[Data Structure] 学习数据结构时的难点概述

Here are some challenging aspects that you may encounter while learning data structures, explained in English:

  1. Abstract concepts: Data structures involve abstract concepts such as linked lists, trees, and heaps. These concepts may not have direct counterparts in our everyday objects or concepts, requiring a certain level of mental abstraction and conceptualization to understand them.

  2. Complex definitions: Each data structure has its unique definition and characteristics. These definitions may involve various terms and concepts like nodes, pointers, roots, and child nodes. Understanding these definitions requires careful reading and interpretation to ensure an accurate understanding of their meanings.

  3. Abstract operations and algorithms: Data structures are not just about storing and organizing data but also encompass a series of operations and algorithms. For example, inserting or deleting nodes in a linked list or searching for specific elements in a tree. Understanding the specific steps and principles behind these operations and algorithms may require logical reasoning and cognitive training.

  4. Time and space complexity analysis: Understanding the performance characteristics of data structures is a crucial part of the learning process. Time complexity and space complexity describe the time and space resources required to perform operations at different scales. Understanding how to analyze and compare the complexity of different data structures may require mathematical and computer science knowledge.

  5. Real-world applications: The practical application of data structures presents another challenge in the learning process. Understanding how to apply the appropriate data structure to solve real-world problems involves translating abstract concepts into concrete problem-solving solutions. This may require practice and hands-on experience to deepen your understanding of the practical applications of data structures.


  1. 抽象概念:数据结构涉及到一些抽象的概念,如链表、树、堆等。这些概念可能与我们日常生活中的物体或概念没有直接的对应关系,因此理解它们需要一定的思维转换和抽象能力。

  2. 复杂的定义:每种数据结构都有其独特的定义和特性。这些定义可能会涉及到许多术语和概念,如节点、指针、根、子节点等。理解这些定义需要仔细阅读和解读,以确保对其含义的准确理解。

  3. 抽象操作和算法:数据结构不仅仅是存储和组织数据的方式,还包括了一系列的操作和算法。例如,在链表中插入或删除节点,或者在树中搜索特定的元素。理解这些操作和算法的具体步骤和原理可能需要一些逻辑推理和思维训练。

  4. 时间和空间复杂度分析:了解数据结构的性能特征是学习过程中的重要部分。时间复杂度和空间复杂度描述了在不同规模下执行操作所需的时间和空间资源。理解如何分析和比较不同数据结构的复杂度可能需要数学和计算机科学方面的知识。

  5. 实际应用:数据结构的实际应用是学习过程中的另一个挑战。理解如何将适当的数据结构应用于解决实际问题,需要将抽象的概念转化为具体的问题解决方案。这可能需要一些练习和实践,以加深对数据结构在实际情景中的应用理解。

Study of Data Structures and Algorithms_What might be learnt?

(this part is an English Translation of


After going through the introduction to the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms, I have outlined below the step-by-step learning process for classical data structures and algorithms. 

Data Structures:

  • Design and implementation of singly linked lists (with and without a head node), doubly linked lists
  • Design and implementation of stacks (using arrays and linked lists), queues (using arrays and linked lists)
  • Conceptual understanding of binary trees, recursive and non-recursive implementations of pre-order, in-order, and post-order traversals, level-order traversal
  • Design and implementation of binary search trees (insertion and deletion)
  • Heaps (priority queues, heap sort)
  • Design and implementation of AVL (balanced) trees (understanding and implementing the four rotation operations)
  • Conceptual understanding of splay trees, red-black trees
  • Principles and concepts of B-trees and B+ trees
  • Conceptual understanding of Huffman trees (greedy strategy)
  • Conceptual understanding of hash tables (various collision resolution methods)
  • Disjoint-set/union-find (optimization and path compression)
  • Topological sorting in graph theory
  • Depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS) in graph theory
  • Shortest path algorithms: Dijkstra's algorithm, Floyd's algorithm, SPFA algorithm
  • Minimum spanning tree: Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm
  • Other data structures: segment trees, suffix arrays, etc.

Classic Algorithms:

  • Recursive algorithms (factorial, Fibonacci, Tower of Hanoi)
  • Binary search
  • Divide and conquer algorithms (quick sort, merge sort, closest pair, etc.)
  • Greedy algorithms (commonly used for interval selection and interval covering problems)
  • Common dynamic programming problems: Longest Common Subsequence (LCS), Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS), knapsack problem, etc.
  • Backtracking algorithms (classic eight queens problem, permutations problem)
  • Bit manipulation problems (refer to "Cracking the Coding Interview" and LeetCode problems)
  • Fast exponentiation algorithm (fast power and matrix fast exponentiation)
  • String matching algorithms: KMP and others
  • Various number theory algorithms: Euclidean algorithm, extended Euclidean algorithm, Chinese remainder theorem, etc.
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