CS-related SCI/EI journals_拔剑-浆糊的传说_新浪博客

CS-related <wbr>SCI/EI <wbr>journals 3992
CS-related <wbr>SCI/EI <wbr>journals 0
CS-related <wbr>SCI/EI <wbr>journals  2015-08-02
CS-related <wbr>SCI/EI <wbr>journals 2015-08-03


[Journal List]

  1. ACM: Operating System Review (EI)

  2. ACM Multimedia Systems Journal (review within three months) (EI)

  3. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (EI)

  4. ACM SIGMOBILEMobile Computing and Communications Review (^)

  5. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics (EI)

  6. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (SCI)

  7. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (SCI, IF=2.465)

  8. ACTA Informatica (SCI, 49/73)

  9. Ad Hoc Networks (*)

  10. Advances in Research and Application of Network Security, Computer Communications (EI, SCI)

  11. Australian Computer Journal (EI)

  12. Informatica: An International Journal of Computing and Informatics, (EI)



  15. Applied Mathematics and Computation, (SCI, 103/156)

  16. Chinese Journal of Electronics (SCI)

  17. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical (SCI)

  18. Computers & Security, (SCI, 62/73)

  19. Computer Communications, (SCI, 23/46)

  20. Computer in Industry (SCI)

  21. Computer Journal, (SCI, 0.618)

  22. Computer Networks (SCI) (security)

  23. Computer Science and Informatics (EI)

  24. Computer Science and Information Systems (SCI)

  25. Computer Security Journal (EI)

  26. Computer Standards and Interfaces (SCI, 29/46)

  27. Computer Systems Science and Engineering (SCI: 0.333, EI)

  28. Computers & Electrical Engineering (SCI, 0.16) (security)

  29. Computers & Industrial Engineering (SCI: 0.27)

  30. Computers & Mathematics with Applications (SCI)

  31. Computers & Operations Research (SCI: 0.446)

  32. Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (*)

  33. Data & Knowledge Engineering, (SCI, 29/72)

  34. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, (SCI, 77/158)

  35. Display (SCI)

  36. Electronics and Communications in Japan Part III-Fundamental Electronic Science (SCI)

  37. Electronics and Communications in Japan Part II-Electronics (SCI)

  38. Electronics and Communications in Japan Part I-Communications (SCI)


  40. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SSCI, SCI) (security)

  41. Electronics Letters , (SCI)

  42. ETRI Journal (SCI 1.159)

  43. EURASIP JOURNAL ON Advances in SIGNAL PROCESSING (SCI 0.619, ranking 113/227=50%, EI, ISSN:1687-6172)

  44. EURASIP Journal on Information Security (*)

  45. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking (EI)

  46. European Journal of Information Systems (SCI, 36/77)

  47. European Transactions on Telecommunications (SCI, 29/53)

  48. Expert System with Applications (SCI)

  49. Fundamenta Informaticae (SCI)

  50. Future Generation Computer Systems (SCI: 0.006)

  51. ICIC Express Letters (EI)

  52. IEEE Communications Letters, (SCI)

  53. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, (SCI) IEICE Transactions on Communications, (SCI)

  54. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology < review: within 3 months>

  55. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Fundamental Theory and Applications < review: within 4 months, average 70 days>

  56. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing

  57. IEEE Communications Letters

  58. IEEE Security & Privacy (SCI: 1.211, 33/87, 21/82)

  59. IEEE Transactions on Communications

  60. IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies

  61. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems

  62. IEEE Transactions on Computers

  63. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics

  64. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing

  65. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

  66. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

  67. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

  68. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics >

  69. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II<快速: 限五頁http://tcas2.polito.it/authors.html>

  70. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

  71. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

  72. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (Security?)

