recast5 rcBuildPolyMesh

rcBuildPolyMesh ,将上面求出的contours 拆分成多个小的凸的polygons,方法是先将contours三角化,再对三角形组装,对生成的polygons有最大边数限制,每个polygon 都记录area和regs,一个firstVert存放对所有顶点哈希划分的首个数据的下标,nextVert 存放所有顶点的的下一个顶点的下标。大小是大于等于nverts的。

在recastmesh.cpp 1017行,有个对总的顶点数的限制

if (maxVertices >= 0xfffe)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Too many vertices %d.", maxVertices);
		return false;

triangulate() 多边形三角化。原理就是i-1,i,i+1,i+2 四个相邻点,满足i+2在i-1,i,i+1的内部,并且线段i,i+2 与其他所有边都不相交,则i,i+1,i+2可以组成一个三角形,将i+1 从顶点中移除,再对剩余顶点做同样操作。另外多了一点对下面这个部分的判断操作。这是因为前一步融合holes到outline时,中间多出来一根线。

static bool diagonal(int i, int j, int n, const int* verts, int* indices)
	return inCone(i, j, n, verts, indices) && diagonalie(i, j, n, verts, indices);

inCone(i, j, n, verts, indices)  与前面一章的incone类似
diagonalie(i, j, n, verts, indices)判断i j点组成的边与其他边都不相交。


int npolys = 0;
		memset(polys, 0xff, maxVertsPerCont*nvp*sizeof(unsigned short));
		for (int j = 0; j < ntris; ++j)
			int* t = &tris[j*3];
			if (t[0] != t[1] && t[0] != t[2] && t[1] != t[2])
				polys[npolys*nvp+0] = (unsigned short)indices[t[0]];
				polys[npolys*nvp+1] = (unsigned short)indices[t[1]];
				polys[npolys*nvp+2] = (unsigned short)indices[t[2]];

接下来,多边形合并,根据预设的条件maxVertsPerCont 来进行合并。这里在上面切分三角形后,再对三角形进行合并或者合并后的多边形进行合并。做最大限度的合并

static int getPolyMergeValue(unsigned short* pa, unsigned short* pb,
							 const unsigned short* verts, int& ea, int& eb,
							 const int nvp)
	const int na = countPolyVerts(pa, nvp);
	const int nb = countPolyVerts(pb, nvp);
	// If the merged polygon would be too big, do not merge.
	if (na+nb-2 > nvp)
		return -1;
	// Check if the polygons share an edge.
	ea = -1;
	eb = -1;
	for (int i = 0; i < na; ++i)
		unsigned short va0 = pa[i];
		unsigned short va1 = pa[(i+1) % na];
		if (va0 > va1)
			rcSwap(va0, va1);
		for (int j = 0; j < nb; ++j)
			unsigned short vb0 = pb[j];
			unsigned short vb1 = pb[(j+1) % nb];
			if (vb0 > vb1)
				rcSwap(vb0, vb1);
			if (va0 == vb0 && va1 == vb1)
				ea = i;
				eb = j;
	// No common edge, cannot merge.
	if (ea == -1 || eb == -1)
		return -1;
	// Check to see if the merged polygon would be convex.
	unsigned short va, vb, vc;
	va = pa[(ea+na-1) % na];
	vb = pa[ea];
	vc = pb[(eb+2) % nb];
	if (!uleft(&verts[va*3], &verts[vb*3], &verts[vc*3]))
		return -1;
	va = pb[(eb+nb-1) % nb];
	vb = pb[eb];
	vc = pa[(ea+2) % na];
	if (!uleft(&verts[va*3], &verts[vb*3], &verts[vc*3]))
		return -1;
	va = pa[ea];
	vb = pa[(ea+1)%na];
	int dx = (int)verts[va*3+0] - (int)verts[vb*3+0];
	int dy = (int)verts[va*3+2] - (int)verts[vb*3+2];
	return dx*dx + dy*dy;


canRemoveVertex 比较容易理解,计算边缘点是否可以被移除,主要需要理解里面的mesh->edges数组,存放所有的边信息,用于后面产生poly信息。mesh->polys 数组存放多边形信息()每个多边形最多mesh->nvp条边。

static bool removeVertex(rcContext* ctx, rcPolyMesh& mesh, const unsigned short rem, const int maxTris)
	const int nvp = mesh.nvp;

	// Count number of polygons to remove.
	int numRemovedVerts = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < mesh.npolys; ++i)
		unsigned short* p = &mesh.polys[i*nvp*2];
		const int nv = countPolyVerts(p, nvp);
		for (int j = 0; j < nv; ++j)
			if (p[j] == rem)
	int nedges = 0;
	rcScopedDelete<int> edges((int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*numRemovedVerts*nvp*4, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!edges)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'edges' (%d).", numRemovedVerts*nvp*4);
		return false;

	int nhole = 0;
	rcScopedDelete<int> hole((int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*numRemovedVerts*nvp, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!hole)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'hole' (%d).", numRemovedVerts*nvp);
		return false;

