一种是使用earth文件,前面已经说过,还可以您使用osgearth API的时候以编程方式动态建立一个地图。
- 建立一个地图对象
- 加入您认为合适的影像和高程地图
- 建立将渲染地图对象的地图节点
- 向场景加入你的地图节点
- #include <osgEarth/Map>
- #include <osgEarth/MapNode>
- #include <osgEarthDrivers/tms/TMSOptions>
- #include <osgEarthDrivers/gdal/GDALOptions>
- using namespace osgEarth;
- using namespace osgEarth::Drivers;
- ...
- // Create a Map and set it to Geocentric to display a globe
- Map* map = new Map();
- // Add an imagery layer (blue marble from a TMS source)
- {
- TMSOptions tms;
- tms.url() = "http://labs.metacarta.com/wms-c/Basic.py/1.0.0/satellite/";
- ImageLayer* layer = new ImageLayer( "NASA", tms );
- map->addImageLayer( layer );
- }
- // Add an elevationlayer (SRTM from a local GeoTiff file)
- {
- GDALOptions gdal;
- gdal.url() = "c:/data/srtm.tif";
- ElevationLayer* layer = new ElevationLayer( "SRTM", gdal );
- map->addElevationLayer( layer );
- }
- // Create a MapNode to render this map:
- MapNode* mapNode = new MapNode( map );
- ...
- viewer->setSceneData( mapNode );