

from .neighbors import *
from .clustering import *
from .sparse import *
from .grid import *
from .fusion import *
from .attribute import *

__all__ = [

# coding=utf-8
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse

from hyperg.hyperg import HyperG
from hyperg.utils import print_log

def gen_attribute_hg(n_nodes, attr_dict, X=None):
    :param attr_dict: dict, {'attri_1': [node_idx_1, node_idx_2, ...], 'attri_2':[...]} (属性 'attri_1' 对应的节点索引为 node_idx_1、node_index_2 和 ...)
    :param n_nodes: int,
    :param X: numpy array, 形如(n_samples, n_features) (optional)
    :return: HyperG类的一个实例

    if X is not None:
        assert n_nodes == X.shape[0]

    n_edges = len(attr_dict) #统计属性字典中不同属性的数量,这个数量就是超图的边数
    node_idx = []
    edge_idx = []

    for idx, attr in enumerate(attr_dict):
        nodes = sorted(attr_dict[attr])
        edge_idx.extend([idx] * len(nodes))
    #创建一个值为1的数组 values,其长度与node_idx的长度相同。
    node_idx = np.asarray(node_idx)
    edge_idx = np.asarray(edge_idx)
    values = np.ones(node_idx.shape[0])

    #利用节点索引、边索引和值创建一个 COO(Coordinate Format)稀疏矩阵H
    H = sparse.coo_matrix((values, (node_idx, edge_idx)), shape=(n_nodes, n_edges))

    return HyperG(H, X=X)

import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
import scipy.sparse as sparse

from hyperg.hyperg import HyperG
from hyperg.utils import print_log

def gen_clustering_hg(X, n_clusters, method="kmeans", with_feature=False, random_state=None):
    :param X: numpy array, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
    :param n_clusters: int, 聚类的数量
    :param method: str, 聚类的方法,目前就只有kmeans聚类
    :param with_feature: bool, 超图带不带节点的特征,这个参数是可选的
    :param random_state: int, optional(default=False) 随机选择一个初始的聚类中心
    :return: HyperG类的一个实例
    if method == "kmeans":
        cluster = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=random_state).fit(X).labels_
        raise ValueError("{} method is not supported".format(method))

    assert n_clusters >= 1

    n_edges = n_clusters
    n_nodes = X.shape[0]

    node_idx = np.arange(n_nodes)
    edge_idx = cluster

    values = np.ones(node_idx.shape[0])
    H = sparse.coo_matrix((values, (node_idx, edge_idx)), shape=(n_nodes, n_edges))

    w = np.ones(n_edges)

    if with_feature:
        return HyperG(H, w=w, X=X)

    return HyperG(H, w=w)

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse

from hyperg.hyperg import HyperG

def concat_multi_hg(hg_list):
    """concatenate multiple hypergraphs to one hypergraph
    :param hg_list: list, 超图列表
    :return: 超图实例
    H_s = [hg.incident_matrix() for hg in hg_list]
    w_s = [hg.hyperedge_weights() for hg in hg_list]

    H = sparse.hstack(H_s)
    w = np.hstack(w_s)

    X = None
    for hg in hg_list:
        if X is not None and hg.node_features() is not None:
            assert (X == hg.node_features()).all()
        elif hg.node_features() is not None:
            X = hg.node_features()

    return HyperG(H, X=X, w=w)

def fuse_mutli_sub_hg(hg_list):
    :param hg_list: list, 超图实例列表
    :return: 超图实例
    incident_mat_row = [hg.incident_matrix().row for hg in hg_list]
    incident_mat_col = [hg.incident_matrix().col for hg in hg_list]
    incident_mat_data = [hg.incident_matrix().data for hg in hg_list]
    num_nodes = [hg.num_nodes() for hg in hg_list]
    num_edges = [hg.num_edges() for hg in hg_list]

    nodes_to_add = [0] + [sum(num_nodes[:i+1]) for i in range(len(hg_list)-1)]
    edges_to_add = [0] + [sum(num_edges[:i+1]) for i in range(len(hg_list)-1)]

