ROS上同时预览depth,IR,RGB 调试记录

144 篇文章 69 订阅

ROS上同时预览depth,IR,RGB 调试记录



cd libuvc



$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd libuvc
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make && sudo make install


2、编译astra_camera,astra_launch, libuvc_ros

cd catkin_ws
catkin_make or catkin_make -B
catkin_make install


使用locate libusb.h,并将其放到合适位置:

$ sudo cp /usr/include/libusb-1.0/libusb.h /usr/local/include/libuvc/


3、 环境变量 ~./bashrc中添加

source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
source /home/gaodw/ROS/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash




4.2运行 astra.launch

roslaunch astra_launch astra.launch


gaodw@orbbec-gaodw-Computer:~/ROS/ROS_release$ roslaunch astra_launch astra.launch

... logging to /home/gaodw/.ros/log/4d996a90-c16d-11e8-b39b-300ed5d0a9d2/roslaunch-orbbec-gaodw-Computer-2793.log

Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.

Press Ctrl-C to interrupt

Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://orbbec-gaodw-Computer:37366/




* /camera/camera_nodelet_manager/num_worker_threads: 4

* /camera/depth_rectify_depth/interpolation: 0

* /camera/driver/auto_exposure: True

* /camera/driver/auto_white_balance: True

* /camera/driver/bootorder: 0

* /camera/driver/color_depth_synchronization: False

* /camera/driver/depth_camera_info_url:

* /camera/driver/depth_frame_id: camera_depth_opti...

* /camera/driver/depth_registration: False

* /camera/driver/device_id: #1

* /camera/driver/devnums: 1

* /camera/driver/rgb_camera_info_url:

* /camera/driver/rgb_frame_id: camera_rgb_optica...

* /rosdistro: kinetic

* /rosversion: 1.12.14



camera_nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet)

depth_metric (nodelet/nodelet)

depth_metric_rect (nodelet/nodelet)

depth_points (nodelet/nodelet)

depth_rectify_depth (nodelet/nodelet)

depth_registered_sw_metric_rect (nodelet/nodelet)

driver (nodelet/nodelet)

points_xyzrgb_sw_registered (nodelet/nodelet)

register_depth_rgb (nodelet/nodelet)

rgb_rectify_color (nodelet/nodelet)


camera_base_link (tf/static_transform_publisher)

camera_base_link1 (tf/static_transform_publisher)

camera_base_link2 (tf/static_transform_publisher)

camera_base_link3 (tf/static_transform_publisher)


process[camera/camera_nodelet_manager-1]: started with pid [3607]

process[camera/driver-2]: started with pid [3622]

process[camera/rgb_rectify_color-3]: started with pid [3626]

process[camera/depth_rectify_depth-4]: started with pid [3633]

process[camera/depth_metric_rect-5]: started with pid [3639]

process[camera/depth_metric-6]: started with pid [3645]

process[camera/depth_points-7]: started with pid [3659]

process[camera/register_depth_rgb-8]: started with pid [3677]

process[camera/points_xyzrgb_sw_registered-9]: started with pid [3692]

process[camera/depth_registered_sw_metric_rect-10]: started with pid [3710]

process[camera_base_link-11]: started with pid [3814]

process[camera_base_link1-12]: started with pid [3847]

process[camera_base_link2-13]: started with pid [3856]

process[camera_base_link3-14]: started with pid [3863]

[ INFO] [1537954092.800509801]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads.

396 INFO New log started on 2018-09-26 17:28:13

405 INFO --- Filter Info --- Minimum Severity: VERBOSE

428 VERBOSE OpenNI 2.3.0 (Build 50)-Linux-x86 (Aug 31 2018 09:52:31)

432 VERBOSE Configuration file found at '/home/gaodw/ROS/catkin_ws/src/ros_astra_camera-filterlibrary/include/openni2_redist/x64/OpenNI.ini'

455 VERBOSE Using '/home/gaodw/ROS/catkin_ws/src/ros_astra_camera-filterlibrary/include/openni2_redist/x64/OpenNI2/Drivers' as driver path

458 VERBOSE Looking for drivers at '/home/gaodw/ROS/catkin_ws/src/ros_astra_camera-filterlibrary/include/openni2_redist/x64/OpenNI2/Drivers'

507 VERBOSE Loading device driver ''...

514 WARNING loading lib from: /home/gaodw/ROS/catkin_ws/src/ros_astra_camera-filterlibrary/include/openni2_redist/x64/OpenNI2/Drivers/

698 VERBOSE Loading device driver ''...

705 WARNING loading lib from: /home/gaodw/ROS/catkin_ws/src/ros_astra_camera-filterlibrary/include/openni2_redist/x64/OpenNI2/Drivers/

1358 INFO New log started on 2018-09-26 17:28:13

1365 INFO --- Filter Info --- Minimum Severity: VERBOSE

1369 VERBOSE Initializing USB...

1890 INFO USB is initialized.

1991 INFO Device connected: Orbbec Astra (2bc5/0608@3/13)

[ INFO] [1537954093.035784538]: Device "2bc5/0608@3/13" found.

