《Machine Learning(Tom M. Mitchell)》读书笔记——9、第八章

1. Introduction (about machine learning)

2. Concept Learning and the General-to-Specific Ordering

3. Decision Tree Learning

4. Artificial Neural Networks

5. Evaluating Hypotheses

6. Bayesian Learning

7. Computational Learning Theory

8. Instance-Based Learning

9. Genetic Algorithms

10. Learning Sets of Rules

11. Analytical Learning

12. Combining Inductive and Analytical Learning

13. Reinforcement Learning

8. Instance-Based Learning


Instance-based learning methods such as nearest neighbor and locally weighted regression are conceptually straightforward approaches to approximating real-valued or discrete-valued target functions. Learning in these algorithms consists of simply storing the presented training data. When a new query instance is encountered, a set of similar related instances is retrieved from memory and used to classify the new query instance.

One key difference between these approaches and the methods discussed in other chapters is that instance-based approaches can construct a different approximation to the target function for each distinct query instance that must be classified. In fact, many techniques construct only a local approximation to the target function that applies in the neighborhood of the new query instance, and never construct an approximation designed to perform well over the entire instance space. This has significant advantages when the target function is very complex, but can still be described by a collection of less complex local approximations.


In nearest-neighbor learning the target function may be either discrete-valued or real-valued. Let us first consider learning discrete-valued target functions of the form f : X -> V, where V is the finite set {v1, . . . vs}. The k-NEARESNTE IGHBOR algorithm for approximating a discrete-valued target function is given in Table 8.1.

8.2.1 Distance-Weighted NEAREST NEIGHBOR Algorithm(距离加权最近邻算法)

One obvious refinement to the k-NEAREST NEIGHBOR algorithm is to weight the contribution of each of the k neighbors according to their distance to the query point xq, giving greater weight to closer neighbors.

8.2.2 Remarks on k-NEARESTN EIGHBOR Algorithm

It is robust to noisy training data and quite effective when it is provided a sufficiently large set of training data.

The inductive bias corresponds to an assumption that the classification of an instance x, will be most similar to the classification of other instances that are nearby in Euclidean distance.

One disadvantage of instance-based approaches is that the cost of classifying new instances can be high. This is due to the fact that nearly all computation takes place at classification time rather than when the training examples are first encountered.

A second disadvantage to many instance-based approaches, especially nearest neighbor approaches, is that they typically consider all attributes of the instances when attempting to retrieve similar training examples from memory. If the target concept depends on only a few of the many available attributes, then the instances that are truly most "similar" may well be a large distance apart.  This difficulty, which arises when many irrelevant attributes are present, is sometimes referred to as the curse of dimensionality(维度灾难). Nearest-neighbor approaches are especially sensitive to this problem.

One interesting approach to overcoming this problem is to weight each attribute differently when calculating the distance between two instances. This corresponds to stretching the axes in the Euclidean space, shortening the axes that correspond to less relevant attributes, and lengthening the axes that correspond to more relevant attributes. The amount by which each axis should be stretched can be determined automatically using a cross-validation approach.

An even more drastic alternative is to completely eliminate the least relevant attributes from the instance space. This is equivalent to setting some of the zi scaling factors to zero.

8.2.3 A Note on Terminolog(术语注解)

Much of the literature on nearest-neighbor methods and weighted local regression uses a terminology that has arisen from the field of statistical pattern recognition(统计模式识别). In reading that literature(文献), it is useful to know the following terms: 

Regression(回归) means approximating a real-valued target function.

Residual(残差) is the error ^f(x) - f (x) in approximating the target function.

Kernel function(核函数) is the function of distance that is used to determine the weight of each training example. In other words, the kernel function is the function K such that wi = K(d(xi, x,)). 


The nearest-neighbor approaches described in the previous section can be thought of as approximating the target function f (x) at the single query point x = xq. Locally weighted regression is a generalization of this approach. It constructs an explicit approximation to f over a local region surrounding xq. 

8.3.1 Locally Weighted Linear Regression

Recall that in Chapter 4 we discussed methods such as gradient descent to find the coefficients w0 . . . wn to minimize the error in fitting such linear functions to a given set of training examples. How shall we modify this procedure to derive a local approximation rather than a global one? The simple way is to redefine the error criterion E to emphasize fitting the local training examples, as following:

In fact, if we are fitting a linear function to a fixed set of training examples, then methods much more efficient than gradient descent are available to directly solve for the desired coefficients w0 . . . wn. Atkeson et al. (1997a) and Bishop (1995) survey several such methods.

8.4 RADIAL BASIS FUNCTION(径向基函数——全局逼近)

Several alternative methods have been proposed for choosing an appropriate number of hidden units or, equivalently, kernel functions. One approach is to allocate a Gaussian kernel function for each training example (xi, f (xi)), centering this Gaussian at the point xi. Each of these kernels may be assigned the same width &2. A second approach is to choose a set of kernel functions: The set of kernel functions may be distributed with centers spaced uniformly throughout the instance space X. Alternatively, we may wish to distribute the centers nonuniformly, especially if the instances themselves are found to be distributed nonuniformly over X. Alternatively, we may identify prototypical clusters of instances, then add a kernel function centered at each cluster.

To summarize, radial basis function networks provide a global approximation to the target function, represented by a linear combination of many local kernel functions. The value for any given kernel function is non-negligible only when the input x falls into the region defined by its particular center and width. Thus, the network can be viewed as a smooth linear combination of many local approximations to the target function.

