
1823Baron Jons Jackob Berzelius discovered silicon (Si), which today is the basic component of processors.乔斯·杰科布·贝泽利乌斯男爵发现了硅,硅是当今处理器的基本组成部分。
1903Nikola Tesla patented electrical logic circuits called "gates" or "switches" in 1903.1903年,尼古拉·特斯拉获得了被称为“门”或“开关”的电气逻辑电路专利。
1947John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invented the first transistor at the Bell Laboratories on December 23, 1947.1947年12月23日,约翰·巴丁、沃尔特·布拉坦和威廉·肖克利在贝尔实验室发明了第一个晶体管。
1948John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley patented the first transistor in 1948.约翰·巴丁(John Bardeen)、沃尔特·布拉坦(Walter Brattain)和威廉·肖克利(William Shockley)于1948年为第一个晶体管申请专利。
1956John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for their work on the transistor.约翰·巴丁(John Bardeen)、沃尔特·布拉坦(Walter Brattain)和威廉·肖克利(William Shockley)因在晶体管方面的工作而获得诺贝尔物理学奖。
1958The first working integrated circuit was developed by Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor and Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments. The first IC was demonstrated on September 12, 1958. (Geoffrey Dummer is credited as the first person to conceptualize and build a prototype of the integrated circuit.)第一个工作集成电路是由飞兆半导体公司的罗伯特·诺伊斯和德克萨斯仪器公司的杰克·基尔比开发的。1958年9月12日,第一个集成电路进行了演示
1960IBM developed the first automatic mass-production facility for transistors in New York in 1960.1960年,IBM在纽约开发了第一个晶体管自动批量生产设施。
1965On April 19, 1965, Gordon Moore made an observation about integrated circuits that became known as Moore's Law.1965年4月19日,戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)对集成电路进行了观察,称为摩尔定律(Moore’s Law)。
1968Intel Corporation was founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore in 1968.英特尔公司由罗伯特·诺伊斯和戈登·摩尔于1968年创立。
1969AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) was founded on May 1, 1969.AMD(Advanced Micro Devices)成立于1969年5月1日。
1971Intel, with the help of Ted Hoff, introduced the world's first microprocessor, the Intel 4004, on November 15, 1971. The 4004 had 2,300 transistors, performed 60,000 OPS (operations per second), addressed 640 bytes of memory, and cost $200.00.1971年11月15日,Intel在Ted Hoff的帮助下推出了世界上第一台微处理器Intel 4004。该4004具有2300个晶体管,执行60000次操作(每秒操作数),寻址640字节内存,成本为200.00美元。
1972Intel introduced the 8008 processor on April 1, 1972.英特尔于1972年4月1日推出8008处理器。
1974Motorola introduced their first processor in 1974, the MC6800, an 8-bit processor featuring a 1-2 MHz clock frequency.摩托罗拉于1974年推出了第一款处理器MC6800,这是一款具有1-2 MHz时钟频率的8位处理器。
1974Intel's improved microprocessor chip was introduced on April 1, 1974; the 8080 became a standard in the computer industry.英特尔改进的微处理器芯片于1974年4月1日推出;8080成为计算机行业的标准。
1975The MOS Technology 6502 processor was introduced in 1975 as a faster and less expensive version of the Intel 8080. The 6502 was used in video game consoles, like the Atari 2600 and Nintendo Entertainment System, and computers, like the Apple II and Commodore 64.MOS Technology 6502处理器于1975年作为更快、更便宜的Intel 8080版本推出。6502用于视频游戏控制台,如Atari 2600和任天堂娱乐系统,以及计算机,如Apple II和Commodore 64。
1975The MN1610 processor was released by Panafacom in 1975. The MN1610 was the first single-chip 16-bit processor, as reported by Fujitsu.1975年,Panafacom发布了MN1610处理器。据富士通报道,MN16110是第一款16位单芯片处理器。
