enq 命令的帮助.

enq 命令的系统文档

>man enq

                     Commands Reference, Volume 2, d - h

enq Command


       Enqueues a file.


To Process a File

       enq [  - ] [ -B CharacterPair ] [ -c ] [ -C ] [ -G ] [ -j ] [ -m Text ]
       [ -M File ] [ -n ] [ -N Number ] [ -o Option ] [ -P Queue ] [ -r ] [ -R
       Number ] [ -t "User" ] [ -T Title ] [ -Y ] [ -Z Name ] File

To Change the Priority of Print Jobs

       enq -a Number -# JobNumber

To Display Status

       enq [ -q | -A ] [ -L | -W ] [ -e ] [ -# JobNumber ] [ -u Name ] [ -w
       Seconds ] [ -s]

To Change Queue and Queue Daemon Status

       enq [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -G ] [ -K ] [ -L ] [ -q | -A ] [ -U ]

To Cancel Options

       enq [ -X ] [ -xNumber ] [ -PPrinter ]

To Hold, Release or Move a Print Job to Another Queue

       enq { -h | -p | -Q NewQueue } { -# JobNumber [ -P Queue ] | -u User |
       -P Queue }

To Queue and Hold a Print Job

       enq -H File ...


       The enq command is a general-purpose utility for enqueuing requests to
       a shared resource, typically a printer device. Use the enq command to
       enqueue requests, cancel requests, alter the priority of a request, and
       display the status of queues and devices.

       The enq command has five different syntax diagrams because all the
       flags are not meant to work together. Some of these flags are meant for
       file processing and accept FileName as an option. The other flags are
       used for changing the priority of a print job, displaying the status,
       changing the status of the queue or the queue daemon, and canceling a
       print job.

       To enqueue files on a specific queue, use the -P flag (-P Queue). If
       more than one device services a queue, you can also request a
       particular device by specifying that device (:device) after the name of

       the queue. If you do not specify a device, the job is sent to the first
       available device. If you do not specify a file, the enq command copies
       standard input into a file and enqueues it for printing.

       The enq command requests can have operator messages associated with
       them. This feature is useful in a distributed environment or on a
       system with many users. The messages are used to tell the printer
       operator such information as a request to load a special form or
       different color paper into the printer before allowing the job to
       print. These messages are specified with the -m and -M flags. The
       qdaemon command processes the enq command requests. When the qdaemon is
       ready to begin a request that has an associated message, the system
       displays the message on the console of the machine where the qdaemon
       process is running. The text of the message is accompanied by a prompt
       that tells the printer operator how to signal the request to continue
       or how to cancel the request.

       The display generated by the enq -A command contains two entries for
       remote queues. The first entry contains the client's local queue and
       local device name and its status information. The second entry follows
       immediately; it contains the client's local queue name (again),
       followed by the remote queue name. Any jobs submitted to a remote queue
       are displayed first on the local side and are moved to the remote
       device as the job is processed on the remote machine.

       Since the status commands communicate with remote machines, the status
       display may occasionally appear to hang while waiting for a response
       from the remote machine. The command will eventually time-out if a
       connection cannot be established between the two machines.

       1    Before you can enqueue a file, you must have read access to it. To
            remove a file, (see the -r flag) you must also have write access
            to the directory that contains the file.
       2    If you want to continue changing the file after you issue the enq
            command but before it is printed, you must use the -c flag.
       3    When enqueuing files on a printer, flags can be interspersed in
            any order.
       4    The -d and -G flags are acted upon immediately. Syntax error
            appearing before these flags on the command line are reported.
            Syntax errors appearing after these flags on the command line are


File Processing Options

       If you give the enq command a list of file names, it enqueues them all
       for file processing on the default device or on the specified device.
            Causes the enq command to act as a filter. The enq command
            automatically reads standard input if you do not specify a file or
            files. However, if you do specify a file, you can also use the
            dash (-) to force the enq command to read standard input. The dash
            (-) is actually not a flag, but a special type of file name.
            Therefore, it must come after all other flags have been specified
            on the command line.

