
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct _DLNODE
 int data;
 struct _DLNODE *pre;
 struct _DLNODE *next;

#define SIZE sizeof(struct _DLNODE)

void Init_DLinkList(DLinkList **DL);
DLinkList *Create_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL);
void Disp_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL);
int Length_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL);
DLinkList *Delete_Dnode(DLinkList *DL, int key);
DLinkList *Insert_Dnode(DLinkList *DL, int pos, int key);
DLinkList *Reverse_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL);
DLinkList *Sort_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL);
DLinkList *Insert_Tail(DLinkList *DL, DLinkList *node);
DLinkList *Merger_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL_A, DLinkList *DL_B, DLinkList *DL_C);
void Remove_memory(DLinkList *DL);

int main()
 DLinkList *DL_A = NULL, *DL_B = NULL, *DL_C = NULL;
 int Len_a = 0, pos = 0;
 int key = 0;

 printf("Input data of DL_A:/n");
 DL_A = Create_DLinkList(DL_A);
 printf("/nThe DL_A list you created is:/n");

 Len_a = Length_DLinkList(DL_A);
 printf("/nThe length of DL_A list is: %d/n", Len_a);

 printf("/nInput the key to deleting: ");
 scanf("%d", &key);
 DL_A = Delete_Dnode(DL_A, key);
 printf("After deleted the list is :/n");

 printf("/nInput the pos and the key to insert:/n");
 scanf("%d%d", &pos, &key);
 DL_A = Insert_Dnode(DL_A, pos, key);
 printf("After inserting the list is :/n");

 printf("/nAfter reverse the list is :/n");
 DL_A = Reverse_DLinkList(DL_A);

 printf("/nAfter sorted the list is :/n");
 DL_A = Sort_DLinkList(DL_A);

 printf("/nInput data of DL_B:/n");
 DL_B = Create_DLinkList(DL_B);
 printf("/nThe DL_B list you created is:/n");
 DL_B = Sort_DLinkList(DL_B);
// DL_A = Sort_DLinkList(DL_A);
 printf("/nAfter merger DL_A and DL_B the DL_C is :/n");
 DL_C = Merger_DLinkList(DL_A, DL_B, DL_C);

 return 0;

void Init_DLinkList(DLinkList **DL)
 (*DL) = (DLinkList *)malloc(SIZE);
 if((*DL) == NULL)
  printf("Memory assign error!!/n");
 (*DL)->pre = (*DL)->next = NULL;

DLinkList *Create_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL)
 DLinkList *pd = NULL, *qd = NULL;
 int data = 0, len = 1, endflag = 1;

 pd = DL;
  printf("Input the %dth node's data :", len);
  scanf("%d", &data);
  if(data != 0)
   qd = (DLinkList *)malloc(SIZE);
   qd->data = data;
   pd->next = qd;
   qd->pre = pd;
   qd->next = NULL;
   pd = qd;
   endflag = 0;
 DL = DL->next;
 DL->pre = NULL;
 pd->next = NULL;
 return DL;

void Disp_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL)
 DLinkList *pd = NULL;
 int n = 1;

 pd = DL;
 while(pd != NULL)
  printf("The %dth node's data is: %d/n", n, pd->data );
  pd = pd->next ;
  n ++;

int Length_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL)
 DLinkList *pd = NULL;
 int len = 0;

 pd = DL;
 while(pd != NULL)
  pd = pd->next ;
 return len;

DLinkList *Delete_Dnode(DLinkList *DL, int key)
 DLinkList *pd = NULL, *qd = NULL;

 pd = DL;

 while(pd->data != key && pd->next  != NULL)
  pd = pd->next;

 if(key == pd->data)
  if(pd == DL)
   DL = DL->next;
   DL->pre = NULL;
   pd = NULL;
  else if(pd->next == NULL)
   pd->pre->next = NULL;
   pd = NULL;
   pd->pre->next = pd->next;
   pd->next->pre = pd->pre;
   pd = NULL;
  printf("/nNo found data : %d/n", key);
 return DL;

DLinkList *Insert_Dnode(DLinkList *DL, int pos, int key)
 int len = 0, loc = 1;
 DLinkList *pd = NULL, *newnode  = NULL;

 newnode = (DLinkList *)malloc(SIZE);
 if(newnode == NULL)
  printf("Memory assign error!!/n");
 newnode->data = key;

 len = Length_DLinkList(DL);
 if(pos < 1 || pos > len + 1)
  printf("Position error!!/n");
 pd = DL;

 while(loc < pos && pd->next != NULL)
  pd = pd->next;
 if(loc == pos)
  if(pd == DL)
   newnode->next = pd;
   pd->pre = newnode;
   newnode->pre = NULL;
   DL = newnode;
   pd->pre->next = newnode;
   newnode->next = pd ;
   newnode->pre = pd->pre ;
   pd->pre = newnode;

  pd->next = newnode;
  newnode->pre = pd;
  newnode->next = NULL;
 return DL;

DLinkList *Reverse_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL)
 DLinkList *p0 = NULL, *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL;

 p1 = DL;
 p2 = DL->next ;

  p0 = p2->next ;
  p2->next = p1;
  p2->pre = p1->pre ;

  p1 = p2;
  p2 = p0;
 DL->next = NULL;
 DL = p1;
 return DL;

