AgilePM 入门学习

Contents – Agile Foundation Version
source: SKEMA, Paris
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Roles and Responsibilities
Session 3: The DSDM Process and Products
Session 4: Techniques
Session 5: Planning and Control

Session 1: Introduction

Welcome to this introductory training course in Agile Project Management, the certified approach to running projects in an agile way, which has been developed jointly by APMG International and the DSDM Consortium.

This course is based on the Agile Project Framework which is the latest release of DSDM

Once you have completed this course you will have an appreciation of Agile Project Management or Agile PM, understand the principles of the DSDM and know how those principles apply to the management of projects.

You will also understand the essential differences in management style between projects run using DSDM and those run on traditional lines.

The course aims to provide you with sufficient knowledge to successfully take the
APMG’s Foundation examination in Agile Project Management and thereby become qualified at that level.

If you have any other questions about the exam, please feel free to email or call us directly. When you have completed this first Session of the course you will:
Know the background and history of the Agile movement and be able to identify the key organisations involved.

Be familiar with the Agile Manifesto

• Describe the benefits of using DSDM
• Describe the principles of DSDM and
• Describe the instrumental Success Factors.



这个想法是项目将从一个阶段流向另一个阶段 : 有点像一个阶段瀑布,每个阶段必须完成并在下一阶段开始之前签字。当时存在的许多系统开发和项目管理方法都是基于这种方法,并且本质上往往具有规范性和官僚性。




RAD的方法是尽量减少前期规划和设计,以便快速进行原型设计,并使用迭代周期来开发和优化解决方案,以尽快满足业务需求。RAD在市场上获得了动力,许多供应商发布了所谓的RAD产品和顾问,他们提出了自己对RAD概念的解释。但是,没有行业标准可以准确定义RAD框架的外观。为了满足这种标准化需求,动态系统开发方法(DSDM)由英国的软件开发人员引入,他们组建了一个非营利组织,旨在开发和推广一个名为DSDM Consortium的独立RAD框架。



他们认可第一件事:他们不喜欢被称为“轻量级” ,而 “敏捷”听起来好多了。因此,会议的结果是一份名为“敏捷软件开发宣言”的文件,现在通常被称为“敏捷宣言”。



注:这并不是说右边的项目没有价值 - 只是在敏捷中,左边的项目优先。

DSDM Atern

The DSDM Consortium continued to develop and improve the method over the years with the latest version being released in 2007 and called DSDM Atern.

The word Atern is derived from the bird the Arctic Tern which is an agile, long-distance flyer and was felt to share many characteristics with DSDM.

In 2010 the DSDM Consortium decided to extract the exclusively project management related parts of the DSDM Atern method and launched Agile Project Management or AgilePM to give it its trade name.

They worked in collaboration with APMG International to produce the Agile Project Management Handbook and it is APMG who accredit training organisations and supervise the examination and certification processes.

Since its introduction in 2010 DSDM Atern has evolved into Agile PF or the Agile Project Framework.

It retains DSDM’s project focussed principles and at the delivery level the DSDM process has been simplified to reflect current trends in evolutionary solutions development.






DSDM Principles - Focus On The Business Need





DSDM Principles - Deliver On Time

时间,换句话说,截止日期,在Atern被视为不可谈判。 准时交货通常是最重要的成功因素,延迟交货可能会破坏项目的基本原理。同样,Timeboxing和MoSCoW优先排序可以帮助DSDM团队建立产品交付的及时性和可靠性的声誉。

DSDM Principles – Collaborate


要让团队取得进步,所有成员必须朝着同一方向努力。 并且为了整个项目取得成功,其中的所有团队必须协调一致并朝着共同目标前进。以积极的相互合作精神工作的团队将比松散关联或不协调的团队更快地产生更好的结果。

