Real-Time Rendering——9.9.3 Smooth-Surface Subsurface Models光滑表面地下模型

Here we will discuss smooth-surface subsurface models. These are appropriate for modeling materials where the surface irregularities are smaller than the subsurface scattering distances. Diffuse shading is not directly affected by surface roughness in such materials. If the diffuse and specular terms are coupled, which is the case for some of the models in this section, then surface roughness may affect diffuse shading indirectly.


As mentioned in Section 9.3, real-time rendering applications often model local subsurface scattering with a Lambertian term. In this case the BRDF diffuse term is ρss over π:


The Lambertian model does not account for the fact that light reflected at the surface is not available for subsurface scattering. To improve this model, there should be an energy trade-off between the surface (specular) and subsurface (diffuse) reflectance terms. The Fresnel effect implies that this surface-subsurface energy trade-off changes with incident light angle θi. With increasingly glancing incidence angles, the diffuse reflectance decreases as the specular reflectance increases. A basic way to account for this balance is to multiply the diffuse term by one minus the Fresnel part of the specular term [1626]. If the specular term is that of a flat mirror, the resulting diffuse term is


If the specular term is a microfacet BRDF term, then the resulting diffuse term is 


Equations 9.62 and 9.63 result in a uniform distribution of outgoing light, because the BRDF value does not depend on the outgoing direction v. This behavior makes some sense, since light will typically undergo multiple scattering events before it is reemitted, so its outgoing direction will be randomized. However, there are two reasons to suspect that the outgoing light is not distributed perfectly uniformly. First, since the diffuse BRDF term in Equation 9.62 varies by incoming direction, Helmholtz reciprocity implies that it must change by outgoing direction as well. Second, the light must undergo refraction on the way out, which will impose some directional preference on the outgoing light. 


Shirley et al. proposed a coupled diffuse term for flat surfaces that addresses the Fresnel effect and the surface-subsurface reflectance trade-off, while supporting both energy conservation and Helmholtz reciprocity [1627]. The derivation assumes that the Schlick approximation [1568] (Equation 9.16) is used for Fresnel reflectance:


Equation 9.64 applies only to surfaces where the specular reflectance is that of a perfect Fresnel mirror. A generalized version that can be used to compute a reciprocal, energy-conserving diffuse term to couple with any specular term was proposed by Ashikhmin and Shirley [77] and further refined by Kelemen and Szirmay-Kalos [878]: 

方程9.64只适用于镜面反射率为理想菲涅耳镜的表面。Ashikhmin和Shirley [77]提出了一个广义版本,可用于计算与任何镜面反射项耦合的倒数、能量守恒扩散项,并由科莱蒙和Szirmay-Kalos [878]进一步完善:

Here, Rspec is the directional albedo (Section 9.3) of the specular term, and Rspec is its cosine-weighted average over the hemisphere. The value Rspec can be precomputed using Equation 9.8 or 9.9 and stored in a lookup table. The average Rspec is computed the same way as a similar average we encountered earlier: RsF1 (Equation 9.57). 


The form in Equation 9.65 has some clear similarities to Equation 9.56, which is not surprising, since the Imageworks multiple-bounce specular term is derived from the Kelemen-Szirmay-Kalos coupled diffuse term. However, there is one important difference. Here, instead of RsF1 we use Rspec, the directional albedo of the full specular BRDF term including Fresnel, and with the multiple-bounce specular term fms as well, if one is used. This difference increases the dimensionality of the lookup table for Rspec since it depends not only on the roughness α and elevation angle θ,but on the Fresnel reflectance as well.


In Imageworks’ implementation of the Kelemen-Szirmay-Kalos coupled diffuse term, they use a three-dimensional lookup table, with the index of refraction as the third axis [947]. They found that the inclusion of the multiple-bounce term in the integral made Rspec smoother than RsF1, so a 16×16×16 table was sufficient. Figure 9.41 shows the result.


Figure 9.41. The first and third rows show a specular term added to a Lambertian term. The second and fourth rows show the same specular term used with a Kelemen-Szirmay-Kalos coupled diffuse term. The top two rows have lower roughness values than the bottom two. Within each row,roughness increases from left to right. (Figure courtesy of Christopher Kulla [947].) 


If the BRDF uses the Schlick Fresnel approximation and does not include a multiple-bounce specular term, then the value of F0 can be factored out of the integral. Doing so allows us to use a two-dimensional table for Rspec, storing two quantities in each entry, instead of a three-dimensional table, as discussed by Karis [861]. Alternatively, Lazarov [999] presents an analytic function that is fitted to Rspec, similarly factoring F0 out of the integral to simplify the fitted function.

如果BRDF使用Schlick Fresnel近似,并且不包括多次反射镜面反射项,则F0的值可以从积分中分解出来。这样,我们就可以使用二维表格进行Rspec,在每个条目中存储两个量,而不是像Karis [861]所讨论的那样使用三维表格。或者,拉扎洛夫[999]提出了一个适合Rspec的解析函数,类似地将F0从积分中分解出来以简化拟合函数。

Both Karis and Lazarov use the specular directional albedo Rspec for a different purpose, related to image-based lighting. More details on that technique can be found in Section 10.5.2. If both techniques are implemented in the same application, then the same table lookups can be used for both, increasing efficiency.


These models were developed by considering the implications of energy conservation between the surface (specular) and subsurface (diffuse) terms. Other models have been developed from physical principles. Many of these models rely on the work of Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910–1995), who developed a BRDF model for a semiinfinite, isotropically scattering volume. As demonstrated by Kulla and Conty [947], if the mean free path is sufficiently short, this BRDF model is a perfect match for a scattering volume of arbitrary shape. The Chandrasekhar BRDF can be found in his book [253], though a more accessible form using familiar rendering notation can be found in Equations 30 and 31 of a paper by Dupuy et al. [397].

这些模型是通过考虑表面(镜面)和次表面(漫射)项之间能量守恒的含义而开发的。其他模型是从物理原理发展而来的。其中许多模型依赖于苏布拉马尼扬·钱德拉塞卡(1910–1995)的工作,他开发了一个用于半无限各向同性散射体的BRDF模型。正如Kulla和Conty [947]所证明的,如果平均自由程足够短,该BRDF模型与任意形状的散射体完全匹配。Chandrasekhar BRDF可以在他的书[253]中找到,尽管在Dupuy等人[397]的一篇论文的方程30和31中可以找到使用熟悉的渲染符号的更容易获得的形式。

Since it does not include refraction, the Chandrasekhar BRDF can be used to model only index-matched surfaces. These are surfaces where the index of refraction is the same on both sides, as in Figure 9.11 on page 304. To model non-indexmatched surfaces, the BRDF must be modified to account for refraction where the light enters and exits the surface. This modification is the focus of work by Hanrahan and Krueger [662] and Wolff [1898].

由于不包括折射,Chandrasekhar BRDF只能用于模拟折射率匹配的表面。这些表面的折射率在两侧是相同的,如图9.11所示。为了模拟非指数匹配的表面,必须修改BRDF以考虑光进入和离开表面的折射。这种修改是汉拉汉和克鲁格[662]和沃尔夫[1898]的工作重点。





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