C# 使用OpenXML创建PPT表格


1.方法一 :通过自定义的CTableGrid存储表格数据进行创建表格

       // 创建表格
        public bool AddTable(uint slideIndex, CTableGrid tableData, double dPosX, double dPosY, string strTitleRowColor, string strOddRowColor, string strEvenRowColor)
            SlidePart slidePart = GetSlidePartbyIndex(slideIndex);
            PresentationPart presentationPart1 = m_presentationDoc.PresentationPart;
            string strTableStyleId = AutoMakeTableStyleId();
            SetTableStyle(strTableStyleId, strTitleRowColor, strOddRowColor, strEvenRowColor);
            // Get the shape tree that contains the shape to change.
            ShapeTree shapeTree = slidePart.Slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree;
            GraphicFrame graphicFrame = new GraphicFrame();
            NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties nonVisualGraphicFrameProperties = new NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties();
            GetNonVisualGraphicFrameProperties(ref nonVisualGraphicFrameProperties);
            Transform transform = new Transform();
            GetTransform(ref transform, dPosX, dPosY);
            A.Graphic graphic = new A.Graphic();
            A.GraphicData graphicData = new A.GraphicData() { Uri = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/table" };
            A.Table table = new A.Table();
            A.TableProperties tableProperties = new A.TableProperties() { FirstRow = true, BandRow = true };
            A.TableStyleId tableStyleId = new A.TableStyleId();
            tableStyleId.Text = strTableStyleId;
            A.TableGrid tableGrid = new A.TableGrid();
            GetTableGrid(ref tableGrid, tableData);
            for (uint iRow = 0; iRow < tableData.m_nRows; ++iRow)
                A.TableRow tableRow = new A.TableRow() { Height = Convert.ToInt64(tableData.GetRowHeight(iRow) * m_dUnitConvertScale) }; //行高
                GetTableRow(ref tableRow, tableData, iRow);
            // Save the modified slide.
            return false;
  1. 方法二:通过List<List<string>> tableData的形式传入表格的数据

            public bool AddTable(uint slideIndex, List<List<string>> tableData, double dPosX, double dPosY, double dRowHeight, double dColumnWidth, string strTitleRowColor, string strOddRowColor, string strEvenRowColor)
                int nRows = tableData.Count;
                if (nRows == 0)
                    return false;
                int nCols = tableData[0].Count;
                CTableGrid tData = new CTableGrid(Convert.ToUInt32(nRows), Convert.ToUInt32(nCols), dRowHeight, dColumnWidth);
                for (int i = 0; i < tableData.Count; i++)
                    List<string> row = tableData[i];
                    CTableGridRow row1 = new CTableGridRow();
                    for (int j = 0; j < row.Count; j++)
                        CPPTtext txt = new CPPTtext(row[j]);
                        CPPTtableCell cell = new CPPTtableCell(txt);
                        row1.Set(Convert.ToUInt32(j), cell);
                    tData.Add(Convert.ToUInt32(i), row1);
                AddTable(slideIndex, tData, dPosX, dPosY, strTitleRowColor, strOddRowColor, strEvenRowColor);
                return true;



链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TRHaCGW5ACx__yk_mZxtaQ 提取码:1g7w



using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using A = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing;
namespace OpenXMLCreateTable
    internal class CPPTtable
        private PresentationDocument m_presentationDoc;
        private const double m_dUnitConvertScale = 360000.0; //长度换算成cm
        private A.RunProperties m_currentFontProperties;
        private Stack<A.RunProperties> m_FontPropertiesStack;
        private const uint m_iFontSizeScale = 100; //字体放大比例
        public CPPTtable()
            m_FontPropertiesStack = new Stack<A.RunProperties>();
            m_currentFontProperties = new A.RunProperties() { Language = "zh-CN", AlternativeLanguage = "en-US", Dirty = false };
        public void SetDefaultFontStyle()
            m_currentFontProperties = new A.RunProperties() { Language = "zh-CN", AlternativeLanguage = "en-US", Dirty = false };
            m_currentFontProperties.SetAttribute(new OpenXmlAttribute("", "smtClean", "", "0"));
        public void SetFontStyle(string strFontName = "等线", uint nSize = 18, bool bBold = false, bool bItalic = false, bool bUnderline = false, bool bShadow = false, string strColor = "000000")
        // 打开PPT
        public bool Open(string strFileName, bool isEditable)
            m_presentationDoc = PresentationDocument.Open(strFileName, isEditable);
            if (m_presentationDoc == null)
                _throw_assert("PresentationDocument is null !");
                return false;
            return m_presentationDoc != null;
        // 创建表格
        public bool AddTable(uint slideIndex, CTableGrid tableData, double dPosX, double dPosY, string strTitleRowColor, string strOddRowColor, string strEvenRowColor)
            SlidePart slidePart = GetSlidePartbyIndex(slideIndex);
            PresentationPart presentationPart1 = m_presentationDoc.PresentationPart;
            string strTableStyleId = AutoMakeTableStyleId();
            SetTableStyle(strTableStyleId, strTitleRowColor, strOddRowColor, strEvenRowColor);
            // Get the shape tree that contains the shape to change.
