路是错误的: y=2√sin2x+2√sin(x+π4)y=\sqrt{2}\sin 2x+\sqrt{2}\sin\left(x+\dfrac{\pi}4\right)=22√sin⎛⎝⎜3x+π42⎞⎠⎟cos⎛

2017-02-12 22:50:11 910

原创 小小朋友的数学题配图


2017-02-09 14:41:53 751

原创 用帕斯卡定理证明圆和切线有关的问题

已知,如图,ABAB是圆 ⊙O\odot O 的直径,CECE 和 CFCF 是切线, DD 是 AEAE 和 BFBF 的交点。 证明 CDCD 垂直于 ABAB 仔细观察下: 解析的方法太繁琐。建立坐标系,求交点坐标,比较。利用Pascal定理的方法比较巧妙。圆锥曲线的内接六边形,三对对应边的交点共线。充要条件。作辅助线如图: 容易证明 DD 是 ΔABG\Delta ABG 的垂心(这个

2017-02-08 16:51:53 4343

转载 Chemistry 101 Topics to be Covered Molecular Quantum Mechanics

Chemistry 101Topics to be CoveredIntroduction and Review:Chapter 1, appendices A & BParticles, Atoms, Molecules,Ions:Chapters 1 & 2Stoichiometry:Chapter 1Gases:Chapter3Atomic Q

2017-02-02 22:25:34 505

转载 JuliaOpt Optimization packages for the Julia language

What is Julia?Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing”. It is free (open source) and supports Windows, OSX, and Linux. It has a familiar syntax,

2017-02-02 22:18:43 995

转载 Open Source for the Operations Research Community

HomeNewsProjectsDownloadContributingMembersFAQResourcesPreviousNextOpen Source for the Operations Research Community

2017-02-02 22:17:06 567

转载 OPTI Toolbox Wiki

https://www.inverseproblem.co.nz/OPTI/OPTI Toolbox WikiIf you are interested in optimization, use MATLAB and like free stuff, OPTI could be for you. See theWhat Is OPTI section for detai

2017-02-02 22:11:25 2820

转载 General information on using GAMS solvers:

GAMS Documentation 24.8 > SolversGAMS Solvers General information on using GAMS solvers:Basic UsageAdvanced UsageSolver ChoiceA large number of solvers for mathematical programmi

2017-02-02 22:04:59 1066

转载 Survey of optimisation software

Survey of optimisation softwareThe following is a survey of optimisation software that was performed as a part of our effort to identify options for aNon-proprietary Optimisation solver for AS

2017-02-02 21:46:53 658

转载 NEOS Server: State-of-the-Art Solvers for Numerical Optimization

NEOS Server: State-of-the-Art Solvers for Numerical OptimizationThe NEOS Server is a free internet-based service for solving numerical optimization problems. Hosted by theWisconsin Institute for D

2017-02-02 21:28:15 543

转载 YALMIP Solvers

SolversOne of the core ideas in YALMIP is to rely on external solvers for the low-level numerical solution of optimization problem. YALMIP concentrates on efficient modeling and high-level algorit

2017-02-02 21:13:20 2204 1

转载 YalMip

https://yalmip.github.io/YALMIP is free of charge to use and is openly distributed, but note thatCopyright owned by Johan Löfberg.YALMIP must be referenced (general reference,robust op

2017-02-02 21:10:48 2599

原创 俯视两道中学平面几何题


2017-02-02 19:09:39 994

转载 SCIP Solving Constraint Integer Programs

SCIPSolving Constraint Integer ProgramsAboutSCIP is currently one of the fastest non-commercial solvers for mixed integer programming (MIP) and mixed integer nonlinear programming (M

2017-02-02 18:24:53 2897

原创 三倍角正切公式在平面几何解题中的应用

问题此题改编自一个被顾森博客称为史上最难的初等平面几何题的类似问题。等腰三角形,顶角20o20^{\rm o};以如图的角度,分别从两个底边端点引射线和两个腰相交。两个交点的连线段和其中一射线的夹角命名为θ\color{red}\theta。 求它的角度。 提示定理tan3θ=tanθ⋅tan(60o+θ)tan(60o−θ)\tan3\theta=\tan\theta\cdot\tan\left