       -B CharacterPair
            Controls the printing of burst pages according to the value of
            CharacterPair as follows. (n = never, a = always, g = group. The
            first character is for header, the second character is for
                   No headers, no trailers
                   No headers, trailer on every file
                   No header, trailer at the end of the job
                   Header on every file, no trailers
                   Headers and trailers on every file in the job
                   Header on every file, trailer after job
                   Header at the beginning of job, no trailer
                   Header at beginning of job, trailer after every file
                   Header at beginning of job, trailer at end of job
            The header and trailer stanzas in the /etc/qconfig file define the
            default treatment of burst pages.

            Note: In a remote print environment, the default is to print a
            header page and not a trailer page.

            Copies the file. To save disk space, the enq command remembers the
            name of the file, but does not actually copy the file itself. Use
            the -c flag if you want to continue changing the file while you
            are waiting for the current copy to be printed.
            Specifies that the mail command be used instead of the write
            command for error messages and job completion notification. (Using
            this flag is useful for writing PostScript(R) applications since
            it allows better feedback from the printer.) Error messages and
            job completion messages (both generated by the piobe command) and
            any data read from the printer are also sent back by mail.

            The -C flag only applies to local print jobs. If you want to be
            notified when a job sent to a remote printer is completed, use the
            -n flag to receive a mail message.

            Note: There are some messages that cannot be redirected from
            qdaemon and the printer backend in any way. These are system
            errors and are sent directly to the /dev/console file.

            Specifies that the message Job number is: nnn, where nnn is the
            assigned job number, be displayed to standard output. This occurs
            only if the job is submitted to a local print queue.
       -m Text
            Submits an operator message with an enq command request. The
            specified text contains the message.

       -M File
            Submits an operator message with an enq command request. The
            specified file contains the text of the message.
            Notifies you when your job is finished. If the -t flag is also
            used, the enq command also notifies the user for whom the request
            is intended (see the -t flag).
       -N Number
            Prints Number copies of the file. Normally, a file is printed only
       -o Option
            Specifies that flags specific to the backend be passed to the
            backend. Thus, for each queue there are flags not described in
            this article that can be included on the enq command line. See the
            piobe command for a list of these flags.
       -P Queue
            Specifies the queue to which the job is sent. A particular device
            on a queue can be specified by typing -P Queue:Device.
            Removes the file after it has been successfully printed.
       -R Number
            Sets the priority of the current job to Number. This flag is used
            at job submission time. Use the -a flag to alter priority after
            the job is submitted. Higher numbers assign higher priority. The
            default priority is 15. The maximum priority is 20 for most users
            and 30 for the users with root user authority.
       -t "User"
            Labels the output for delivery to User. Normally the output is
            labeled for delivery to the user name of the person issuing the
            enq command request. The value of User must be a single word
            meeting the same requirements of a regular user ID.
       -T Title
            Puts title on the header page and displays it when the -q flag is
            specified. Normally the job title is the name of the file. If the
            enq command reads from standard input, the job title is STDIN.#
            where # is the process ID of the enq command.
            Tells the enq command to ignore the rest of the command line after
            this flag. This is useful for discovering whether a queue is valid
            (if it is in the /etc/qconfig file). For example, typing enq -P
            lp4 -Y returns with an exit value of 0 if the line printer lp4 is
            a valid queue; if otherwise, a nonzero value is returned. Using
            this flag is also good for forcing the qdaemon command to redigest
            the /etc/qconfig file.
       -Z Name
            Specifies originator of remote print jobs.

Print Job Priority Options

       -a Number
            Changes the priority of the named job to Number. The job must have
            been submitted for printing prior to entering the enq command with
            this flag. See the -R flag for a description of priorities. Use
            the -# flag to specify the job number. This flag is only valid for
            local print jobs.
       -# JobNumber
            Specifies the job number used by the enq -q command or the enq -a
            command, and displays only the job specified in status output.