            ShapeTree shapeTree = slidePart.Slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree;
            GraphicFrame graphicFrame = new GraphicFrame();
            NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties nonVisualGraphicFrameProperties = new NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties();
            GetNonVisualGraphicFrameProperties(ref nonVisualGraphicFrameProperties);
            Transform transform = new Transform();
            GetTransform(ref transform, dPosX, dPosY);
            A.Graphic graphic = new A.Graphic();
            A.GraphicData graphicData = new A.GraphicData() { Uri = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/table" };
            A.Table table = new A.Table();
            A.TableProperties tableProperties = new A.TableProperties() { FirstRow = true, BandRow = true };
            A.TableStyleId tableStyleId = new A.TableStyleId();
            tableStyleId.Text = strTableStyleId;
            A.TableGrid tableGrid = new A.TableGrid();
            GetTableGrid(ref tableGrid, tableData);
            for (uint iRow = 0; iRow < tableData.m_nRows; ++iRow)
                A.TableRow tableRow = new A.TableRow() { Height = Convert.ToInt64(tableData.GetRowHeight(iRow) * m_dUnitConvertScale) }; //行高
                GetTableRow(ref tableRow, tableData, iRow);
            // Save the modified slide.
            return false;
        public bool AddTable(uint slideIndex, List<List<string>> tableData, double dPosX, double dPosY, double dRowHeight, double dColumnWidth, string strTitleRowColor, string strOddRowColor, string strEvenRowColor)
            int nRows = tableData.Count;
            if (nRows == 0)
                return false;
            int nCols = tableData[0].Count;
            CTableGrid tData = new CTableGrid(Convert.ToUInt32(nRows), Convert.ToUInt32(nCols), dRowHeight, dColumnWidth);
            for (int i = 0; i < tableData.Count; i++)
                List<string> row = tableData[i];
                CTableGridRow row1 = new CTableGridRow();
                for (int j = 0; j < row.Count; j++)
                    CPPTtext txt = new CPPTtext(row[j]);
                    CPPTtableCell cell = new CPPTtableCell(txt);
                    row1.Set(Convert.ToUInt32(j), cell);
                tData.Add(Convert.ToUInt32(i), row1);
            AddTable(slideIndex, tData, dPosX, dPosY, strTitleRowColor, strOddRowColor, strEvenRowColor);
            return true;
        private void GetTableRow(ref A.TableRow tableRow, CTableGrid grid, uint iRow)
            for (uint iCol = 0; iCol < grid.m_nCols; ++iCol)
                A.TableCell tableCell = new A.TableCell();
                A.TextBody textBody = new A.TextBody();
                CPPTtableCell tableCell2 = new CPPTtableCell();
                tableCell2 = grid.GetCell(iRow, iCol);
                GetTextBody(ref textBody, tableCell2);
                A.TableCellProperties tableCellProperties1 = new A.TableCellProperties();
            A.ExtensionList extensionList4 = new A.ExtensionList();
            A.Extension extension4 = new A.Extension() { Uri = "{0D108BD9-81ED-4DB2-BD59-A6C34878D82A}" };
            OpenXmlUnknownElement openXmlUnknownElement4 = OpenXmlUnknownElement.CreateOpenXmlUnknownElement("<a16:rowId xmlns:a16=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2014/main\" val=\"1915637097\" />");
        private void GetTextBody(ref A.TextBody textBody, CPPTtableCell cell)
            A.BodyProperties bodyProperties = new A.BodyProperties();
            A.ListStyle listStyle = new A.ListStyle();
            A.Paragraph paragraph = new A.Paragraph();
            CPPTtext cText = new CPPTtext();
            if (cell != null)
                cText = cell.m_text;
            AddText(ref paragraph, cText);
        private void pushAttribute()
        private void popAttribute()
            if (m_FontPropertiesStack.Count != 0)
                m_currentFontProperties = m_FontPropertiesStack.Peek();
        private void AddText(ref A.Paragraph paragraph, CPPTtext cText)