10589 VERBOSE Initialize: Already initialized

10686 VERBOSE Trying to open device by URI '2bc5/0608@3/13'

11050 VERBOSE Initializing device sensor...

11104 VERBOSE Configuring module 'Device' from section 'Device' in file '/home/gaodw/ROS/catkin_ws/src/ros_astra_camera-filterlibrary/include/openni2_redist/x64/OpenNI2/Drivers/orbbec.ini'...

11131 INFO Setting Device.UsbInterface to 2...

11135 INFO Device.UsbInterface value did not change.

11386 INFO Module 'Device' configuration was loaded from file.

11393 VERBOSE Connecting to USB device...

11395 VERBOSE Trying to open sensor '2bc5/0608@3/13'...

11435 VERBOSE Starting libusb asynch thread...

11457 WARNING Failed to set thread priority (1)

11460 WARNING USB events thread: Failed to set thread priority to critical. This might cause loss of data...

Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might cause loss of data...

11463 VERBOSE Trying to open endpoint 0x4 for control out (for old firmwares)...

11571 INFO Connected to USB device

14127 VERBOSE Getting hardware versions...

25647 INFO Hardware versions: FW=5.8.22 (14) HW=0 Chip=7 Sensor=0 SYS=12

37647 WARNING Received NACK: 2

37674 INFO Reading CMOS 0 supported presets...

38604 VERBOSE Requesting KeepAlive...

38973 VERBOSE Got KeepAlive Reply.

38978 VERBOSE Setting mode to 3...

40399 VERBOSE Requesting KeepAlive...

40749 VERBOSE Got KeepAlive Reply.

41097 VERBOSE Getting the fixed params...

41597 INFO Reading sensor serial number...

41975 VERBOSE Sensor serial number: AMAP8830092

41982 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x7 for resolution 0 and fps 0....

42342 INFO Reading sensor platform string...

42749 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ReferenceResolution was changed to 2.

42755 VERBOSE Reading all params from firmware...

44263 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageAutoWhiteBalance (77) was changed to 1.

45113 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageLowLightCompensation (82) was changed to 1.

45475 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthHoleFilter (22) was changed to 1.

46958 VERBOSE Property Firmware.IRResolution (26) was changed to 1.

48093 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageFPS (14) was changed to 30.

48471 VERBOSE Property Firmware.GMCMode (36) was changed to 1.

49219 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageAutoExposure (80) was changed to 1.

49598 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthFPS (20) was changed to 30.

50726 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthWhiteBalance (45) was changed to 1.

51850 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageFormat (12) was changed to 5.

53346 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthFormat (18) was changed to 3.

54097 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthMirror (23) was changed to 1.

55582 VERBOSE Property Firmware.IRFPS (27) was changed to 30.

56731 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageQuality (16) was changed to 3.

57092 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageSharpness (76) was changed to 32.

58215 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthGain (21) was changed to 42.

59718 VERBOSE Property Firmware.IRFormat (25) was changed to 300.

60891 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageResolution (13) was changed to 1.

61717 VERBOSE Property Firmware.ImageBacklightCompensation (79) was changed to 1.

62096 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthResolution (19) was changed to 1.

64332 VERBOSE Firmware params were updated.

64361 INFO Property Device.PhysicalDeviceName was changed to Mx6000 Canglong.

64365 INFO Property Device.VendorData was changed to Orbbec(R) Astra(TM) 3D Camera.

64367 INFO Property Device.ID was changed to AMAP8830092.

64370 INFO Property Device.SensorPlatformString was changed to RD2416.

64373 INFO Device sensor initialized

83445 INFO Creating stream 'IR' of type 'IR'...

83455 INFO Setting Device.ReadData to 1...

83598 VERBOSE Setting USB alternative interface to 0...

83988 VERBOSE Opening endpoints...

83991 VERBOSE Opening endpoint 0x81 for depth...

84032 VERBOSE Depth endpoint is bulk.

84035 VERBOSE Opening endpoint 0x82 for image...

84057 VERBOSE Image endpoint is bulk.

84060 VERBOSE Opening endpoint 0x83 for misc...

84073 VERBOSE Misc endpoint is not supported...

84076 INFO Endpoints open

84219 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x80 for resolution 0 and fps 0....

