Real-Time Rendering——7.4 Shadow Maps阴影贴图

In 1978, Williams [1888] proposed that a common z-buffer-based renderer could be used to generate shadows quickly on arbitrary objects. The idea is to render the scene, using the z-buffer, from the position of the light source that is to cast shadows. Whatever the light “sees” is illuminated, the rest is in shadow. When this image is generated, only z-buffering is required. Lighting, texturing, and writing values into the color buffer can be turned off.


 1978年,Williams [1888]提出了一种基于z缓冲区的通用渲染器,可以用来在任意对象上快速生成阴影。这个想法是使用z缓冲区,从要投射阴影的光源的位置渲染场景。无论光“看到”什么被照亮,其余的都在阴影中。生成该图像时,只需要z缓冲。可以关闭光照、纹理和将值写入颜色缓冲区。

Each pixel in the z-buffer now contains the z-depth of the object closest to the light source. We call the entire contents of the z-buffer the shadow map, also sometimes known as the shadow depth map or shadow buffer. To use the shadow map, the scene is rendered a second time, but this time with respect to the viewer. As each drawing primitive is rendered, its location at each pixel is compared to the shadow map. If a rendered point is farther away from the light source than the corresponding value in the shadow map, that point is in shadow, otherwise it is not. This technique is implemented by using texture mapping. See Figure 7.10. Shadow mapping is a popular algorithm because it is relatively predictable. The cost of building the shadow map is roughly linear with the number of rendered primitives, and access time is constant. The shadow map can be generated once and reused each frame for scenes where the light and objects are not moving, such as for computer-aided design.


Figure 7.10. Shadow mapping. On the top left, a shadow map is formed by storing the depths to the surfaces in view. On the top right, the eye is shown looking at two locations. The sphere is seen at point va, and this point is found to be located at texel a on the shadow map. The depth stored there is not (much) less than point va is from the light, so the point is illuminated. The rectangle hit at point vb is (much) farther away from the light than the depth stored at texel b, and so is in shadow. On the bottom left is the view of a scene from the light’s perspective, with white being farther away. On the bottom right is the scene rendered with this shadow map. 


When a single z-buffer is generated, the light can “look” in only a particular direction, like a camera. For a distant directional light such as the sun, the light’s view is set to encompass all objects casting shadows into the viewing volume that the eye sees. The light uses an orthographic projection, and its view needs to be made wide and high enough in x and y to view this set of objects. Local light sources need similar adjustments, as possible. If the local light is far enough away from the shadow-casting objects, a single view frustum may be sufficient to encompass all of these. Alternately, if the local light is a spotlight, it has a natural frustum associated with it, with everything outside its frustum considered not illuminated.


If the local light source is inside a scene and is surrounded by shadow-casters, a typical solution is to use a six-view cube, similar to cubic environment mapping [865]. These are called omnidirectional shadow maps. The main challenge for omnidirec- tional maps is avoiding artifacts along the seams where two separate maps meet. King and Newhall [895] analyze the problems in depth and provide solutions, and Gerasimov [525] provides some implementation details. Forsyth [484, 486] presents a general multi-frustum partitioning scheme for omnidirectional lights that also pro- vides more shadow map resolution where needed. Crytek [1590, 1678, 1679] sets the resolution of each of the six views for a point light based on the screen-space coverage of each view’s projected frustum, with all maps stored in a texture atlas.

如果本地光源在场景中,并且被阴影投射器包围,典型的解决方案是使用六视图立方体,类似于立方体环境映射[865]。这些被称为全向阴影贴图。全向地图面临的主要挑战是避免两个独立地图接合处的伪影。King和Newhall [895]深入分析了问题并提供了解决方案,格拉西莫夫[525]提供了一些实施细节。Forsyth [484,486]提出了一个通用的多平截头体分割方案,用于全向光,在需要的地方提供更多的阴影贴图分辨率。Crytek [1590,1678,1679]根据每个视图的投影截锥的屏幕空间覆盖范围,为点光源的六个视图中的每个视图设置分辨率,所有贴图都存储在纹理贴图集中。

Not all objects in the scene need to be rendered into the light’s view volume. First, only objects that can cast shadows need to be rendered. For example, if it is known that the ground can only receive shadows and not cast one, then it does not have to be rendered into the shadow map.


Shadow casters are by definition those inside the light’s view frustum. This frustum can be augmented or tightened in several ways, allowing us to safely disregard some shadow casters [896, 1812]. Think of the set of shadow receivers visible to the eye. This set of objects is within some maximum distance along the light’s view direction. Anything beyond this distance cannot cast a shadow on the visible receivers. Similarly, the set of visible receivers may well be smaller than the light’s original x and y view bounds. See Figure 7.11. Another example is that if the light source is inside the eye’s view frustum, no object outside this additional frustum can cast a shadow on a receiver. Rendering only relevant objects not only can save time rendering, but can also reduce the size required for the light’s frustum and so increase the effective resolution of the shadow map, thus improving quality. In addition, it helps if the light frustum’s near plane is as far away from the light as possible, and if the far plane is as close as possible. Doing so increases the effective precision of the z-buffer [1792] (Section 4.7.2).