2016-11-28 21:58:29 1256

原创 初中平面几何

问题改编自网络。 正方形ABCDABCD 边长为 aa;以它的四个顶点为圆心,半径 aa 画如图四个90o90^{\rm o}的扇形,求证如图的扇形有重叠的阴影部分的面积为 (3√+2π3−3)a2\left(\sqrt{3}+\dfrac{2 \pi }{3}-3\right)a^2。解答通过辅助线做此题。果然是初中就能做到的。 蓝色为辅助线。 EE是扇形交点, FF是垂足、CDCD中点。ΔA

2016-11-28 21:24:54 583

原创 两道2016年美国高中数学竞赛题

来源2016 Joseph W. Andrushkiw Competition The Joseph W. Andrushkiw Competition is an annual mathematics problem-solving competition for New Jersey high school students(每年举行一次、面向新泽西高中生的数学解题竞赛) that is

2016-11-26 20:47:59 1174

原创 一道2016年美国高中数学竞赛题

来源2016 Joseph W. Andrushkiw Competition The Joseph W. Andrushkiw Competition is an annual mathematics problem-solving competition for New Jersey high school students(每年举行一次、面向新泽西高中生的数学解题竞赛) that is

2016-11-26 18:48:53 2446

原创 一道自主招生试题

来源2009年 中国科学技术大学 自主招生考试。 ∀x,y∈R,x2+xy+y2≥3(x+y−1)\forall x,y\in\mathbb{R}, x^2+xy+y^2\ge 3(x+y-1)解法自主招生考试已经不局限于以往的高中数学必修内容了。 ——不用考虑初等解法真好。这个问题等价于找二元函数:f(x,y)=x2+xy+y2−3(x+y−1)f(x,y)=x^2+xy+y^2-3(x+y-

2016-11-25 12:06:00 517

原创 平面解析几何又一题

问题来自网络的一道题。如图绿色部分,ΔAOB\Delta AOB 是等腰直角三角形,O:(0,0)O:(0,0)为坐标原点,A:(−4,0)A: (-4,0) 、B:(0,4)B: (0,4) 。 MM 是ABAB中点。 EE 在xx轴正半轴上,FF在线段 OBOB 上。∠EMF=45o\angle EMF=45^\rm{o}。 求使得:OF+EF=6OF+EF=6 的E:(x,0)E:(x,0)点

2016-11-22 21:06:25 886

原创 平面解析几何一题

原题直角扇形ODE⌢\overset{\Huge{\frown}}{\small{ODE}}如图。AA在弧DE⌢\overset{\Large\frown}{DE} 上,CC 在线段 ODOD 上,BB 在线段 OEOE 上。ΔABC\Delta ABC 是直角三角形, ∠BAC=90o\angle BAC=90^\rm{o}, ACBC=23\dfrac{AC}{BC}=\dfrac{2}{3}。

2016-11-22 20:33:10 486

原创 三个两两垂直而且两两相切的圆柱面的最小公共切球面的半径

问题来源2016年江苏省高中数学冬令营填空题。三个底面圆半径都是1的圆柱面,两两相切、两两垂直。求跟它们都相切的最小球面的半径。如果利用高等数学一些的观点,容易发现半径是 2√−1\sqrt{2}-1。——从没有太多约束的更宽的视野看看初等数学问题,可能更容易显出学习高等一些数学知识的意义或趣味。高等解法思路:找到三个圆柱面中轴线距离平方之和最小的点,这个点是要求的球面的球心;而且已经有线性算法。链

2016-11-22 15:07:17 2578

原创 三维空间里点到直线的距离

三维欧式空间点到直线的距离计算方法。使用叉积的表示方法直线用固定点OO对应的向量 o⃗ \vec o 和直行的方向单位向量 a⃗ 0\vec a_0 表示;任意点 QQ 对应的向量 q⃗ \vec q。 则利用向量叉积或外积的几何意义,外积的模等于两个向量为邻边的平行四边形的面积,从而可以得到三维空间点到直线的距离公式。所用到的叉积或外积,仅在三维空间有定义,所以,适用范围也仅限三维空间。因为点和直

2016-11-22 14:32:57 43020

原创 一个动态的图标

用Geogebra生成; 色块采用先进的Locus技术实现; 其它都是简单的几何曲线而已。

2016-11-20 20:04:02 436

原创 软件用多了,习惯性用,心算能力退化了


2016-11-19 17:27:49 538

原创 圆柱面相贯线一个简单例子

找两个简单的圆柱面surfaces =ContourPlot3D[{y^2 + z^2 == 1, x^2 + z^2 == 4}, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -2,2}, {z, -3, 3}, ContourStyle -> Opacity[0.5], Mesh -> False]intl = ParametricPlot3D[{{Sqrt[3 + t^2], t, Sqrt[1 - t^