84731 INFO Property Device.ReadData was changed to 1.

84736 INFO Reading CMOS 0 supported presets...

85096 INFO Device.ReadData was successfully set.

85177 VERBOSE Initializing stream 'IR'...

85189 INFO Property IR.Resolution was changed to QVGA.

85195 INFO Property IR.XRes was changed to 320.

85198 INFO Property IR.YRes was changed to 240.

85201 INFO Property IR.FPS was changed to 30.

85204 INFO Property IR.OutputFormat was changed to 203.

85207 INFO Property IR.BytesPerPixel was changed to 2.

85210 INFO Property IR.RequiredDataSize was changed to 158720.

85214 INFO Property IR.SupportedModesCount was changed to 13.

85217 INFO Property IR.Mirror was changed to 1.

85220 INFO Stream 'IR' was initialized.

85223 INFO 'IR' stream was created.

85226 VERBOSE Configuring module 'IR' from section 'IR' in file '/home/gaodw/ROS/catkin_ws/src/ros_astra_camera-filterlibrary/include/openni2_redist/x64/OpenNI2/Drivers/orbbec.ini'...

85377 INFO Setting IR.Resolution to 640x400...

85381 INFO Property IR.Resolution was changed to 640x400.

85383 INFO Property IR.XRes was changed to 640.

85386 INFO Property IR.RequiredDataSize was changed to 317440.

85389 INFO Property IR.YRes was changed to 400.

85392 INFO Property IR.RequiredDataSize was changed to 522240.

85395 INFO IR.Resolution was successfully set.

85455 INFO Module 'IR' configuration was loaded from file.

85674 INFO Setting IR.OutputFormat to 203...

85679 INFO IR.OutputFormat value did not change.

85682 INFO Setting IR.FPS to 30...

85684 INFO IR.FPS value did not change.

85687 INFO Setting IR.XRes to 320...

85690 INFO Property IR.Resolution was changed to Custom.

85693 INFO Property IR.XRes was changed to 320.

85696 INFO Property IR.RequiredDataSize was changed to 261120.

85698 INFO IR.XRes was successfully set.

85701 INFO Setting IR.YRes to 240...

85704 INFO Property IR.Resolution was changed to QVGA.

85707 INFO Property IR.YRes was changed to 240.

85709 INFO Property IR.RequiredDataSize was changed to 158720.

85712 INFO IR.YRes was successfully set.

85745 INFO Creating stream 'Depth' of type 'Depth'...

85901 VERBOSE Initializing stream 'Depth'...

85915 INFO Property Depth.OutputFormat was changed to 100.

85919 INFO Property Depth.BytesPerPixel was changed to 2.

85922 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 614400.

85961 INFO Property Depth.MaxDepth was changed to 65534.

85995 INFO Property Depth.SupportedModesCount was changed to 39.

85998 INFO Property Depth.Resolution was changed to QVGA.

86001 INFO Property Depth.XRes was changed to 320.

86004 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 307200.

86006 INFO Property Depth.YRes was changed to 240.

86009 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 153600.

86012 INFO Property Depth.FPS was changed to 30.

86015 INFO Property Depth.ParamCoeff was changed to 4.

86045 INFO Property Depth.ShiftScale was changed to 10.

86076 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x0 for resolution 1 and fps 30....

86451 INFO Property Depth.ConstShift was changed to 200.

86483 INFO Property Depth.ZPD was changed to 40.

86543 INFO Property Depth.ZPPS was changed to 0.005200.

86546 INFO Property Depth.LDDIS was changed to 4.000000.

86581 INFO Property Depth.DCRCDIS was changed to 1.000000.

86592 INFO Property Depth.HorizontalFov was changed to 0.166018.

86596 INFO Property Depth.VerticalFov was changed to 0.103906.

86613 INFO Property Depth.MinDepth was changed to 280.

86717 INFO Property Depth.MaxDepth was changed to 3000.

86762 VERBOSE cmostype: 7 m_VerticalFOV: 0.103906, m_HorizontalFOV: 0.166018

86767 INFO Property Depth.Gain was changed to 42.

86772 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x2 for resolution 4 and fps 30....

87224 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x2 for resolution 0 and fps 30....

87590 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x2 for resolution 1 and fps 30....

87971 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x3 for resolution 4 and fps 30....

88342 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x3 for resolution 0 and fps 30....

88722 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x3 for resolution 1 and fps 30....