该原则要求团队:在适当的时间,在整个项目中让合适的利益相关者参与进来; 确保团队成员有权做出决定; 积极参与业务代表,并在整个项目组织中建立一个团队文化。

为了支持这个原则。 DSDM提供各种业务角色和Facilitated Workshops技术,我们将在后期探讨。

DSDM Principles - Never Compromise Quality





DSDM Principles - Build Incrementally From Firm Foundations


DSDM通过倡导满足敏捷对早期商业利益的要求增量交付产品。 换句话说,让基本产品工作尽可能快地向相关的利益相关者展示,并根据他们的反馈,改进和改进产品,直到满足业务需求。

这种工作方式有时被称为 Enough Design Up Front,而不是传统方法的 Big Design Up Front 或大多数其他方面的 No Design Up Front 敏捷方法。


DSDM Principles - Deliver Iteratively


被描述为“增量和迭代”方法,这个特殊的原则反映了这样的现实,即很少有东西,软件或其他东西在第一次完美地构建。 该方法依赖于迭代来接受变化并产生更好的解决方案。

这个原则要求团队:做好前面的设计,建立坚实的基础; 采用迭代的方法来构建产品; 在每次迭代中建立客户反馈; 接受细节将在以后出现,而不是越早; 将变革视为获得正确解决方案和创造,学习和发展的必要部分。

迭代和不断审查是DSDM确保找到最合适的解决方案的方法。 DSDM项目中唯一无法改变的是时间和成本。

DSDM Principles - Communicate continuously and clearly


沟通不畅是项目失败的常见原因。 DSDM提供专门用于改善团队之间,团队之间以及项目与外部世界之间通信的技术。

团队满足这一原则方法:每天举办一次会议; 从SCRUM技术中采用的一种管理团队的想法; 使用便利的讲习班; 采用丰富的技术,如建模和原型设计; 保持文档精益和及时; 在整个项目中管理利益相关者的期望,并鼓励各级的非正式,面对面的沟通。

DSDM强调人工交互和建模的价值,以实现最终解决方案的早期可见性。 这种技术比大量文本更有效。

DSDM Principles - Demonstrate Control


项目必须始终处于控制之中,如果您是项目经理或团队负责人,那么控制权是不够的。 你必须能够证明你在掌控之中。

为了实现这一原则,团队成员必须; 使用适当的正式程序进行跟踪和报告; 制定计划并取消所有人都能看到的计划; 衡量交付产品而非完成活动的进展情况; 根据业务目标主动管理并评估持续的项目可行性。


因此,我们有DSDM和AgilePM所基于的全部八个原则。 任何一项原则的不遵守或破坏都应被视为敏捷过程的风险,并最终成为项目的成功


商业参与 - 积极和持续。这个因素依赖于业务在三个方面的参与:
项目方法问卷 - 评估选项和风险。我们将在课程后面详细考虑这一点,但它确实提供了一个简单的清单,用于评估是否可能满足上述因素,或者是否需要采取行动来鼓励这些因素或减轻它们被破坏的风险。

In this first Session we have looked at the history AgilePM and how it has emerged from the Agile products and initiatives of the 1990s, in particular the DSDM methodology for running IT software development projects.
We have seen how the DSDM Consortium produced AgilePM and how there have collaborated with APMG International to produce the handbook and qualification standards.

We have looked at the role of the Agile Alliance and their Agile Manifesto.
DSDM uses Agile principles as the basis for its own philosophy which is focussed on delivering the greatest business benefit in the shortest possible time. Underpinning this philosophy are the eight principles. The whole structure is then supported by a Process, a set of Roles and Responsibilities (or people), defined Products and a range of Practices).

Subsequent sessions will examine each of these supporting pillars in greater detail.

Session 2: Roles and Responsibilities

In the first session we saw how Agile stresses the importance of people interacting and collaborating to the successful delivery of projects.

In this session we will be examining the various team roles.

When you have completed the session you will be able to name 13 distinct DSDM roles and describe the principal responsibilities of each.

You will also be able to categorise each of the roles into the Business, Solution or Technical, Management and Process interests with which they are associated.



