
最近做一个项目,用到广角镜头。畸变较大,所以就研究了一下畸变修正算法。主要是读了读 Carsten Steger 等所著 Machine Vision Algorithms and Applications 一书 3.9 节。把里面的算法实现了一下。这本书里写的修正方法应该算是最简单的了。只有一个参数 k。k > 0 修正桶形畸变,k < 0 修正枕形畸变。



#include <QImage>

 * @brief The RDCorrection class 镜头的畸变修正
 * 只考虑了镜头的径向畸变,也就是桶形畸变和枕形畸变。
 * 使用的模型比较简单,只有一个参数 k > 0 修正桶形畸变,k < 0 修正枕形畸变。
 * 修正后的图像会有一定的放缩。四周也有可能出现黑边或者切掉一些。
 * 这里假设径向畸变可以表示为:
 * \bar u = \frac{2}{1+\sqrt{1- 4k (u^2+v^2)}} u
 * \bar v = \frac{2}{1+\sqrt{1- 4k (u^2+v^2)}} v
 * 那么修正公式为:
 * u = \frac{1}{1 + k (\bar u^2 + \bar v^2)} \bar u
 * v = \frac{1}{1 + k (\bar u^2 + \bar v^2)} \bar v
 * 这个公式参考了 Carsten Steger 等所著 Machine Vision Algorithms and Applications 一书 3.9 节。
class RDCorrection

     * @brief map_nearest 镜头畸变修正,输出图像与输入图像同样大小。采用最临近插值
     * @param in 输入的图像,灰度图或者 RGB32 类型
     * @param k 修正系数,k > 0 修正桶形畸变,k < 0 修正枕形畸变。
     * @return 修正后的图像
    QImage map_nearest(const QImage &in, double k);
     * @brief map_nearest 镜头畸变修正,输出图像与输入图像同样大小。采用双线性插值
     * @param in 输入的图像,灰度图或者 RGB32 类型
     * @param k 修正系数,k > 0 修正桶形畸变,k < 0 修正枕形畸变。
     * @return 修正后的图像
    QImage map_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k);
     * @brief map_nearest 镜头畸变修正,采用最临近插值。输出的图像可以与输入图像不相同的尺寸。
     * @param in 输入图像。
     * @param k 修正系数,k > 0 修正桶形畸变,k < 0 修正枕形畸变。
     * @param out 输出图像。传入这个参数时要求 format 与输入图像相同。
     * @return true 表示成功。
    bool map_nearest(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out);
     * @brief map_nearest 镜头畸变修正,采用双线性插值。输出的图像可以与输入图像不相同的尺寸。
     * @param in 输入图像。
     * @param k 修正系数,k > 0 修正桶形畸变,k < 0 修正枕形畸变。
     * @param out 输出图像。传入这个参数时要求 format 与输入图像相同。
     * @return true 表示成功。
    bool map_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out);
    void setBackground(QRgb bg);
    bool map_rgb32_nearest(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out);
    bool map_rgb32_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out);
    bool map_gray_nearest(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out);
    bool map_gray_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out);
    QImage map_gray_nearest(const QImage &in, double k);
    QImage map_gray_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k);
    QImage map_rgb32_nearest(const QImage &in, double k);
    QImage map_rgb32_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k);

    inline uchar bilinear(uchar in00, uchar in01, uchar in10, uchar in11, double x, double y)
        return in00 + (in01 - in00) * x + (in10 - in00) * y + (in11 - in01 - in10 + in00) * x * y;

    inline QRgb bilinear(QRgb in00, QRgb in01, QRgb in10, QRgb in11, double x, double y)
        // f= b1 + b2 * x + b3 * y + b4 * x * y
        // b1 = in(0,0)
        // b2 = in(1,0) - in(0,0)
        // b3 = in(0,1) - in(0,0)
        // b4 = in(1,1) - in(1,0) - in(0,1) + in(0,0)
        int c00 = qRed(in00);
        int c01 = qRed(in01);
        int c10 = qRed(in10);
        int c11 = qRed(in11);

        int red = c00 + (c01 - c00) * x + (c10 - c00) * y + (c11 - c01 - c10 + c00) * x * y;
//        int red = (1 - x) * (1 - y) * c00 + (1 - x) * y * c01 + (1 - y) * x * c10 + x * y * c11;