    for i in range(len(hg_list)):
        incident_mat_row[i] = incident_mat_row[i] + nodes_to_add[i]
        incident_mat_col[i] = incident_mat_col[i] + edges_to_add[i]
    incident_mat_row = np.concatenate(incident_mat_row)
    incident_mat_col = np.concatenate(incident_mat_col)
    incident_mat_data = np.concatenate(incident_mat_data)
    H = sparse.coo_matrix((incident_mat_data, (incident_mat_row, incident_mat_col)),
                          shape=(sum(num_nodes), sum(num_edges)))

    return HyperG(H)

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sparse

from hyperg.hyperg import HyperG
def gen_grid_neigh_hg(input_size):
    :param input_size: numpy array,形如(2,),表示网格的高度和宽度。
    :return: 超图实例
    input_size = np.array(input_size).reshape(-1)
    assert input_size.shape[0] == 2

    h, w = input_size
    n_nodes = w * h

    node_set = np.arange(n_nodes)
    neigh_idx = [
        node_set - w - 1,
        node_set - w,
        node_set - w + 1,

        node_set - 1,
        node_set + 1,

        node_set + w - 1,
        node_set + w,
        node_set + w + 1,
    neigh_mask = [
        (node_set // w == 0) | (node_set % w == 0),
        (node_set // w == 0),
        (node_set // w == 0) | (node_set % w == w - 1),

        (node_set % w == 0),
        np.zeros_like(node_set, dtype=np.bool),
        (node_set % w == w - 1),

        (node_set // w == h-1) | (node_set % w == 0),
        (node_set // w == h-1),
        (node_set // w == h-1) | (node_set % w == w - 1),

    #使用掩码将不在网格内的邻居索引设置为 -1。
    for i in range(len(neigh_idx)):
        neigh_idx[i][neigh_mask[i]] = -1
    node_idx = np.hstack(neigh_idx)
    edge_idx = np.tile(node_set.reshape(1, -1), [len(neigh_idx), 1]).reshape(-1)
    values = np.ones_like(node_idx)

    # filter negative elements
    non_neg_idx = np.where(node_idx != -1)

    node_idx = node_idx[non_neg_idx]
    edge_idx = edge_idx[non_neg_idx]
    values = values[non_neg_idx]

    n_edges = n_nodes
    H = sparse.coo_matrix((values, (node_idx, edge_idx)), shape=(n_nodes, n_edges))

    return HyperG(H)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    gen_grid_neigh_hg((4, 5))

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
import scipy.sparse as sparse

from hyperg.hyperg import HyperG
from hyperg.utils import print_log

def gen_knn_hg(X, n_neighbors, is_prob=True, with_feature=False):
    :param X: numpy array,形如(n_samples, n_features)
    :param n_neighbors: int,邻居的数量
    :param is_prob: bool,如果is_prob为True,则计算每个邻居的权重,权重为指数衰减函数。默认为True
    :param with_feature:带不带节点特征。可选参数,默认不带
    :return: HyperG的实例

    assert isinstance(X, (np.ndarray, list))
    assert n_neighbors > 0

    X = np.array(X)
    n_nodes = X.shape[0]
    n_edges = n_nodes

    m_dist = pairwise_distances(X)

    m_neighbors = np.argpartition(m_dist, kth=n_neighbors+1, axis=1)
    m_neighbors_val = np.take_along_axis(m_dist, m_neighbors, axis=1)

    m_neighbors = m_neighbors[:, :n_neighbors+1]
    m_neighbors_val = m_neighbors_val[:, :n_neighbors+1]