此模型包含大多数项目通常需要的大多数角色。它不被认为是详尽无遗的 - 一些项目可能需要额外的专家角色。每个项目都没有强制执行所有角色。重要的是,项目的所有重要职责必须由某人拥有。








DSDM角色 - 商业赞助商


业务发起人的工作是从始至终拥有业务案例,一旦交付后拥有解决方案并负责实现预期收益。商业赞助商的才能及其在角色中的有效性可能会比其他任何因素对项目结果产生更大的影响。 至关重要的是,一旦商业赞助商被任命,他们应该在项目期间可用并且可见。

DSDM角色 - 商业梦想家

Business Visionary是一个高级项目级业务角色,比业务发起人更积极地参与日常工作。商业梦想家的职能之一是解释和传达商业赞助商的需求。


DSDM角色 - 项目经理





DSDM角色 - 技术协调员



DSDM角色 - 解决方案开发团队






  • 促进专注于按时交付商定的产品
  • 鼓励团队成员的充分参与
  • 确保迭代开发过程得到集中和控制
  • 确保所有测试都得到妥善安排和进行
  • 在Timebox级别管理风险和问题,根据需要升级到项目经理,业务愿景或技术协调员
  • 每天监控进度并向项目经理报告进度
  • 促进每日站立
  • 促进与团队的审查和回顾

The interface between the business and the solution development team is a role which Atern calls the Business Ambassador. This is a key role and is responsible for day-to-day communication between the project and the business.

People nominated for this role are usually very good, knowledgeable and busy people from the business area to be served by the project outcome. We all know people like this in the organisations we work for. They will typically be a section leader or manager who has worked in the department concerned for many years and knows the business processes of that department in very great detail.

This can lead to a problem because the business often finds it hard to spare these people from their day-to-day duties, to spend time on the project. But their involvement is crucial and spare them they must if the project is to ultimately satisfy the end-user requirements.

The role is aimed at providing business-related information from the end-users perspective and input to the many decisions that will be required regarding the solutions fitness-for-purpose. The Business Ambassador can therefore be viewed as working with the Solution Development Team to guide the evolving solution towards a satisfactory end product.

The Business Analyst role may, in smaller projects or in smaller organisations be combined with that of the Solution Developer.

In any event the Business Analyst is a fully integrated member of the solution development team and is focused on the relationship between the business and technical roles. The aim being to ensure that accurate and decisive direction is provided to the team on a day-to-day basis.

The Business Analyst is responsible for ensuring that the business needs are properly analysed and reflected in the guidance that the team needs in developing the solution.

It is important that this role does not act as a barrier between the solution development team and the business. The Business Analyst works alongside the business but is not empowered to make decisions on its behalf.

As the guardian of the Prioritised Requirements list it is the Business Analyst who ensures that significant scope creep does not occur and that only low-level details are added during the development of the solution.

The actual work of creating the required solution is carried out by the Solution Developer or Developers. So, on a technical project this would normally be somebody like an analyst/programmer.

The person or persons fulfilling this role should be allocated full-time to the project. If this is not possible then the project should certainly be their top priority. Failure to achieve this level of commitment would bring significant risks to the project, particularly with regard to timeboxing, and such risks would need to be carefully managed by the Project Manager.

Although technical skills are obviously at the forefront here, softer skills such as communication, team working and listening are also very important and should not be overlooked in the requirements for this role.

The roles of Solution Developer and Solution Tester are often merged, but in larger organisations there may be dedicated specialist testers. Their role is to ensure that the solution meets the defined quality and is tested in accordance with the Technical Testing Strategy throughout its evolution.

Although it is an important principle that the Solution Tester is a fully integrated role within the Solution Development team, it is quite common for the role to report directly to the Technical Coordinator in order to ensure a degree of independence for the testing function.

DSDM角色 - 支持角色







如果团队的DSDM经验有限,则DSDM Coach的作用是为了帮助团队应用原则并充分利用该方法。DSDM Coach应该是经过认证的DSDM教练,具有应用DSDM和敏捷项目管理的实际和实际经验。

DSDM角色 - 其他角色


当解决方案开发团队需要特定的技术技能时,这些角色最常见 - 但也可能是项目级别也需要专家。



In this session we have been exploring the various roles which DSDM identifies as being commonly required on Agile projects.