Figure 7.11. On the left, the light’s view encompasses the eye’s frustum. In the middle, the light’s far plane is pulled in to include only visible receivers, so culling the triangle as a caster; the near plane is also adjusted. On the right, the light’s frustum sides are made to bound the visible receivers, culling the green capsule. 


One disadvantage of shadow mapping is that the quality of the shadows depends on the resolution (in pixels) of the shadow map and on the numerical precision of the z-buffer. Since the shadow map is sampled during the depth comparison, the algorithm is susceptible to aliasing problems, especially close to points of contact between objects. A common problem is self-shadow aliasing, often called “surface acne” or “shadow acne,” in which a triangle is incorrectly considered to shadow itself.This problem has two sources. One is simply the numerical limits of precision of the processor. The other source is geometric, from the fact that the value of a point sample is being used to represent an area’s depth. That is, samples generated for the light are almost never at the same locations as the screen samples (e.g., pixels are often sampled at their centers). When the light’s stored depth value is compared to the viewed surface’s depth, the light’s value may be slightly lower than the surface’s,resulting in self-shadowing. The effects of such errors are shown in Figure 7.12.


Figure 7.12. Shadow-mapping bias artifacts. On the left, the bias is too low, so self-shadowing occurs. On the right, a high bias causes the shoes to not cast contact shadows. The shadow-map resolution is also too low, giving the shadow a blocky appearance. (Images generated using a shadow demo by Christoph Peters.)

图7.12。阴影映射偏差伪像。在左侧,偏差太低,因此会出现自阴影。在右侧,高偏移导致鞋子不投射接触阴影。阴影贴图的分辨率也太低,给阴影一个块状的外观。(图片由Christoph Peters使用阴影演示生成。)

 One common method to help avoid (but not always eliminate) various shadow-map artifacts is to introduce a bias factor. When checking the distance found in the shadow map with the distance of the location being tested, a small bias is subtracted from the receiver’s distance. See Figure 7.13. This bias could be a constant value [1022], but doing so can fail when the receiver is not mostly facing the light. A more effective method is to use a bias that is proportional to the angle of the receiver to the light. The more the surface tilts away from the light, the greater the bias grows, to avoid the problem. This type of bias is called the slope scale bias. Both biases can be applied by using a command such as OpenGL’s glPolygonOffset) to shift each polygon away from the light. Note that if a surface directly faces the light, it is not biased backward at all by slope scale bias. For this reason, a constant bias is used along with slope scale bias to avoid possible precision errors. Slope scale bias is also often clamped at some maximum, since the tangent value can be extremely high when the surface is nearly edge-on when viewed from the light.


Figure 7.13. Shadow bias. The surfaces are rendered into a shadow map for an overhead light, with the vertical lines representing shadow-map pixel centers. Occluder depths are recorded at the × locations. We want to know if the surface is lit at the three samples shown as dots. The closest shadow-map depth value for each is shown with the same color ×. On the left, if no bias is added, the blue and orange samples will be incorrectly determined to be in shadow, since they are farther from the light than their corresponding shadow-map depths. In the middle, a constant depth bias is subtracted from each sample, placing each closer to the light. The blue sample is still considered in shadow because it is not closer to the light than the shadow-map depth it is tested against. On the right, the shadow map is formed by moving each polygon away from the light proportional to its slope. All sample depths are now closer than their shadow-map depths, so all are lit. 


Holbert [759, 760] introduced normal offset bias, which first shifts the receiver’s world-space location a bit along the surface’s normal direction, proportional to the sine of the angle between the light’s direction and the geometric normal. See Figure 7.24 on page 250. This changes not only the depth but also the x- and y-coordinates where the sample is tested on the shadow map. As the light’s angle becomes more shallow to the surface, this offset is increased, in hopes that the sample becomes far enough above the surface to avoid self-shadowing. This method can be visualized as moving the sample to a “virtual surface” above the receiver. This offset is a world- space distance, so Pettineo [1403] recommends scaling it by the depth range of the shadow map. Pesce [1391] suggests the idea of biasing along the camera view direction, which also works by adjusting the shadow-map coordinates. Other bias methods are discussed in Section 7.5, as the shadow method presented there needs to also test several neighboring samples.

Holbert [759,760]引入了法线偏移偏差,它首先沿着表面的法线方向移动接收器的世界空间位置一点,与光线方向和几何法线之间的角度的正弦成比例。参见第250页的图7.24。这不仅会改变深度,还会改变在阴影贴图上测试样本的x和y坐标。随着光线的角度变得越来越浅,该偏移也在增加,希望样本在表面上变得足够远,以避免自阴影。这种方法可以想象为将样品移动到接收器上方的“虚拟表面”。这个偏移量是一个世界空间的距离,所以Pettineo [1403]建议通过阴影贴图的深度范围来缩放它。Pesce [1391]提出了沿相机视角方向偏移的想法,这也通过调整阴影贴图坐标来实现。其他偏差方法将在第7.5节中讨论,因为这里介绍的阴影法也需要测试几个相邻的样本。

