Real-Time Rendering——9.13.1 Filtering Normals and Normal Distributions过滤法线和正态分布

The lion’s share of material filtering artifacts (primarily from specular aliasing), as well as the most frequently used solutions for them, are related to the filtering of normals and normal distribution functions. Because of its importance, we will discuss this aspect in some depth.


To understand why these artifacts occur and how to solve them, recall that the NDF is a statistical description of subpixel surface structure. When the distance between the camera and surface increases, surface structures that previously covered multiple pixels may be reduced to subpixel size, moving from the realm of bump maps into the realm of the NDF. This transition is intimately tied to the mipmap chain,which encapsulates the reduction of texture details to subpixel size.


Consider how the appearance of an object, such as the cylinder at the left in Figure 9.49, is modeled for rendering. Appearance modeling always assumes a certain scale of observation. Macroscale (large-scale) geometry is modeled as triangles, mesoscale (middle-scale) geometry is modeled as textures, and microscale geometry, smaller than a single pixel, is modeled via the BRDF.


Figure 9.49. On the left, the cylinder is rendered with the original normal map. In the center, a much lower-resolution normal map containing averaged and renormalized normals is used, as shown in the bottom left of Figure 9.50. On the right, the cylinder is rendered with textures at the same low resolution, but containing normal and gloss values fitted to the ideal NDF, as shown in the bottom right of Figure 9.50. The image on the right is a significantly better representation of the original appearance. This surface will also be less prone to aliasing when rendered at low resolution. (Image courtesy of Patrick Conran, ILM.)

图9.49。在左侧,圆柱体使用原始法线贴图进行渲染。在中心,使用了一个分辨率低得多的法线贴图,包含了平均的和重正化的法线,如图9.50的左下方所示。在右边,圆柱体以同样低的分辨率渲染纹理,但是包含符合理想NDF的法线和光泽值,如图9.50的右下角所示。右边的图像更好地再现了原始外观。当以低分辨率渲染时,该表面也不容易出现锯齿。(图片由ILM的Patrick Conran提供。)

Figure 9.50. Part of the surface from Figure 9.49. The top row shows the normal distributions (the mean normal shown in red) and the implied microgeometry. The bottom row shows three ways to average the four NDFs into one, as done in mipmapping. On the left is the ground truth (averaging the normal distributions), the center shows the result of averaging the mean (normal) and variance (roughness) separately, and the right shows an NDF lobe fitted to the averaged NDF. 


Given the scale shown in the image, it is appropriate to model the cylinder as a smooth mesh (macroscale) and to represent the bumps with a normal map (mesoscale). A Beckmann NDF with a fixed roughness αb is chosen to model the microscale normal distribution. This combined representation models the cylinder appearance well at this scale. But, what happens when the scale of observation changes?


Study Figure 9.50. The black-framed figure at the top shows a small part of the surface, covered by four normal-map texels. Assume that we are rendering the surface at a scale such that each normal map texel is covered by one pixel on average. For each texel, the normal (which is the average, or mean, of the distribution) is shown as a red arrow, surrounded by the Beckmann NDF, shown in black. The normals and NDF implicitly specify an underlying surface structure, shown in cross section. The large hump in the middle is one of the bumps from the normal map, and the small wiggles are the microscale surface structure. Each texel in the normal map, combined with the roughness, can be seen as collecting the distribution of normals across the surface area covered by the texel.


 Now assume that the camera has moved further from the object, so that one pixel covers all four of the normal map texels. The ideal representation of the surface at this resolution would exactly represent the distribution of all normals collected across the larger surface area covered by each pixel. This distribution could be found by averaging the NDFs in the four texels of the top-level mipmap. The lower left figure shows this ideal normal distribution. This result, if used for rendering, would most accurately represent the appearance of the surface at this lower resolution.


The bottom center figure shows the result of separately averaging the normals, the mean of each distribution, and the roughness, which corresponds to the width of each. The result has the correct average normal (in red), but the distribution is too narrow. This error will cause the surface to appear too smooth. Worse, since the NDF is so narrow, it will tend to cause aliasing, in the form of flickering highlights.


We cannot represent the ideal normal distribution directly with the Beckmann NDF. However, if we use a roughness map, the Beckmann roughness αb can be varied from texel to texel. Imagine that, for each ideal NDF, we find the oriented Beckmann lobe that matches it most closely, both in orientation and overall width. We store the center direction of this Beckmann lobe in the normal map, and its roughness value in the roughness map. The results are shown on the bottom right. This NDF is much closer to the ideal. The appearance of the cylinder can be represented much more faithfully with this process than with simple normal averaging, as can be seen in Figure 9.49.