1976Intel introduced the 8085 processor in March 1976.英特尔于1976年3月推出8085处理器。
1976Zilog released its first processor, the Z80, in July 1976. An 8-bit processor, the Z80 was primarily designed for embedded systems and used in many desktop computers.Zilog于1976年7月发布了其第一款处理器Z80。Z80是一款8位处理器,主要用于嵌入式系统,并用于许多台式计算机。
1978The Intel 8086 was introduced on June 8, 1978.Intel 8086于1978年6月8日推出。
1979The Intel 8088 was released on June 1, 1979.Intel 8088于1979年6月1日发布。
1979 The Motorola 68000, a 16/32-bit processor, was released in 1979 and later chosen as the processor for the Apple Macintosh and Amiga computers.摩托罗拉68000是一款16/32位处理器,于1979年发布,后来被选为苹果Macintosh和Amiga电脑的处理器。
1982National Semiconductor released the 32016 processor, the first 32-bit general use processor, in 1982.1982年,国家半导体公司发布了32016处理器,这是第一个32位通用处理器。
1982The Intel 80286 was introduced on February 1, 1982.Intel 80286于1982年2月1日推出。
1985Acorn Computers completed the development of the first ARM processor prototype, the ARM1 (Acorn RISC Machine 1), on April 26, 1985.1985年4月26日,Acorn Computers完成了第一个ARM处理器原型ARM1(Acorn RISC Machine 1)的开发。
1985Intel introduced the first 80386 in October 1985.英特尔于1985年10月推出了第一款80386。
1987The SPARC processor was first introduced by Sun.SPARC处理器是Sun首次推出的。
1988Intel 80386SX was introduced in 1988.Intel 80386SX于1988年推出。
1989Cyrix released their first coprocessors, the FasMath 83D87 and 83S87, in 1989. These were x87 compatible and designed for 386 computers. The FasMath coprocessors were up to 50% faster than the Intel 80387 processor.Cyrix于1989年发布了他们的第一个协处理器FasMath 83D87和83S87。它们与x87兼容,适用于386台计算机。FasMath协处理器比Intel 80387处理器快50%。
1991AMD introduced the AM386 microprocessor family in March 1991.AMD于1991年3月推出AM386微处理器系列。
1991Intel introduced the Intel 486SX chip in April to help bring a lower-cost processor to the PC market selling for $258.00.英特尔在4月份推出了英特尔486SX芯片,以帮助将低成本处理器推向PC市场,售价为258.00美元。
1992Intel released the 486DX2 chip on March 2, 1992, with a clock doubling ability that generates higher operating speeds.英特尔于1992年3月2日发布了486DX2芯片,该芯片具有倍频能力,可产生更高的操作速度。
1993The first processor based on the 32-bit PowerPC instruction set, the PowerPC 601, was released in 1993. It was developed by the AIM alliance, a partnership between Apple, IBM, and Motorola.第一个基于32位PowerPC指令集的处理器PowerPC 601于1993年发布。它是由AIM联盟开发的,AIM联盟是苹果、IBM和摩托罗拉的合作伙伴。
1993Intel released the Pentium processor on March 22, 1993. The processor was a 60 MHz processor, incorporates 3.1 million transistors, and sells for $878.00.英特尔于1993年3月22日发布了奔腾处理器。该处理器为60MHz处理器,集成310万个晶体管,售价878.00美元。
1993Rise Technology was founded in 1993 by David Lin.Rise Technology由David Lin于1993年创立。
1994Intel released the second generation of Intel Pentium processors on March 7, 1994.英特尔于1994年3月7日发布了第二代英特尔奔腾处理器。
1995Cyrix released the Cx5x86 processor in 1995 to compete with the Intel Pentium processors.Cyrix于1995年发布了Cx5x86处理器,与Intel Pentium处理器竞争。
1995Intel introduced the Intel Pentium Pro in November 1995.Intel于1995年11月推出Intel Pentium Pro。
1996Cyrix released its MediaGX processor in 1996. It combined a processor with sound and video processing on one chip.Cyrix于1996年发布了MediaGX处理器。它将处理器与声音和视频处理结合在一块芯片上。
