

(2)also不在句首,有助动词:助动词 + also;
(3)also不在句首,无助动词,有be动词:be动词 + also;
(4)also不在句首,无助动词,无be动词:also + 实义动词;





1. Newman also(4) noted that at Martian gravity, the divers needed less oxygen. 
2. Compared to lunar space suits, Martian space suits will require smaller air tanks; and, to allow for freer movement, the elbow and knee areas of the space suits will also(2) be altered. 
3. The title of the piece refers to Saint Catherine, who died on a wheel in 307 A.D. Nowadays, a Catherine wheel is also(3) a kind of firework. 
4. Jefferson, who was, of course, President, was also(3) a great reader and language enthusiast. He read widely on different subjects, including architecture. 
5. In fact, many of the ideas behind the design also(4) came from the Italian architect Andrea Palladio, who lived in the sixteenth century and who had a great influence on the architecture of England.
6. Also(1), he established an agricultural bureau in the Department of the Interior and promoted more government aid to agriculture. 
7. The third element, pace, that is how fast or slow words and sounds are articulated, should also(2) be varied. 
8. Crossing a river was also(3) a challenge. Ferry service was so irregular that a carrier would sometimes wait hours just to catch a ferry. 
9. You may also(2) have some bad habits that contribute to the problem. 
10. But they're an invaluable resource for historians, and also(3) for people who restore old houses. 

11. Their contention was that labels should also(2) list the percentage of a day's total nutrients that the product will supply to the consumer, because this information is essential in planning a healthy diet. 
12. So, we require experience serving the public; and it also(4) helps if you've earned some college credits.
13. Also(1), not everybody who gets accepted into the training program makes it through. 
14. When you pick up your permits, you'll also(2) get a park services booklet. It'll tell you everything you need to know about the hiking trails. 
15. The story also(4) says that she continued to load and fire her husband's cannon after he was wounded. 
16. This next sample that I'll pass around is a microcline mineral, also(3) called amazonstone.
17. I've also(2) brought a few slides of some larger mineral samples, and if you'll turn out the light now, I'd like to show them to you.
18. The park service also(4) protects the animals and plants within the parks.
19. Fish also(4) use the ability to produce and detect electrical impulses to communicate. 
20. These organs contain a chemical that carries signals from one nerve ending to the next, not only in rays, but also(3) in people.

21. A similar phenomenon has also(2) occurred in other parts of the animal kingdom. 
22. You've also(2) got other employees that work for the whole Congress, not just for individual members. We'll talk about these people next.
23. Well, there are also(3) events in short stories, but the short story uses the event as something a character reacts to. 
24. The United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency also(4) released a report very critical of comics.
25. Besides these negative reasons, major building projects in Maine also(4) made the state very attractive for the Canadians who needed work. 
26. Also(1), it was a coin I could afford to collect as a young teenager. 
27. They also(4) care for the new offspring and defend the nest with their stingers. By the way, only female wasps have stingers. 
28. They may also(2) be built underground in abandoned rodent burrows.
29. Wright was criticized for his impractical houses with leaky flat roofs, but his houses also(4) had great virtues.
30. Likewise, if you look closely at these slides of counters and workbenches, you'll notice that these pieces were also(3) designed to be used from more than one side. 

31. Of course, good moods are also(3) catching, not just bad ones. 
32. There's also(3) a limit to how thick a dictionary can be or how small its type can get before people feel they don't want to use it.
33. Also(1), he can look at a sculpture from any angle, and move it around, change the location of the light source, or he can copy it in different colors. 
34. Kangaroos' eyesight is also(3) excellent. 
35. This inrushing air also rises, and in some cases, especially when there is extreme thermal instability, begins to rotate. When this happens, the rotating air forms a tornado. 
36. We also(4) know that early human brains had a well-developed frontal section, known as Broca's area, which coordinates the muscles of the mouth and throat. 
37. There was also(3) a great deal of crackling and other static noises that further interfered with the quality of the sound. 
38. Jasmine rice is also(3) low in fat. And it has a bonus in its wonderful aroma, a very special fragrance.
39. Surprisingly, however, some of the placebo group also(4) get better. 
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