DSDM defines a team model and identifies roles in three categories and four interests. The roles are: Project level, Solution Development Team roles and Supporting roles.

The Business interests are represented by the Business Sponsor, the Business Visionary, the Business Ambassador, and the Business Advisor roles.

The Solution and Technical interests are represented by the Technical Coordinator, Solution Developer, Solution Tester and Technical Advisor roles.

The Management interests are represented by the Project Manager and Team Leader Roles.

The Process interests are represented by the Workshop Facilitator and the DSDM Coach roles and finally the Business Analyst covers both the business and solution or technical interests.

On a project, one role may be taken by several people and one person may take several roles.

Session 3: The DSDM Process & Products


In this session we will be exploring the DSDM process, and the Products that are used within the DSDM framework

When you have finished the session you will:

• Understand the DSDM Process and how it is used
• Be able to describe each of the process and recognise the DSDM products associated with them.
• Appreciate how the process is scalable and can be configured to suit differing project and organisational needs.

The DSDM Process

The process has six distinct phases, these being:
Pre-Project, Feasibility, Foundation, Evolutionary Development, Deployment and Post-Project.







  • 已发现一个主要的范围变化,暂时不得不忽略,以便按时交付。这将涉及返回基础阶段并从那里开始进程。
  • 现在要添加计划用于下一个增量的功能,因此该过程返回到 Evolutionary Development。
  • 或者,现在完全满足所有要求,我们将进入后期项目阶段,这包括维护运营解决方案并确保实现预期效益。

















  • 确定是否有可行的解决方案来解决职权范围中描述的业务问题。

  • 确定提交解决方案可能产生的收益。

  • 概述提供解决方案的可能方法,包括采购和项目管理。

  • 描述项目的组织和治理方面。

  • 提供时间表和成本的首要估算。

  • 计划和资源基础阶段。


  • 该项目的职权范围必须得到批准,
  • 调查所需的资源必须可用,
  • 并且业务愿景必须有时间来帮助塑造项目。





















In the session we have been examining the DSDM process model and the various phases within it.

We have seen how the early phases of Pre-Project, Feasibility and Foundations are carried out sequentially with the over-arching aim of deciding, firstly, if a project is worth doing and then, if it is, laying firm and solid foundations for its conduct in order to give it the best chance of success. The motto for each of these phases, in an Agile project, is “do just enough to move on”.

The Evolutionary Development Phase is where the real work of the project is done and where the required end-product or solution is iteratively and incrementally developed.

Once the solution, or increments of it, have been completed they pass into the Deployment phase for transitioning into operational use.

The final phase is Post-Project, which is carried sequentially following the final increment of Deployment. The aim being to assess the degree to which the expected benefits are being accrued.

We have also considered the various Business, Management and Solution products that are used or generated within each phase of the DSDM process.

Session 4: Techniques

In the first session we saw how one of the supporting pillars of DSDM is called Practices and there are five of these which are called: Facilitated Workshops, MoSCoW Prioritisation, Iterative Development, Modelling and Timeboxing.

In this session we will be exploring each of these practices and when you have completed the session you will be able to describe each in some detail and explain how and where they are applied within an Agile Project.

We will also examine another technique which, whilst not specifically referenced within DSDM, is commonly encountered on Agile projects in relation to the management of development teams, namely SCRUM.

Facilitated Workshops

Facilitated Workshops is a key practice in supporting the principles of Collaboration and Communicate Continually and Clearly.

The formal definition of a Facilitated Workshops is “A structured approach to ensure that a group of people can reach a predetermined objective in a compressed timeframe, supported by an impartial facilitator.”