1996Intel announced the availability of the Pentium 150 MHz with 60 MHz bus and 166 MHz with 66 MHz bus on January 4, 1996.Intel于1996年1月4日宣布推出奔腾150 MHz 60 MHz总线和166 MHz 66 MHz总线。
1996AMD introduced the K5 processor on March 27, 1996, with speeds of 75 MHz to 133 MHz and bus speeds of 50 MHz, 60 MHz, or 66 MHz. The K5 was the first processor developed completely in-house by AMD.AMD于1996年3月27日推出K5处理器,其速度为75 MHz至133 MHz,总线速度为50 MHz、60 MHz或66 MHz。K5是AMD完全自主开发的第一款处理器。
1997AMD released their K6 processor line in April 1997, with speeds of 166 MHz to 300 MHz and a 66 MHz bus speed.AMD于1997年4月发布了K6处理器系列,其速度为166 MHz至300 MHz,总线速度为66 MHz。
1997Intel Pentium II was introduced on May 7, 1997.Intel Pentium II于1997年5月7日推出。
1998AMD introduced their new K6-2 processor line on May 28, 1998, with speeds of 266 MHz to 550 MHz and bus speeds of 66 MHz to 100 MHz. The K6-2 processor was an enhanced version of AMD's K6 processor.AMD于1998年5月28日推出了新的K6-2处理器系列,其速度为266 MHz至550 MHz,总线速度为66 MHz至100 MHz。K6-2处理器是AMD K6处理器的增强版。
1998Intel released the first Xeon processor, the Pentium II Xeon 400 (512 K or 1 M cache, 400 MHz, 100 MHz FSB) in June 1998.Intel于1998年6月发布了第一款Xeon处理器Pentium II Xeon 400(512 K或1 M缓存,400 MHz,100 MHz FSB)。
1999Intel released the Celeron 366 MHz and 400 MHz processors on January 4, 1999.Intel于1999年1月4日发布了Celeron 366 MHz和400 MHz处理器。
1999AMD released its K6-III processors on February 22, 1999, with speeds of 400 MHz or 450 MHz and bus speeds of 66 MHz to 100 MHz. It also featured an on-die L2 cache.AMD于1999年2月22日发布了K6-III处理器,其速度为400 MHz或450 MHz,总线速度为66 MHz至100 MHz。它还具有片上二级缓存功能。
1999The Intel Pentium III 500 MHz was released on February 26, 1999.Intel Pentium III 500 MHz于1999年2月26日发布。
1999The Intel Pentium III 550 MHz was released on May 17, 1999.Intel Pentium III 550 MHz于1999年5月17日发布。
1999AMD introduced the Athlon processor series on June 23, 1999. The Athlon would be produced for the next six years in speeds ranging from 500 MHz to 2.33 GHz.AMD于1999年6月23日推出Athlon处理器系列。Athlon将在未来六年内以500 MHz至2.33 GHz的速度生产。
1999The Intel Pentium III 600 MHz was released on August 2, 1999.Intel Pentium III 600 MHz于1999年8月2日发布。
1999The Intel Pentium III 533B and 600B MHz was released on September 27, 1999.Intel Pentium III 533B和600B MHz于1999年9月27日发布。
1999The Intel Pentium III Coppermine series was first introduced on October 25, 1999.Intel Pentium III Coppermine系列于1999年10月25日首次推出。
1999AMD introduced the Athlon K75 processor on November 29, 1999. The K75 was the world's first processor to reach a speed of 1 GHz.AMD于1999年11月29日推出Athlon K75处理器。K75是世界上第一款速度达到1GHz的处理器。
2000On January 5, 2000, AMD released the 800 MHz Athlon processor.2000年1月5日,AMD发布了800 MHz Athlon处理器。
2000Intel released the Celeron 533 MHz with a 66 MHz bus processor on January 4, 2000.2000年1月4日,Intel发布了带有66 MHz总线处理器的Celeron 533 MHz。
2000AMD first released the Duron processor on June 19, 2000, with speeds of 600 MHz to 1.8 GHz and bus speeds of 200 MHz to 266 MHz. The Duron was built on the same K7 architecture as the Athlon processor.AMD于2000年6月19日首次发布Duron处理器,速度为600 MHz至1.8 GHz,总线速度为200 MHz至266 MHz。Duron与Athlon处理器构建在相同的K7架构上。