            if (cText == null)
            AppendText(cText.m_strText, ref paragraph);
        private void AppendText(string strText, ref A.Paragraph paragraph)
            A.Run run = SetText(strText);
        private A.Run SetText(string strText)
            A.Run run = new A.Run();
            A.Text text = new A.Text();
            text.Text = strText;
            return run;
        public void SetFontBold(bool bBond = false)
            m_currentFontProperties.Bold = bBond;
        public void SetFontItalic(bool bItalic = false)
            m_currentFontProperties.Italic = bItalic;
        public void SetFontUnderline(bool bUnderline = false)
            if (bUnderline)
                m_currentFontProperties.Underline = A.TextUnderlineValues.Single;
                m_currentFontProperties.Underline = A.TextUnderlineValues.None;
        public void SetFontColor(string strColor = "000000")
            A.SolidFill solidFill = (A.SolidFill)m_currentFontProperties.GetFirstChild<A.SolidFill>();
            if (solidFill == null)
                solidFill = new A.SolidFill();
            A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex = (A.RgbColorModelHex)solidFill.GetFirstChild<A.RgbColorModelHex>();
            if (rgbColorModelHex == null)
                rgbColorModelHex = new A.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "000000" };
            rgbColorModelHex.Val.Value = strColor;
        public void SetFontShadow(bool bShadow = false)
            if (!bShadow)
            A.EffectList effectList = (A.EffectList)m_currentFontProperties.GetFirstChild<A.EffectList>();
            if (effectList == null)
                effectList = new A.EffectList();
            A.OuterShadow outerShadow = (A.OuterShadow)effectList.GetFirstChild<A.OuterShadow>();
            if (outerShadow == null)
                outerShadow = new A.OuterShadow() { BlurRadius = 38100L, Distance = 38100L, Direction = 2700000, Alignment = A.RectangleAlignmentValues.TopLeft };
            A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex = (A.RgbColorModelHex)outerShadow.GetFirstChild<A.RgbColorModelHex>();
            if (rgbColorModelHex == null)
                rgbColorModelHex = new A.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = "000000" };
            A.Alpha alpha = (A.Alpha)rgbColorModelHex.GetFirstChild<A.Alpha>();
            if (alpha == null)
                alpha = new A.Alpha() { Val = 43137 };
        public void SetFontName(string strFontName = "等线")
            A.EastAsianFont eastAsianFont = (A.EastAsianFont)m_currentFontProperties.GetFirstChild<A.EastAsianFont>();
            if (eastAsianFont == null)
                eastAsianFont = new A.EastAsianFont() { Typeface = "等线" };
            eastAsianFont.Typeface.Value = strFontName;
            A.LatinFont latinFont = (A.LatinFont)m_currentFontProperties.GetFirstChild<A.LatinFont>();
            if (latinFont == null)
                latinFont = new A.LatinFont() { Typeface = "等线" };
            latinFont.Typeface.Value = strFontName;
        public void SetFontSize(uint nSize = 18)
            nSize *= m_iFontSizeScale;
            m_currentFontProperties.FontSize = Int32Value.FromInt32((int)nSize);
        private void GetTableGrid(ref A.TableGrid tableGrid, CTableGrid grid)
            for (uint idx = 0; idx < grid.m_nCols; ++idx)
                A.GridColumn gridColumn = new A.GridColumn() { Width = Convert.ToInt64(grid.GetColWidth(idx) * m_dUnitConvertScale) }; //列宽
                A.ExtensionList extensionList = new A.ExtensionList();
                A.Extension extension = new A.Extension() { Uri = "{9D8B030D-6E8A-4147-A177-3AD203B41FA5}" };
                OpenXmlUnknownElement openXmlUnknownElement = OpenXmlUnknownElement.CreateOpenXmlUnknownElement("<a16:colId xmlns:a16=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2014/main\" val=\"3310506284\" />");
        private void GetTransform(ref Transform transform, double xPos, double yPos)
            A.Offset offset = new A.Offset() { X = Convert.ToInt64(xPos * m_dUnitConvertScale), Y = Convert.ToInt64(yPos * m_dUnitConvertScale) };