For best results, filtering operations such as mipmapping should be applied to normal distributions, not normals or roughness values. Doing so implies a slightly different way to think about the relationship between the NDFs and the normals. Typically the NDF is defined in the local tangent space determined by the normal map’s per-pixel normal. However, when filtering NDFs across different normals, it is more useful to think of the combination of the normal map and roughness map as defining a skewed NDF (one that does not average to a normal pointing straight up) in the tangent space of the underlying geometrical surface.


Early attempts to solve the NDF filtering problem [91, 284, 658] used numerical optimization to fit one or more NDF lobes to the averaged distribution. This approach suffers from robustness and speed issues, and is not used much today. Instead, most techniques currently in use work by computing the variance of the normal distribution. Toksvig [1774] makes a clever observation that if normals are averaged and not renormalized, the length of the averaged normal correlates inversely with the width of the normal distribution. That is, the more the original normals point in different directions, the shorter the normal averaged from them. He presents a method to modify the NDF roughness parameter based on this normal length. Evaluating the BRDF with the modified roughness approximates the spreading effect of the filtered normals.

解决NDF滤波问题的早期尝试[91,284,658]使用数值优化将一个或多个NDF波瓣拟合到平均分布。这种方法存在鲁棒性和速度问题,现在已经不怎么使用了。相反,目前使用的大多数技术是通过计算正态分布的方差来工作的。Toksvig [1774]做了一个巧妙的观察,如果法线被平均并且没有重正化,平均法线的长度与法线分布的宽度成反比。也就是说,原始法线指向不同的方向越多,从它们平均得到的法线就越短。他提出了一种基于该法向长度来修改NDF粗糙度参数的方法。用修改的粗糙度评估BRDF近似于过滤法线的扩散效果。

Toksvig’s original equation was intended for use with the Blinn-Phong NDF:

Toksvig的原始方程旨在用于Blinn-Phong NDF:

where αp is the original roughness parameter value, α′p is the modified value, and is the length of the averaged normal. The equation can also be used with the Beckmann NDF by applying the equivalence (fromWalter et al. [1833]),since the shapes of the two NDFs are quite close. Using the method with GGX is less straightforward, since there is no clear equivalence between GGX and Blinn-Phong (or Beckmann). Using the αb equivalence for αg gives the same value at the center of the highlight, but the highlight appearance is quite different. More troubling, the variance of the GGX distribution is undefined, which puts this variance-based family of techniques on shaky theoretical ground when used with GGX. Despite these theoretical difficulties, it is fairly common to use Equation 9.76 with the GGX distribution, typically using . Doing so works reasonably well in practice.


其中,αp是原始粗糙度参数值,α′p是修正值,是平均法线的长度。由于两种NDF的形状非常接近,通过应用等价关系(fromWalter等人[1833]),该方程也可用于Beckmann NDF。用GGX的方法就不那么简单了,因为在GGX和Blinn-Phong(或Beckmann)之间没有明确的等价关系。对αg使用αb等价会在高光的中心给出相同的值,但是高光的外观会有很大的不同。更麻烦的是,GGX分布的方差是不确定的,这使得这种基于方差的技术在与GGX一起使用时,其理论基础摇摇欲坠。尽管存在这些理论上的困难,但将方程9.76与GGX分布结合使用还是很常见的,通常使用。这样做在实践中相当有效。

Toksvig’s method has the advantage of accounting for normal variance introduced by GPU texture filtering. It also works with the simplest normal mipmapping scheme, linear averaging without normalization. This feature is particularly useful for dynamically generated normal maps such as water ripples, for which mipmap generation must be done on the fly. The method is not as good for static normal maps, since it does not work well with prevailing methods of compressing normal maps. These compression methods rely on the normal being of unit length. Since Toksvig’s method relies on the length of the average normal varying, normal maps used with it may have to remain uncompressed. Even then, storing the shortened normals can result in precision issues. 