        c00 = qGreen(in00);
        c01 = qGreen(in01);
        c10 = qGreen(in10);
        c11 = qGreen(in11);

        int green = c00 + (c01 - c00) * x + (c10 - c00) * y + (c11 - c01 - c10 + c00) * x * y;//
        //int green = (1 - x) * (1 - y) * c00 + (1 - x) * y * c01 + (1 - y) * x * c10 + x * y * c11;

        c00 = qBlue(in00);
        c01 = qBlue(in01);
        c10 = qBlue(in10);
        c11 = qBlue(in11);

        int blue =  c00 + (c01 - c00) * x + (c10 - c00) * y + (c11 - c01 - c10 + c00) * x * y;
        //int blue = (1 - x) * (1 - y) * c00 + (1 - x) * y * c01 + (1 - y) * x * c10 + x * y * c11;

        return qRgb(red, green, blue);

    QRgb m_bg_rgb32;
    uchar m_bg_gray;


#include "rdcorrection.h"

    m_bg_rgb32 = qRgb(0, 0, 0);
    m_bg_gray = 0;
QImage RDCorrection::map_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k)
        return QImage();
    switch (in.format())
    case QImage::Format_RGB32:
    case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
    case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied:
        return map_rgb32_bilinear(in, k);

    case QImage::Format_Grayscale8:
    case QImage::Format_Indexed8:
        return map_gray_bilinear(in, k);
    return QImage();

QImage RDCorrection::map_nearest(const QImage &in, double k)
        return QImage();
    switch (in.format())
    case QImage::Format_RGB32:
    case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
    case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied:
        return map_rgb32_nearest(in, k);

    case QImage::Format_Grayscale8:
    case QImage::Format_Indexed8:
        return map_gray_nearest(in, k);
    return QImage();

bool RDCorrection::map_nearest(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out)
    if(in.isNull() || out.isNull())
        return false;
    switch (in.format())
    case QImage::Format_RGB32:
    case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
    case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied:
        return map_rgb32_nearest(in, k, out);

    case QImage::Format_Grayscale8:
    case QImage::Format_Indexed8:
        return map_gray_nearest(in, k, out);
    return false;

bool RDCorrection::map_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out)
    if(in.isNull() || out.isNull())
        return false;
    switch (in.format())
    case QImage::Format_RGB32:
    case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
    case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied:
        return map_rgb32_bilinear(in, k, out);

    case QImage::Format_Grayscale8:
    case QImage::Format_Indexed8:
        return map_gray_bilinear(in, k, out);
    return false;

bool RDCorrection::map_rgb32_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out)
    if(out.isNull() || in.isNull() || out.format() != in.format())
        return false;
    int cols_out = out.width();
    int rows_out = out.height();
    int cols_in = in.width();
    int rows_in = in.height();

    double xc_out = cols_out / 2.0;
    double yc_out = rows_out / 2.0;
    double xc_in = cols_in / 2.0;
    double yc_in = rows_in / 2.0;

    const uchar * source = in.bits();
    int lineByte = in.bytesPerLine();
    for(int y = 0; y < rows_out; y ++)
        QRgb * dest = (QRgb * )out.scanLine(y);

        for(int x = 0; x < cols_out; x ++)

            double xx = (x - xc_out) / 1000.0;
            double yy = (y - yc_out) / 1000.0;
            double scale = 1 / (1 + k * (xx * xx + yy * yy));
            xx = xx * scale * 1000.0 + xc_in;
            yy = yy * scale * 1000.0 + yc_in;
            int ix = xx;
            int iy = yy;
            if(iy < 0 || iy >= rows_in || ix < 0 || ix >= cols_in)
                dest[x] = m_bg_rgb32;
                QRgb * line0 = (QRgb *) (source + iy * lineByte);
                QRgb * line1 = (QRgb *) (source + iy * lineByte + lineByte);
                dest[x] = bilinear(line0[ix], line0[ix + 1], line1[ix], line1[ix + 1], xx - ix, yy - iy);
    return true;

bool RDCorrection::map_rgb32_nearest(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out)
    if(out.isNull() || in.isNull() || out.format() != in.format())
        return false;
    int cols_out = out.width();
    int rows_out = out.height();
    int cols_in = in.width();
    int rows_in = in.height();

    double xc_out = cols_out / 2.0;
    double yc_out = rows_out / 2.0;
    double xc_in = cols_in / 2.0;
    double yc_in = rows_in / 2.0;

