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翻译 Linear Multi-step Method

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_multistep_methodLinear multistep methods are used for the numerical solution ofordinary differential equations. Conceptually, a numerical methodstarts from an initial point and then takes a short step forward intim

2021-02-16 13:55:08 377

原创 CFD杂谈-效率

When we select a numerical scheme, we should evaluate the overall workefficiency instead of just the computational efficiency. If theobjective is to develop a program that is to be used routinely, itwould be worth investing the time to achieve computat.

2021-02-09 18:54:28 403 1

原创 Predictor- corrector

There are methods that possess the ease of use of explicit methods and the stability property similar to that of implicit methods. These methods are called predictorcorrector methods and achieve the benefits by introducing intermediate steps within a singl

2021-02-07 01:00:31 474

原创 EXPLICIT, IMPLICIT EULER METHOD, Crank-Nicolson, Second-order in time

2021-02-07 00:22:33 184

原创 Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equation (SIMPLE)

压力链接方程的半隐式方法(SIMPLE)[23]通常与MAC方法族不同,但与MAC方法具有共同性,可以离散化交错网格上的控制方程。 SIMPLE方法隐式处理对流和扩散项,以通过迭代确定速度和压力变量。 在这方面,该方法与显式处理对流和扩散项的HSMAC方法完全不同,后者用于计算后续迭代的初始猜测。The Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equation (SIMPLE) [23] is often distinguished from the famil

2021-02-06 03:58:18 658

原创 Highly SMAC

The Highly Simplified MAC (HSMAC) method [11] iteratively corrects the velocity and pressure fields in the direction that satisfies the continuity equation.

2021-02-06 03:36:29 147

原创 SMAC,prediction-correction schemes, Fractional step

The fractional-step method does not include the influence from the pressure gradient in computing uF. Thus, this velocity uF is not a prediction but an intermediate solution at a fractional step which is later updated by adding the effect from the pressure

2021-02-06 03:23:28 143

原创 Spilt and hydrid schemes

using different time integration for the g and h called spilt and hybrid schemes

2021-02-06 02:54:12 141 1

原创 Projection method

2021-02-06 02:43:31 353

原创 Fractional step and sor multigrid conjugate gradient method

It should be kept in mind that ∇ · uF in Eq. (3.13) contains ∇ · un because the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (3.11) contains un. In general, Eq. (3.13) is solved with an iterative scheme (e.g., SOR method, multi-grid method, and conjugate gradi

2021-02-06 02:36:16 131

原创 Fractional step called 分步方法

Fractional Step method for N-S

2021-02-06 02:21:35 275

原创 MAC

Marker and Cell(MAC)method. The originalMACmethod is an incompressible flow solution technique proposed by Harlow and Welch from 1965 [10]. The highlights of this method include• use of the staggered grid to avoid spurious oscillation in the pressure fie.

2021-02-06 01:59:22 295 1

原创 treatment of low-Mach-number flows2

The treatment of low-Mach-number flows can be challenging when compressibility effects cannot be neglected (e.g., aeroacoustics). In such cases, one can perform preconditioning of the compressible flow solvers or extend incompressible flow solvers to inclu

2021-02-06 01:55:18 86

原创 Treatment of Low-Mach-Number Flows

Treatment of Low-Mach-Number FlowsThe utilization of compressible flow solversfor low-Mach-number flows requires the use of very small time steps to resolve theacoustic waves, which results in the overall scheme to be stiff.2Numerically solving stiff di

2021-02-06 01:52:54 99

转载 armhf的源

在树莓派上装了Ubuntu 14.04,自带的源在http://ports.ubuntuo.org/ 速度奇慢无比,但由于armhf的源实在稀少,国内反正是没找到。只找到两个国外的,希望能稍微提升点速度吧。方法:在/etc/apt/source.list.d/中添加文件trusty_source.list,内容:deb http://mirrors.mit.edu/ubuntu-p

2016-05-22 13:37:39 547

原创 linux网络连接配置


2015-12-05 16:12:22 224


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