
29 篇文章 1 订阅
27 篇文章 2 订阅
void test_detector(char *datacfg, char *cfgfile, char *weightfile, char *filename, float thresh, float hier_thresh, char *outfile, int fullscreen)
    list *options = read_data_cfg(datacfg);
    char *name_list = option_find_str(options, "names", "data/names.list");
    char **names = get_labels(name_list);

    image **alphabet = load_alphabet();
    /*image **load_alphabet()
	    int i, j;
	    const int nsize = 8;
	    image **alphabets = calloc(nsize, sizeof(image));
	    for(j = 0; j < nsize; ++j){
	        alphabets[j] = calloc(128, sizeof(image));
	        for(i = 32; i < 127; ++i){
	            char buff[256];
	            sprintf(buff, "data/labels/%d_%d.png", i, j);
	            alphabets[j][i] = load_image_color(buff, 0, 0);
	    return alphabets;

	image load_image_color(char *filename, int w, int h)
	    return load_image(filename, w, h, 3);
	image load_image(char *filename, int w, int h, int c)
	#ifdef OPENCV
	    image out = load_image_cv(filename, c);
	    image out = load_image_stb(filename, c);
	    if((h && w) && (h != out.h || w != out.w)){
	        image resized = resize_image(out, w, h);
	        out = resized;
	    return out;
    network *net = load_network(cfgfile, weightfile, 0);
    set_batch_network(net, 1);
    /*void set_batch_network(network *net, int b)
	    net->batch = b;
	    int i;
	    for(i = 0; i < net->n; ++i){
	        net->layers[i].batch = b;
    double time;
    char buff[256];
    char *input = buff;
    float nms=.45;//设置非极大值抑制的阈值
            strncpy(input, filename, 256);
        } else {//如果不存在图像,则提醒输入图像,并将输入赋到input中否则退出
            printf("Enter Image Path: ");
            input = fgets(input, 256, stdin);
            if(!input) return;
            strtok(input, "\n");
        image im = load_image_color(input,0,0);
        image sized = letterbox_image(im, net->w, net->h);
        layer l = net->layers[net->n-1];
        float *X = sized.data;
        network_predict(net, X);
        printf("%s: Predicted in %f seconds.\n", input, what_time_is_it_now()-time);
        int nboxes = 0;
        detection *dets = get_network_boxes(net, im.w, im.h, thresh, hier_thresh, 0, 1, &nboxes);
        if (nms) do_nms_sort(dets, nboxes, l.classes, nms);
        draw_detections(im, dets, nboxes, thresh, names, alphabet, l.classes);
        free_detections(dets, nboxes);
            save_image(im, outfile);
            save_image(im, "predictions");
#ifdef OPENCV
            make_window("predictions", 512, 512, 0);
            show_image(im, "predictions", 0);

        if (filename) break;

*detection dets = get_network_boxes(net, im.w, im.h, thresh, hier_thresh, 0, 1, &nboxes);

detection *get_network_boxes(network *net, int w, int h, float thresh, float hier, int *map, int relative, int *num)
    detection *dets = make_network_boxes(net, thresh, num);
    fill_network_boxes(net, w, h, thresh, hier, map, relative, dets);
    return dets;

*detection dets = make_network_boxes(net, thresh, num);

typedef struct detection{
    box bbox;
    int classes;
    float *prob;
    float *mask;
    float objectness;
    int sort_class;
} detection;
detection *make_network_boxes(network *net, float thresh, int *num)
    layer l = net->layers[net->n - 1];
    int i;
    int nboxes = num_detections(net, thresh);
    if(num) *num = nboxes;
    detection *dets = calloc(nboxes, sizeof(detection));
    for(i = 0; i < nboxes; ++i){
        dets[i].prob = calloc(l.classes, sizeof(float));
        if(l.coords > 4){//yolov3没有设置coord,故其默认值为0,不会运行
            dets[i].mask = calloc(l.coords-4, sizeof(float));
    return dets;