Figure 7.24. Additional shadow bias methods. For PCF, several samples are taken surrounding the original sample location, the center of the five dots. All these samples should be lit. In the left figure, a bias cone is formed and the samples are moved up to it. The cone’s steepness could be increased to pull the samples on the right close enough to be lit, at the risk of increasing light leaks from other samples elsewhere (not shown) that truly are shadowed. In the middle figure, all samples are adjusted to lie on the receiver’s plane. This works well for convex surfaces but can be counterproductive at concavities, as seen on the left side. In the right figure, normal offset bias moves the samples along the surface’s normal direction, proportional to the sine of the angle between the normal and the light. For the center sample, this can be thought of as moving to an imaginary surface above the original surface. This bias not only affects the depth but also changes the texture coordinates used to test the shadow map.


 Too much bias causes a problem called light leaks or Peter Panning, in which the object appears to float slightly above the underlying surface. This artifact occurs because the area beneath the object’s point of contact, e.g., the ground under a foot, is pushed too far forward and so does not receive a shadow.


One way to avoid self-shadowing problems is to render only the backfaces to the shadow map. Called second-depth shadow mapping [1845], this scheme works well for many situations, especially for a rendering system where hand-tweaking a bias is not an option. The problem cases occur when objects are two-sided, thin, or in contact with one another. If an object is a model where both sides of the mesh are visible, e.g., a palm frond or sheet of paper, self-shadowing can occur because the backface and the frontface are in the same location. Similarly, if no biasing is performed, problems can occur near silhouette edges or thin objects, since in these areas backfaces are close to frontfaces. Adding a bias can help avoid surface acne, but the scheme is more susceptible to light leaking, as there is no separation between the receiver and the backfaces of the occluder at the point of contact. See Figure 7.14. Which scheme to choose can be situation dependent. For example, Sousa et al. [1679] found using frontfaces for sun shadows and backfaces for interior lights to work best for their applications.


Figure 7.14. Shadow-map surfaces for an overhead light source. On the left, surfaces facing the light, marked in red, are sent to the shadow map. Surfaces may be incorrectly determined to shadow themselves (“acne”), so need to be biased away from the light. In the middle, only the backfacing triangles are rendered into the shadow map. A bias pushing these occluders downward could let light leak onto the ground plane near location a; a bias forward can cause illuminated locations near the silhouette boundaries marked b to be considered in shadow. On the right, an intermediate surface is formed at the midpoints between the closest front- and backfacing triangles found at each location on the shadow map. A light leak can occur near point c (which can also happen with second-depth shadow mapping), as the nearest shadow-map sample may be on the intermediate surface to the left of this location, and so the point would be closer to the light. 


Note that for shadow mapping, objects must be “watertight” (manifold and closed, i.e., solid; Section 16.3.3), or must have both front- and backfaces rendered to the map, else the object may not fully cast a shadow. Woo [1900] proposes a general method that attempts to, literally, be a happy medium between using just frontfaces or backfaces for shadowing. The idea is to render solid objects to a shadow map and keep track of the two closest surfaces to the light. This process can be performed by depth peeling or other transparency-related techniques. The average depth between the two objects forms an intermediate layer whose depth is used as a shadow map, sometimes called a dual shadow map [1865]. If the object is thick enough, self-shadowing and light-leak artifacts are minimized. Bavoil et al. [116] discuss ways to address potential artifacts, along with other implementation details. The main drawbacks are the additional costs associated with using two shadow maps. Myers [1253] discusses an artist-controlled depth layer between the occlude and receiver.

请注意,对于阴影贴图,对象必须是“防水的”(流形和封闭的,即固体;第16.3.3节),或者必须将正面和背面都渲染到贴图上,否则对象可能不会完全投射阴影。Woo [1900]提出了一个通用的方法,试图在使用正面或背面阴影之间找到一个折中的办法。这个想法是将实体渲染到阴影贴图中,并跟踪两个最靠近灯光的表面。这个过程可以通过深度剥离或其他与透明度相关的技术来执行。两个物体之间的平均深度形成了一个中间层,其深度被用作阴影贴图,有时被称为双重阴影贴图[1865]。如果物体足够厚,自阴影和漏光伪影将被最小化。Bavoil等人[116]讨论了解决潜在伪像的方法,以及其他实施细节。主要缺点是与使用两个阴影贴图相关的额外成本。Myers [1253]讨论了在闭塞器和接收器之间的艺术家控制的深度层。

As the viewer moves, the light’s view volume often changes size as the set of shadow casters changes. Such changes in turn cause the shadows to shift slightly from frame to frame. This occurs because the light’s shadow map is sampling a different set of directions from the light, and these directions are not aligned with the previous set. For directional lights, the solution is to force each succeeding shadow map generated to maintain the same relative texel beam locations in world space [927, 1227, 1792, 1810]. That is, you can think of the shadow map as imposing a two-dimensional gridded frame of reference on the whole world, with each grid cell representing a pixel sample on the map. As you move, the shadow map is generated for a different set of these same grid cells. In other words, the light’s view projection is forced to this grid to maintain frame to frame coherence.


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