In essence, a Facilitated Workshop is a specialised type of meeting with the following key ingredients:

• Clear objective deliverables
• A set of people or Participants specifically chosen and empowered to deliver the required outcome and
• An independent person called a Workshop Facilitator to enable effective achievement of the objective

It is most important that the Facilitator is neutral and their job is to guide the group through the process enabling them to work together to achieve an agreed goal.
• Have no stake in the outcome
• Have no opinion on the content
• Are focussed on group dynamics
• Enable group members to collaborate
Facilitated Workshops ensure a team-based approach through verbal ad visual communication and collaboration. This enables the results to be achieved with speed, commitment and buy-in to the outcome.

Facilitated Workshops confer many direct and indirect benefits and they can be used throughout the project.

Principal benefits include:

Rapid, high-quality decision-making. By ensuring the relevant stakeholders are present and focused on the objectives in front of them, collaboration and communication are more effective and results can be achieved far more quickly and with greater confidence.

Greater buy-in from all stakeholders. By virtue of having had the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the decisions that are made, the participants of the workshop feel more involved and committed to the end results.

Building team spirit. A significant by-product of the use of Facilitated Workshops is improved rapport across the project community. It is for this reason that they are considered to be very supportive of the Atern principle of Collaboration.

Building consensus. The interactive nature of
workshops enables group discussion which encourages the participants to come to consensus gaining agreement
on each aspect before moving on to the next topic.

Clarification of issues. Workshops provide a platform for problems, ambiguities and misunderstandings to be identified and resolved and

ensure that all participants share the same vision of what a successful outcome will look like.

The areas of a project which can typically benefit from the use of facilitated workshops include; requirements capture, requirements prioritisation, project kick-off, planning, risk identification and analysis, and retrospective reviews of timeboxes, increments and whole projects.

In order to maximise the success of Facilitated Workshops there are a number of factors to bear in mind.

Firstly, the skills and independence of the Facilitator will be perhaps the most potent success factor. An effective, trained and unbiased facilitator is essential and it is often found that Business Analysts have the right sort of skills and can facilitate each other’s workshops.

Secondly, all workshops do not have to have the same format, there is room for flexibility here but the objective must always be clearly defined.

There must be thorough preparation before the workshop by both the Facilitator and the Participants.

A mechanism must exist to ensure that the results of previous workshops are built-in, where appropriate so that previous decisions are not changed or ignored.

It is important that decisions and agreements are not forced. If the group cannot reach consensus the Facilitator should determine with the group the actions required to remedy the shortfall.

Finally, a report describing the decisions, actions and outcome of the Workshop should be produced quickly after the workshop has concluded. This maintains the focus and impetus of the decisions.


Which of these is TRUE about a workshop?

  1. It has Participants
  2. It has a Workshop Facilitator
  3. Only Senior Stakeholders should attend
  4. The Facilitator should be independent

a) 1,2, 3
b) 1, 3, 4
c) 2, 3, 4
d) 1, 2, 4

Answer: C

Which of these is NOT a benefit of facilitated workshops?

a) Building consensus
b) Rapid, high quality decision-making
c) Ensures the users get everything they want
d) Clarification of issues

Answer: C

For which of these are workshops particularly helpful?

1 Problem solving
2 Requirements capture
3 Progress Reviews 4 Building a Plan

a) 1, 2, 3
b) 2, 3, 4
c) 1, 3, 4
d) 1, 2, 4
Answer: D





Must have





就商业案例中经常包含的最佳案例/最坏情况/预期案例情景而言,Must Haves的交付构成了最坏情况。Must Haves由项目团队保证给业务赞助商,并且是企业有权期望的最低要求。

实现所有Must Haves的计划工作量不应超过项目总工作量的60%,这是一个很好的经验法则。这允许非常好的应急余量来确保这一点,它们将在规定的时间和预算范围内实现。

这意味着只需要80%的计划资源来交付必须和必需的资源,因此仍有20%的意外情况可以保护预期案例解决方案的交付。如果事情按照计划完成,那么这些资源将可用于交付Can Haves。

该企业通常会尝试将大多数或所有功能设置为Must Haves,期望他们能够获得更多他们想要的功能。该项目将尝试将功能降级为Can Haves,因为这将给他们带来更大的偶然性。这是60/20/20规则有用的地方。通过在业务和项目利益上强制执行这些划分,它鼓励每个部门更加切合实际,并努力达成双方同意的优先事项定义。