int nboxes = num_detections(net, thresh);

int num_detections(network *net, float thresh)
    int i;
    int s = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < net->n; ++i){
        layer l = net->layers[i];
        if(l.type == YOLO){
            s += yolo_num_detections(l, thresh);
        if(l.type == DETECTION || l.type == REGION){
            s += l.w*l.h*l.n;
    return s;

yolo_num_detections(l, thresh);

int yolo_num_detections(layer l, float thresh)
    int i, n;
    int count = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < l.w*l.h; ++i){
        for(n = 0; n < l.n; ++n){
            int obj_index  = entry_index(l, 0, n*l.w*l.h + i, 4);
            if(l.output[obj_index] > thresh){
    return count;

fill_network_boxes(net, w, h, thresh, hier, map, relative, dets);

void fill_network_boxes(network *net, int w, int h, float thresh, float hier, int *map, int relative, detection *dets)
    int j;
    for(j = 0; j < net->n; ++j){
        layer l = net->layers[j];
        if(l.type == YOLO){//若是yolo层,则运行下面代码
            int count = get_yolo_detections(l, w, h, net->w, net->h, thresh, map, relative, dets);
            dets += count;
        if(l.type == REGION){
            get_region_detections(l, w, h, net->w, net->h, thresh, map, hier, relative, dets);
            dets += l.w*l.h*l.n;
        if(l.type == DETECTION){
            get_detection_detections(l, w, h, thresh, dets);
            dets += l.w*l.h*l.n;

int count = get_yolo_detections(l, w, h, net->w, net->h, thresh, map, relative, dets);

int get_yolo_detections(layer l, int w, int h, int netw, int neth, float thresh, int *map, int relative, detection *dets)
    int i,j,n;
    float *predictions = l.output;
    if (l.batch == 2) avg_flipped_yolo(l);//之前已经设为了1,不会运行
    int count = 0;
    //遍历该yolo层所有的grid cell
    for (i = 0; i < l.w*l.h; ++i){
        int row = i / l.w;
        int col = i % l.w;
        for(n = 0; n < l.n; ++n){
            int obj_index  = entry_index(l, 0, n*l.w*l.h + i, 4);
            float objectness = predictions[obj_index];
            if(objectness <= thresh) continue;
            int box_index  = entry_index(l, 0, n*l.w*l.h + i, 0);
            dets[count].bbox = get_yolo_box(predictions, l.biases, l.mask[n], box_index, col, row, l.w, l.h, netw, neth, l.w*l.h);
            dets[count].objectness = objectness;
            dets[count].classes = l.classes;
            for(j = 0; j < l.classes; ++j){
                int class_index = entry_index(l, 0, n*l.w*l.h + i, 4 + 1 + j);
                float prob = objectness*predictions[class_index];
                dets[count].prob[j] = (prob > thresh) ? prob : 0;
    correct_yolo_boxes(dets, count, w, h, netw, neth, relative);
    return count;

correct_yolo_boxes(dets, count, w, h, netw, neth, relative);

void correct_yolo_boxes(detection *dets, int n, int w, int h, int netw, int neth, int relative)
	//w 和 h 是输入图片的尺寸,netw 和 neth 是网络输入尺寸
    int i;
    int new_w=0;
    int new_h=0;
    if (((float)netw/w) < ((float)neth/h)) {
        new_w = netw;
        new_h = (h * netw)/w;
    } else {
        new_h = neth;
        new_w = (w * neth)/h;
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i){
        box b = dets[i].bbox;
        b.x =  (b.x - (netw - new_w)/2./netw) / ((float)new_w/netw); 
        b.y =  (b.y - (neth - new_h)/2./neth) / ((float)new_h/neth); 
        b.w *= (float)netw/new_w;
        b.h *= (float)neth/new_h;
            b.x *= w;
            b.w *= w;
            b.y *= h;
            b.h *= h;
        dets[i].bbox = b;