2016-11-19 16:27:16 3213

原创 2012年全国高考数学(理)一道选择题解法和命题讨论


2016-11-11 15:19:52 916

转载 看到一些百度网盘上不错的资源

2015年在职教育硕士基础班:联考教育学http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gdD8mv5 2015年中国传媒大学数字媒体艺术考研网课——视听语言部分http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0i6lnq 2015全国在职艺术硕士MFA考研网课——王次炤《艺术学基础知识》http://pan.baidu.com/s/1DIx3K 2015启航包过高端政治强化课程http:/

2016-11-04 09:20:40 9318

转载 离散元:linux或MacOS

http://www.granoo.org/ Welcome to GranOO, a robust and versatile workbench to build 3D dynamic simulations based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM) distributed under the free GPLv3 license.What is

2016-10-25 08:01:24 567

转载 Mathematica特色学习材料

Supplementary Mathematica Help Browserby Ted Ersek   ted.ersek@navy.milWhat you will find here and won't find hereWhat I try to provide through this resource is additional material to help p

2016-10-14 21:05:31 482

原创 这样一类问题总是显得特殊

问题⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪2x31x32(x1+x2)+q=0,4πy1x31x32(x21+x1x2+x22)+3q=04y1=y2(x31−x32)(1)\left\{\begin{array}{cl} & 2x_1^3 x_2^3 (x_1+x_2)+q=0, \tag{1}\\ & 4\pi y_1 x_1^3 x_2^3(x_1^2+x_1 x_2+x_2^2)+3q=0 \\ &4 y

2016-09-01 18:58:15 514

原创 只是贴个图片而已


2016-06-13 20:20:02 513

原创 发现一个参数方程

犹豫了很久,只是出于好奇的目的,还是把它公布出来吧。⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪xy==2.10526(0.5275−0.15t)coss⋅sins⋅ln|s|t−0.23753−|s|tcoss−−−−√\left\{\quad\begin{array}{rcl}x&=& 2.10526 (0.5275 -0.15\; t) \cos{s}\cdot \sin {s}\cdot \ln \left| s

2016-06-03 17:32:32 1052 1

原创 把双精度复数转换为有理数形式的实部和虚部

Mathematica中涉及到下面的几个函数: RealDigits 把小数表示成各个位数及其十进制指数的形式(但丢失符号位) FromDigits 从RealDigits的结果,还原这个数,但表示为有理数形式(无法恢复丢失的符号位信息) Sign 考虑到符号的丢失,需要通过Sign函数获取符号,然后相乘。这些主要对实数操作,对复数操作的时候,还需要用Im

2016-04-21 16:36:28 3324

转载 剪切坐标轴

一般的科学论文用图片可以用SciDraw在Mathematica上实现,有些特殊的功能,比如剪断坐标轴的,可以用下面方式:ClearAll[snip]snipCurve = Graphics[{BezierCurve[{{0, -(1/2)}, {1/3, 0}, {-1/3, 0}, {0, 1/2}}]}];snip[pos_?NumberQ, primi

2016-04-19 20:34:04 623

原创 惨!惨!惨!小木虫被封禁了

各位虫友: 由于小木虫网站个别虫子违反论坛规定,擅自上传了政治擦边的违规资源,导致小木虫域名 emuch.net 被通信局封禁! 我们第一时间对违规资源进行了删除处理,接下来,我们也将大批量的对站内的帖子进行再次批量搜索,所有跟政治擦边的违规类帖子一律删除! 请大家相互转告,请使用新域名 http://muchong.com 访问小木虫。 谢谢!现在启用新

2016-04-04 12:38:32 18701

转载 王垠的一条新微薄

看到微软的老袁@老师木 转了@王垠 的一条微薄。这么久了,看上去王垠还在恋爱中?

