

/* overlay main dts, the file list all prop need to be change, append to dto */
disp init configuration

disp_mode             (0:screen0<screen0,fb0>)
screenx_output_type   (0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 3:hdmi;5:vdpo)
screenx_output_mode   (used for hdmi output, 0:480i 1:576i 2:480p 3:576p 4:720p50)
                      (5:720p60 6:1080i50 7:1080i60 8:1080p24 9:1080p50 10:1080p60)
screenx_output_format (for hdmi, 0:RGB 1:yuv444 2:yuv422 3:yuv420)
screenx_output_bits   (for hdmi, 0:8bit 1:10bit 2:12bit 2:16bit)
screenx_output_eotf   (for hdmi, 0:reserve 4:SDR 16:HDR10 18:HLG)
screenx_output_cs     (for hdmi, 0:undefined  257:BT709 260:BT601  263:BT2020)
screenx_output_dvi_hdmi (for hdmi, 0:undefined 1:dvi mode 2:hdmi mode)
screen0_output_range   (for hdmi, 0:default 1:full 2:limited)
screen0_output_scan    (for hdmi, 0:no data 1:overscan 2:underscan)
screen0_output_aspect_ratio  (for hdmi, 8-same as original picture 9-4:3 10-16:9 11-14:9)
fbx format            (4:RGB655 5:RGB565 6:RGB556 7:ARGB1555 8:RGBA5551 9:RGB888 10:ARGB8888 12:ARGB4444)
fbx pixel sequence    (0:ARGB 1:BGRA 2:ABGR 3:RGBA)
fb0_scaler_mode_enable(scaler mode enable, used FE)
fbx_width,fbx_height  (framebuffer horizontal/vertical pixels, fix to output resolution while equal 0)
lcdx_backlight        (lcd init backlight,the range:[0,256],default:197
lcdx_yy               (lcd init screen bright/contrast/saturation/hue, value:0~100, default:50/50/57/50)
lcd0_contrast         (LCD contrast, 0~100)
lcd0_saturation       (LCD saturation, 0~100)
lcd0_hue              (LCD hue, 0~100)
framebuffer software rotation setting:
disp_rotation_used:   (0:disable; 1:enable,you must set fbX_width to lcd_y,
set fbX_height to lcd_x)
degreeX:              (X:screen index; 0:0 degree; 1:90 degree; 3:270 degree)
degreeX_Y:            (X:screen index; Y:layer index 0~15; 0:0 degree; 1:90 degree; 3:270 degree)
devX_output_type : config output type in bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018.
                   (0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 4:hdmi;)
devX_output_mode : config output resolution(see include/video/sunxi_display2.h) of bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018
devX_screen_id   : config display index of bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018
devX_do_hpd      : whether do hpd detectation or not in UBOOT-2018
chn_cfg_mode     : Hardware DE channel allocation config. 0:single display with 6
                   channel, 1:dual display with 4 channel in main display and 2 channel in second
                   display, 2:dual display with 3 channel in main display and 3 channel in second
                   in display.
&disp {
    disp_init_enable         = <1>;
    disp_mode                = <0>;

    screen0_output_type      = <1>;
    screen0_output_mode      = <4>;

    screen1_output_type      = <1>;
    screen1_output_mode      = <4>;

    screen1_output_format    = <0>;
    screen1_output_bits      = <0>;
    screen1_output_eotf      = <4>;
    screen1_output_cs        = <257>;
    screen1_output_dvi_hdmi  = <2>;
    screen1_output_range     = <2>;
    screen1_output_scan      = <0>;
    screen1_output_aspect_ratio = <8>;

    dev0_output_type         = <1>;
    dev0_output_mode         = <4>;
    dev0_screen_id           = <0>;
    dev0_do_hpd              = <0>;

    dev1_output_type         = <4>;
    dev1_output_mode         = <10>;
    dev1_screen_id           = <1>;
    dev1_do_hpd              = <1>;

    def_output_dev           = <0>;
    hdmi_mode_check          = <1>;

    fb0_format               = <0>;
    fb0_width                = <0>;
    fb0_height               = <0>;

    fb1_format               = <0>;
    fb1_width                = <0>;
    fb1_height               = <0>;
    chn_cfg_mode             = <1>;

    disp_para_zone           = <1>;

