clc; clear all; close all; f = imread('c.tif'); figure;imshow(f);title('原图像'); T = graythresh(f); g1 = im2bw(f, T); g2 = movingthresh(f, 20, 0.5); figure, imshow(g2);title('变换后');
function g = movingthresh(f, n, K) %MOVINGTHRESH Image segmentation using a moving average threshold. % G = MOVINGTHRESH(F, n, K) segments image F by thresholding its % intensities based on the moving average of the intensities along % individual rows of the image. The average at pixel k is formed % by averaging the intensities of that pixel and its n − 1 % preceding neighbors. To reduce shading bias, the scanning is % done in a zig-zag manner, treating the pixels as if they were a % 1-D, continuous stream. If the value of the image at a point % exceeds K percent of the value of the running average at that % point, a 1 is output in that location in G. Otherwise a 0 is % output. At the end of the procedure, G is thus the thresholded % (segmented) image. K must be a scalar in the range [0, 1]. % Preliminaries. f = tofloat(f); [M, N] = size(f); if (n < 1) || (rem(n, 1) ~= 0) error('n must be an integer >= 1.') end if K < 0 || K > 1 error('K must be a fraction in the range [0, 1].') end % Flip every other row of f to produce the equivalent of a zig-zag % scanning pattern. Convert image to a vector. f(2:2:end, :) = fliplr(f(2:2:end, :)); f = f'; % Still a matrix. f = f(:)'; % Convert to row vector for use in function filter. % Compute the moving average. maf = ones(1, n)/n; % The 1-D moving average filter. ma = filter(maf, 1, f); % Computation of moving average. % Perform thresholding. g = f > K * ma; % Go back to image format (indexed subscripts). g = reshape(g, N, M)'; % Flip alternate rows back. g(2:2:end, :) = fliplr(g(2:2:end, :));