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原创 ROS-learning-Unknown

2017/5/23 when implementing the  simulation for 'Heatmap' , you can download it by ' git clone https://github.com/eybee/heatmapStage_rosamcl

2017-05-24 10:45:04 327

原创 ROS-leaning-(2)-ActionLib

Actionlib tutorialViewing the Code$ apt-get install ros-%DISTRO%-common-tutorials$ roscd actionlib_tutorialsWorkspace Setup$ cd %YOUR_CATKIN_WORKSPACE%/src$ catkin_create_pkg act

2017-05-22 19:45:39 297

原创 Python-learning-SMACH-Notes

Userdata transfer from State to sub State MachineIf we would like to transfer data from state in the top State machine to the sub state machine, we can remap the outkey of state with the input key o

2017-05-19 17:00:26 520

原创 Python-learning-SMACH-1-GettingStarted

var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-17821189-2']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'wiki.ros.org']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createEle

2017-05-19 09:24:04 1631

原创 Python-learning-SMACH-QA

Question /usr/bin/python3.4 /home/evan/PycharmProjects/smach_projects/GettingStarted.pyTraceback (most recent call last):  File "/home/evan/PycharmProjects/smach_projects/GettingStarted.py", l

2017-05-19 09:23:03 791

原创 Python-leaning-StateMachine

有限状态机(Python)Finite-state machine (wikipedia)FiniteStateMachine(python-wiki)Is there a beautiful State Machine framework, in Python?SMACH专题(一)----安装与初探ROS WIKI fo

2017-05-17 15:49:36 330

原创 Python-Learning-UnitTest

unittest — Unit testing frameworkTo achieve this, unittest supports some important concepts:test fixtureA test fixture represents the preparation needed to perform one or moretests, and any asso

2017-05-17 15:35:36 257

原创 Python on ROS - (1) - Service & Client

WIKIServices:ROSServices are defined bysrv files, which contains a request message and a response message. These are identical to the messages used with ROSTopics (see rospy mess

2017-05-16 17:08:13 745

转载 [Tutorial] How to build a GUI in ROS with Qt / C++?

Original Link : http://www.cnblogs.com/casperwin/p/6206193.htmlOverviewAgraphical user interface or GUI enables people especially end usersto interactive with ROS through graphical icons a

2017-05-11 16:55:11 3231

原创 Detect walls in the map created by gmapping

When the robot is powered on , the original orientation is not certain . That means robot does not know how to walk along the wall.  The current way XiaoMi robot used to walk along the wall from the o

2017-05-11 15:04:32 329

转载 OpenCV数据读写操作

OriginalLink : http://www.cnblogs.com/yingying0907/archive/2012/07/31/2616825.htmlOpenCV数据读写操作1. 写yml矩阵代码: 全选#include "cxcore.h"int main( int argc, char** argv ){    CvMat* mat = c

2017-05-10 15:51:35 991

原创 Cleaning Robot development note - memo

A type of cleaning robot:RequirementRealize the functionality of cleaning room by covering all free spaces and reach the level of cleaning grade of XiaoMi Robot.RecordTwo tf listener met

2017-05-10 10:40:14 2179

原创 Cleaning Robot development note - Key instructions

A type of cleaning robot:RequirementRealize the functionality of cleaning room by covering all free spaces and reach the level of cleaning grade of XiaoMi Robot.Key instructions Laun

2017-05-08 14:49:21 353

原创 ROS learning (1) - Navigation Stack

This is my first ROS learning note . I decide to study ROS because of my work where a cleaning robot is required to complete a room cleaning task.  The key point is to navigate a path to cover the roo

2017-05-08 13:34:08 514



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