	int nhreg = 0;
	rcScopedDelete<int> hreg((int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*numRemovedVerts*nvp, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!hreg)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'hreg' (%d).", numRemovedVerts*nvp);
		return false;

	int nharea = 0;
	rcScopedDelete<int> harea((int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*numRemovedVerts*nvp, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!harea)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'harea' (%d).", numRemovedVerts*nvp);
		return false;
	for (int i = 0; i < mesh.npolys; ++i)
		unsigned short* p = &mesh.polys[i*nvp*2];
		const int nv = countPolyVerts(p, nvp);
		bool hasRem = false;
		for (int j = 0; j < nv; ++j)
			if (p[j] == rem) hasRem = true;
		if (hasRem)
			// Collect edges which does not touch the removed vertex.
			for (int j = 0, k = nv-1; j < nv; k = j++)
				if (p[j] != rem && p[k] != rem)
					int* e = &edges[nedges*4];  //存放 所有的poly中 与移除点不相关的边,注意这样就会让poly断开,所有edges只是存放剩下的边
					e[0] = p[k];
					e[1] = p[j];
					e[2] = mesh.regs[i];
					e[3] = mesh.areas[i];
			// Remove the polygon.
			unsigned short* p2 = &mesh.polys[(mesh.npolys-1)*nvp*2]; //移除对应的多边形
			if (p != p2)
				memcpy(p,p2,sizeof(unsigned short)*nvp);
			memset(p+nvp,0xff,sizeof(unsigned short)*nvp);
			mesh.regs[i] = mesh.regs[mesh.npolys-1];
			mesh.areas[i] = mesh.areas[mesh.npolys-1];
	// Remove vertex.
	for (int i = (int)rem; i < mesh.nverts - 1; ++i)//从mesh中移除掉移除点,并在后面对所有的存放点的下标的缓存中,值大于rem全部减1
		mesh.verts[i*3+0] = mesh.verts[(i+1)*3+0];
		mesh.verts[i*3+1] = mesh.verts[(i+1)*3+1];
		mesh.verts[i*3+2] = mesh.verts[(i+1)*3+2];

	// Adjust indices to match the removed vertex layout.
	for (int i = 0; i < mesh.npolys; ++i)
		unsigned short* p = &mesh.polys[i*nvp*2];
		const int nv = countPolyVerts(p, nvp);
		for (int j = 0; j < nv; ++j)
			if (p[j] > rem) p[j]--;
	for (int i = 0; i < nedges; ++i)
		if (edges[i*4+0] > rem) edges[i*4+0]--;
		if (edges[i*4+1] > rem) edges[i*4+1]--;

	if (nedges == 0)
		return true;
	//接下来将断开的地方(这里叫hole,与rcbuildContour中的hole 不是一个概念)修补起来
	// Start with one vertex, keep appending connected
	// segments to the start and end of the hole.
	pushBack(edges[0], hole, nhole);
	pushBack(edges[2], hreg, nhreg);
	pushBack(edges[3], harea, nharea);
	while (nedges) //主要操作是将分散的线段,又变回连续的点集。这些点集首尾相接刚好成了完整的多边形,这样就完成了特定点的剔除
		bool match = false;
		for (int i = 0; i < nedges; ++i)
			const int ea = edges[i*4+0];
			const int eb = edges[i*4+1];
			const int r = edges[i*4+2];
			const int a = edges[i*4+3];
			bool add = false;
			if (hole[0] == eb)
				// The segment matches the beginning of the hole boundary.
				pushFront(ea, hole, nhole);
				pushFront(r, hreg, nhreg);
				pushFront(a, harea, nharea);
				add = true;
			else if (hole[nhole-1] == ea)
				// The segment matches the end of the hole boundary.
				pushBack(eb, hole, nhole);
				pushBack(r, hreg, nhreg);
				pushBack(a, harea, nharea);
				add = true;
			if (add)
				// The edge segment was added, remove it.
				edges[i*4+0] = edges[(nedges-1)*4+0];
				edges[i*4+1] = edges[(nedges-1)*4+1];
				edges[i*4+2] = edges[(nedges-1)*4+2];
				edges[i*4+3] = edges[(nedges-1)*4+3];
				match = true;
		if (!match)
	rcScopedDelete<int> tris((int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*nhole*3, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));//存放顶点下标的下标,这里顶点下标存放在hole中,而tris存放三角形,三角形的顶点这里使用的就是通过hole数组的下标来访问
	if (!tris)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'tris' (%d).", nhole*3);
		return false;

	rcScopedDelete<int> tverts((int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*nhole*4, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!tverts)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'tverts' (%d).", nhole*4);
		return false;

	rcScopedDelete<int> thole((int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*nhole, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!thole)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'thole' (%d).", nhole);
		return false;

	// Generate temp vertex array for triangulation.
	for (int i = 0; i < nhole; ++i)
		const int pi = hole[i];
		tverts[i*4+0] = mesh.verts[pi*3+0];
		tverts[i*4+1] = mesh.verts[pi*3+1];
		tverts[i*4+2] = mesh.verts[pi*3+2];
		tverts[i*4+3] = 0;
		thole[i] = i;