2000Intel announced on August 28th that it would recall its 1.3 GHz Pentium III processors due to a glitch. Users with these processors should contact their vendors for additional information about the recall.8月28日,英特尔宣布,由于出现故障,将召回其1.3 GHz奔腾III处理器。拥有这些处理器的用户应联系其供应商,以获取有关召回的更多信息。
2001On January 3, 2001, Intel released the 800 MHz Celeron processor with a 100 MHz bus.2001年1月3日,Intel发布了800 MHz Celeron处理器和100 MHz总线。
2001On January 3, 2001, Intel released the 1.3 GHz Pentium 4 processor.2001年1月3日,Intel发布了1.3 GHz Pentium 4处理器。
2001AMD announced a new branding scheme on October 9, 2001. Instead of identifying processors by their clock speed, the AMD Athlon XP processors would bear monikers of 1500+, 1600+, 1700+, 1800+, 1900+, 2000+, etc. Each higher model number represented a higher clock speed.AMD于2001年10月9日宣布了一项新的品牌计划。AMD Athlon XP处理器将不再根据其时钟速度来识别处理器,而是使用1500+、1600+、1700+、1800+、1900+、2000+等绰号。每个更高的型号都代表更高的时钟速度。
2002Intel released the Celeron 1.3 GHz with a 100 MHz bus and 256 kB of level 2 cache.Intel发布了Celeron 1.3 GHz,带有100 MHz总线和256 kB二级缓存。
2003Intel Pentium M was introduced in March 2003.Intel Pentium M于2003年3月推出。
2003AMD released the first single-core Opteron processors, with speeds of 1.4 GHz to 2.4 GHz and 1024 KB L2 cache, on April 22, 2003.AMD于2003年4月22日发布了第一款单核Opteron处理器,其速度为1.4 GHz至2.4 GHz,L2缓存为1024 KB。
2003AMD released the first Athlon 64 processor, the 3200+ model, and the first Athlon 64 FX processor, the FX-51 model, on September 23, 2003.AMD于2003年9月23日发布了第一款Athlon 64处理器3200+机型和第一款Athlon 64 FX处理器FX-51机型。
2004AMD released the first Sempron processor on July 28, 2004, with a 1.5 GHz to 2.0 GHz clock speed and 166 MHz bus speed.AMD于2004年7月28日发布了第一款Sempron处理器,时钟速度为1.5GHz至2.0GHz,总线速度为166MHz。
2005AMD released their first dual-core processor, the Athlon 64 X2 3800+ (2.0 GHz, 512 KB L2 cache per core), on April 21, 2005.AMD于2005年4月21日发布了其首款双核处理器Athlon 64 X2 3800+(2.0 GHz,每核512 KB L2缓存)。
2006AMD released their new Athlon 64 FX-60 processor, featuring 2x 1024 KB L2 cache, on January 9, 2006.AMD于2006年1月9日发布了新的Athlon 64 FX-60处理器,具有2x 1024 KB L2缓存。
2006Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E6320 (4 M cache, 1.86 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on April 22, 2006.Intel于2006年4月22日发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E6320(4M缓存,1.86 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)。
2006Intel introduced the Intel Core 2 Duo processors with the Core 2 Duo processor E6300 (2 M cache, 1.86 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on July 27, 2006.2006年7月27日,Intel推出了带有Core 2 Duo处理器E6300(2M缓存,1.86 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)的Intel Core 2 Dio处理器。
2006Intel introduced the Intel Core 2 Duo processor for the laptop computer with the Core 2 Duo processor T5500 and other Core 2 Duo T series processors in August 2006.Intel于2006年8月推出了用于笔记本电脑的Intel Core 2 Duo处理器,配备Core 2 Duo处理器T5500和其他Core 2 Doo T系列处理器。
2007Intel released the Core 2 Quad processor Q6600 (8 M cache, 2.40 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) in January 2007.2007年1月,Intel发布了Core 2四处理器Q6600(8 M缓存,2.40 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)。
