MPJPE是“Mean Per Joint Position Error”,即“平均(每)关节位置误差”。
MPJPE常常用于3D Human Pose Estimation算法的评价指标,这个指标越小则可认为这个3D人体姿态估计算法越好。
MPJPE通常被称为Protocol #1,常用的还有Protocol #2。此外还有不太常用的Protocol #3。
Protocol #2是P-MPJPE,先经过旋转、对齐等变换再进行MPJPE;而Protocol #3是N-MPJPE,先进行规模对齐再进行MPJPE。
Protocol 1 is the mean per-joint position error (MPJPE) in millimeters which is the mean Euclidean distance between predicted joint positions and ground-truth joint positions and follows [29, 53, 59, 34, 41]. Protocol 2 reports the error after alignment with the ground truth in translation, rotation, and scale (P-MPJPE) [34, 50, 10, 40, 56, 16]. Protocol 3 aligns predicted poses with the ground-truth only in scale (N-MPJPE) following [45] for semi-supervised experiments.