    const uchar * source = in.bits();
    int lineByte = in.bytesPerLine();
    for(int y = 0; y < rows_out; y ++)
        QRgb * dest = (QRgb * )out.scanLine(y);

        for(int x = 0; x < cols_out; x ++)

            double xx = (x - xc_out) / 1000.0;
            double yy = (y - yc_out) / 1000.0;
            double scale = 1 / (1 + k * (xx * xx + yy * yy));
            xx = xx * scale * 1000.0 + xc_in;
            yy = yy * scale * 1000.0 + yc_in;
            int ix = xx;
            int iy = yy;
            if(iy < 0 || iy >= rows_in || ix < 0 || ix >= cols_in)
                dest[x] = m_bg_rgb32;
                QRgb * line = (QRgb *) (source + iy * lineByte);
                dest[x] = line[ix];
    return true;

bool RDCorrection::map_gray_nearest(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out)
    if(out.isNull() || in.isNull() || out.format() != in.format())
        return false;
    int cols_out = out.width();
    int rows_out = out.height();
    int cols_in = in.width();
    int rows_in = in.height();

    double xc_out = cols_out / 2.0;
    double yc_out = rows_out / 2.0;
    double xc_in = cols_in / 2.0;
    double yc_in = rows_in / 2.0;

    const uchar * source = in.bits();
    int lineByte = in.bytesPerLine();
    for(int y = 0; y < rows_out; y ++)
        uchar * dest = (uchar * )out.scanLine(y);

        for(int x = 0; x < cols_out; x ++)

            double xx = (x - xc_out) / 1000.0;
            double yy = (y - yc_out) / 1000.0;
            double scale = 1 / (1 + k * (xx * xx + yy * yy));
            xx = xx * scale * 1000.0 + xc_in;
            yy = yy * scale * 1000.0 + yc_in;
            int ix = xx;
            int iy = yy;
            if(iy < 0 || iy >= rows_in || ix < 0 || ix >= cols_in)
                dest[x] = m_bg_gray;
                uchar * line0 = (uchar *) (source + iy * lineByte);
                uchar * line1 = (uchar *) (source + iy * lineByte + lineByte);
                dest[x] = bilinear(line0[ix], line0[ix + 1], line1[ix], line1[ix + 1], xx - ix, yy - iy);
    return true;

bool RDCorrection::map_gray_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k, QImage &out)
    if(out.isNull() || in.isNull() || out.format() != in.format())
        return false;
    int cols_out = out.width();
    int rows_out = out.height();
    int cols_in = in.width();
    int rows_in = in.height();

    double xc_out = cols_out / 2.0;
    double yc_out = rows_out / 2.0;
    double xc_in = cols_in / 2.0;
    double yc_in = rows_in / 2.0;

    const uchar * source = in.bits();
    int lineByte = in.bytesPerLine();
    for(int y = 0; y < rows_out; y ++)
        uchar * dest = (uchar * )out.scanLine(y);

        for(int x = 0; x < cols_out; x ++)

            double xx = (x - xc_out) / 1000.0;
            double yy = (y - yc_out) / 1000.0;
            double scale = 1 / (1 + k * (xx * xx + yy * yy));
            xx = xx * scale * 1000.0 + xc_in;
            yy = yy * scale * 1000.0 + yc_in;
            int ix = xx;
            int iy = yy;
            if(iy < 0 || iy >= rows_in || ix < 0 || ix >= cols_in)
                dest[x] = m_bg_gray;
                uchar * line = (uchar *) (source + iy * lineByte);
                dest[x] = line[ix];
    return true;

QImage RDCorrection::map_gray_nearest(const QImage &in, double k)
    QImage out(in.width(), in.height(), in.format());
    map_rgb32_nearest(in, k, out);
    return out;

QImage RDCorrection::map_gray_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k)
    QImage out(in.width(), in.height(), in.format());
    map_gray_bilinear(in, k, out);
    return out;

QImage RDCorrection::map_rgb32_nearest(const QImage &in, double k)
    QImage out(in.width(), in.height(), in.format());
    map_gray_nearest(in, k, out);
    return out;

QImage RDCorrection::map_rgb32_bilinear(const QImage &in, double k)
    QImage out(in.width(), in.height(), in.format());
    map_rgb32_bilinear(in, k, out);
    return out;



评论 3




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


