
DirectFB options:
  system=<system>                Specify the system (FBDev, SDL, etc.)
  fbdev=<device>                 Open <device> instead of /dev/fb0
  busid=<id>                     Specify the bus location of the graphics card (default 1:0:0)
  mode=<width>x<height>          Set the default resolution
  scaled=<width>x<height>        Scale the window to this size for 'force-windowed' apps
  depth=<pixeldepth>             Set the default pixel depth
  pixelformat=<pixelformat>      Set the default pixel format
  surface-shmpool-size=<kb>      Set the size of the shared memory pool used
                                 for shared system memory surfaces.
  session=<num>                  Select multi app world (zero based, -1 = new)
  remote=<host>[:<session>]      Select remote session to connect to
  primary-layer=<id>             Select an alternative primary layer
  primary-only                   Tell application only about the primary layer
  [no-]banner                    Show DirectFB Banner on startup
  [no-]surface-sentinel          Enable surface sentinels at the end of chunks in video memory
  force-windowed                 Primary surface always is a window
  force-desktop                  Primary surface is the desktop background
  [no-]hardware                  Enable/disable hardware acceleration
  [no-]software                  Enable/disable software fallbacks
  [no-]software-warn             Show warnings when doing/dropping software operations
  [no-]software-trace            Show every stage of the software rendering pipeline
  [no-]dma                       Enable DMA acceleration
  [no-]sync                      Do `sync()' (default=no)
  [no-]agp[=<mode>]              Enable AGP support
  [no-]thrifty-surface-buffers   Free sysmem instance on xfer to video memory
  font-format=<pixelformat>      Set the preferred font format
  [no-]font-premult              Enable/disable premultiplied glyph images in ARGB format
  [no-]deinit-check              Enable deinit check at exit
  block-all-signals              Block all signals
  [no-]vt-switch                 Allocate/switch to a new VT
  vt-num=<num>                   Use given VT instead of current/new one
  [no-]vt-switching              Allow Ctrl+Alt+<F?> (EXPERIMENTAL)
  [no-]graphics-vt               Put terminal into graphics mode
  [no-]vt                        Use VT handling code at all?
  mouse-source=<device>          Mouse device for serial mouse
  [no-]mouse-gpm-source          Enable mouse input repeated by GPM
  [no-]motion-compression        Mouse motion event compression
  mouse-protocol=<protocol>      Mouse protocol
  [no-]lefty                     Swap left and right mouse buttons
  [no-]capslock-meta             Map the CapsLock key to Meta
  linux-input-ir-only            Ignore all non-IR Linux Input devices
  [no-]linux-input-grab          Grab Linux Input devices?
  [no-]cursor                    Never create a cursor or handle it
  [no-]cursor-updates            Never show a cursor, but still handle it
  wm=<wm>                        Window manager module ('default' or 'unique')
  init-layer=<id>                Initialize layer with ID (following layer- options apply)
  layer-size=<width>x<height>    Set the pixel resolution
  layer-format=<pixelformat>     Set the pixel format
  layer-depth=<pixeldepth>       Set the pixel depth
  layer-bg-none                  Disable background clear
  layer-bg-color=AARRGGBB        Use background color (hex)
  layer-bg-color-index=<index>   Use background color index (decimal)
  layer-bg-image=<filename>      Use background image
  layer-bg-tile=<filename>       Use tiled background image
  layer-src-key=AARRGGBB         Enable color keying (hex)
  layer-palette-<index>=AARRGGBB Set palette entry at index (hex)
  layer-rotate=<degree>          Set the layer rotation for double buffer mode (0/180)
  [no-]smooth-upscale            Enable/disable smooth upscaling per default
  [no-]smooth-downscale          Enable/disable smooth downscaling per default
  [no-]translucent-windows       Allow translucent windows
  [no-]decorations               Enable window decorations (if supported by wm)
  [no-]startstop                 Issue StartDrawing/StopDrawing to driver
  [no-]autoflip-window           Auto flip non-flipping windowed primary surfaces
  videoram-limit=<amount>        Limit amount of Video RAM in kb
  agpmem-limit=<amount>          Limit amount of AGP memory in kb
  screenshot-dir=<directory>     Dump screen content on <Print> key presses
  video-phys=<hexaddress>        Physical start of video memory (devmem system)
  video-length=<bytes>           Length of video memory (devmem system)
  mmio-phys=<hexaddress>         Physical start of MMIO area (devmem system)
  mmio-length=<bytes>            Length of MMIO area (devmem system)
  accelerator=<id>               Accelerator ID selecting graphics driver (devmem system)
  [no-]matrox-sgram              Use Matrox SGRAM features
  [no-]matrox-crtc2              Experimental Matrox CRTC2 support
                                 Matrox TV standard (default=pal)
                                 Matrox cable type (default=composite)
  h3600-device=<device>          Use this device for the H3600 TS driver
  mut-device=<device>            Use this device for the MuTouch driver
  penmount-device=<device>       Use this device for the PenMount driver
                                 Use these devices for the Linux Input driver
                                 Use these devices for the tslib driver
  unichrome-revision=<rev>       Override unichrome hardware revision
  i8xx_overlay_pipe_b            Redirect videolayer to pixelpipe B
 Window surface swapping policy:
     auto:       DirectFB decides depending on hardware.
     videohigh:  Swapping system/video with high priority.
     videolow:   Swapping system/video with low priority.
     systemonly: Window surface is always stored in system memory.
     videoonly:  Window surface is always stored in video memory.
 Desktop buffer mode:
     auto:       DirectFB decides depending on hardware.
     triple:     Triple buffering (video only).
     backvideo:  Front and back buffer are video only.
     backsystem: Back buffer is system only.
     frontonly:  There is no back buffer.
     windows:    Special mode with window buffers directly displayed.
 Force synchronization of vertical retrace:
  vsync-after:   Wait for the vertical retrace after flipping.
  vsync-none:    disable polling for vertical retrace.
libfusion options:
  force-slave                    Always enter as a slave, waiting for the master, if not there
  tmpfs=<directory>              Location of shared memory file
  shmfile-group=<groupname>      Group that owns shared memory files
  [no-]debugshm                  Enable shared memory allocation tracking
  [no-]madv-remove               Enable usage of MADV_REMOVE (default = auto)
libdirect options:
  memcpy=<method>                Skip memcpy() probing (help = show list)
  [no-]quiet                     Disable text output except debug messages or direct logs
  [no-]quiet=<type>              Only quiet certain types (cumulative with 'quiet')
                                 [ info | warning | error | once | unimplemented ]
  [no-]debug                     Enable debug output
  [no-]debugmem                  Enable memory allocation tracking
  [no-]trace                     Enable stack trace support
  log-file=<name>                Write all messages to a file
  log-udp=<host>:<port>          Send all messages via UDP to host:port
  fatal-level=<level>            Abort on NONE, ASSERT (default) or ASSUME (incl. assert)
  [no-]fatal-break               Abort on BREAK (default)
  dont-catch=<num>[[,<num>]...]  Don't catch these signals
  [no-]sighandler                Enable signal handler
  [no-]thread-block-signals      Block all signals in new threads?
  disable-module=<module_name>   suppress loading this module
  thread-priority-scale=<100th>  Apply scaling factor on thread type based priorities




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