              1    Specify the -P Queue to override the default destination
              2    If jobs 1, 2, and 3 are in the printer queue, and you
                   specify that you want the status of job 3 while job 1 is
                   running, the status information will show job 1 and job 3,
                   not only job 3.
              3    If you specify a job number that does not exist, the system
                   displays the current job number on the queue instead of an
                   error message.
Display Status Options

            Provides status for all queues. This is like running the enq -q
            command once for each queue in the qconfig file.
            Excludes status information from queues that are not under the
            control of the qdaemon command. The status from such queues may be
            in different formats. The -e flag can be used with any combination
            of flags.
            Specifies the long status. This flag can be used with the -A flag
            or the -q flag. This flag cannot be used with the -W flag. If the
            -L flag and -W flag are used simultaneously, the first one
            specified takes precedence. Use the -L flag to show multiple files
            to be printed in a single print job.
            Displays the status of the default queue. The LPDEST and PRINTER
            environment variable control the name of the default printer. If
            the LPDEST environment variable contains a value, that value is
            always used first. If the LPDEST variable has no value, the enq
            command uses the PRINTER environment variable. If the PRINTER
            environment variable contains no value, then the enq command uses
            the system default.

              1    Use the -P Queue flag with the -q flag to display the
                   status of a particular queue.
              2    Any destination command line options override both the
                   LPDEST and the PRINTER environment variables.
            Obtains the status of print queues without listing any files.
       -u Name
            Specifies the user name for which to print job status.
       -w Seconds
            Specifies continuous output of the queue status, updating the
            screen every Seconds specified until the queue is empty (see the
            lpq command). When the queue is empty, the process halts. This
            flag is only used with either the -q flag, or the -A flag, or the
            -L flag.
            Specifies the wide status format with longer queue names, device
            names, and job numbers. Job number information is available on AIX
            4.3.2 and later. This flag can be used with the -A flag or the -q
            flag. It cannot be used with the -L flag. If the -L flag and -W
            flag are used simultaneously, the first one specified takes

Change the queue and queue Daemon Status Options

            Runs the digest command on the /etc/qconfig file. Once the digest
            is completed, any changes to the /etc/qconfig file are reflected
            in the /etc/qconfig.bin file. A user must have root user authority
            to run this option.

       In addition to the previous flags available to all users, the enq
       command accepts the following flags when they are entered by users that
       have root user authority. Root user authority means that you are root
       or you belong to the printq group.

            Note: The following flags can only be used on local print jobs.

            Device DOWN. Turns off the device associated with the queue. The
            qdaemon process no longer send jobs to the device, and entering
            the enq -q command shows its status as DOWN. Any job currently
            running on the device is allowed to finish.
            Die GRACEFULLY. Ends the qdaemon process after all currently
            running jobs are finished. Use of this flag is the only clean way
            to bring the qdaemon process down. Use of the kill command may
            cause problems, such as jobs hanging up in the queue.

            If the qdaemon process is running under srcmstr (the default
            configuration), enq -G does not prevent qdaemon from being
            restarted automatically. You must use the chssys command, which
            changes the default configuration and prevents the automatic
            restart of the qdaemon process. The following command:

            chssys -s qdaemon -O

            issued prior to the enq -G command, prevents the automatic restart
            of qdaemon.

            The following command:

            startsrc -s qdaemon

            restarts the qdaemon process manually.
            Acts the same as the -D flag, except that all current jobs are
            KILLED. They remain in the queue, and are run again when the
            device is turned on.
            Specifies the long status. This flag can be used with the -A flag
            or the -q flag. Use the -L flag to show multiple files to be
            printed in a single print job.
            Brings UP the device associated with a queue. The qdaemon process
            sends jobs to it again and entering the enq -q command shows its
            status as READY.