Olano and Baker’s LEAN mapping technique [1320] is based on mapping the covariance matrix of the normal distribution. Like Toksvig’s technique, it works well with GPU texture filtering and linear mipmapping. It also supports anisotropic normal distributions. Similarly to Toksvig’s method, LEAN mapping works well with dynamically generated normals, but to avoid precision issues, it requires a large amount of storage when used with static normals. A similar technique was independently developed by Hery et al. [731, 732] and used in Pixar’s animated films to render subpixel details such as metal flakes and small scratches. A simpler variant of LEAN mapping, CLEAN mapping [93], requires less storage at the cost of losing anisotropy support. LEADR mapping [395, 396] extends LEAN mapping to also account for the visibility effects of displacement mapping.


The majority of normal maps used in real-time applications are static, rather than dynamically generated. For such maps, the variance mapping family of techniques is commonly used. In these techniques, when the normal map’s mipmap chain is generated, the variance that was lost through averaging is computed. Hill [739] notes that the mathematical formulations of Toksvig’s technique, LEAN mapping, and CLEAN mapping could each be used to precompute variance in this way, which removes many of the disadvantages of these techniques when used in their original forms. In some cases the precomputed variance values are stored in the mipmap chain of a separate variance texture. More often, these values are used to modify the mipmap chain of an existing roughness map. For example, this method is employed in the variancemapping technique used in the game Call of Duty: Black Ops [998]. The modified roughness values are computed by converting the original roughness values to variance values, adding in the variance from the normal map, and converting the result back to roughness. For the game The Order: 1886, Neubelt and Pettineo [1266, 1267] use a technique by Han [658] in a similar way. They convolve the normal map NDF with the NDF of their BRDF’s specular term, convert the result to roughness, and store it in a roughness map.

实时应用中使用的大多数法线贴图是静态的,而不是动态生成的。对于这样的地图,方差映射技术族是常用的。在这些技术中,当法线贴图的小中见大贴图链被生成时,通过平均丢失的方差被计算。Hill [739]指出,Toksvig技术的数学公式、精益映射和干净映射都可以用于以这种方式预计算方差,这消除了这些技术以原始形式使用时的许多缺点。在某些情况下,预计算的方差值存储在单独的方差纹理的小中见大贴图链中。更常见的是,这些值用于修改现有粗糙度贴图的中值贴图链。例如,游戏《使命召唤:黑色行动[998]》中使用的变量映射技术就采用了这种方法。通过将原始粗糙度值转换为方差值,加上来自法线贴图的方差,并将结果转换回粗糙度,来计算修改的粗糙度值。在游戏《秩序:1886》中,纽贝尔特和佩提尼奥[1266,1267]以类似的方式使用了韩[658]的技巧。他们将法线贴图NDF与BRDF的镜面反射项的NDF进行卷积,将结果转换为粗糙度,并将其存储在粗糙度贴图中。

 For improved results at the cost of some extra storage, variance can be computed in the texture-space x- and y-directions and stored in an anisotropic roughness map [384, 740, 1823]. By itself this technique is limited to axis-aligned anisotropy, which is typical in man-made surfaces but less so in naturally occurring ones. At the cost of storing one more value, oriented anisotropy can be supported as well [740].


Unlike the original forms of Toksvig, LEAN, and CLEAN mapping, variance mapping techniques do not account for variance introduced by GPU texture filtering. To compensate for this, variance mapping implementations often convolve the top-level mip of the normal map with a small filter [740, 998]. When combining multiple normal maps, e.g., detail normal mapping [106], care needs to be taken to combine the variance of the normal maps correctly [740, 960].


 Normal variance can be introduced by high-curvature geometry as well as normal maps. Artifacts resulting from this variance are not mitigated by the previously discussed techniques. A different set of methods exists to address geometry normal variance. If a unique texture mapping exists over the geometry (often the case with characters, less so with environments) then the geometry curvature can be “baked” into the roughness map [740]. The curvature can also be estimated on the fly, using pixel-shader derivative instructions [740, 857, 1229, 1589, 1775, 1823]. This estimation can be done when rendering the geometry, or in a post-process pass, if a normal buffer is available.


The approaches discussed so far focus on specular response, but normal variance can affect diffuse shading as well. Taking account of the effect of normal variance on the n · l term can help increase accuracy of both diffuse and specular shading since both are multiplied by this factor in the reflectance integral [740].

