Real-Time Rendering——10.1 Area Light Sources区域光源

In Chapter 9 we described idealized, infinitesimal light sources: punctual and directional. Figure 10.3 shows the incident hemisphere on a surface point, and the difference between an infinitesimal source and an area light source with a nonzero size. The light source on the left uses the definitions discussed in Section 9.4. It illuminates the surface from a single direction lc. Its brightness is represented by its color clight, defined as the reflected radiance from a white Lambertian surface facing toward the light. The point or directional light’s contribution to the outgoing radiance Lo(v) in direction v is (note the x+ notation for clamping negative numbers to zero,introduced in Section 1.2). Alternatively, the brightness of the area light source (on the right) is represented by its radiance Ll. The area light subtends a solid angle ωl from the surface location. Its contribution to the outgoing radiance in direction v is the integral of .


Figure 10.3. A surface illuminated by a light source, considering the hemisphere of possible incoming light directions defined by the surface normal n. On the left, the light source is infinitesimal. On the right, it is modeled as an area light source. 


The fundamental approximation behind infinitesimal light sources is expressed in the following equation:


The amount that an area light source contributes to the illumination of a surface location is a function of both its radiance (Ll) and its size as seen from that location (ωl).As we have seen in Section 9.4, point and directional light sources are approximations that cannot be realized in practice since their zero solid angle implies an infinite radiance. Understanding the visual errors that are introduced by the approximation will help to know when to use it, and what approach to take when it cannot be used.These errors will depend on two factors: how large the light source is, measured by the solid angle it covers from the shaded point, and how glossy the surface is. 


Figure 10.4 shows how the specular highlight size and shape on a surface depends on both the material roughness and the size of the light source. For a small light source, one that subtends a tiny solid angle compared to the view angle, the error is small. Rough surfaces also tend to show the effect of the light source size less than polished ones. In general, both the area light emission toward a surface point and the specular lobe of the surface BRDF are spherical functions. If we consider the set of directions where the contributions of these two functions are significant, we obtain two solid angles. The determining factor in the error is proportional to the relative size of the emission angle compared to the size of the BRDF specular highlight solid angle.


Figure 10.4. From left to right, the material of the sphere increases in surface roughness, using the GGX BRDF. The rightmost image replicates the first in the series, flipped vertically. Notice how the highlight and shading caused by a large disk light on a low-roughness material can look similar to the highlight caused by a smaller light source on a much rougher material. 

图10.4。使用GGX BRDF,从左到右,球体材料的表面粗糙度增加。最右边的图像复制了系列中的第一个图像,垂直翻转。请注意,在低粗糙度材质上由大圆盘光源产生的高光和阴影看起来与在粗糙得多的材质上由小光源产生的高光相似。

Finally, note that the highlight from an area light can be approximated by using a punctual light and increasing the surface roughness. This observation is useful for deriving less-costly approximations to the area light integral. It also explains why in practice many real-time rendering system produce plausible results using only punctual sources: Artists compensate for the error. However, doing so is detrimental,as it couples material properties with the particular lighting setup. Content created this way will not look right when the lighting scenario is altered.


For the special case of Lambertian surfaces, using a point light for an area light can be exact. For such surfaces, the outgoing radiance is proportional to the irradiance:


 where ρss is the subsurface albedo, or diffuse color, of the surface (Section 9.9.1).This relationship lets us use the equivalent of Equation 10.1 for computing irradiance,which is much simpler:


The concept of vector irradiance is useful to understand how irradiance behaves in the presence of area light sources. Vector irradiance was introduced by Gershun [526], who called it the light vector, and further extended by Arvo [73]. Using vector irradiance, an area light source of arbitrary size and shape can be accurately converted into a point or directional light source. 

矢量辐照度的概念有助于理解在存在面光源的情况下辐照度的行为。矢量辐照度由Gershun [526]引入,他称之为光矢量,并由Arvo [73]进一步扩展。使用矢量辐照度,可以将任意大小和形状的面光源精确地转换为点光源或方向光源。

Imagine a distribution of radiance Li coming into a point p in space. See Figure 10.5. We will assume for now that Li is wavelength-independent and thus can be represented as a scalar. For every infinitesimal solid angle dl centered on an incoming direction l, a vector is constructed that is aligned with l and has a length equal to the(scalar) radiance incoming from that direction times dl. Finally, all these vectors are summed to produce the vector irradiance e:


where  indicates that the integral is performed over the entire sphere of directions. 


Figure 10.5. Computation of vector irradiance. Left: point p is surrounded by light sources of various shapes, sizes, and radiance distributions. The brightness of the yellow color indicates the amount of radiance emitted. The orange arrows are vectors pointing in all directions from which there is any incoming radiance, and each length is equal to the amount of radiance coming from that direction times the infinitesimal solid angle covered by the arrow. In principle there should be an infinite number of arrows. Right: the vector irradiance (large orange arrow) is the sum of all these vectors.The vector irradiance can be used to compute the net irradiance of any plane at point p. 


