[Optimization] Introduction

  • Formulation: you will learn from simple examples how to formulate, transform and characterize  an optimization problem.  n. (政策、计划等的)制定,构想;(想法的)阐述方式,表达方法;(药品或化妆品的)配方,配方产品
  • Constraints: you will learn how to represent the constraints of a linear optimization problem, both from a geometric and algebraic point of views.[数]约束
  • Duality: you will learn how to derive a companion problem called the "dual". n. 二元性;[物] 二象性
  • Optimality conditions: you will learn sufficient and necessary conditions for an optimal solution. 最优性条件
  • Simplex method: you will learn an algorithm to solve a linear optimization problem. 单纯形法:一种线性规划的求解方法,通过不断地在可行域内移动,找到最优解。

It relies heavily on linear algebra (matrices, rank, pivoting, etc.)

  • Modeling is a necessity before any optimization process. You will learn how to translate a specific problem statement into a mathematical formulation that allows its analysis and its resolution.
  • There are many ways to formulate a given optimization problem. It is often necessary to transform a formulation into another one, in order to comply(遵循 with the assumptions of a specific algorithm, or the requirements of a specific software package. You will learn some techniques to transform the problem.
  • Finally, you will learn how to formally define an optimization problem, and how to address questions such as: What is an optimal solution? Is it unique? 

Understanding Optimization Problems

  1. A mathematical model is a mathematical representation of a system or a phenomenon that we are interested in analyzing. 
  2. We need to identify first the decision variables. These are quantities that we can manipulate(操作,使用) in the system that we are trying to optimize.
    1. We represent these decision variables by n quantities that are represented by real numbers.Then, our system has an indicator that we would like to make as large or as small as possible.
  3. And the relationship between the decision variables and the value of this indicator is captured by a function called the objective function.
    1. takes the decision variables as argument, and returns a real number which is the indicator that we would like to make the biggest or the smallest possible.
  4. And finally, the third step consists in identifying the set of valid values for the decision variables. We denote this set by capital X. But we will see that, most of the time, we can characterize this set using equations and inequations.


An investment fund is trying to determine how to invest its assets(资产) for the following year, in order to maximize its profit. Currently, the fund has 2.5 million euros that it can invest in state bonds, real estate loans, car loans or scholarship loans. The annual interest rates of the listed investment types are 4% for state bonds(国债), 6% for real estate(房地产;不动产) loans, 8% for car loans and 9% for scholarship loans.

To minimize risks, the investment fund allows only the selection of a strategy satisfying the following restrictions:

• the amount invested in car and scholarship loans must not exceed twice the amount invested in bonds;

• the amount invested in car loans must be larger or equal than the amount invested in scholarship loans;

• the investment in car loans should not exceed the investment in real estate loans by more than 70%.

Formulate this problem as an optimization problem by determining

1. the decision variables,

2. the objective function, and

3. the constraint(s)

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