            Note: If more than one device is associated with a queue, you must
            specify the device as well as the queue when you use the -D flag,
            the -K flag, and the -U flags. For example, entering -P lp:lpd
            designates the same device only if there is no other device on
            that queue.

Cancel Options

            Cancels the printing of your jobs. If you have root user
            authority, all jobs on the specified queue are deleted. This flag
            is only valid on local print jobs.
       -x Number
            Cancels the printing of the specified job Number.
       -P Printer
            Specifies the Printer where either all jobs or the selected job
            number is to be canceled.

            Attention: If you have root user authority and do not specify a
            queue, all jobs on all queues are deleted.

Holding and Releasing a Print Job Options

       -# JobNumber
            Designates the number of the print job to be held or released.
            Holds the specified print job.
            Queues and holds the file indicated with the File parameter.
            Releases the specified print job.
       -P Queue
            Designates the print queue to be held or released.
       -u User
            Designates the user whose print jobs are to be held or released.

Moving Print Job Options

       -# JobNumber
            Designates the number of the print job to be moved.
       -P Queue
            Designates the print queue to be moved. The value of the Queue
            variable can be a queue name or in the form queue:device name.
       -Q NewQueue
            Designates the target queue where the print job will be moved to.
            The value of the NewQueue variable can be in the form of a queue
            name or in the form queue:device name.
       -u User
            Designates the user whose print jobs are to be moved.


       Auditing Events:
            Queue name, device name, job name, user name

       Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform
       privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged
       operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges,
       see Privileged Command Database in Security. For a list of privileges
       and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr
       command or the getcmdattr subcommand.

       1    To print the file memo on the default printer, enter:

            enq memo
       2    To print the file prog.c with page numbers, enter:

            pr prog.c | enq

            The pr command puts a heading at the top of each page that
            includes the date the file was last modified, the name of the
            file, and the page number. The enq command then prints the file.
       3    To print a file with page numbers, reading from standard input,
            enter: pr x | enq -P bill -n -r fn1 - fn3

            The dash (-) special file name tells the enq command to read from
            standard input. Normally the enq command will not read from
            standard input if there are file names on the command line. It
            also indicates the order in which to print things. The pr command
            creates a page numbered version of the file x and passes it to the
            enq command, which creates a temporary file containing that output
            in the /var/spool/qdaemon file.

            The enq command creates a job with four files and submits it to
            the queue named bill. It will print the fn1 file twice. Then it
            will print whatever the output of the pr command was. Lastly it
            will print the file fn3. The four files are treated as one job for
            the purposes of burst pages. Notification is sent (the -n flag)
            when the job is complete. Since the -r flag was specified, the fn1
            and fn3 files are removed at job completion. The temporary file
            created by the dash (-) file is always deleted.

            The pr command puts a heading at the top of each page that
            includes the date the file was last modified, the name of the
            file, and the page number. The enq command then prints the file.
       4    To print the file report on the next available printer configured
            for the fred queue, enter:

            enq -P fred report
       5    To print several files beginning with the prefix sam on the next
            available printer configured for the fred queue, enter:

            enq -P fred sam*

            All files beginning with the prefix sam are included in one print
            job. Normal status commands show only the title of the print job,
            which in this case is the name of the first file in the queue
            unless a different value was specified with the -T flag. To list
            the names of all the files in the print job, use the long status
            command enq -A -L.
       6    To check the print queue to see if a file is still waiting to be
            printed, enter: enq -q

            This command displays the status of the user's default queue. If
            the file is not yet printed, then it appears in the queue status
            listing. The system default queue is defined as the first queue in
            the /etc/qconfig[.bin] file. Users can have their own default
            override by setting and exporting the PRINTER environment