            //A.Extents extents = new A.Extents() { Cx = 10 * m_lengthUnitConvertScale, Cy = 10 * m_lengthUnitConvertScale };
        private void GetNonVisualGraphicFrameProperties(ref NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties nonVisualGraphicFrameProperties)
            IEnumerable<NonVisualDrawingProperties> childElements = nonVisualGraphicFrameProperties.Elements<NonVisualDrawingProperties>();
            int nCount = childElements.Count() + 1;
            string strTableName = "表格 " + nCount;
            NonVisualDrawingProperties nonVisualDrawingProperties = new NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = Convert.ToUInt32(nCount), Name = strTableName }; //(UInt32Value)4U
            NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties nonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties1 = new NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties();
            A.GraphicFrameLocks graphicFrameLocks1 = new A.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoGrouping = true };
            ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties applicationNonVisualDrawingProperties4 = new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties();
        private string AutoMakeTableStyleId()
            string strStyleId = "";
            PresentationPart presentationPart1 = m_presentationDoc.PresentationPart;
            TableStylesPart tableStylesPart1 = presentationPart1.TableStylesPart;
            if (tableStylesPart1 == null)
                int nCount = GetPartCountInPresentationPart() + 1;
                string strId = "rId" + nCount;
                tableStylesPart1 = presentationPart1.AddNewPart<TableStylesPart>(strId);  // "rId6"
                A.TableStyleList tableStyleList1 = new A.TableStyleList() { Default = "{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}" };
                tableStyleList1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main");
                tableStylesPart1.TableStyleList = tableStyleList1;
            int nCountStyle = tableStylesPart1.TableStyleList.Count() + 1;
            string strSub = "";
            if (nCountStyle < 10)
                strSub = "0" + nCountStyle;
            strStyleId = "{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C" + strSub + "}";
            return strStyleId;
        // 添加表格样式
        private bool SetTableStyle(string strDefaultId, string strTitleRowColor, string strOddRowColor, string strEvenRowColor, uint uiLineType = (uint)A.CompoundLineValues.Single)
            PresentationPart presentationPart1 = m_presentationDoc.PresentationPart;
            TableStylesPart tableStylesPart1 = presentationPart1.TableStylesPart;
            if (tableStylesPart1 == null)
                int nCount = GetPartCountInPresentationPart() + 1;
                string strId = "rId" + nCount;
                tableStylesPart1 = presentationPart1.AddNewPart<TableStylesPart>(strId);  // "rId6"
                A.TableStyleList tableStyleList1 = new A.TableStyleList() { Default = "{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}" };
                tableStyleList1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main");
                tableStylesPart1.TableStyleList = tableStyleList1;
            int nCountStyle = tableStylesPart1.TableStyleList.Count() + 1;
            string strStyleName = "自定义" + nCountStyle;
            A.TableStyleEntry tableStyleEntry1 = new A.TableStyleEntry() { StyleId = strDefaultId, StyleName = strStyleName }; // StyleName = "中度样式 2 - 强调 1"
            //  wholeTable1
            A.WholeTable wholeTable1 = new A.WholeTable();
            A.TableCellTextStyle tableCellTextStyle1 = new A.TableCellTextStyle();
            A.FontReference fontReference1 = new A.FontReference() { Index = A.FontCollectionIndexValues.Minor };
            A.PresetColor presetColor1 = new A.PresetColor() { Val = A.PresetColorValues.Black };
            A.SchemeColor schemeColor57 = new A.SchemeColor() { Val = A.SchemeColorValues.Dark1 }; //除标题行外字体的颜色
