[转]四.设计的优先级 1满足最低限度的要求

Apple Human Interface Guidelines contains myriad design principles and guidelines that, when followed, lead to fully Aqua-compliant applications that support the appropriate Mac OS X technologies and stand out in their target markets. As you design an application, however, you may find that business concerns, such as resource constraints and schedule commitments, impact your ability to follow these guidelines to the fullest. When this is the case, how do you decide which Mac OS X technologies to use and support? How do you prioritize your work so your application is the best that it can be, given the realities of your development environment?

Apple人机接口指南包含了大量的设计准则和指导方案,遵守这些准则可以让您的程序完全和Aqua兼容,支持合适的Mac OS X功能,并在目标市场上表现优秀。然而,当您设计一个应用程序时,您可能会有一些商业上的考虑,例如资源约束,计划安排,都将影响您能否完全遵守这些准则。在这种情况下,您怎样决定使用和支持哪一种Mac OS X技术?您怎样优先安排您的工作以使您的程序在实际的开发条件下尽可能的优秀?

To help you answer these questions, this chapter organizes human interface features, principles, and guidelines into three layers. Figure 4-1 displays these layers in the outline of a pyramid to emphasize the progressive improvement and refinement of an application as it implements the guidelines in each successive layer.


Figure 4-1 Prioritizing design decisions in three layers
图 4-1 设计优先级的三个层次


Each layer in Figure 4-1 correlates closely with a level of a user's satisfaction with an application. For example, an application that merely meets the minimum requirements may be acceptable, but probably does not deliver the features most users expect and is unlikely to inspire admiration and loyalty in its users. Because user satisfaction ultimately determines the success or failure of your application, it should be at the heart of your design decisions. If business realities require you to make design tradeoffs, use the guidelines described in this chapter to help you decide which features to concentrate on first.

图 4-1中的每一层都和用户对应用程序的满意程度相关。例如,如果一个程序仅仅满足了最低要求是可以接受的,但是它可能没有包括大部分用户期望的功能,也不可能打动用户,获得用户的忠诚度。因为用户的满意度最终决定您的程度的成功或者失败,所以它是您设计工作的中心。如果商业因素让您不得不折衷的话,参考本章的建议来决定应该首先集中开发哪些功能。


As you design or revise your application, there are a number of guidelines you must follow to ensure your application is "at home" in Mac OS X. You should view these guidelines and the features associated with them as nonnegotiable; if you don't follow them, users will notice that your application doesn't feel like it is intended for the Macintosh.

在您设计或者修改您的应用程序时,您必须遵守很多准则以确保您的程序属于Mac OS X的程序。您可以认为这些准则以及相关的功能是不容置疑的要实现的,否则,用户就会注意到您的程序不像是为Mac OS X所开发的。

To meet the minimum requirements of an application on the Mac OS X platform, be sure to:

为了符合Mac OS X上应用程序的最低要求,您的程序需要满足以下几点:

  • Respect the single menu bar and avoid putting menu bars in your application's windows.
Mac OS X provides a single menu bar across the top of the screen, which gives applications a consistent location to display commands. For more information on how your application interacts with the menu bar, see “ The Menu Bar and Its Menus.”
Mac OS X在整个屏幕的上部提供了一个菜单条,从而给各个应用程序一个统一的位置来显示命令。关于怎样和菜单条交互的更多信息,请参考“ 菜单条以及菜单。”
  • Respect the Dock.
The Dock is an essential part of Mac OS X and users expect it to behave according to their preferences. At the very least, your application must not interfere with the Dock's position on the screen. Additionally, your application should cooperate with the Dock to provide information and utility to your users. For more information on the Dock, see “ The Dock.”
Dock是Mac OS X的一项基础功能,并且用户期望能够按照他们的配置来工作。至少,您的程序不能妨碍Dock在屏幕上的位置。另外,您的程序应该利用Dock向用户提供信息和功能。关于Dock的更多信息,请参考 “Dock”一节。
  • Respect the multilayered window environment of Mac OS X.
    注意Mac OS X下多层次的窗口环境。
Mac OS X supports different types of windows for different uses. Be sure you know which types of windows your application should display and how they should look (for more information on these topics, see “ Types of Windows” and “ Window Appearance”). In addition, be sure you follow the guidelines for opening, naming, positioning, resizing, and closing windows described in “ Window Behavior.”
Mac OS X下不同用途使用不同类型的窗口。确定您了解您的程序应该显示什么类型的窗口以及什么样的外观(关于该主题的更多信息,请参考“ 窗口的类型” and “ 窗口的外观”)。另外,确定您遵守了打开,命名,移动,更改大小,关闭窗口等" “ 窗口行为”一节中描述的准则。
  • Put the files your application creates in the proper locations.
Mac OS X defines particular locations for application-specific files, such as preferences and user-created documents. Don't place files associated with your application in arbitrary locations because they will clutter the file system and users won't know where to look for them. For guidelines on how to interact with the file system, see File System Overview.
Mac OS X定义了放置程序特定文件的位置,例如配置文件和用户创建的文档。不要随意放置和您的程序关联的文件因为这样会使得文件系统显得凌乱,并且用户也不知道应该去哪儿找到它们。关于如何和文件系统交互的更多信息,请参考 文件系统概述
  • Use standard controls.
Mac OS X provides a wide range of controls with well-defined behaviors. Use these controls in your application's user interface and be sure you support the prescribed behaviors. For extensive information on the behavior, appearance, and usage of controls, see “ Controls.” In very rare cases, you may need to implement a custom control; if you think this might be necessary, see “ Extending the Interface.”
Mac OS X提供了大量的,行为已经经过良好定义的控件。在您程序中尽量使用这些控件并确定您支持那些已定义的行为。关于控件使用,行为,外观的更多信息,请参考“ 控件”一节。只有极少情况您需要实现自己的定制控件。如果您认为这是必须的,请参考 “ 扩展用户接口”一节。
  • Avoid the system-reserved keyboard shortcuts and respect the Apple-recommended keyboard shortcuts.
Applications should not override the system-reserved keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts are intended to supply specific behaviors regardless of which application is currently running. For more information on the system-reserved keyboard shortcuts, see “ Reserved Keyboard Shortcuts” and “ Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference.”
应用程序不应该覆盖系统保留的快捷键。这些快捷键用来支持特定的行为而无须考虑目前运行的是哪个程序。关于系统保留的快捷键的更多信息,请参考“ 保留的键盘快捷键” 和 “ 键盘快捷键快速参考。”
An application should implement the recommended keyboard shortcuts associated with the tasks the application performs. If, for example, your application performs a save operation, it should implement the Command-S keyboard shortcut for this task. In almost all cases, an application should not override the recommended keyboard shortcuts. For example, Macintosh users should be able to rely on Command-S to mean Save no matter which application they are using. For a comprehensive list of the recommended keyboard shortcuts, see “ Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference.” To see how the recommended keyboard shortcuts are used in menus, see the menu-specific sections in “ The Menu Bar and Its Menus.”
应用程序应该实现和程序功能关联的Apple推荐的键盘快捷键.例如,如果您的程序支持保存操作,那么应该为这个操作实现Command-S快捷键。在大部分的情况下,程序不应该更改推荐的快捷键。例如,无论当前运行的是什么程序,Macintosh用户应该都可以相信Command-S意味着保存这一事实。关于推荐的键盘快捷键列表,请参考“ 键盘快捷键快速参考。”关于推荐的快捷键怎么在菜单中工作的,请参考“ 菜单条和菜单”中特定菜单的部分。
  • Support the Clipboard.
Mac OS X makes the Clipboard available to all applications and users can rely on the Clipboard's contents remaining unchanged when they switch applications. Be sure to support the Clipboard and implement cut, copy, and paste operations in your application. For more information on operations that access the Clipboard, see “ The Edit Menu” and “ The Format Menu.”
Mac OS X使得所有的程序都可以使用剪贴板,而且当用户切换程序时,剪贴板的内容不应该被改变。确定在您的程序中支持剪贴板并实现剪切,复制和粘贴等操作。关于访问剪贴板的更多信息,请参考 “ 编辑菜单”和 “ 格式菜单。”






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