2016-04-03 22:01:30 3376

geogebra for windows



geogebra 5.0.45 for Android

Geogebra 是目前为止最强大的几何绘图工具; 适用于多种平台,这里是Android4.0.3以上系统版本,可到google play直接安装;它可以免费分发,有强的社区支持和开发团队,一直在持续更新加强中。


Geogebra for windows 5.0.180

Geogebra 是目前为止最强大的几何绘图工具; 适用于多种平台,这里是windows下版本;它可以免费分发,有强的社区支持和开发团队,一直在持续更新加强中。



该工具的英文版评价: http://www.scfbm.org/content/7/1/5 其它信息和说明: http://cci.lbl.gov/fable/ Unix systems with Python 2.3 through 2.7: wget http://cci.lbl.gov/fable_bundles/current/fable_bundle.selfx perl fable_bundle.selfx source fable_build/setpaths.sh fable.cout --example Windows systems (XP or higher): Download http://cci.lbl.gov/fable_bundles/current/fable_win_xp.exe fable_win_xp.exe fable_build\setpaths.bat fable.cout --example The fable.cout --example command is known to work with gcc 3.2 or higher, Visual C++ 7.1 or higher, and with recent development versions of clang++.


EasyKrig 3.0.1 兼容Matlab2012a

The EasyKrig program package uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to simplify the operation. It requires MATLAB 5.3 or higher with or without optimization toolbox (see section 2.2) and consists of five components, or processing stages: (1) data preparation, (2) variogram computation, (3) kriging, (4) visualization and (5) saving results. It allows the user to process anisotropic data, select an appropriate model from a list of variogram models, and a choice of kriging methods, as well as associated kriging parameters, which are also common features of the other existing software packages. One of the major advantages of this program package is that the program minimizes the users' requirements to "guess" the initial parameters and automatically generates the required default parameters. In addition, because it uses a GUI, the modifications from the initial parameter settings can be easily performed. Another feature of this program package is that it has a built-in on-line help library that allows the user to obtain the descriptions of the use of parameters and operation options easily. The current EasyKrig3.0 is the upgraded version of the previous version (EasyKrig2.1). In addition to having corrected some programming errors in the previous version (mostly GUI related errors), there are many new features included in the current version: • Matlab Version 6.x and 7.0 (tested under Windows) compatible • Capable of handling 3-D data • Enhanced batch file processing capability • More flexible in loading input data and saving output data • Capable of handling the customized grid file • More examples with detailed step by step instructions are provided to allow user(s) to master the functionality of the software package more quickly and easily. Although this software package lacks some abilities such as Co-kriging, it does provide a convenient tool for geostatistical applications and should also help scientists from other fields. For people who do not want to use GUI but only interested in function-based m-files can go to a different website that provides a function-based m-file Kriging package (http://globec.whoi.edu/software/kriging/V3/intro_v3.html) developed by Caroline Lafleur and Yves Gratton, INRS-Océanologie, Universit du Qubec Rimouski.


Geogebra 5.0.143 for windows

Geogebra 是目前为止最强大的几何绘图工具; 适用于多种平台,这里是windows下版本;它可以免费分发,有强的社区支持和开发团队,一直在持续更新加强中。


ChemSketch2015 for windows




Geogebra 是目前为止最强大的几何绘图工具; 适用于多种平台,这里是windows下版本;它可以免费分发,有强的社区支持和开发团队,一直在持续更新加强中。



作者:[Rich Pawlowicz]; M_Map is a collection of routines that allow you to draw publication-quality maps in 18 different projections. M_Map includes a simple coastline and elevation database, and allows you to add your own data to those maps. Requires Matlab version 5 (or higher). Now available for downloading - version 1.4h (released Nov 2014)


Numerical recipes in Fortran 77 & 90

numerical recipes in Fortran 经典图书源代码. 虽然Eigen之类的库横空出世之后, Numerical recipes in C++变得不再那么抢手,不过Fortran版的类似内容还是这个经典.


Numerical recipes in C++源代码

Numerical recipes in C++ 第三版源代码; 经典名著,经典代码



运行即可移除Excel VBA project 密码,方便预览和调试加密过的VBA项目。



jaxedit 0.30是一个即时预览双栏显示(左侧代码、右窗预览公式)的LaTeX输入工具。其效果跟CSDN-markdown非常类似。虽然不够强大,但是能够离线使用。是学习LaTeX输入的不错的工具。


Excel for windows x86矩阵计算插件

在Excel中实现各种复杂的矩阵计算的插件;完全交互式操作,实现非常简单;精度跟Matlab和Eigen C++ library等双精度计算结果相同。适用于Excel 2003-2013之间的版本。只是在x64位windows操作系统上使用时偶尔可能出现问题。32位操作系统上未发现兼容性问题。





geogebra 5.0.140

Geogebra 是目前为止最强大的几何绘图工具; 适用于多种平台,这里是windows下版本;它可以免费分发,有强的社区支持和开发团队,一直在持续更新加强中。


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