如果协议难以实现,那么商业远见者和商业大使对优先事项有最终决定权。无论商定的是什么,商业赞助商都有权期望所有Must Haves和大部分或全部的Should Haves作为最终解决方案的一部分交付。为了满足对截止日期的承诺,DSDM项目需要在优先级要求内创建意外事件 :通常是通过Can Haves。

但是,在规划下一个项目增量时,重点是同意MoSCoW的优先级。此时,需求可能有两个优先级:一个用于项目,一个用于增量。当我们开始计划时间框时,解决方案开发团队将同意此时间框内的要求的特定优先级。此时,大多数要求将不具备此时间框。 解决方案开发团队只会将MoSCoW优先级分配给要在Timebox中处理的要求。



Which are the levels of priority for requirements?
a) MoSCoW for the Project and Timebox
b) MoSCoW for the Project, the Project Increment and Timebox
c) MoSCoW for the Project Increment and Timebox
d) MoSCoW for the Project and the Project Increment

Answer: B

The Minimum Usable SubseT consists of:
a) All the Must Haves
b) All of the Must Haves and Should Haves
c) 60% of the Must Haves
d) 60% of the Must Haves, 20% of the Should Haves and 20% of the Could Haves

Answer: A

Which of these does not define a Should Have requirement?
a) Important but not vital
b) May be painful to leave out but the solution is still viable
c) May need some sort of workaround
d) Wanted or desirable but less important

Answer: D






作为协作团队的一员,Solution Tester将通过测试知识和专业知识支持其他角色。


时间盒不仅仅是一项关键技术 - 它是敏捷项目管理的核心。



Timebox应该以Kick-Off开始并以Close-Out结束。两者之间的时间不是强制性的,但通常为2-4周。 6周应被视为合理的最大值。




在时间框内,工作应该迭代进行,DSDM建议将每个时间框分成三次迭代;调查,改进和整合 - 正如我们在迭代开发部分所看到的那样。








自由格式时间盒影响其他流行的敏捷方法(如Scrum Sprint)使用的风格。当DSDM时间框的形式不可行或无用时,此类时间框非常有用。它从一个启动会议开始,以一个关闭会话结束,但在称为迭代开发之间有一个单独的元素。在这个元素中,开发是通过对Kick Off中约定的个性化需求,用户故事和其他产品的测试进行迭代进行的。




•有一个短暂的,固定的时间限制 - 通常约15分钟。每个团队成员2分钟是一个很好的经验法则。



It is important to understand that whilst it is a commonly encountered Agile technique, SCRUM is not part of DSDM or AgilePM and is not discussed in the AgilePM manual, nor is it included in the AgilePM examination syllabus.

So we are going slightly “off-piste” here, purely for background information and general knowledge purposes. It is likely that when you are operating in an Agile environment SCRUM will often be mentioned and you will find it useful to have an understanding of at least what is meant by the term.

The origins of SCRUM go back to 1986 when two Japanese management consultants set out to define a product development strategy where a development team work together to reach a common goal. This was in contrast to the traditional sequential approach which could be stifling to creativity on the part of the developers.

SCRUM isn’t an acronym but is thought to be derived from the SCRUM in the game of rugby.

Essentially SCRUM is a way of teams working together to develop a product, and it is very much an Agile method in that development takes place in small pieces with each piece building on and extending what has gone before. It is iterative and incremental.

The greatest overlap between SCRUM and DSDM or AgilePM occurs in the way that the development teams are managed. The Timeboxing technique is an adaptation of SCRUM and has many of the same characteristics.


SCRUM defines three core roles to represent the scrum team. They are the ones producing the product and committed to the project and the scrum process.

The first of these is the Product Owner. This is the person representing the customer’s interest in the project and who has primary responsibility for ensuring that the team delivers real value to the business.

Then there is the Scrum Master, who is there to facilitate the scrum and to remove any impediments to
the scrum’s ability to achieve its goals. This should not be the Team Leader but someone who is there to enforce the rules and to ensure that the scrum process is adhered to.