do_nms_sort(dets, nboxes, l.classes, nms);

void do_nms_sort(detection *dets, int total, int classes, float thresh)
    int i, j, k;
    k = total-1;
    for(i = 0; i <= k; ++i){
        if(dets[i].objectness == 0){
            detection swap = dets[i];
            dets[i] = dets[k];
            dets[k] = swap;
    total = k+1;//将排除后的框数赋给total
    for(k = 0; k < classes; ++k){
        for(i = 0; i < total; ++i){
            dets[i].sort_class = k;
        qsort(dets, total, sizeof(detection), nms_comparator);
        for(i = 0; i < total; ++i){
            if(dets[i].prob[k] == 0) continue;
            box a = dets[i].bbox;
            for(j = i+1; j < total; ++j){
                box b = dets[j].bbox;
                if (box_iou(a, b) > thresh){
                    dets[j].prob[k] = 0;

draw_detections(im, dets, nboxes, thresh, names, alphabet, l.classes);

void draw_detections(image im, detection *dets, int num, float thresh, char **names, image **alphabet, int classes)
    int i,j;
    for(i = 0; i < num; ++i){
        char labelstr[4096] = {0};
        int class = -1;
        for(j = 0; j < classes; ++j){
            if (dets[i].prob[j] > thresh){
                if (class < 0) {
                    strcat(labelstr, names[j]);
                    class = j;
                } else {
                    strcat(labelstr, ", ");
                    strcat(labelstr, names[j]);
                printf("%s: %.0f%%\n", names[j], dets[i].prob[j]*100);
        if(class >= 0){
            int width = im.h * .006;

            int offset = class*123457 % classes;
            float red = get_color(2,offset,classes);
            float green = get_color(1,offset,classes);
            float blue = get_color(0,offset,classes);
            float rgb[3];

            rgb[0] = red;
            rgb[1] = green;
            rgb[2] = blue;
            box b = dets[i].bbox;

            int left  = (b.x-b.w/2.)*im.w;
            int right = (b.x+b.w/2.)*im.w;
            int top   = (b.y-b.h/2.)*im.h;
            int bot   = (b.y+b.h/2.)*im.h;
            if(left < 0) left = 0;
            if(right > im.w-1) right = im.w-1;
            if(top < 0) top = 0;
            if(bot > im.h-1) bot = im.h-1;
            draw_box_width(im, left, top, right, bot, width, red, green, blue);
            if (alphabet) {
                image label = get_label(alphabet, labelstr, (im.h*.03));
                draw_label(im, top + width, left, label, rgb);
            if (dets[i].mask){
                image mask = float_to_image(14, 14, 1, dets[i].mask);
                image resized_mask = resize_image(mask, b.w*im.w, b.h*im.h);
                image tmask = threshold_image(resized_mask, .5);
                embed_image(tmask, im, left, top);

draw_box_width(im, left, top, right, bot, width, red, green, blue);

void draw_box_width(image a, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int w, float r, float g, float b)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < w; ++i){//遍历w个图像像素,防止有些行或列画不出来
        draw_box(a, x1+i, y1+i, x2-i, y2-i, r, g, b);

void draw_box(image a, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, float r, float g, float b)
    int i;
    if(x1 < 0) x1 = 0;
    if(x1 >= a.w) x1 = a.w-1;
    if(x2 < 0) x2 = 0;
    if(x2 >= a.w) x2 = a.w-1;

    if(y1 < 0) y1 = 0;
    if(y1 >= a.h) y1 = a.h-1;
    if(y2 < 0) y2 = 0;
    if(y2 >= a.h) y2 = a.h-1;
    for(i = x1; i <= x2; ++i){
        a.data[i + y1*a.w + 0*a.w*a.h] = r;
        a.data[i + y2*a.w + 0*a.w*a.h] = r;

        a.data[i + y1*a.w + 1*a.w*a.h] = g;
        a.data[i + y2*a.w + 1*a.w*a.h] = g;