One key advantage to RBF networks is that they can be trained much more efficiently than feedforward networks trained with BACKPROPAGATION. This follows from the fact that the input layer and the output layer of an RBF are trained separately.


Instance-based methods such as k-NEAREST NEIGHBOaRn d locally weighted regression share three key properties. First, they are lazy learning methods in that they defer the decision of how to generalize beyond the training data until a new query instance is observed. Second, they classify new query instances by analyzing similar instances while ignoring instances that are very different from the query. Third, they represent instances as real-valued points in an n-dimensional Euclidean space. Case-based reasoning (CBR) is a learning paradigm based on the first two of these principles, but not the third. In CBR, instances are typically represented using more rich symbolic descriptions, and the methods used to retrieve similar instances are correspondingly more elaborate.

Let us consider a prototypical example of a case-based reasoning system to ground our discussion. The CADET system (Sycara et al. 1992) employs case-based reasoning to assist in the conceptual design(总体设计) of simple mechanical devices such as water faucets(水龙头).

Given this functional specification for the new design problem, CADET searches its library for stored cases whose functional descriptions match the design problem. If an exact match is found, indicating that some stored case implements exactly the desired function, then this case can be returned as a suggested solution to the design problem. If no exact match occurs, CADET may find cases that match various subgraphs of the desired functional specification.

It is instructive to examine the correspondence between the problem setting of CADET and the general setting for instance-based methods such as k-NEAREST NEIGHBORIn.  CADET each stored training example describes a function graph along with the structure that implements it. New queries correspond to new function graphs. Thus, we can map the CADET problem into our standard notation by defining the space of instances X to be the space of all function graphs. The target function f maps function graphs to the structures that implement them. Each stored training example (x, f (x)) is a pair that describes some function graph x and the structure f (x) that implements x. The system must learn from the training example cases to output the structure f (xq) that successfully implements the input function graph query xq. 


In this chapter we considered three lazy learning methods: the k-NEAREST NEIGHBOR algorithm, locally weighted regression, and case-based reasoning. We call these methods lazy because they defer the decision of how to generalize beyond the training data until each new query instance is encountered. We also discussed one eager learning method: the method for learning radial basis function networks. We call this method eager because it generalizes beyond the training data before observing the new query, committing at training time to the network structure and weights that define its approximation to the target function. In this same sense, every other algorithm discussed elsewhere in this book (e.g., BACKPROPAGATION, C4.5) is an eager learning algorithm.

Are there important differences in what can be achieved by lazy versus eager learning? Differences in computation time and differences in the classifications(or  inductive bias) produced for new queries and  differences in generalization accuracy(related to the distinction between global and local approximations to the target function). Inductive bias: Lazy methods may consider the query instance x, when deciding how to generalize beyond the training data D; Eager methods cannot. By the time they observe the query instance x, they have already chosen their (global) approximation to the target function.

Lazy methods have the option of selecting a different hypothesis or local approximation to the target function for each query instance. Eager methods using the same hypothesis space are more restricted because they must commit to a single hypothesis that covers the entire instance space. Eager methods can, of course, employ hypothesis spaces that combine multiple local approximations, as in RBF networks. However, even these combined local approximations do not give eager methods the full ability of lazy methods to customize to unknown future query instances. 


Instance-based learning methods differ from other approaches to function approximation because they delay processing of training examples until they must label a new query instance. As a result, they need not form an explicit hypothesis of the entire target function over the entire instance space, independent of the query instance. Instead, they may form a different local approximation to the target function for each query instance. 

Advantages of instance-based methods include the ability to model complex target functions by a collection of less complex local approximations and the fact that information present in the training examples is never lost (because the examples themselves are stored explicitly). The main practical difficulties include efficiency of labeling new instances (all processing is done at query time rather than in advance), difficulties in determining an appropriate distance metric for retrieving "related" instances (especially when examples are represented by complex symbolic descriptions), and the negative impact of irrelevant features on the distance metric.

k-NEARESNTE IGHBOR is an instance-based algorithm for approximating real-valued or discrete-valued target functions, assuming instances correspond to points in an n-dimensional Euclidean space. The target function value for a new query is estimated from the known values of the k nearest training examples. 

Locally weighted regression methods are a generalization of k-NEAREST NEIGHBOiRn  which an explicit local approximation to the target function is constructed for each query instance. The local approximation to the target function may be based on a variety of functional forms such as constant, linear, or quadratic functions(二次方程) or on spatially localized kernel functions. 

Radial basis function (RBF) networks are a type of artificial neural network constructed from spatially localized kernel functions. These can be seen as a blend of instance-based approaches (spatially localized influence of each kernel function) and neural network approaches (a global approximation to the target function is formed at training time rather than a local approximation at query time). Radial basis function networks have been used successfully in applications such as interpreting visual scenes, in which the assumption of spatially local influences is well-justified. 

Case-based reasoning is an instance-based approach in which instances are represented by complex logical descriptions rather than points in a Euclidean space. Given these complex symbolic descriptions of instances, a rich variety of methods have been proposed for mapping from the training examples to target function values for new instances. Case-based reasoning methods have been used in applications such as modeling legal reasoning and for guiding searches in complex manufacturing and transportation planning problems.





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