2007Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E4300 (2 M cache, 1.80 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) on January 21, 2007.2007年1月21日,Intel发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E4300(2M缓存,1.80 GHz,800 MHz FSB)。
2007Intel released the Core 2 Quad processor Q6700 (8 M cache, 2.67 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) in April 2007.2007年4月,Intel发布了Core 2四处理器Q6700(8 M缓存,2.67 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)。
2007Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E4400 (2 M cache, 2.00 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) on April 22, 2007.2007年4月22日,Intel发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E4400(2M缓存,2.00 GHz,800 MHz FSB)。
2007AMD renamed the Athlon 64 X2 processor line to Athlon X2 and released the first in that line, the Brisbane series (1.9 to 2.6 GHz, 512 KB L2 cache) on June 1, 2007.AMD将Athlon 64 X2处理器系列更名为Athlon X2,并于2007年6月1日发布了该系列的第一款产品布里斯班系列(1.9至2.6 GHz,512 KB L2缓存)。
2007Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E4500 (2 M cache, 2.20 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) on July 22, 2007.2007年7月22日,Intel发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E4500(2M缓存,2.20 GHz,800 MHz FSB)。
2007Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E4600 (2 M cache, 2.40 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) on October 21, 2007.2007年10月21日,Intel发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E4600(2M缓存,2.40 GHz,800 MHz FSB)。
2007AMD released the first Phenom X4 processors (2 M cache, 1.8 GHz to 2.6 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on November 19, 2007.AMD于2007年11月19日发布了第一款Phenom X4处理器(2M缓存,1.8GHz至2.6GHz,1066MHz FSB)。
2008Intel released the Core 2 Quad processor Q9300 and the Core 2 Quad processor Q9450 in March 2008.2008年3月,Intel发布了Core 2 Quad处理器Q9300和Core 2 Quad处理器Q9450。
2008Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E4700 (2 M cache, 2.60 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) on March 2, 2008.2008年3月2日,Intel发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E4700(2M缓存,2.60 GHz,800 MHz FSB)。
2008AMD released the first Phenom X3 processors (2 M cache, 2.1 GHz to 2.5 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on March 27, 2008.AMD于2008年3月27日发布了第一款Phenom X3处理器(2M缓存,2.1 GHz至2.5 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)。
2008Intel released the first of the Intel Atom series of processors, the Z5xx series, in April 2008. They are single-core processors with a 200 MHz GPU.2008年4月,Intel发布了第一个Intel Atom系列处理器Z5xx系列。它们是单核处理器,具有200MHz GPU。
2008Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E7200 (3 M cache, 2.53 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on April 20, 2008.2008年4月20日,Intel发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E7200(3 M缓存,2.53 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)。
2008Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E7300 (3 M cache, 2.66 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on August 10, 2008.2008年8月10日,Intel发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E7300(3 M缓存,2.66 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)。