;lcd0 configuration

;lcd_if:               0:hv(sync+de); 1:8080; 2:ttl; 3:lvds; 4:dsi; 5:edp; 6:extend dsi
;lcd_hv_if             0:Parallel RGB; 8:Serial RGB; 10:Dummy RGB; 11: RGB Dummy;12:CCIR656
;lcd_hv_clk_phase      0:0 degree;1:90 degree;2:180 degree;3:270 degree
;lcd_hv_sync_polarity  0:vs low,hs low; 1:vs high,hslow; 2:vs low,hs high; 3:vs high,hs high
;lcd_hv_syuv_seq       0:YUYV; 1:YVYU; 2:UYVY; 3:VYUY
;lcd_cpu_if            0:18bit/1 cycle parallel(RGB666); 4:16bit/1cycle parallel (RGB565)
;                      6:18bit/3 cycle parallel(RGB666); 7:16bit/2cycle parallel (RGB565)
;lcd_cpu_te            0:frame auto trigger; 1:frame triggered by te rising edge; 2:frame triggered by te falling edge;
;lcd_dsi_if            0:video mode; 1: Command mode; 2:video burst mode
;lcd_dsi_te            0:frame auto trigger; 1:frame triggered by te rising edge; 2:frame triggered by te falling edge;
;lcd_x:                lcd horizontal resolution
;lcd_y:                lcd vertical resolution
;lcd_width:            width of lcd in mm
;lcd_height:           height of lcd in mm
;lcd_dclk_freq:        in MHZ unit
;lcd_pwm_freq:         in HZ unit
;lcd_pwm_pol:          lcd backlight PWM polarity
;lcd_pwm_max_limit     lcd backlight PWM max limit(<=255)
;lcd_hbp:              hsync back porch(pixel) + hsync plus width(pixel);
;lcd_ht:               hsync total cycle(pixel)
;lcd_vbp:              vsync back porch(line) + vysnc plus width(line)
;lcd_vt:               vysnc total cycle(line)
;lcd_hspw:             hsync plus width(pixel)
;lcd_vspw:             vysnc plus width(pixel)
;lcd_lvds_if:          0:single link;  1:dual link
;lcd_lvds_colordepth:  0:8bit; 1:6bit
;lcd_lvds_mode:        0:NS mode; 1:JEIDA mode
;lcd_frm:              0:disable; 1:enable rgb666 dither; 2:enable rgb656 dither
;lcd_io_phase:         0:noraml; 1:intert phase(0~3bit: vsync phase; 4~7bit:hsync phase;
;                      8~11bit:dclk phase; 12~15bit:de phase)
;lcd_gamma_en          lcd gamma correction enable
;lcd_bright_curve_en   lcd bright curve correction enable
;lcd_cmap_en           lcd color map function enable
;deu_mode              0:smoll lcd screen; 1:large lcd screen(larger than 10inch)
;lcdgamma4iep:         Smart Backlight parameter, lcd gamma vale * 10;
;                      decrease it while lcd is not bright enough; increase while lcd is too bright
;smart_color           90:normal lcd screen 65:retina lcd screen(9.7inch)
;Pin setting for special function ie.LVDS, RGB data or vsync
;   name(donot care) = port:PD12<pin function><pull up or pull down><drive ability><output level>
;Pin setting for gpio:
;   lcd_gpio_X     = port:PD12<pin function><pull up or pull down><drive ability><output level>
;Pin setting for backlight enable pin
;   lcd_bl_en     = port:PD12<pin function><pull up or pull down><drive ability><output level>
;fsync setting, pulse to csi
;lcd_fsync_en          (0:disable fsync,1:enable)
;lcd_fsync_act_time    (active time of fsync, unit:pixel)
;lcd_fsync_dis_time    (disactive time of fsync, unit:pixel)
;lcd_fsync_pol         (0:positive;1:negative)
;gpio config: <&pio for cpu or &r_pio for cpus, port, port num, pio function,
pull up or pull down(default 0), driver level(default 1), data>
;For dual link lvds: use lvds2link_pins_a  and lvds2link_pins_b instead
;For rgb24: use rgb24_pins_a  and rgb24_pins_b instead
;For lvds1: use lvds1_pins_a  and lvds1_pins_b instead
;For lvds0: use lvds0_pins_a  and lvds0_pins_b instead
&lcd0 {
    lcd_used            = <1>;
    lcd_driver_name     = "DJGD_MIPI_PUBLIC";
    lcd_model_name        = "CH8558BL_BOE695_600X1024";
    lcd_if              = <4>;
    lcd_backlight       = <50>;

