数学专业外语之一: 基本概念与术语


  • 加法: plus,1+2: one plus two
  • 减法: minus, 3-2: three minus two
  • 乘法: times or multiplied by,3x2: three times two 或 three multiplied by two.
  • 除法: divided by or over,10/4: ten divided by four
  • 比和比例: “:”, be to; a:b. a is to b 或 the ratio of a to b.
  • 乘方: x n x^n xn: x to the nth power; n=2时, x squared; n=3时, x cubed.
    a b n ab^n abn: a times b to the nth power; b n − 1 b^{n-1} bn1: b to the n minus one power; b m + n b^{m+n} bm+n: b to the m plus n power
  • 开方: x的n次开方,the principle nth root of x; n=2, the principle square root of x


  • a = b a=b a=b: a is equal to b 或 a equals b.
  • 不等于: a is not equal to b 或 a does not equal b
  • 恒等于: a is identical to b
  • 约等于: a is approximately equal to b.
  • 小于: a is less than b
  • 大于: a is greater than b
  • 小于或等于: a is less than or equal to b
  • 大于或等于: a is greater than or equal to b.


  • (): parentheses 或 round brackets.
  • []: square brackets
  • {}: braces


  • 绝对值: absolute value
  • 最大值: maximum value;极大值: maximum value;极大点: maximum point
  • 最小值:minimum value: 例如 the minimum value of f ( x ) f(x) f(x)
  • 求累加和: the sum of all a k a_k ak from k k k equals one to n n n
  • 求连乘积: the product of all b k b_k bkfrom k k kequals one to n n n


  • 角: angle
  • 三角形: triangle
  • 平行于: be parallel to
  • 垂直于: be perpendicular to


  • 分数
  • 小数: 12.65, twelve point six five


  • 线
    • 直线: Straight line
    • 射线: Ray
    • 线段: Line Segment
    • 曲线: curve
    • 折线: broken line
    • 弧: arc
  • 角度
    • 直角: right angle
    • 锐角: acute angle
    • 钝角: obtuse angle
  • 平面图像
    • 三角形: triangle
    • 四边形: quadrilateral;矩形: rectangle;
    • 圆:circle;半圆:semicircle;扇形:sector
    • 立体图形: 立方体 cube;长方体 cuboid;圆柱 culinder


  • 自然数 natural number;正整数 positive integer;负整数 negative integers
  • 分数:fractions;真分数 proper fractions;分母:denominator
  • 小数: decimals;有限小数: finite decimals;无限小数: infinite decimals.
  • 有理数: rational numbers.
  • 无理数:irrational numbers
  • 实数: real numbers;无限的 non-terminating
  • 复数: complex numbers;虚数单位: imaginary unit;实部: real part;虚部: imaginary part; 纯虚数: pure imainary part.
  • 算式: expression
  • 加减乘除、乘方、开方: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, involution, and evolution.
  • 律:law
  • 倍数: multiple;因数: factor;a被b整除: a is a multiple of b, a is divisible by b, b is a factor of a.
  • 素数: prime number;合数: composite(复合的) number
  • 最大公因数: highest common factor (H.C.F);最小公倍数: least common multiple. (L.C.M)
  • 百分数: percentage;百分比: percent


  • 单项式: monomial;系数/常数因子: constant factor;系数:confficient
  • 指数: exponents; 度:degree
  • 多项式: polynomial;项: term;多项式的次数: the degree of a polynomial;常数项: constant term
  • 合并同类项: combine the like terms. 展开多项式: expand;因式分解: factorize
  • 名词展开: expanding;名字因式分解: factorization;名次因子: factors
  • 整式: integral expression;分式: fractional expression


  • 未知数: unknown(s);方程 equation
  • 方程的解: the solution of the equation;解方程: solve function
  • 不等式: inequality;不等号转向: be reversed
  • 有意义: make sense


  • 含有未知数x和y的方程: an equation in unknowns x and y.
  • 一次方程: first-order equation;线性方程: linear equation
  • 坐标平面:coordinate plane
  • 有序数对: pair of ordered numbers;
  • 无穷多个解: infinite many solutions
  • 方程组:system of equations
  • 消元法: methods of elimination;代入法:substitution;
  • 矩阵:matrix;行列式:determinants;系数矩阵:coefficient matrix;增广矩阵: matrix of coefficient and constants.
  • 一元二次方程组: quadratic equation (or second-degree equation) in one unknown x.
  • 实根: real roots;共轭复根: conjugate complex root;判别式: discriminant


  • 集: set;属于: belong to;元素: element; 子集: subset;真子集: proper subset.
  • 整数集: Integers;自然数集:natural numbers;有理数集: rational numbers; 实数集: real numbers.
  • 区间: Interval; 闭区间: closed interval;开区间: open interval;半开半闭区间: half-open-closed interval; 无穷区间: infinite interval.
  • 公理: axioms;
  • 并: union;交:intersection.


  • 函数: function;象: image;变量: varaible
  • 线性函数: linear function;二次函数: quadratic function;坐标平面:coordinate plane;
  • 抛物线:parabola
  • 指数函数: exponential function;对数函数:logarithmic function;
  • 互逆: converse mutually;
  • 定义域: domain;值域:the range of function f(x)
  • 三角函数: trigonometric functions; 周期函数:periodic functions;周期:period;
  • 单调的:monotonic;
  • 反函数: inverse function.


  • 圆心: center;半径:radius;周长: circumference;圆周率: circumference ratio
  • 弧: arc;扇形:sector
  • 圆心角: angle at the center
  • 半圆: semi cicle


  • 直角坐标平面(系): rectangular coordinate plane (system);坐标轴: axes;y轴:y-axis;数轴: number line;
  • 有序数对: ordered numbers;x坐标: x-coordinate;
  • 象限: quadrant
  • 极坐标系: polar coordinate system;极点: pole;极轴: polar axis;
  • 斜率: slope;
  • 距离公式: distance formula
  • 轨迹:locus
  • 椭圆: ellipses;抛物线:parabolas;双曲线:hyperbolas.


  • 数列: sequence;项:term;通项: general term
  • 公差: common difference;等差数列:arithmetic sequence
  • 公比: common ratio; 等比数列: geometric sequence


  • 级数: series; 无穷级数: infinite series;有限级数:finite series
  • 数学归纳法原理:principle of mathematical induction


  • 事件: event;概率: probability
  • 必然事件: certain event;不可能事件: impossible event;
  • 随机问题: random problem;样本空间: sample space
  • 实验概率: experimental probability
  • 概率加法的一般准则:general rule for the addition of probabilities
  • 互斥的: exclusive;互补事件:complementary event


  • 概率分布直方图: frequency distribution histogram;频率多边形: frequency polygon;频率曲线:frequency curve;
  • 离散数据:discrete data;中位数:medium;众数: mode;四分位数:quartile
  • 算术平均:arithmetic mean;总体:population; 标准差:standard deviation;
  • 正态分布: normal distirbution.
  • 近似值: approximate value;精度:degree of accuracy;四舍五入有效数字:round off x correct to n significant figures.
  • 精确到整数位: correct to the nearest integer
  • 准确值: actual value;绝对值:absolute value;绝对误差:absolute error;误差: measured error




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