DLinkList *Sort_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL)
 int i = 0, j = 0, len = 0;
 DLinkList *p0 = NULL, *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL, *t = NULL;

 len = Length_DLinkList(DL);
 p1 = DL;
 if(p1->next == NULL)
  DL = p1;
 else if(p1->next->next == NULL)
  p2 = p1->next;
  if(p1->data > p2->data)
   DL = p2;
   p2->pre = NULL;
   p2->next = p1;
   p1->pre = p2;
   p1->next = NULL;
  for(i = 0; i < len -1; ++i)
   p1 = DL;
   for(j = 0; j < len -1 - i; ++j)
    p2 = p1->next;
    if(p1->data > p2->data)
     if(p1 == DL)
      DL = p2;
      p1->next = p2->next;
      p2->next = p1;
      p2->pre = NULL;
      p1->pre = p2;
      p2->next->pre = p1;

      t = p1;
      p1 = p2;
      p2 = t;
     else if(p2->next == NULL)
      p0->next = p2;
      p2->next = p1;
      p1->next = NULL;
      p2->pre = p0;
      p1->pre = p2;
      p0->next = p2;
      p1->next = p2->next ;
      p2->next = p1;
      p2->pre = p0;
      p1->pre = p2;
      p2->next->pre = p1;

      t = p1;
      p1 = p2;
      p2 = t;
    p0 = p1;
    p1 = p2;
    p2 = p2->next;
 return DL;

DLinkList *Insert_Tail(DLinkList *DL, DLinkList *node)
 DLinkList *pd = NULL;

 pd = DL;
 if(pd == NULL)
  DL = node;
  node->next = NULL;
  node->pre = pd;
  while(pd->next != NULL)
   pd = pd->next;
  pd->next = node;
  node->next = NULL;
  node->pre = pd;
 return DL;

DLinkList *Merger_DLinkList(DLinkList *DL_A, DLinkList *DL_B, DLinkList *DL_C)
 DLinkList *node_a = NULL, *node_b = NULL;
 int len_a = 0, len_b = 0, i = 1, j =1, k = 1;
 static int flag_a = 0, flag_b = 0;

 flag_a = i;
 flag_b = j;
 len_a = Length_DLinkList(DL_A);
 len_b = Length_DLinkList(DL_B);

 while(i <= len_a && j <= len_b)
  if(k == 1 || flag_a != i)
   flag_a = i;
   node_a = DL_A;
   DL_A = DL_A->next;
   if(i != len_a)
    DL_A->pre = NULL;

  if(k == 1 || flag_b != j)
   flag_b = j;
   node_b = DL_B;
   DL_B = DL_B->next;
   if(j != len_b)
    DL_B->pre = NULL;
  if(node_a->data < node_b->data)
   DL_C = Insert_Tail(DL_C, node_a);
  else if(node_a->data == node_b->data)
   DL_C = Insert_Tail(DL_C, node_a);
   DL_C = Insert_Tail(DL_C, node_b);
   DL_C = Insert_Tail(DL_C, node_b);
 while(i <= len_a)
  DL_C = Insert_Tail(DL_C, node_a);
  if(i != len_a)
   node_a = DL_A;
   DL_A = DL_A->next;
 while(j <= len_b )
  DL_C = Insert_Tail(DL_C, node_b);
  if(j != len_b)
   node_b = DL_B;
   DL_B = DL_B->next;
 return DL_C;

void Remove_memory(DLinkList *DL)
 DLinkList *pd = NULL, *qd = NULL;

 pd = DL;
 qd = pd->next ;
 while(qd->next != NULL)
  DLinkList *t = NULL;
  t = qd;
  pd->next = qd->next;
  qd->next->pre = pd;
  qd = qd->next;
  t = NULL;
 qd = NULL;
Input data of DL_A:
Input the 1th node's data :3
Input the 2th node's data :1
Input the 3th node's data :4
Input the 4th node's data :0

The DL_A list you created is:
The 1th node's data is: 3
The 2th node's data is: 1
The 3th node's data is: 4

The length of DL_A list is:     3

Input the key to deleting:      1
After deleted the list is :
The 1th node's data is: 3
The 2th node's data is: 4

Input the pos and the key to insert:
After inserting the list is :
The 1th node's data is: 2
The 2th node's data is: 3
The 3th node's data is: 4

After reverse the list is :
The 1th node's data is: 4
The 2th node's data is: 3
The 3th node's data is: 2

After sorted the list is :
The 1th node's data is: 2
The 2th node's data is: 3
The 3th node's data is: 4

Input data of DL_B:
Input the 1th node's data :1
Input the 2th node's data :3
Input the 3th node's data :8
Input the 4th node's data :6
Input the 5th node's data :5
Input the 6th node's data :9
Input the 7th node's data :0

The DL_B list you created is:
The 1th node's data is: 1
The 2th node's data is: 3
The 3th node's data is: 8
The 4th node's data is: 6
The 5th node's data is: 5
The 6th node's data is: 9

After merger DL_A and DL_B the DL_C is :
The 1th node's data is: 1
The 2th node's data is: 2
The 3th node's data is: 3
The 4th node's data is: 3
The 5th node's data is: 4
The 6th node's data is: 5
The 7th node's data is: 6
The 8th node's data is: 8
The 9th node's data is: 9
Press any key to continue

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