118381 INFO Property Depth.FirmwareMirror was changed to 1.

118392 INFO Property Depth.Mirror was changed to 1.

118400 INFO Stream 'Depth' was initialized.

118403 INFO 'Depth' stream was created.

118407 VERBOSE Configuring module 'Depth' from section 'Depth' in file '/home/gaodw/ROS/catkin_ws/src/ros_astra_camera-filterlibrary/include/openni2_redist/x64/OpenNI2/Drivers/orbbec.ini'...

118447 INFO Setting Depth.InputFormat to 3...

118843 INFO Property Depth.DualCoeffDisparity was changed to 1313.500000.

118847 INFO Depth.InputFormat was successfully set.

119154 INFO Setting Depth.Resolution to 640x400...

119157 INFO Property Depth.Resolution was changed to 640x400.

119171 INFO Property Depth.XRes was changed to 640.

119174 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 307200.

119177 INFO Property Depth.YRes was changed to 400.

119180 INFO Property Depth.RequiredDataSize was changed to 512000.

119183 INFO Depth.Resolution was successfully set.

119336 INFO Module 'Depth' configuration was loaded from file.

119475 INFO Setting Depth.Registration to 0...

119479 INFO Depth.Registration value did not change.

[ INFO] [1537954110.092124535]: Starting depth stream.

17058604 INFO Setting Depth.Mirror to 0...

17058611 INFO Property Depth.FirmwareMirror was changed to 0.

17058615 INFO Property Depth.Mirror was changed to 0.

17058617 INFO Depth.Mirror was successfully set.

17058640 VERBOSE FW Stream Depth was claimed by Depth

17058642 VERBOSE Creating USB depth read thread...

17058645 VERBOSE Starting a USB read thread...

17059057 INFO USB read thread was started.

17059060 INFO Property Depth.ActualReadData was changed to 1.

17059063 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthFormat (18) to 3...

17059069 WARNING Failed to set thread priority (1)

17059075 WARNING Failed to set thread priority to critical. This might cause loss of data...

17059454 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthFormat (18) was successfully set.

17059462 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthResolution (19) to 17...

17062079 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthResolution (19) was changed to 17.

17062088 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthResolution (19) was successfully set.

17062093 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthFPS (20) to 30...

17062568 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthFPS (20) was successfully set.

17062574 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthHoleFilter (22) to 1...

17063159 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthHoleFilter (22) was successfully set.

17063170 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthGain (21) to 42...

17063570 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthGain (21) was successfully set.

17063577 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthDecimation (24) to 0...

17063945 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthDecimation (24) was successfully set.

17063952 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.Registration (2) to 0...

17065315 VERBOSE Firmware.Registration (2) was successfully set.

17065321 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthMirror (23) to 0...

17065693 VERBOSE Property Firmware.DepthMirror (23) was changed to 0.

17065700 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthMirror (23) was successfully set.

17065704 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.GMCMode (36) to 1...

17066077 VERBOSE Firmware.GMCMode (36) was successfully set.

17066081 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.GMCDebug (61) to 0...

17066427 VERBOSE Firmware.GMCDebug (61) was successfully set.

17066431 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.WavelengthCorrection (73) to 0...

17066851 VERBOSE Firmware.WavelengthCorrection (73) was successfully set.

17066858 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.WavelengthCorrectionDebug (74) to 0...

17067318 VERBOSE Firmware.WavelengthCorrectionDebug (74) was successfully set.

17067325 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthWhiteBalance (45) to 1...

17067684 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthWhiteBalance (45) was successfully set.

17067692 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x6 for resolution 17 and fps 30....

17153707 VERBOSE =================================================

17153731 VERBOSE depth [472.442932,472.442932,321.526031,197.916824],


r2lrotate[0.999993,-0.000232,0.003640, 0.000229,1.000000,0.000714, -0.003640,-0.000714,0.999993]

r2lTrans[-29.995953,-0.042888,-0.571401], l_k[0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000], r_k[0.031260,-0.053529,0.000000,-0.000259,0.000692]

17153743 VERBOSE Read forcalllength: 944.885864,baseline: 38.417824, fbcoeff: 36300.458636, fittingCoeff: 1313.500000 ,fCoefficient: 4.000000,nShiftScale: 1

17153782 VERBOSE Firmware stream 'Depth' processor was replaced.

17153786 VERBOSE Getting algorithm params 0x80 for resolution 0 and fps 0....

17154185 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.Stream1Mode (6) to 2...

17156859 VERBOSE Property Firmware.Stream1Mode (6) was changed to 2.

17156866 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.FrameSync (1) to 0...