Finally there is the Development Team, typically consisting of 3 to 9 self-organising cross-functional specialists, who do the actual work of producing the end deliverable.

SCRUM also identifies several ancillary roles such as Stakeholders and Managers. These are people who are important to the project as a whole but have no formal role in the scrum process.

The basic unit of development in SCRUM is known as a Sprint. This is a timeboxed piece of work in that the duration is fixed in advance, normally in the region of 2 to 6 weeks.

Each Sprint starts with a brief planning meeting and ends with a review meeting or retrospective at which progress is assessed and lessons learned recorded for the next sprint.
During the course of each sprint the team create portions of the finished product and the set of features that are developed in a sprint are drawn from the sprint backlog. Which features are included in any particular sprint is decided by the team at the sprint planning meeting.

The Product Owner informs the teams which are the priority products that are needed from the Product Backlog but the sprint backlog is the property of the development team.

The sprint goals should not be changed during the sprint and since the sprint is timeboxed it must always finish on time. Any features that have not been finished by the end of the sprint will be returned to the product backlog and re-prioritised.

Each day during a sprint the team will hold a Daily Scrum, which is a brief stand-up meeting to review progress and identify any barriers to further progress.

The Daily Scrum is run to very strict guidelines;

All members of the development team must attend and prepare for their part in the meeting. The meeting should always start exactly on time and be timeboxed to 15 minutes duration.
The meeting should happen at the same location and same time every day. The location for the meeting should ideally be the team’s normal place of work.

Ancillary roles are welcome to attend, but normally only core roles contribute.

Each team member must briefly answer three questions; What have I done since yesterday’s meeting? What will I do before tomorrow’s meeting?
What obstacles are there to prevent me achieving my goals?

Any obstacles arising in answer to the last question will be picked up by the Scrum Master and resolved outside the meeting. The Daily Scrum is not the place for detailed discussion and problem solving.


In this session we have been examining the 5 key practices that DSDM recommends are used in support of the 8 Atern Principles.

We saw how the use of Facilitated Workshops throughout the project can support the principles of Collaboration and Communication.

We have explored the vital practice of MoSCoW prioritisation and seen how it can be used to support the principles of Focussing on the business need, Delivering on time and Never compromising quality.

The technique of Iterative Development was explained and we saw how it is used to support the principles of Building incrementally from firm foundations, Developing iteratively and Communicating continuously and clearly.

Modelling was also seen to be a powerful rich-communication technique in support of the principle regarding communication.

The critically important technique of Timeboxing was seen to lend support to just about every one of the eight DSDM principles.

Finally, we went slightly outside the scope of this course to have a brief look at the SCRUM method of managing development teams. This has many similarities with the Timeboxing technique of AgilePM and you will undoubtedly hear it discussed in Agile management circles.

Session 5: Planning and Control


In common with other Agile approaches DSDM values “responding to change” over “following a plan” but unlike some does place a strong emphasis on planning, specifically high level planning.
These plans shape and structure the project and the work but they don’t go into the detail of exactly who does what and when.
We start planning with an agreement about the overall strategy which defines our approach to developing the solution and considers:
• Incremental delivery of the solution in Project Increments and Timeboxes and
• Quality Assurance of the solution in other words how the review and testing activity will be integrated into the development.
In order to address these considerations DSDM defines:
• three Agile Project Planning Concepts
• six Testing Concepts and
• four Tracking and Control Concepts.

During this session we will review these concepts, the DSDM approach to planning across the lifecycle and the approach to planning and quality.

