concrete ratio

According to "GB/T 19087-2010 Cement-based Materials", the strength grade of concrete is C20~C60, the compressive strength is not less than 32.5 MPa, and the water absorption is less than or equal to 10% (excluding 10%). The strength grade of cement concrete is related to tensile and shear strength, and the relationship between tensile and flexural strength is: In the formula: ρ gH——cement; t——curing days; h——compressive strength after hardening; C - Density (kg/m). The cement content is 40%~60% (mass), and the curing days are 180 days. According to JTG/T 496-2008 "Standards for Building Materials":

1. Based on the strength grade, the mix ratio design is carried out according to the mix ratio of concrete.

concrete product supplier

When calculating the mix ratio, first calculate the amount of cement per unit volume, and then calculate the volume of water per unit volume according to the formula. For example: the amount of water produced by cement hydration reaction accounts for about 80% of the total hydration reaction water, so the concrete slump can be calculated by multiplying the cement strength grade (C20~50) by the total volume of water. As shown in Figure 1. [Note] Concrete slump refers to the ratio of water consumption (unit: kg/m) to water consumption (unit: kg/m) per unit time.

2. The strength grade of concrete should be determined according to the raw materials and production processes such as cement types and slag powder used, and should be selected reasonably under the premise of ensuring the quality of the project.

——The ratio of cement to water should meet the requirements in Table 1. During the construction process, we often encounter some quality problems, which are mainly caused by the fact that the concrete is not prepared according to the requirements of standards and specifications before use. So, what should you do before using it? Let's take a look at some common problems in the concrete construction process. 1. It is not that the concrete is not prepared before use, but that it is not well prepared during on-site mixing;

3. The cement content in the concrete mix ratio is 70%~80%.

[JTG/T 496-2009]; 4. According to the "Procedures": based on the volume of cement paste, calculate the content and dosage of various cements in the mix ratio. 5. The strength index of concrete made of cement of different varieties and strength grades should meet the following requirements: 6. All kinds of cement are in an ion state in aqueous solution, and will be oxidized and hardened when they meet water in the air.





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