            // 边框
            A.TableCellBorders tableCellBorders1 = new A.TableCellBorders();
                // 左边框
                A.LeftBorder leftBorder1 = new A.LeftBorder();
                A.Outline outline4 = new A.Outline();
                SetOutline(ref outline4, uiLineType);
                // 右边框
                A.RightBorder rightBorder1 = new A.RightBorder();
                A.Outline outline5 = new A.Outline();
                SetOutline(ref outline5, uiLineType);
                // 上边框
                A.TopBorder topBorder1 = new A.TopBorder();
                A.Outline outline6 = new A.Outline();
                SetOutline(ref outline6, uiLineType);
                // 下边框
                A.BottomBorder bottomBorder1 = new A.BottomBorder();
                A.Outline outline7 = new A.Outline();
                SetOutline(ref outline7, uiLineType);
                // 内水平框
                A.InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder1 = new A.InsideHorizontalBorder();
                A.Outline outline8 = new A.Outline();
                SetOutline(ref outline8, uiLineType);
                // 内竖向边框
                A.InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder1 = new A.InsideVerticalBorder();
                A.Outline outline9 = new A.Outline();
                SetOutline(ref outline9, uiLineType);
            A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle1 = new A.TableCellStyle();
            A.FillProperties fillProperties1 = new A.FillProperties();
            A.SolidFill solidFill53 = new A.SolidFill();
            A.SchemeColor schemeColor64 = new A.SchemeColor() { Val = A.SchemeColorValues.Accent1 };
            A.Tint tint20 = new A.Tint() { Val = 20000 };
            // band1Horizontal1  奇数行
            A.Band1Horizontal band1Horizontal1 = new A.Band1Horizontal();
            A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle2 = new A.TableCellStyle();
            SetTableCellStyle(ref tableCellStyle2, strOddRowColor);
            // band2Horizontal1 偶数行
            A.Band2Horizontal band2Horizontal1 = new A.Band2Horizontal();
            A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle3 = new A.TableCellStyle();
            SetTableCellStyle(ref tableCellStyle3, strEvenRowColor);
            // band1Vertical1
            A.Band1Vertical band1Vertical1 = new A.Band1Vertical();
            A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle4 = new A.TableCellStyle();
            A.TableCellBorders tableCellBorders4 = new A.TableCellBorders();
            // band2Vertical1
            A.Band2Vertical band2Vertical1 = new A.Band2Vertical();
            A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle5 = new A.TableCellStyle();
            A.TableCellBorders tableCellBorders5 = new A.TableCellBorders();
            // lastColumn1
            A.LastColumn lastColumn1 = new A.LastColumn();
            A.TableCellTextStyle tableCellTextStyle2 = new A.TableCellTextStyle();
            A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle6 = new A.TableCellStyle();
            SetTableCellTextStyleAndCellStyle(ref tableCellTextStyle2, ref tableCellStyle6);
            // firstColumn1
            A.FirstColumn firstColumn1 = new A.FirstColumn();
            A.TableCellTextStyle tableCellTextStyle3 = new A.TableCellTextStyle();
            A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle7 = new A.TableCellStyle();
            SetTableCellTextStyleAndCellStyle(ref tableCellTextStyle3, ref tableCellStyle7);
            // lastRow1
            A.LastRow lastRow1 = new A.LastRow();
            A.TableCellTextStyle tableCellTextStyle4 = new A.TableCellTextStyle() { Bold = A.BooleanStyleValues.On };
            A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle8 = new A.TableCellStyle();
            SetTableCellTextStyleAndCellStyle(ref tableCellTextStyle4, ref tableCellStyle8);
            // firstRow1
            A.FirstRow firstRow1 = new A.FirstRow();