        a.data[i + y1*a.w + 2*a.w*a.h] = b;
        a.data[i + y2*a.w + 2*a.w*a.h] = b;
    for(i = y1; i <= y2; ++i){
        a.data[x1 + i*a.w + 0*a.w*a.h] = r;
        a.data[x2 + i*a.w + 0*a.w*a.h] = r;

        a.data[x1 + i*a.w + 1*a.w*a.h] = g;
        a.data[x2 + i*a.w + 1*a.w*a.h] = g;

        a.data[x1 + i*a.w + 2*a.w*a.h] = b;
        a.data[x2 + i*a.w + 2*a.w*a.h] = b;
image get_label(image **characters, char *string, int size)
    size = size/10;
    if(size > 7) size = 7;
    image label = make_empty_image(0,0,0);
    /*image make_empty_image(int w, int h, int c)
	    image out;
	    out.data = 0;
	    out.h = h;
	    out.w = w;
	    out.c = c;
	    return out;
        image l = characters[size][(int)*string];
        image n = tile_images(label, l, -size - 1 + (size+1)/2);
        /*image tile_images(image a, image b, int dx)
		    if(a.w == 0) return copy_image(b);
		    image c = make_image(a.w + b.w + dx, (a.h > b.h) ? a.h : b.h, (a.c > b.c) ? a.c : b.c);
		    fill_cpu(c.w*c.h*c.c, 1, c.data, 1);
		    embed_image(a, c, 0, 0); 
		    composite_image(b, c, a.w + dx, 0);
		    return c;
        label = n;
    image b = border_image(label, label.h*.25);
    return b;


void draw_label(image a, int r, int c, image label, const float *rgb)
    int w = label.w;
    int h = label.h;
    if (r - h >= 0) r = r - h;

    int i, j, k;
    for(j = 0; j < h && j + r < a.h; ++j){
        for(i = 0; i < w && i + c < a.w; ++i){
            for(k = 0; k < label.c; ++k){
                float val = get_pixel(label, i, j, k);
                set_pixel(a, i+c, j+r, k, rgb[k] * val);

(2)将之前获取的符合条件的预测框信息存入detection * dets中,并对每一个预测框每类得分(置信度*该类类别概率)进行判断,如果该预测框的该类得分大于阈值thresh,则将其存入,否则将其得分置为0;

YOLOv8(You Only Look Once version 8)是一个改进版的YOLO(You Only Look Once)系列目标检测算法,它在保持高效的同时提高了准确率。在进行物体检测的测试代码方面,通常涉及以下几个步骤: 1. **安装依赖**:首先需要安装必要的库,如OpenCV、Darknet(YOLOv8的框架)、Python等。 2. **加载模型**:使用Darknet提供的工具(如`darknet detector test`)加载预训练的YOLOv8模型和配置文件(`.cfg`和`.weights`)。 3. **读取输入数据**:读取图像或视频流作为输入,可以是本地文件或网络流。 4. **预测**:调用模型进行物体检测,模型会返回每个检测框的位置、类别和置信度。 5. **结果显示**:将检测结果可视化,通常是在原图上绘制检测框、类别名称以及对应的置信度。 ```python # 示例(仅提供伪代码,实际使用需参考官方文档) import cv2 from darknet import Darknet # 初始化YOLOv8模型 model = Darknet('yolov8.cfg') model.load_weights('yolov8.weights') # 设置输入大小 input_size = model.width # 预处理输入 image = cv2.imread('image.jpg') image = cv2.resize(image, (input_size, input_size)) image = image[:, :, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1) # BGR to RGB, HWC to CHW # 进行预测 predictions = model.detect_image(image) # 可视化结果 for prediction in predictions: class_id, confidence, bbox = prediction x, y, w, h = bbox cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.putText(image, f"{class_id}: {confidence:.2f}", (x, y-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0), 2) # 显示图像 cv2.imshow("YOLOv8 Detection", image) cv2.waitKey(0) ```
评论 2




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