17157317 VERBOSE Firmware.FrameSync (1) was successfully set.

17157321 VERBOSE Firmware.Stream1Mode (6) was successfully set.

17157324 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.CloseRange (84) to 0...

17157680 VERBOSE Firmware.CloseRange (84) was successfully set.

17157686 VERBOSE Setting Firmware.DepthCropEnabled (55) to 0...

17161106 VERBOSE Firmware.DepthCropEnabled (55) was successfully set.

17161114 INFO Property Depth.State was changed to 1.

17171981 WARNING Depth: Expected 1, got 74

17171990 WARNING Depth frame is corrupt!

17208041 VERBOSE [FPS] IR: 0.00 Depth: 0.00

[ INFO] [1537954110.253638448]: using default calibration URL

[ INFO] [1537954110.253709874]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/gaodw/.ros/camera_info/depth_Astra_Orbbec.yaml

[ INFO] [1537954110.253781059]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/gaodw/.ros/camera_info/depth_Astra_Orbbec.yaml]

[ WARN] [1537954110.253819727]: Camera calibration file /home/gaodw/.ros/camera_info/depth_Astra_Orbbec.yaml not found.

18005324 VERBOSE [FPS] IR: 0.00 Depth: 31.36

19002012 VERBOSE [FPS] IR: 0.00 Depth: 30.66
20032612 VERBOSE [FPS] IR: 0.00 Depth: 30.45

21029654 VERBOSE [FPS] IR: 0.00 Depth: 30.43

22025599 VERBOSE [FPS] IR: 0.00 Depth: 30.48

23020717 VERBOSE [FPS] IR: 0.00 Depth: 30.45

24016731 VERBOSE [FPS] IR: 0.00 Depth: 30.46

25013772 VERBOSE [FPS] IR: 0.00 Depth: 30.45

4.3 运行rgb

roslaunch orbbec_rgb/canglong2.launch

... logging to /home/gaodw/.ros/log/4d996a90-c16d-11e8-b39b-300ed5d0a9d2/roslaunch-orbbec-gaodw-Computer-7426.log

Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.

Press Ctrl-C to interrupt

Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://orbbec-gaodw-Computer:39055/




* /canglong2/left/camera_info_url: file:///home/cesa...

* /canglong2/left/frame_rate: 30

* /canglong2/left/height: 480

* /canglong2/left/index: 0

* /canglong2/left/product: 0x0508

* /canglong2/left/serial: 0

* /canglong2/left/timestamp_method: start

* /canglong2/left/vendor: 0x2bc5

* /canglong2/left/video_mode: yuyv

* /canglong2/left/width: 640

* /rosdistro: kinetic

* /rosversion: 1.12.14



left (libuvc_camera/camera_node)


process[canglong2/left-1]: started with pid [8186]

unsupported descriptor subtype VS_COLORFORMAT

attempt to claim already-claimed interface 1

5、运行rviz显示 add depth, rgb, ir. 可看到三种数据流显示 rgb默认640x480, depth默认640x400

rosrun rviz rviz

[ INFO] [1537953933.351181727]: rviz version 1.12.16

[ INFO] [1537953933.351221227]: compiled against Qt version 5.5.1

[ INFO] [1537953933.351230203]: compiled against OGRE version 1.9.0 (Ghadamon)

[ INFO] [1537953933.910732987]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED

[ INFO] [1537953933.910819287]: OpenGl version: 3 (GLSL 1.3).


orbbec@orbbec-T440:~/ROS_release$ rosrun rosbag record /camera/depth/points /camera/depth/image_raw /tf

^Corbbec@orbbec-T440:~/ROS_release$ ls

2018-10-12-15-59-23.bag 2018-10-12-16-01-30.bag catkin_ws libuvc orbbec_rgb readme.txt readme.txt~

orbbec@orbbec-T440:~/ROS_release$ ls -lh

total 40G

-rw-rw-r-- 1 orbbec orbbec 16G 1012 16:01 2018-10-12-15-59-23.bag

-rw-rw-r-- 1 orbbec orbbec 24G 1012 16:04 2018-10-12-16-01-30.bag

drwxrwxr-x 6 orbbec orbbec 4.0K 927 20:35 catkin_ws

drwxrwxr-x 7 orbbec orbbec 4.0K 927 20:32 libuvc

drwxrwxr-x 2 orbbec orbbec 4.0K 1012 15:44 orbbec_rgb

-rw-rw-r-- 1 orbbec orbbec 23K 1012 10:59 readme.txt

-rw-rw-r-- 1 orbbec orbbec 23K 1012 10:59 readme.txt~



rostopic echo  /camera/depth/camera_info










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    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


