Real-Time Rendering——Chapter 9Physically Based Shading基于物理的着色

“Let the form of an object be what it may,—light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful.”
—John Constable

“不管一个物体的形状是什么,光线、阴影和透视都会使它变得美丽。” —约翰·康斯太勃尔

In this chapter we cover the various aspects of physically based shading. We start with a description of the physics of light-matter interaction in Section 9.1, and in Sections 9.2 to 9.4 we show how these physics connect to the shading process. Sections 9.5 to 9.7 are dedicated to the building blocks used to construct physically based shading models, and the models themselves—covering a broad variety of material types—are discussed in Sections 9.8 to 9.12. Finally, in Section 9.13 we describe how materials are blended together, and we cover filtering methods for avoiding aliasing and preserving surface appearance.


9.1 Physics of Light


The interactions of light and matter form the foundation of physically based shading.To understand these interactions, it helps to have a basic understanding of the nature of light.


In physical optics, light is modeled as an electromagnetic transverse wave, a wave that oscillates the electric and magnetic fields perpendicularly to the direction of its propagation. The oscillations of the two fields are coupled. The magnetic and electric field vectors are perpendicular to each other and the ratio of their lengths is fixed.This ratio is equal to the phase velocity, which we will discuss later.


In Figure 9.1 we see a simple light wave. It is, in fact, the simplest possible—a perfect sine function. This wave has a single wavelength, denoted with the Greek letter λ (lambda). As we have seen in Section 8.1, the perceived color of light is strongly related to its wavelength. For this reason, light with a single wavelength is called monochromatic light, which means “single-colored.” However, most light waves encountered in practice are polychromatic, containing many different wavelengths.


 Figure 9.1. Light, an electromagnetic transverse wave. The electric and magnetic field vectors oscillate at 90◦ to each other and to the direction of propagation. The wave shown in the figure is the simplest possible light wave. It is both monochromatic (has a single wavelength λ) and linearly polarized (the electric and magnetic fields each oscillate along a single line).


The light wave in Figure 9.1 is unusually simple in another respect. It is linearly polarized. This means that for a fixed point in space, the electric and magnetic fields each move back and forth along a line. In contrast, in this book we focus on unpolarized light, which is much more prevalent. In unpolarized light the field oscillations are spread equally over all directions perpendicular to the propagation axis. Despite their simplicity, it is useful to understand the behavior of monochromatic, linearly polarized waves, since any light wave can be factored into a combination of such waves.


If we track a point on the wave with a given phase (for example, an amplitude peak) over time, we will see it move through space at a constant speed, which is the wave’s phase velocity. For a light wave traveling through a vacuum, the phase velocity is c, commonly referred to as the speed of light, about 300,000 kilometers per second.


In Section 8.1.1 we discussed the fact that for visible light, the size of a single wavelength is in the range of approximately 400–700 nanometers. To give some intuition for this length, it is about a half to a third of the width of a single thread of spider silk, which is itself less than a fiftieth of the width of a human hair. See Figure 9.2. In optics it is often useful to talk about the size of features relative to light wavelength.In this case we would say that the width of a spider silk thread is about 2λ–3λ (2–3 light wavelengths), and the width of a hair is about 100λ–200λ.、


Figure 9.2. On the left visible light wavelengths are shown relative to a single thread of spider silk,which is a bit over 1 micron in width. On the right a similar thread of spider silk is shown next to a human hair, to give some additional context. (Images courtesy of URnano/University of Rochester.) 


Light waves carry energy. The density of energy flow is equal to the product of the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields, which is—since the magnitudes are proportional to each other—proportional to the squared magnitude of the electric field. We focus on the electric field since it affects matter much more strongly than the magnetic field. In rendering, we are concerned with the average energy flow over time, which is proportional to the squared wave amplitude. This average energy flow density is the irradiance, denoted with the letter E. Irradiance and its relation to other light quantities were discussed in Section 8.1.1.


Light waves combine linearly. The total wave is the sum of the component waves.However, since irradiance is proportional to the square of the amplitudes, this would seem to lead to a paradox. For example, would summing two equal waves not lead to a “1 + 1 = 4” situation for irradiance? And since irradiance measures energy flow,would this not violate conservation of energy? The answers to these two questions are “sometimes” and “no,” respectively.

光波线性组合。总波是各分量波的总和。然而,由于辐照度与振幅的平方成正比,这似乎会导致一个悖论。例如,将两个相等的波相加不会导致辐照度出现“1 + 1 = 4”的情况吗?因为辐照度测量能量流,这不会违反能量守恒吗?这两个问题的答案分别是“有时候”和“不”。

To illustrate, we will look at a simple case: the addition of n monochromatic waves, identical except for phase. The amplitude of each of the n waves is a. As mentioned earlier, the irradiance E1 of each wave is proportional to a平方, or in other words E1 = ka平方 for some constant k.