            A.TableCellTextStyle tableCellTextStyle5 = new A.TableCellTextStyle() { Bold = A.BooleanStyleValues.On };
            A.FontReference fontReference5 = new A.FontReference() { Index = A.FontCollectionIndexValues.Minor };
            A.PresetColor presetColor5 = new A.PresetColor() { Val = A.PresetColorValues.Black };  //预设颜色
            A.SchemeColor schemeColor74 = new A.SchemeColor() { Val = A.SchemeColorValues.Light1 }; //字体颜色
            A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle9 = new A.TableCellStyle();
            SetTableCellStyle(ref tableCellStyle9, strTitleRowColor);
            return true;
        private void SetOutline(ref A.Outline outline, uint uiLineType)
            outline.Width = 12700;
            outline.CompoundLineType = (A.CompoundLineValues)uiLineType;
            A.SolidFill solidFill47 = new A.SolidFill();
            A.SchemeColor schemeColor58 = new A.SchemeColor() { Val = A.SchemeColorValues.Light1 }; //边框颜色
        private void SetTableCellStyle(ref A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle, string strColor)
            A.TableCellBorders tableCellBorders = new A.TableCellBorders();
            A.FillProperties fillProperties = new A.FillProperties();
            A.SolidFill solidFill = new A.SolidFill();
            SetColorToSolidFill(ref solidFill, strColor);   // 填充颜色
        private void SetColorToSolidFill(ref A.SolidFill solidFill, string strColor)
            A.RgbColorModelHex rgbColorModelHex = (A.RgbColorModelHex)solidFill.GetFirstChild<A.RgbColorModelHex>();
            if (rgbColorModelHex == null)
                rgbColorModelHex = new A.RgbColorModelHex() { Val = strColor };
                rgbColorModelHex.Val.Value = strColor;
        private void SetTableCellTextStyleAndCellStyle(ref A.TableCellTextStyle tableCellTextStyle, ref A.TableCellStyle tableCellStyle)
            tableCellTextStyle.Bold = A.BooleanStyleValues.On;
            A.FontReference fontReference = new A.FontReference() { Index = A.FontCollectionIndexValues.Minor };
            A.PresetColor presetColor = new A.PresetColor() { Val = A.PresetColorValues.Black };
            A.SchemeColor schemeColor1 = new A.SchemeColor() { Val = A.SchemeColorValues.Light1 };
            A.TableCellBorders tableCellBorders = new A.TableCellBorders();
            A.FillProperties fillProperties = new A.FillProperties();
            A.SolidFill solidFill = new A.SolidFill();
            A.SchemeColor schemeColor2 = new A.SchemeColor() { Val = A.SchemeColorValues.Accent1 };
        private int GetPartCountInPresentationPart()
            PresentationPart presentationPart = m_presentationDoc.PresentationPart;
            if (presentationPart == null)
                return 0;
            int iCount = Enumerable.Count<SlidePart>(presentationPart.SlideParts);
            iCount += Enumerable.Count<CustomXmlPart>(presentationPart.CustomXmlParts);
            iCount += Enumerable.Count<FontPart>(presentationPart.FontParts);
            iCount += Enumerable.Count<SlideMasterPart>(presentationPart.SlideMasterParts);
            if (presentationPart.CommentAuthorsPart != null)
            if (presentationPart.HandoutMasterPart != null)
            if (presentationPart.LegacyDiagramTextInfoPart != null)
            if (presentationPart.LegacyDiagramTextInfoPart != null)
            if (presentationPart.PresentationPropertiesPart != null)
            if (presentationPart.TableStylesPart != null)
            if (presentationPart.ThemePart != null)
            if (presentationPart.UserDefinedTagsPart != null)
            if (presentationPart.VbaProjectPart != null)
            if (presentationPart.ViewPropertiesPart != null)
            if (presentationPart.NotesMasterPart != null)
            return iCount;
        private int GetSlideCount()
            // Check for a null document object.
            if (m_presentationDoc == null)
                _throw_assert("The presentation document is empty.");
                return 0;
            int slidesCount = 0;
            // Get the presentation part of document.