    lcd_x               = <600>;
    lcd_y               = <1024>;
    lcd_width           = <152>;
    lcd_height          = <89>;
    lcd_dclk_freq       = <43>;

    lcd_pwm_used        = <1>;
    lcd_pwm_ch          = <0>;
    lcd_pwm_freq        = <50000>;
    lcd_pwm_pol         = <1>;
    lcd_pwm_max_limit   = <255>;

    lcd_hbp             = <32>;
    lcd_ht              = <642>;
    lcd_hspw            = <20>;
    lcd_vbp             = <8>;//12
    lcd_vt              = <1046>;
    lcd_vspw            = <2>;

    lcd_frm             = <0>;
    lcd_gamma_en        = <0>;
    lcd_bright_curve_en = <0>;
    lcd_cmap_en         = <0>;

    deu_mode            = <0>;
    lcdgamma4iep        = <22>;
    smart_color         = <90>;

    lcd_dsi_if          = <0>;
    lcd_dsi_lane        = <4>;
    lcd_dsi_format      = <0>;
    lcd_dsi_te          = <0>;
    lcd_dsi_eotp        = <0>;

    /* vcc-mipi */
    lcd_power = "eldo3";

    /* vcc-lcd */
    lcd_power1 = "dcdc1";
    lcd_power2 = "dc1sw";

    /*lcd_gpio_0 = <&pio PD 23 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;*/
    lcd_gpio_1 = <&pio PD 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;

    pinctrl-0 = <&dsi4lane_pins_a>;
    pinctrl-1 = <&dsi4lane_pins_b>;

    lcd_bl_en = <&pio PB 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
    lcd_bl_0_percent    = <15>;
    lcd_bl_100_percent  = <100>;
    panel-init-sequence = [        
        ee 01 50             
        ea 02 85 55  
        30 01 00        
        39 03 02 07 10 
        90 02 60 10   
        24 01 20        
        99 01 00                
        95 01 74        
        79 01 05         
        7b 01 00       
        7a 01 20        
        97 01 08 
        7d 01 00
        ee 01 60       
        27 01 21
        29 01 8c
        2a 01 a6
        30 01 01  
        32 01 da 
        33 01 c3     //del     
        34 01 3f         
        42 01 65         
        43 01 65
         3b 01 00
        3c 01 33
        3d 01 11
        3e 01 93        
        8b 01 90        
        8d 01 45
        91 01 22    //11      
        92 01 22    //11
        93 01 9f
        9a 01 07
        9c 01 00    
        5a 05 10 32 3f 44 3f
        47 05 10 32 3f 44 3f    
        4c 05 48 3e 50 30 2f 
        5f 05 48 3e 50 30 2f
        64 05 2f 14 29 24 32
        51 05 2f 14 29 24 32
        69 04 37 44 55 7f
        56 04 37 44 55 7f
        ee 01 70   
        00 05 06 08 00 01 00
        05 05 00 00 01 00 00
        0C 02 4d 7d 
        10 05 07 09 00 01 00
        15 05 00 06 0c 04 00  
        29 02 4d 7d 
        60 05 11 11 13 13 01   
        65 05 01 3c 3c 3c 3c   
        6a 05 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c   
        6f 05 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 
        74 02 3c 3c 
        80 05 10 10 12 12 00   
        85 05 00 3c 3c 3c 3c   
        8a 05 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c   
        8f 05 3c 3c 3c 3c 3c 
        94 02 3c 3c 
        ea 02 00 00
        ee 01 00
        11 01 00
        fe fe 78
        29 01 00
        fe fe 05
        ff ff 00





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