Project Planning Concepts

The three planning concepts recommended by DSDM are:
• Outcome-based planning
• Planning to sensible horizons at the right level of detail and
• Plan and re-plan based on best available estimates.
We’ll consider each of these in turn starting with outcome-based planning.
When we discussed the roles and responsibilities we mentioned that the roles were empowered within the hierarchy of a DSDM project.
At the highest level the Business Sponsor empowers project-level roles to manage the delivery of a business solution that will deliver a Return on Investment.
The Project-level roles empower the Solution Development Team to self-organise and deliver the solution envisioned by the Business Visionary and Technical Coordinator that meets the business need. So within this framework the Project Manager is responsible for the high-level planning for the project, working in collaboration and plans the incremental delivery of the solution which is the outcome requirement by the Business Sponsor.
The Solution Development Team is responsible for planning the work within each Timebox with the team members agree amongst themselves who will do what work to achieve the objectives agreed at the Kick-Off of the that Timebox.

Let’s move on now to discuss the second planning concept of “planning to sensible horizons at the right level of detail”

Because the solution is evolving it is very difficult, if not impossible, to plan the detailed work well into the future.
The point we can see ahead to is called the planning horizon and DSDM defines two plans to cover the two very different planning horizons.
The plan which covers the entire project or a large Project Increment is called the Delivery Plan whilst the plan with the horizon of the end of a Timebox is called the Timebox Plan.








协同测试是下一个概念,这表明所有测试都应涉及所有利益相关方的协作,从而提高测试 - 修复 - 重测周期的生产率。通过让利益相关者参与进来,测试将是全面的,并有助于防止错误进入后期阶段,因为他们需要更多的修复费用。

第三个概念是“可重复测试”。顾名思义,这意味着确保测试是可重复的,因此当我们从Firm Foundations逐步遵循原则构建时,我们可以引入新的测试,但是在适当的时候重做之前完成的测试。有时可以自动执行其中一些测试。有时无法完全测试解决方案的所有方面,因此有助于根据风险确定测试的优先级。也就是说,我们有多大可能引入缺陷以及这种缺陷可能产生的影响。使用此方法测试检查较高风险区域将具有更高优先级的其他区域。 MoSCoW规则也可用于帮助确定测试的优先级。






在测试过程中,我们评估质量和影响,以便我们尽快发现缺陷,并将补救工作安排到时间盒中。如果无法轻易纠正问题,则在另一个时间框中计划补救措施,或者正式接受缺陷。要考虑的最后一个方面是最终的端到端测试和对部署中实施的实施的保证。尽管我们已经在每个Timebox和每个Project Increment中测试了解决方案,但仍然需要对整个包和部署过程进行最终测试。最终验收测试也提供了一个有用的检查点。






在Timebox级别,流程的透明度和进度来自使用应该在团队委员会附近进行的Team Bard和Daily Stand-up。








敏捷项目管理(第二版),amazon上五星级评价 Addison Wesley, 2009 Best practices for managing projects in agile environments—now updated with new techniques for larger projects Today, the pace of project management moves faster. Project management needs to become more flexible and far more responsive to customers. Using Agile Project Management (APM), project managers can achieve all these goals without compromising value, quality, or business discipline. In Agile Project Management, Second Edition, renowned agile pioneer Jim Highsmith thoroughly updates his classic guide to APM, extending and refining it to support even the largest projects and organizations. Writing for project leaders, managers, and executives at all levels, Highsmith integrates the best project management, product management, and software development practices into an overall framework designed to support unprecedented speed and mobility. The many topics added in this new edition include incorporating agile values, scaling agile projects, release planning, portfolio governance, and enhancing organizational agility. Project and business leaders will especially appreciate Highsmith’s new coverage of promoting agility through performance measurements based on value, quality, and constraints. This edition’s coverage includes: * Understanding the agile revolution’s impact on product development * Recognizing when agile methods will work in project management, and when they won’t * Setting realistic business objectives for Agile Project Management * Promoting agile values and principles across the organization * Utilizing a proven Agile Enterprise Framework that encompasses governance, project and iteration management, and technical practices * Optimizing all five stages of the agile project: Envision, Speculate, Explore, Adapt, and Close * Organizational and product-related processes for scaling agile to the largest projects and teams * Agile project governance solutions for executives and management * The “Agile Triangle”: measuring performance in ways that encourage agility instead of discouraging it * The changing role of the agile project leader azmaon link:




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