到目前为止,讨论的方法主要集中在镜面反射上,但是法线变化也会影响漫反射着色。考虑正态方差对n · l项的影响有助于提高漫反射和镜面反射阴影的精确度,因为两者都在反射积分中乘以该因子【740】。

Variance mapping techniques approximate the normal distribution as a smooth Gaussian lobe. This is a reasonable approximation if every pixel covers hundreds of thousands of bumps, so that they all average out smoothly. However, in many cases a pixel many cover only a few hundred or a few thousand bumps, which can lead to a “glinty” appearance. An example of this can be seen in Figure 9.25 on page 328, which is a sequence of images showing a sphere with bumps that diminish in size from image to image. The bottom right image shows the result when the bumps are small enough to average into a smooth highlight, but the images on the bottom left and bottom center show bumps that are smaller than a pixel but not small enough to average smoothly. If you were to observe an animated rendering of these spheres, the noisy highlight would appear as glints that sparkle in and out from frame to frame.


If we were to plot the NDF of such a surface, it would look like the left image in Figure 9.51. As the sphere animates, the h vector moves over the NDF and crosses over bright and dark areas, which causes the “sparkly” appearance. If we were to use variance mapping techniques on this surface, it would effectively approximate this NDF with a smooth NDF similar to the one on the right of Figure 9.51, losing the sparkly details.


Figure 9.51. On the left is the NDF of a small patch (a few dozen bumps on a side) of a random bumpy surface. On the right is a Beckmann NDF lobe of approximately the same width. (Image courtesy of Miloˇs Haˇsan.) 

图9.51。左侧是随机凹凸表面的一小块(一侧有几十个凸起)的NDF。右边是一个宽度大致相同的贝克曼NDF瓣。(图片由Milos Hasan提供。)

In the film industry this is often solved with extensive supersampling, which is not feasible in real-time rendering applications and undesirable even in offline rendering.Several techniques have been developed to address this issue. Some are unsuitable for real-time use, but may suggest avenues for future research [84, 810, 1941, 1942]. Two techniques have been designed for real-time implementation. Wang and Bowles [187, 1837] present a technique that is used to render sparkling snow in the game Disney Infinity 3.0. The technique aims to produce a plausible sparkly appearance rather than simulating a particular NDF. It is intended for use on materials such as snow that have relatively sparse sparkles. Zirr and Kaplanyan’s technique [1974] simulates normal distributions on multiple scales, is spatially and temporally stable, and allows for a wider variety of appearances.


We do not have space to cover all of the extensive literature on material filtering, so we will mention a few notable references. Bruneton et al. [204] present a technique for handling variance on ocean surfaces across scales from geometry to BRDF, including environment lighting. Schilling [1565] discusses a variance mapping-like technique that supports anisotropic shading with environment maps. Bruneton and Neyret [205] provide a thorough overview of earlier work in this area.

我们没有足够的空间来涵盖所有关于材料过滤的大量文献,因此我们将提到一些值得注意的参考文献。Bruneton等人[204]提出了一种技术,用于处理从几何到BRDF范围内海洋表面的变化,包括环境照明。Schilling [1565]讨论了一种支持环境贴图各向异性着色的类似方差贴图的技术。Bruneton和Neyret [205]对该领域的早期工作进行了全面概述。

Further Reading and Resources进一步阅读和资源

McGuire’s Graphics Codex [1188] and Glassner’s Principles of Digital Image Synthesis [543, 544] are good references for many of the topics covered in this chapter. Some parts of Dutr´e’s Global Illumination Compendium [399] are a bit dated (the BRDF models section in particular), but it is a good reference for rendering mathematics (e.g., spherical and hemispherical integrals). Glassner’s and Dutr´e’s references are both freely available online.

McGuire的Graphics Codex [1188]和Glassner的数字图像合成原理[543,544]是本章涵盖的许多主题的良好参考。Dutr e的全球照明纲要[399]的一些部分有点过时(特别是BRDF模型部分),但它是渲染数学的一个很好的参考(例如,球形和半球形积分)。Glassner和Dutr e的参考资料都可以在网上免费获得。

For the reader curious to learn more about the interactions of light and matter, we recommend Feynman’s incomparable lectures [469] (available online), which were invaluable to our own understanding when writing the physics parts of this chapter. Other useful references include Introduction to Modern Optics by Fowles [492], which is a short and accessible introductory text, and Principles of Optics by Born and Wolf [177], a heavier (figuratively and literally) book that provides a more in-depth overview. The Physics and Chemistry of Color by Nassau [1262] describes the physical phenomena behind the colors of objects in great thoroughness and detail.


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