    # check检查每个neighbor是否包含自身,并确保有n+1个邻居
    for i in range(n_nodes):
        if not np.any(m_neighbors[i, :] == i):
            m_neighbors[i, -1] = i
            m_neighbors_val[i, -1] = 0.
    node_idx = m_neighbors.reshape(-1)
    edge_idx = np.tile(np.arange(n_edges).reshape(-1, 1), (1, n_neighbors+1)).reshape(-1)

    if not is_prob:
        values = np.ones(node_idx.shape[0])
        avg_dist = np.mean(m_dist)
        m_neighbors_val = m_neighbors_val.reshape(-1)
        values = np.exp(-np.power(m_neighbors_val, 2.) / np.power(avg_dist, 2.))
    H = sparse.coo_matrix((values, (node_idx, edge_idx)), shape=(n_nodes, n_edges))

    w = np.ones(n_edges)

    if with_feature:
        return HyperG(H, w=w, X=X)

    return HyperG(H, w=w)

def gen_epsilon_ball_hg(X, ratio, is_prob=True, with_feature=False):
    :param X: numpy array, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
    :param ratio: float, 选取邻居的平均距离的比率
    :param is_prob: bool,是否有权重,默认为true,可选的
    :param with_feature: bool, 是否带特征
    :return: instance of HyperG
    assert isinstance(X, (np.ndarray, list))
    assert ratio > 0

    X = np.array(X)
    n_nodes = X.shape[0]
    n_edges = n_nodes
    m_dist = pairwise_distances(X)

    avg_dist = np.mean(m_dist)
    threshold = ratio * avg_dist

    coo = np.where(m_dist <= threshold)
    edge_idx, node_idx = coo

    if not is_prob:
        values = np.ones(node_idx.shape[0])
        m_neighbors_val = m_dist[coo]
        values = np.exp(-np.power(m_neighbors_val, 2.) / np.power(avg_dist, 2.))

    H = sparse.coo_matrix((values, (node_idx, edge_idx)), shape=(n_nodes, n_edges))

    w = np.ones(n_edges)

    if with_feature:
        return HyperG(H, w=w, X=X)

    return HyperG(H, w=w)

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import cvxpy as cp
from cvxpy.error import SolverError

from hyperg.hyperg import HyperG
from hyperg.utils import print_log

# TODO: 1. elastic net hypergraph

def gen_l1_hg(X, gamma, n_neighbors, log=False, with_feature=False):
    :param X: numpy array, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
    :param gamma: float,  Elastic Net模型的超参数,用于平衡L1正则化和L2正则化的权重。
    :param n_neighbors: int, 用于选择邻居的数量。
    :param log: bool 是否打印日志,默认为 False。
    :param with_feature: bool, optional(default=False)
    :return: instance of HyperG

    assert n_neighbors >= 1.
    assert isinstance(X, np.ndarray)
    assert X.ndim == 2

    n_nodes = X.shape[0]
    n_edges = n_nodes

    m_dist = pairwise_distances(X)
    m_neighbors = np.argsort(m_dist)[:, 0:n_neighbors+1]

    edge_idx = np.tile(np.arange(n_edges).reshape(-1, 1), (1, n_neighbors+1)).reshape(-1)
    node_idx = []
    values = []

    for i_edge in range(n_edges):
        if log:
            print_log("processing edge {} ".format(i_edge))

        neighbors = m_neighbors[i_edge].tolist()
        if i_edge in neighbors:
            neighbors = neighbors[:-1]

        P = X[neighbors, :]
        v = X[i_edge, :]

        # cvxpy使用 CVXPY 库来解决 Elastic Net 模型的优化问题
        x = cp.Variable(P.shape[0], nonneg=True)
        objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm((P.T@x).T-v, 2) + gamma * cp.norm(x, 1))
        # objective = cp.Minimize(cp.norm(x@P-v, 2) + gamma * cp.norm(x, 1))
        prob = cp.Problem(objective)
        except SolverError:
            prob.solve(solver='SCS', verbose=False)

        node_idx.extend([i_edge] + neighbors)
        values.extend([1.] + x.value.tolist())

    node_idx = np.array(node_idx)
    values = np.array(values)

    H = sparse.coo_matrix((values, (node_idx, edge_idx)), shape=(n_nodes, n_edges))

    if with_feature:
        return HyperG(H, X=X)

    return HyperG(H)

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