	// Triangulate the hole.
	int ntris = triangulate(nhole, &tverts[0], &thole[0], tris);//
	if (ntris < 0)
		ntris = -ntris;
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "removeVertex: triangulate() returned bad results.");
	// Merge the hole triangles back to polygons.
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> polys((unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*(ntris+1)*nvp, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!polys)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'polys' (%d).", (ntris+1)*nvp);
		return false;
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> pregs((unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*ntris, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!pregs)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'pregs' (%d).", ntris);
		return false;
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned char> pareas((unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*ntris, RC_ALLOC_TEMP));
	if (!pareas)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "removeVertex: Out of memory 'pareas' (%d).", ntris);
		return false;
	unsigned short* tmpPoly = &polys[ntris*nvp];
	// Build initial polygons.
	int npolys = 0;
	memset(polys, 0xff, ntris*nvp*sizeof(unsigned short));
	for (int j = 0; j < ntris; ++j)
		int* t = &tris[j*3];
		if (t[0] != t[1] && t[0] != t[2] && t[1] != t[2])
			polys[npolys*nvp+0] = (unsigned short)hole[t[0]];
			polys[npolys*nvp+1] = (unsigned short)hole[t[1]];
			polys[npolys*nvp+2] = (unsigned short)hole[t[2]];

			// If this polygon covers multiple region types then
			// mark it as such
			if (hreg[t[0]] != hreg[t[1]] || hreg[t[1]] != hreg[t[2]])
				pregs[npolys] = RC_MULTIPLE_REGS;
				pregs[npolys] = (unsigned short)hreg[t[0]];

			pareas[npolys] = (unsigned char)harea[t[0]];
	if (!npolys)
		return true;
	// Merge polygons.
	if (nvp > 3)//合并多边形,参考前面讲解。
		for (;;)
			// Find best polygons to merge.
			int bestMergeVal = 0;
			int bestPa = 0, bestPb = 0, bestEa = 0, bestEb = 0;
			for (int j = 0; j < npolys-1; ++j)
				unsigned short* pj = &polys[j*nvp];
				for (int k = j+1; k < npolys; ++k)
					unsigned short* pk = &polys[k*nvp];
					int ea, eb;
					int v = getPolyMergeValue(pj, pk, mesh.verts, ea, eb, nvp);
					if (v > bestMergeVal)
						bestMergeVal = v;
						bestPa = j;
						bestPb = k;
						bestEa = ea;
						bestEb = eb;
			if (bestMergeVal > 0)
				// Found best, merge.
				unsigned short* pa = &polys[bestPa*nvp];
				unsigned short* pb = &polys[bestPb*nvp];
				mergePolyVerts(pa, pb, bestEa, bestEb, tmpPoly, nvp);
				if (pregs[bestPa] != pregs[bestPb])
					pregs[bestPa] = RC_MULTIPLE_REGS;

				unsigned short* last = &polys[(npolys-1)*nvp];
				if (pb != last)
					memcpy(pb, last, sizeof(unsigned short)*nvp);
				pregs[bestPb] = pregs[npolys-1];
				pareas[bestPb] = pareas[npolys-1];
				// Could not merge any polygons, stop.
	// Store polygons.
	for (int i = 0; i < npolys; ++i)//存放多边形
		if (mesh.npolys >= maxTris) break;
		unsigned short* p = &mesh.polys[mesh.npolys*nvp*2];
		memset(p,0xff,sizeof(unsigned short)*nvp*2);
		for (int j = 0; j < nvp; ++j)
			p[j] = polys[i*nvp+j];
		mesh.regs[mesh.npolys] = pregs[i];
		mesh.areas[mesh.npolys] = pareas[i];
		if (mesh.npolys > maxTris)
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "removeVertex: Too many polygons %d (max:%d).", mesh.npolys, maxTris);
			return false;
	return true;

buildMeshAdjacency 建立多边形的邻接关系。mesh->polys的每个poly的缓存大小为vertsPerPoly*2,第一个vertsperpoly存放的是poly的顶点的下标,而第二个vertsPerPoly,存放当前poly中 以这个点作为起始点的edge的 相邻poly的 下标。理解这里需要先看下面:

现有相邻的两个多边形 poly 1 和poly 2,按recast中的顺时针方向存放多边形,那么poly 1的点的顺序为[x]DCBA[x],poly 2的点的存放顺序是[x]EBCF[x]。公共边BC。但是两者的顺序是相反的。也就是通过索引下标i(j,j+1)访问索引的时候V0,V1,在poly1中V0V1为CB,在poly2中V0V1为BC。

// Store adjacency
	for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; ++i)
		const rcEdge& e = edges[i];
		if (e.poly[0] != e.poly[1])//判断这个edge是否是两个poly的共用edge,起点和终点记录的poly不一样就说明是共用边
			unsigned short* p0 = &polys[e.poly[0]*vertsPerPoly*2];
			unsigned short* p1 = &polys[e.poly[1]*vertsPerPoly*2];
			p0[vertsPerPoly + e.polyEdge[0]] = e.poly[1];
			p1[vertsPerPoly + e.polyEdge[1]] = e.poly[0];


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