为了说明,我们来看一个简单的例子:n个单色波的相加,除了相位之外都是相同的。如前所述,每个波的辐照度E1与a平方成比例,或者换句话说,对于某个常数k,E1 = ka平方

Figure 9.3 shows three example scenarios for this case. On the left, the waves all line up with the same phase and reinforce each other. The combined wave irradiance is n平方 times that of a single wave, which is n times greater than the sum of the irradiance values of the individual waves. This situation is called constructive interference. In the center of the figure, each pair of waves is in opposing phase, canceling each other out. The combined wave has zero amplitude and zero irradiance. This scenario is destructive interference.


Figure 9.3. Three scenarios where n monochromatic waves with the same frequency, polarization, and amplitude are added together. From left to right: constructive interference, destructive interference,and incoherent addition. In each case the amplitude and irradiance of the combined wave (bottom) is shown relative to the n original waves (top). 


Constructive and destructive interference are two special cases of coherent addition,where the peaks and troughs of the waves line up in some consistent way. Depending on the relative phase relationships, coherent addition of n identical waves can result in a wave with irradiance anywhere between 0 and n2 times that of an individual wave.

构造干涉和破坏性干涉是相干加法的两种特殊情况,在这种情况下,波的峰和波谷以某种一致的方式排列。根据相对相位关系, n个相同波的相干相加可导致辐射率在单个波的0到n2倍之间的波。 

However, most often when waves are added up they are mutually incoherent, which means that their phases are relatively random. This is illustrated on the right in Figure 9.3. In this scenario, the amplitude of the combined wave is √n a, and the irradiance of the individual waves adds up linearly to n times the irradiance of one wave, as one would expect.

然而,大多数情况下,当波相加时,它们是互不相干的,这意味着它们的相位是相对随机的。这在图9.3的右侧进行了说明。在这种情况下,组合波的幅度为√n a,单个波的辐照度线性增加,达到一个波辐照度的n倍,这是意料之中的。

Figure 9.4. Monochromatic waves spreading out from two point sources, with the same frequency. The waves interfere constructively and destructively in different regions of space. 


It would seem that destructive and constructive interference violate the conservation of energy. But Figure 9.3 does not show the full picture—it shows the wave interaction at only one location. As waves propagate through space, the phase relationship between them changes from one location to another, as shown in Figure 9.4.In some locations the waves interfere constructively, and the irradiance of the combined wave is greater than the sum of the irradiance values of the individual waves.In other locations they interfere destructively, causing the combined irradiance to be less than the sum of the individual wave irradiance values. This does not violate the law of conservation of energy, since the energy gained via constructive interference and the energy lost via destructive interference always cancel out.


Light waves are emitted when the electric charges in an object oscillate. Part of the energy that caused the oscillations—heat, electrical energy, chemical energy—is converted to light energy, which is radiated away from the object. In rendering, such objects are treated as light sources. We first discussed light sources in Section 5.2,and they will be described from a more physically based standpoint in Chapter 10.


After light waves have been emitted, they travel through space until they encounter some bit of matter with which to interact. The core phenomenon underlying the majority of light-matter interactions is simple, and quite similar to the emission case discussed above. The oscillating electrical field pushes and pulls at the electrical charges in the matter, causing them to oscillate in turn. The oscillating charges emit new light waves, which redirect some of the energy of the incoming light wave in new directions. This reaction, called scattering, is the basis of a wide variety of optical phenomena.


A scattered light wave has the same frequency as the original wave. When, as is usually the case, the original wave contains multiple frequencies of light, each one interacts with matter separately. Incoming light energy at one frequency does not contribute to emitted light energy at a different frequency, except for specific—and relatively rare—cases such as fluorescence and phosphorescence, which we will not describe in this book.


An isolated molecule scatters light in all directions, with some directional variation in intensity. More light is scattered in directions close to the original axis of propagation,both forward and backward. The molecule’s effectiveness as a scatterer—the chance that a light wave in its vicinity will be scattered at all—varies strongly by wavelength. Short-wavelength light is scattered much more effectively than longerwavelength light.


In rendering we are concerned with collections of many molecules. Light interactions with such aggregates will not necessarily resemble interactions with isolated molecules. Waves scattered from nearby molecules are often mutually coherent, and thus exhibit interference, since they originate from the same incoming wave. The rest of this section is devoted to several important special cases of light scattering from multiple molecules.






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