s3c6410 pwm 学习



The 6410 RISC microprocessor comprises of five 32-bit  timers. These timers are used to generate internal
interrupts to the ARM subsystem. In addition, Timers  0 and 1 include a PWM function (Pulse Width Modulation),
which can drive an external I/O signal. The PWM for timer 0 and 1 have an optional dead-zone generator
capability, which can be utilized to support a large current device. Timer 2, 3 and 4 are internal timers with no
output pins。

什么是 dead-zone?



从上面知,定时器0和1有PWM功能,并且有驱动 I/O signal 的能力。


The Features supported by the PWM are as follows:
•   Five 32-bit Timers.
•   Two 8-bit Clock Prescalers providing first level of divi sion for the PCLK, Five Clock Dividers and Multiplexers
providing second level of division for the Prescaler clock and External Clocks.  
•   Programmable Clock Select Logic for individual PWM Channels.
•   Two Independent PWM Channels with Programmable Duty Control and Polarity.
•   Supports Auto-Reload Mode and One-Shot Pulse Mode.
•   Supports for external inputs to start PWM.
•   Dead Zone Generator on two PWM Outputs.
•   Supports DMA Transfers.
•   Optional Pulse or Level Interrupt Generation.
The PWM has two operation modes:
•  Auto-Reload Mode
Continuous PWM pulses are generated based on programmed duty cycle and polarity.
•   One-Shot Pulse Mode
Only one PWM pulse is generated based on programmed duty cycle and polarity.

PWM有2个功能,一个是自动加载模式,另外一个是单次脉冲模式(only one pulse)

下面是  PWMTIMER Clock Tree Diagram

Timers 0 and 1 share a programmable 8-bit prescaler that pr ovides the first level of division for the PCLK. Timer 2,
3, and 4 share a different 8-bit prescaler. Each timer has it s own, private clock-divider that provides a second level
of clock division (prescaler divided by 2, 4,8, or 16). Alternatively, the Timers select a clock source from an external
pin. Timers 0 and 1 can select the external clock TCLK0. Timers 2, 3, and 4 can select the external clock TCLK1.
Each timer has its own 32-bit down-counter which is driven by the timer clock. The down-counter is initially loaded
from the Timer Count Buffer register (TCNTBn). When the  down-counter reaches zero, the timer interrupt request
is generated to inform the CPU that the timer operation  is completed. When the timer down-counter reaches zero,
the value of corresponding TCNTBn c an be automatically reloaded into the  down-counter to start the next cycle.
However, if the timer stops, for example, by clearing the timer enable bit of TCONn during the timer running mode,
the value of TCNTBn will not be reloaded into the counter.

差不多就是将设置TCNTBn 设置值,然后减数计数器会自动装载这个值,不断递减,递减为0时,触发中断请求。并且只会又可以将TCNTBn的值自动加载进去。

However, if the timer stops, for example, by clearing the timer enable bit of TCONn during the timer running mode,
the value of TCNTBn will not be reloaded into the counter.

The Pulse Width Modulation function (PWM) uses the value of the TCMPBn register. The timer control logic
changes the output level when the down-counter value matc hes the value of the compare register in the time
control logic. Therefore, the compar e register determines the turn-on time (or turn-off time) of a PWM output.
The TCNTBn and TCMPBn registers are double buffered to allow the timer parameters to be updated in the
middle of a cycle. The new values will not take effect until the current  timer cycle completes.
A simple example of a PWM cycle is shown in the figure below.


1.   Initialize the TCNTBn with 159(50+109) and the TCMPBn with 109.  
2.   Start Timer by setting the start bit and manual update bit off.
The TCNTBn value of 159 is loaded into the down-counter, the output is driven low.
3.   When down-counter counts down to the value in the TCMPBn register 109,
the output is changed from low to high
4.   When the down-counter reaches 0,  the interrupt request is generated.  
5.   The down-counter is automatically reloaded with TCNTBn, which restarts the cycle.




A timer (except the timer channel 4) has TCNTBn, TCNTn, TCMPBn and TCMPn. TCNTBn and TCMPBn are
loaded into TCNTn and TCMPn when the timer reaches 0.  When TCNTn reaches 0, the interrupt request will
occur if the interrupt is enabled. (TCNTn and TCMPn are t he names of the internal regi sters. The TCNTn registe
can be read from the TCNTOn register) 



1.   Enable the auto-reload feature. Set the TCNTBn  as 159(50+109) and the TCMPBn as 109. Set the manu
update bit and inverter bit(on/off). The manual update bit sets the TCNTn,TCMPn to the value of
And then, set TCNTBn,TCMPBn as 79(40+39) and 39.
2.   Start Timer by setting the start bit and manual update bit off.
3.   When TCNTn has the same value with TCMPn, the logic level of TOUTn is changed from low to high
4.   As soon as TCNTn reaches to 0, the interrupt request is generated.
5.   TCNTn and TCMPn are reloaded automatically with TCNTBn,TCMPBn as (79(40+39)) and 39. In the
ISR(interrupt service routine), the TCNTBn  and TCMPBn are set as 79(20+59) and 59.
6.   When TCNTn has the same value with TCMPn, the logic level of TOUTn is changed from low to high
7.   As soon as TCNTn reaches to 0, the interrupt request is generated.
8.   TCNTn and TCMPn are reloaded automatically with TCNTBn,TCMPBn as (79(20+59)) and 59. In the
ISR(interrupt service routine), auto-reload and interrupt request are disabled to stop the timer.  
9.   When TCNTn has the same value with TCMPn, the logic level of TOUTn is changed from low to high  
10.   Even when TCNTn reaches to 0, No interrupt request is generated.
11.   TCNTn is not any more reloaded and the timer is stopped because auto-reload is disabled.


Because an auto-reload operation of the timer occurs when the down counter reaches to 0, a starting value of the
TCNTn has to be defined by the user at first. In this case, the starting value has to be loaded by the manual
update bit. Take the following steps to start a Timer;
1)   Write the initial value into TCNTBn and TCMPBn.
2)   Set the manual update bit of the corresponding timer.
(Recommended setting the inverter on/off bit (whether using inverter or not)).  
3)   Set the start bit of the corresponding timer  to start the timer and clear only manual update bit.





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