The vector irradiance e can be used to find the net irradiance at p through a plane of any orientation by performing a dot product:

矢量辐照度e可以用来求出p点穿过平面的净辐照度 通过执行点积获得任意方向:

where n is the normal to the plane. The net irradiance through a plane is the difference between the irradiance flowing through the “positive side” of the plane (defined by the plane normal n) and that flowing through the “negative side.” By itself, the net irradiance is not useful for shading. However, if no radiance is emitted through the “negative side” (in other words, the light distribution being analyzed has no parts for which the angle between l and n exceeds 90◦), then E(p,−n) = 0 and 

其中n是平面的法线。穿过平面的净辐照度是穿过平面“正侧”的辐照度(由平面法线n定义)和穿过“负侧”的辐照度之差就其本身而言,净辐照度对于着色是没有用的。然而,如果没有辐射从“负侧”发出(换句话说,被分析的光分布没有l和n之间的角度超过90°的部分),则E(p,−n) = 0,并且

 The vector irradiance of a single area light source can be used with Equation 10.6 to light Lambertian surfaces with any normal n, as long as n does not face more than 90◦ away from any part of the area light source. See Figure 10.6.


Figure 10.6. Vector irradiance of a single area light source. On the left, the arrows represent the vectors used to compute the vector irradiance. On the right, the large orange arrow is the vector irradiance e. The red dashed lines represent the extent of the light source, and the red vectors (each perpendicular to one of the red dashed lines) define the limits of the set of surface normals. Normals outside this set will have an angle greater than 90◦ with some part of the area light source. Such normals cannot use e to compute their irradiance correctly.


If our assumption that Li is wavelength-independent does not hold, then in the general case we can no longer define a single vector e. However, colored lights often have the same relative spectral distribution at all points, which means that we can factor Li into a color c′ and a wavelength-independent radiance distribution L′i. In this case we can compute e for L′i and extend Equation 10.6 by multiplying n · e by c′. Doing so results in the same equation used to compute the irradiance from a directional light source, with the following substitutions:

如果我们关于Li与波长无关的假设不成立,那么在一般情况下,我们不能再定义单个向量e。然而,彩色光通常在所有点上具有相同的相对光谱分布,这意味着我们可以将Li分解为颜色c’和与波长无关的辐射分布L’I。在这种情况下,我们可以计算L’I的e,并通过将n · e乘以c’来扩展方程10.6。这样做的结果与用于计算定向光源辐照度的等式相同,但有以下替换:


We have effectively converted an area light source of arbitrary shape and size to a directional light source—without introducing any error. 

我们已经有效地将任意形状和大小的面光源转换成 定向光源——不会引入任何误差。

Equation 10.4 for finding the vector irradiance can be solved analytically for simple cases. For example, imagine a spherical light source with a center at pl and a radius rl. The light emits a constant radiance Ll from every point on the sphere, in all directions. For such a light source, Equations 10.4 and 10.7 yield the following:


This equation is the same as an omni light (Section 5.2.2) with clight0 = Ll, r0 = rl,and the standard inverse square distance falloff function. This falloff function can be adjusted to account for points inside the sphere, and to bound the light influence to a given maximum distance. More details on such adjustments can be found in Section 5.2.2. 

该等式与clight0 = Ll,r0 = rl的泛光灯(第5.2.2节)以及标准的平方距离倒数falloff函数相同。可以调整该衰减函数,以考虑球体内部的点,并将灯光影响限制在给定的最大距离。有关此类调整的更多详细信息,请参见第5.2.2节。

All this is correct only if there is no “negative side” irradiance. Another way to think about it is that no parts of the area light source can be “under the horizon,” or occluded by the surface. We can generalize this statement. For Lambertian surfaces,all disparities between area and point light sources result from occlusion differences.The irradiance from a point light source obeys a cosine law for all normals for which the light is not occluded. Snyder derived an analytic expression for a spherical light source, taking occlusion into account [1671]. This expression is quite complex. However, since it depends on only two quantities (r/rl and θi, the angle between n and lc), it can be precomputed into a two-dimensional texture. Snyder also gives two functional approximations that are amenable for real-time rendering.


 In Figure 10.4 we saw that the effects of area lighting are less noticeable for rough surfaces. This observation allows us also to use a less physically based but still effective method for modeling the effects of area lights on Lambertian surfaces: wrap lighting.In this technique, some simple modification is done to the value of n · l before it is clamped to 0. One form of wrap lighting is given by Forsyth [487]:

在图10.4中,我们看到粗糙表面的区域照明效果不太明显。这种观察还允许我们使用一种物理基础较弱但仍然有效的方法来模拟区域光在朗伯曲面上的效果:包裹照明。在这种技术中,在n · l 的值被箝位到0之前,对其进行一些简单的修改。Forsyth [487]给出了包裹照明的一种形式:

where kwrap ranges from 0, for point light sources, to 1, for area light sources covering the entire hemisphere. Another form that mimics the effect of a large area light source is used by Valve [1222]: 


In general, if we compute area lighting, we should also modify our shadowing computations to take into account a non-punctual source. If we do not, some of the visual effect can be canceled out by the harsh shadows [193]. Soft shadows are perhaps the most visible effect of area light sources, as discussed in Chapter 7. 


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