


⛄ 内容介绍

本文介绍了正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中常用的信道估计算 法:最小二乘(LS).

⛄ 完整代码

% in this Mfile, I want to investigate the performance of LSE algorithm in

% OFDM channel estimation

% initialize



% parameter definition

N  = 256;           % total number of subchannels

P  = 256/8;         % total number of Pilots

S  = N-P;           % totla number of data subchannels

GI = N/4;           % guard interval length

M  = 2;             % modulation

pilotInterval = 8;  % pilot position interval

L  = 16;            % channel length

nIteration = 500;    % number of iteration in each evaluation

SNR_V = [0:3:27];   % signal to noise ratio vector in dB

ber = zeros(1,length(SNR_V));   % initializing bit error rate

% Pilot Location and strength

Ip = [1:pilotInterval:N];       % location of pilots

Is = setxor(1:N,Ip);            % location of data

Ep = 2;                        % energy in pilot symbols in comparison

% to energy in data symbols

% fft matrix

F = exp(2*pi*sqrt(-1)/N .* meshgrid([0:N-1],[0:N-1])...

    .* repmat([0:N-1]',[1,N]));

for( i = 1 : length(SNR_V))

    SNR = SNR_V(i)

    for(k = 1 : nIteration)

        % generating random channel coefficients

        h(1:L,1)  =     random('Normal',0,1,L,1) + ...

            j * random('Normal',0,1,L,1);

        h  = h./sum(abs(h));    % normalization

        % Tr Data

        TrDataBit = randint(N,1,M);

        TrDataMod = qammod(TrDataBit,M);

        TrDataMod(Ip) = Ep * TrDataMod(Ip);

        TrDataIfft = ifft(TrDataMod,N);

        TrDataIfftGi = [TrDataIfft(N- GI + 1 : N);TrDataIfft];

        % tx Data

        TxDataIfftGi = filter(h,1,TrDataIfftGi);    % channel effect

        % adding awgn noise

        TxDataIfftGiNoise = awgn(TxDataIfftGi ...

            , SNR - db(std(TxDataIfftGi))); % normalization to signal power

        TxDataIfft  = TxDataIfftGiNoise(GI+1:N+GI);

        TxDataMod   = fft(TxDataIfft,N);

        % Channel estimation

        Spilot = TrDataMod(Ip); % trnasmitted pilots

        Ypilot = TxDataMod(Ip); % received pilots

        G = (Ep * length(Ip))^-1 ...

            * ctranspose(sqrt(Ep)*diag(Spilot)*ctranspose(F(1:L,Ip)));

        hHat = G*Ypilot;    % estimated channel coefficient in time domain

        TxDataBit   = qamdemod(TxDataMod./(fft(hHat,N)),M);

        % bit error rate computation

        [nErr bErr(i,k)] = symerr(TxDataBit(Is),TrDataBit(Is));



f1 = figure(1);

set(f1,'color',[1 1 1]);


xlabel('SNR in dB');

ylabel('Bit Error Rate')

⛄ 运行结果

基于Matlab模拟OFDM中的LSE 信道估计_MATLAB

⛄ 参考文献

[1] 彭玲, 刘晓忠, 付杰,等. OFDM系统中基于导频的信道估计及其MATLAB仿真[J]. 井冈山学院学报, 2008(2期):47-49.

[2] 廉钰莹. 基于OFDM的电力线载波通信信道估计[D]. 吉林大学.

[3] 田志峰. 基于MATLAB环境下OFDM系统信道估计仿真[J]. 才智, 2012(23):1.

[4] 范佳佳. 基于Matlab的OFDM系统信道评估设计[D]. 东华大学, 2016.

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