2008Intel released several Core 2 Quad processors in August 2008: the Q8200, the Q9400, and the Q9650.2008年8月,Intel发布了几种Core 2 Quad处理器:Q8200、Q9400和Q9650。
2008Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E7400 (3 M cache, 2.80 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on October 19, 2008.2008年10月19日,Intel发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E7400(3 M缓存,2.80 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)。
2008 Intel released the first Core i7 desktop processors in November 2008: the i7-920, the i7-940, and the i7-965 Extreme Edition.Intel于2008年11月发布了第一款Core i7桌面处理器:i7-920、i7-940和i7-965 Extreme Edition。
2009AMD released the first Phenom II X4 (quad-core) processors (6 M cache, 2.5 to 3.7 GHz, 1066 MHz, or 1333 MHz FSB) on January 8, 2009.AMD于2009年1月8日发布了第一款Phenom II X4(四核)处理器(6M缓存,2.5-3.7 GHz,1066 MHz,或1333 MHz FSB)。
2009AMD released the first Athlon Neo processor, the MV-40 model (1.6 GHz and 512 KB L2 cache) on January 8, 2009.AMD于2009年1月8日发布了第一款Athlon Neo处理器,MV-40型号(1.6 GHz和512 KB L2缓存)。
2009Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E7500 (3 M cache, 2.93 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on January 18, 2009.2009年1月18日,Intel发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E7500(3 M缓存,2.93 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)。
2009 AMD released the first Phenom II X3 (triple-core) processors (6 M cache, 2.5 to 3.0 GHz, 1066 MHz, or 1333 MHz FSB) on February 9, 2009.AMD于2009年2月9日发布了第一款Phenom II X3(三核)处理器(6M缓存、2.5至3.0 GHz、1066 MHz或1333 MHz FSB)。
2009 Intel released the Core 2 Quad processor Q8400 (4 M cache, 2.67 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB) in April 2009.2009年4月,Intel发布了Core 2四处理器Q8400(4M缓存,2.67 GHz,1333 MHz FSB)。
2009Intel released the Core 2 Duo processor E7600 (3 M cache, 3.06 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on May 31, 2009.Intel于2009年5月31日发布了Core 2 Duo处理器E7600(3 M缓存,3.06 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)。
2009AMD released the first Athlon II X2 (dual-core) processors (1024 KB L2 cache, 1.6 to 3.5 GHz, 1066 MHz, or 1333 MHz FSB) in June 2009.AMD于2009年6月发布了第一款Athlon II X2(双核)处理器(1024 KB L2缓存、1.6至3.5 GHz、1066 MHz或1333 MHz FSB)。
2009 AMD released the first Phenom II X2 (dual-core) processors (6 M cache, 3.0 to 3.5 GHz, 1066 MHz, or 1333 MHz FSB) on June 1, 2009.AMD于2009年6月1日发布了第一款Phenom II X2(双核)处理器(6M缓存,3.0至3.5 GHz,1066 MHz,或1333 MHz FSB)。
2009AMD released the first Athlon II X4 (quad-core) processors (512 KB L2 cache, 2.2 to 3.1 GHz, 1066 MHz, or 1333 MHz FSB) in September 2009.AMD于2009年9月发布了第一款Athlon II X4(四核)处理器(512 KB L2缓存、2.2至3.1 GHz、1066 MHz或1333 MHz FSB)。
2009Intel released the first Core i7 mobile processor, the i7-720QM, in September 2009. It uses the Socket G1 socket type, runs at 1.6 GHz, and features a 6 MB L3 cache.2009年9月,Intel发布了第一款Core i7移动处理器i7-720QM。它使用Socket G1套接字类型,运行频率为1.6 GHz,具有6 MB L3缓存。
2009Intel released the first Core i5 desktop processor with four cores, the i5-750 (8 M cache, 2.67 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB), on September 8, 2009.2009年9月8日,Intel发布了第一款四核Core i5桌面处理器i5-750(8M缓存,2.67 GHz,1333 MHz FSB)。