  73. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

  74. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

  75. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks

  76. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

  77. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics

  78. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

  79. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing

  80. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

  81. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B

  82. IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics Part C (Security) (3-4 months)

  83. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 

  84. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

  85. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

  86. IEEE Wireless Communications (SCI: 2.577, 14/206)

  87. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, (SCI)

  88. IET Communications (SCI)

  89. IET Computors and Digital Techniques (SCI)

  90. IET Information Security (SCI)

  91. IET Image Processing (SCI)

  92. IET Singal Processing (?)

  93. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics

  94. Image and Vision Computing, (SCI, 23/72)

  95. Informatica (SCI) (review within one year)

  96. Information and Computation (SCI, 37/77)

  97. Information and security: An international Journal (*) 

  98. Information Management and Computer Security (EI)

  99. Information Sciences (SCI, 2.147, 2007)

  100. Information Technology and Control (SCI) LITHUANIA

  101. Information Technology Journal (Pakistan Journal of Applied Science) (EI)

  102. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (*)

  103. International Journal of Communication Systems (EI, SCI)

  104. International Journal of Computational and Analysis and Applications (SCI, 0.2)

  105. International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications (?)

  106. International Journal of Computers and Applications (EI)

  107. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (EI)

  108. International Journal of Computer mathematics, (SCI, 153/158)

  109. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security

  110. International journal of electronics and communications (SCI 0.448, 142/206;35/59)

  111. International Journal of Electronic Commerce (SSCI)

  112. Internet Journal Electronics Letters (*)

  113. International Journal of Informatica (SCI)

  114. International Journal of Information Science (SCI, 22/77)

  115. International Journal of Information Science and Engineering (SCI, 68/77)

  116. International Journal of Information Security (*)

  117. International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control (SCI)ICIC Express Letters (EI)

  118. International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC) (EI)

  119. International Journal of Network Security (中興資管) (Security)

  120. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI) (SCI, 54/72)

  121. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering(SCI, 47/72, EI)

  122. International Mathematical Journal (*)

  123. Japanese Journal of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering (EI)

  124. Journal of Applied Sciences (Pakistan Journal of Applied Science) (*)

  125. Journal of Applied Systems Studies (*)

  126. Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology (EI) 中正嶺學報

  127. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications (*)

  128. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (SCI)

  129. Journal of Computational Information Systems (EI)

  130. Journal of Computer and System Sciences (SCI)

  131. Journal of Computer Security (EI)

  132. Journal of Computers (*)

  133. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography (*)

  134. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (*)

  135. Journal of Electronic Imaging (SCI, 0.85)

  136. Journal of Information science and engineering, JISE, (SCI, C)

  137. Journal of Internet Technology 網際網路技術學刊 (EI, SCI)

  138. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, (SCI, 26/72)

  139. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (EI)

  140. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, (SCI: .429)

  141. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (SCI: 0.129)

  142. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology (SCI: 0.036) (Refereeing process: six months)

  143. Journal of The Chinese Institute of Engineers, JCIE (中國工程學刊), (SCI, C)

  144. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, (SCI)

  145. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (SCI)

  146. Journals of Zhejiang University SCIENCE (Review within three months, SCI, (A) since 2007 and (B) since 2008, EI) 浙江學報

  147. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (SCI)

  148. Mathematical and Computer Modelling (SCI, 116/158)

  149. Mobile Networks and Applications (SCI)

  150. Multimedia Tools and Applications (EI, ?)

  151. Neural processing letters (SCI, 46/72)

  152. Nordic Journal of Computing (*)

  153. Optics communications, (SCI, 17/54)

  154. Optical Engineering (SCI, 0.757; 35/64; Charge: $90/page)

  155. OSEE: The Online Symposium for Electronics Engineers

  156. Pattern Recognition Letters, (SCI)

  157. Pattern Recognition, (SCI)

  158. Proceedings of the IEEE (SCI: 3.686, 4/206)

  159. Physics Letters A (SCI)

  160. Security and Communication Networks (SCI)

  161. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences (SCI: 0.664)

  162. Scientia Iranica (SCI)

  163. Signal Processing (SCI: 1.256)

  164. SPIE: International Society for Optical Engineering (^)

  165. Systems and Computers in Japan (EI)

  166. Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering 淡江理工學刊 (EI)

  167. The Imaging Science Journal, (SCI )

  168. The Journal of Imaging Science and Technology (SCI)

  169. The Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (SCI)

  170. The Journal of Supercomputing (SCI)

  171. The Journal of Systems and Software (SCI)

  172. Wireless communications & mobile computing (EI, SCI)

  173. Wireless Personal Communications, (EI, SCI, 36/53)

  174. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications (EI) (publication fee: 600 EUR)



[List of China Journals in SCI/EI]




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