       7    To display the status of a nondefault queue, lp0, enter: enq -q -P

       8    To obtain the long queue status, enter: enq -L

       9    To obtain status on all queues, enter: enq -A

       10   To obtain long status on all queues, enter: enq -A -L

       11   To obtain the status of the default queue, in wide format, enter:
            enq -W

       12   To obtain the wide status of all queues, enter: enq -W -A

       13   To stop printing a job (a job is one or more files), enter: enq -x

            This command cancels the request you made earlier to print a job.
            The number was obtained from the listing obtained by entering the
            enq -q command. If the job is currently being printed, the printer
            stops immediately. If the job has not been printed yet, it is
            removed from the queue so that it will not be printed. If the job
            is not in the queue, the enq command displays a message similar to
            the following:

            no such request from you -- perhaps it's done?
       14   To disconnect a printer from the queuing system, enter: enq -P
            lp0:dlp0 -D

            Entering this command stops the enq command requests from being
            sent to the printer that serves the lp0 queue. If a file is
            currently printing, it is allowed to finish. You must be able to
            execute the qadm command to run this command.

            Note: The printers serving a given queue are named by the device
            stanza name as it appears in the /etc/qconfig[.bin] file.

       15   To print a file with page numbers using the piobe command backend
            on the default printer, enter: enq -o -p filename

            The -p flag is not looked at by the enq command. The -o flag tells
            the enq command to pass the next item, which can be in quotes, to
            the backend unchanged. So, the enq command passes the -p flag to
            the qdaemon process, which in turn passes it to the backend piobe.
            The -p flag causes piobe to execute the /usr/bin/pr filter to
            apply page numbers to the document before giving data to the
            device. Multiple options can be given in quotes preceded by one -o
            flag or without quotes and individually preceded by more than one
            -o flag.
       16   Assuming a qconfig file with the following information:

                           device = fred
                           file = /tmp/hello
                           backend = /usr/bin/sh /usr/bin/diff

            And given the following commands: rm /tmp/hello

            touch /tmp/hello

            pr /etc/hosts|enq -P qname:fred - /etc/hosts

            The qdaemon process executes the /usr/bin/diff program with two
            arguments, one of which is a temporary file name and the other
            being the /etc/hosts file. The only difference between the two
            files is that one was run through the pr command. The /tmp/hello
            file will contain the differences between the two files. The
            qdaemon process does not create the /tmp/hello file if it does not
       17   The following command: enq -m'i want pink paper for this job'

            sends the specified operator message to the operator's console
            just before the print job is to print. The operator must respond
            to this message to continue or cancel the job. enq -M pink

            This command accomplishes the same thing, only the message is
            contained in a file called pink.
       18   To cancel all jobs in the fred queue, enter: enq -X -P fred

            If the user who entered this command has root user authority, all
            the jobs from the fred queue are deleted. If the user does not
            have root user authority, only the users jobs are deleted from
            that queue.
       19   To queue the file named MyFile and return the MyFile job number to
            the jdf file, enter: enq -j MyFile

       20   To hold print job number 310, enter: enq -h -#310

            To release the hold on print job number 310, enter: enq -p -#310

       21   To hold all the print jobs on queue lp0, enter: enq -h -P lp0

            To release the lp0 queue, enter: enq -p -P lp0

       22   To hold all print jobs created by fred, enter: enq -h -u fred

            To release the print jobs created by fred, enter: enq -p -u fred

       23   To move job number 318 to queue lp0, enter: enq -Q lp0 -#318

            The flags that control moving print jobs work in the same way as
            the flags that hold the print files. The hold flags and variables
            are illustrated in the preceding examples.


            Queuing daemon.
            Queue configuration file.
            Queue requests.
            Information on the status of the devices.

            Temporary copies of enqueued files.
            Digested, binary version of the /etc/qconfig file.

Related Information

       The chquedev command, lsque command, mkque command, rmque command.

       The qconfig file.

       Changing or showing queue characteristics in Printers and printing.

       Printing administration in Printers and printing.

       Printer-specific information in Printers and printing.

       Installing support for additional printers in Printers and printing.

       Print spooler in Printers and printing.

       Virtual printer definitions and attributes in Printers and printing.

       Printer colon file conventions in Printers and printing.

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