2009AMD released the first Athlon II X3 (triple-core) processors in October 2009.AMD于2009年10月发布了第一款Athlon II X3(三核)处理器。
2010Intel released the Core 2 Quad processor Q9500 (6 M cache, 2.83 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB) in January 2010.2010年1月,Intel发布了Core 2四处理器Q9500(6 M缓存,2.83 GHz,1333 MHz FSB)。
2010Intel released the first Core i5 mobile processors, the i5-430M and the i5-520E, in January 2010.2010年1月,英特尔发布了首款Core i5移动处理器i5-430M和i5-520E。
2010Intel released the first Core i5 desktop processor over 3.0 GHz, the i5-650, in January 2010.2010年1月,英特尔发布了第一款3.0 GHz以上的Core i5台式处理器i5-650。
2010Intel released the first Core i3 desktop processors, the i3-530, and i3-540 on January 7, 2010.Intel于2010年1月7日发布了第一款Core i3桌面处理器i3-530和i3-540。
2010Intel released the first Core i3 mobile processors, the i3-330M (3 M cache, 2.13 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) and the i3-350M, on January 7, 2010.2010年1月7日,Intel发布了第一款Core i3移动处理器i3-330M(3M缓存,2.13 GHz,1066 MHz FSB)和i3-350M。
2010AMD released the first Phenom II X6 (hex/six-core) processors on April 27, 2010.AMD于2010年4月27日发布了第一款Phenom II X6(十六进制/六核)处理器。
2010Intel released the first Core i7 desktop processor with six cores, the i3-970, in July 2010. It runs at 3.2 GHz and features a 12 MB L3 cache.2010年7月,Intel发布了第一款六核Core i7台式处理器i3-970。它的运行频率为3.2 GHz,并具有12 MB L3缓存。
2011Intel released seven new Core i5 processors with four cores, the i5-2xxx series, in January 2011.2011年1月,英特尔发布了七款新的四核Core i5处理器,即i5-2xxx系列。
2011 AMD released the first mobile processors in their A4 line, the A4-3300M and the A4-3310MX, on June 14, 2011.AMD于2011年6月14日发布了A4系列的第一款移动处理器A4-3300M和A4-3310MX。
2011 AMD released the first mobile processors in their A6 line, the A6-3400M and the A6-3410MX, on June 14, 2011.AMD于2011年6月14日发布了A4系列的第一款移动处理器A4-3300M和A4-3310MX。
2011AMD released the first mobile processors in their A8 line, the A8-3500M, the A8-3510MX, and the A8-3530MX, on June 14, 2011.2011年6月14日,AMD发布了A8系列中的第一款移动处理器A8-3500M、A8-3510MX和A8-3530MX。
2011AMD released the first desktop processor in their A6 line, the A6-3650 (4 M L2 cache, 2.6 GHz, 1866 MHz FSB), on June 30, 2011.2011年6月30日,AMD发布了A6系列中的第一款桌面处理器A6-3650(4M L2缓存,2.6GHz,1866MHz FSB)。
2011AMD released the first desktop processor in their A8 line, the A8-3850 (4 M L2 cache, 2.9 GHz, 1866 MHz FSB), on June 30, 2011.2011年6月30日,AMD发布了A8系列中的第一款桌面处理器A8-3850(4M L2缓存,2.9 GHz,1866 MHz FSB)。
2011AMD released the first desktop processors in their A4 line, the A4-3300 and the A4-3400, on September 7, 2011.AMD于2011年9月7日发布了A4系列的第一款桌面处理器A4-3300和A4-3400。
2012AMD released the first desktop processors in their A10 line, the A10-5700 and the A10-5800K, on October 1, 2012.2012年10月1日,AMD发布了A10系列中的第一款桌面处理器A10-5700和A10-5800K。
2013AMD released the Athlon II X2 280 on January 28, 2013. It has two cores and runs at 3.6 GHz.AMD于2013年1月28日发布了Athlon II X2 280。它有两个内核,运行频率为3.6 GHz。
2013Intel released their first processor to utilize the BGA-1364 socket and feature an Iris Pro Graphics 5200 GPU. Released in June 2013, it runs at 3.2 GHz and has 6 MB of L3 cache.Intel发布了第一个使用BGA-1364插槽的处理器,并采用了Iris Pro Graphics 5200 GPU。2013年6月发布,运行频率为3.2 GHz,具有6 MB的L3缓存。
