1 简介




2 部分代码

function [route] = Time_Astar_For_Cooperative_Path_Finding(start_coords, end_coords, space_time_map, reservation_table)
%1 - white - clear cell
%2 - black - obstacle
%3 - red - visited
%4 - blue - on list
%5 - green - start
%6 - yellow - destination
cmap = [1 1 1;
0 0 0;
1 0 0;
0 0 1;
0 1 0;
1 1 0;
0.5 0.5 0.5];
[size_x, size_y, size_t] = size(space_time_map);
%add the start point and the end point
space_time_map(start_coords(1), start_coords(2), :) =5;
space_time_map(end_coords(1), end_coords(2), :) =6;
%initial parent array and Heuristic array
parent = zeros(size_x, size_y, size_t);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:size_y, 1:size_x);
xd = end_coords(1);
yd = end_coords(2);
H =abs(X-xd) + abs(Y-yd);
H = H';
%initial cost arrays
g = inf(size_x, size_y, size_t);
f = inf(size_x, size_y, size_t);
g(start_coords(1), start_coords(2), 1) = 0;
f(start_coords(1), start_coords(2), 1) = H(start_coords(1), start_coords(2));
end_time = 1;
while true
%find the node with the minimum f values
[min_f, current] = min(f(:));
[current_x, current_y, current_t] = ind2sub(size(space_time_map), current);
if((current_x == end_coords(1) && current_y == end_coords(2)) || isinf(min_f))
end_time = current_t;
%add the current node to close list
space_time_map(current) = 3;
f(current) = Inf;
[i, j, k] = ind2sub(size(space_time_map), current);
neighbours = [i-1, j, k+1;
i+1, j, k+1;
i, j-1, k+1;
i, j+1, k+1;
i, j, k+1];
for index = 1:size(neighbours, 1)
px = neighbours(index, 1);
py = neighbours(index, 2);
pt = neighbours(index, 3);
% judge whether out of bound or not
if (px >0 && px<=size_x && py >0 && py<= size_y )
sub_neighbours = sub2ind(size(space_time_map), px, py, pt);
%judge whether the node is obstacle, start point, end
%point, or not
if(space_time_map(sub_neighbours) ~= 2 && space_time_map(sub_neighbours) ~= 5 && space_time_map(sub_neighbours) ~= 3)
%judge whether the node has less f
if(g(current) +1+ H(px, py) < f(sub_neighbours))
%judge whether the node is in reservation table or not
if (~reservation_table(sub_neighbours ))
%judge whether the special action
[special_action] = Special_action(current, sub_neighbours,reservation_table);
if (~special_action)
g(sub_neighbours) = g(current) + 1;
f(sub_neighbours) = g(sub_neighbours) + H(px, py);
parent(sub_neighbours) = current;
space_time_map(sub_neighbours) = 4;
%obstain the route
dest_node = sub2ind(size(space_time_map), end_coords(1), end_coords(2), end_time);
route = [];
route = [dest_node];
while (parent(route(1)) ~= 0)
route = [parent(route(1)), route];
% for i = 1:end_time-1
% image(1.5, 1.5, space_time_map(:,:, i));
% grid on;
% axis image;
% drawnow;
% pause(1);
% end
function [special_action] = Special_action(current, sub_neighbours, reservation_table)
special_action = false;
[c_x, c_y, c_t] = ind2sub(size(reservation_table), current);
[s_x, s_y, s_t] = ind2sub(size(reservation_table), sub_neighbours);
if(reservation_table(c_x, c_y, s_t) &&reservation_table(s_x, s_y, c_t) && (reservation_table(c_x, c_y, s_t) ==reservation_table(s_x, s_y, c_t)))
special_action = true;
special_action = false;
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3 仿真结果




4 参考文献

[1]李吉功, 冯宜伟, 郭戈. 基于栅格地图的通用机器人避障算法[C]// 中国自动化学会第21届青年学术年会. 0.