2014AMD introduced the socket AM1 architecture and compatible processors, like the Sempron 2650, in April 2014.2014年4月,AMD推出了套接字AM1架构和兼容处理器,如Sempron 2650。
2014AMD released their first Pro A series APU processors, the A6 Pro-7050B, A8 Pro-7150B, and A10 Pro-7350B, in June 2014. They feature on or two cores and run at 1.9 GHz to 2.2 GHz.AMD于2014年6月发布了首款Pro A系列APU处理器A6 Pro-7050B、A8 Pro-7150B和A10 Pro-7350B。它们采用或两个内核,运行频率为1.9 GHz至2.2 GHz。
2017AMD released their first Ryzen 7 processors, the 1700, 1700X, and 1800X models, on March 2, 2017. They have eight cores, running at 3.0 to 3.6 GHz, and feature a 16 MB L3 cache.AMD于2017年3月2日发布了其首款Ryzen 7处理器,即1700、1700X和1800X机型。它们有8个内核,运行频率为3.0至3.6 GHz,具有16 MB L3缓存。
2017AMD released their first Ryzen 5 processors, the 1400, 1500X, 1600, and 1600X models, on April 11, 2017. They have four to six cores, running at 3.2 to 3.6 GHz, and feature 8 to 16 MB L3 cache.AMD于2017年4月11日发布了第一款Ryzen 5处理器,1400、1500X、1600和1600X型号。它们有四到六个内核,运行频率为3.2到3.6 GHz,具有8到16 MB的L3缓存。
2017Intel released the first Core i9 desktop processor, the i9-7900X, in June 2017. It uses the LGA 2066 socket, runs at 3.3 GHz, has 10 cores, and features a 13.75 MB L3 cache.Intel于2017年6月发布了第一款Core i9桌面处理器i9-7900X。它使用LGA 2066插槽,运行频率为3.3 GHz,有10个内核,并具有13.75 MB L3缓存。
2017AMD released their first Ryzen 3 processors, the Pro 1200 and Pro 1300 models, on June 29, 2017. They have four cores, running at 3.1 to 3.5 GHz, and feature an 8 MB L3 cache.AMD于2017年6月29日发布了其首款Ryzen 3处理器,即Pro 1200和Pro 1300型号。它们有四个内核,运行频率为3.1至3.5 GHz,具有8 MB L3缓存。
2017Intel released the first desktop processor with 12 cores, the Core i9-7920X, in August 2017. It runs at 2.9 GHz and features a 16.50 MB L3 cache.Intel于2017年8月发布了第一款12核台式机处理器Core i9-7920X。其运行频率为2.9 GHz,具有16.50 MB L3缓存。
2017AMD released their first processor with 16 cores, the Ryzen Threadripper 1950X, on August 10, 2017. It runs at 3.4 GHz and features a 32 MB L3 cache.AMD于2017年8月10日发布了其首款16核处理器Ryzen Threadripper 1950X。它的运行频率为3.4 GHz,具有32 MB L3缓存。
2017Intel released the first desktop processor with 14 cores, the Core i9-7940X, in September 2017. It runs at 3.1 GHz and features a 19.25 MB L3 cache.Intel于2017年9月发布了首款14核台式机处理器Core i9-7940X。其运行频率为3.1 GHz,具有19.25 MB L3缓存。
2017Intel released the first desktop processor with 16 cores, the Core i9-7960X, in September 2017. It runs at 2.8 GHz and features a 22 MB L3 cache.Intel于2017年9月发布了首款16核台式机处理器Core i9-7960X。其运行频率为2.8 GHz,具有22 MB L3缓存。
2017Intel released the first desktop processor with 18 cores, the Core i9-7980X, in September 2017. It runs at 2.6 GHz and features a 24.75 MB L3 cache.Intel于2017年9月发布了首款18核台式机处理器Core i9-7980X。其运行频率为2.6 GHz,具有24.75 MB L3缓存。
2018Intel released the first Core i9 mobile processor, the i9-8950HK, in April 2018. It uses the BGA 1440 socket, runs at 2.9 GHz, has six cores, and features a 12 MB L3 cache.Intel于2018年4月发布了首款Core i9移动处理器i9-8950HK。它使用BGA 1440插槽,2.9 GHz运行,六核,并具有12 MB L3缓存。
2020NVIDIA announced acquiring Arm for $40 billion on September 13, 2020.NVIDIA于2020年9月13日宣布以400亿美元收购Arm。
2020AMD announced it was buying Xilinx for $35 billion on October 27, 2020.AMD于2020年10月27日宣布以350亿美元收购Xilinx。
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