            PresentationPart presentationPart = m_presentationDoc.PresentationPart;
            // Get the slide count from the SlideParts.
            if (presentationPart != null)
                slidesCount = presentationPart.SlideParts.Count();
            // Return the slide count to the previous method.
            return slidesCount;
        private SlidePart GetSlidePartbyIndex(uint slideIndex)
            if (m_presentationDoc == null)
                _throw_assert("The presentation document is empty.");
                return null;
            // Use the CountSlides sample to get the number of slides in the presentation.
            int slidesCount = GetSlideCount();
            if (slideIndex < 0 || slideIndex >= slidesCount)
                _throw_assert("Slide index is out of range.");
                return null;
            // Get the presentation part from the presentation document.
            PresentationPart presentationPart = m_presentationDoc.PresentationPart;
            // Get the presentation from the presentation part.
            Presentation presentation = presentationPart.Presentation;
            // Get the list of slide IDs in the presentation.
            SlideIdList slideIdList = presentation.SlideIdList;
            // Get the slide ID of the specified slide
            SlideId slideId = slideIdList.ChildElements[Convert.ToInt32(slideIndex)] as SlideId;
            // Get the relationship ID of the slide.
            string slideRelId = slideId.RelationshipId;
            // Save the modified presentation.
            // Get the slide part for the specified slide.
            SlidePart slidePart = presentationPart.GetPartById(slideRelId) as SlidePart;
            return slidePart;
        public static void _throw_assert(string error)
    public class CPPTFont
        public CPPTFont()
        public void Init()
            m_strFontName = "等线";
            m_fontSize = 18;
            m_bBold = false;
            m_bItalic = false;
            m_bUnderline = false;
            m_bShadow = false;
            m_strColor = "000000";
        public string m_strFontName { get; set; }
        public uint m_fontSize { get; set; }
        public bool m_bBold { get; set; }
        public bool m_bItalic { get; set; }
        public bool m_bUnderline { get; set; }
        public bool m_bShadow { get; set; }
        public string m_strColor { get; set; }
    public class CPPTtext
        public CPPTtext()
            m_strText = "";
            m_font = new CPPTFont();
        public CPPTtext(string strText)
            m_strText = strText;
            m_font = new CPPTFont();
        public CPPTtext(string strText, CPPTFont font)
            m_strText = strText;
            m_font = new CPPTFont();
            m_font = font;
        public string m_strText { get; set; }
        public CPPTFont m_font { get; set; }
    // 表格
    public class CTableGrid
        public CTableGrid()
            m_dictTableRow = new Dictionary<uint, CTableGridRow>();
        public CTableGrid(uint rows, uint cols, double dRowHeight, double dColWidth)
            m_dictTableRow = new Dictionary<uint, CTableGridRow>();
            m_listRowHeight = new List<double>();
            m_listColWidth = new List<double>();
            m_nRows = rows;
            m_nCols = cols;
        public void Add(uint iRow, CTableGridRow gridRow)
            m_dictTableRow.Add(iRow, gridRow);
        public CTableGridRow Get(uint iRow)
            if (!m_dictTableRow.ContainsKey(iRow))
                return null;
            return m_dictTableRow[iRow];
        public CPPTtableCell GetCell(uint iRow, uint iCol)
            if (!m_dictTableRow.ContainsKey(iRow))
                return null;
            return m_dictTableRow[iRow].Get(iCol);
        public void SetRowHeight(uint iRow, double dRowHeight)
            if (m_listRowHeight.Count == 0)
            if (iRow > m_listColWidth.Count - 1)
                CPPTtable._throw_assert("Argument Out of Range.");
            m_listRowHeight[Convert.ToInt32(iRow)] = dRowHeight;
        public double GetRowHeight(uint iRow)
            if (iRow > m_listRowHeight.Count - 1)
                CPPTtable._throw_assert("Argument Out of Range.");
                return 0.0;
            return m_listRowHeight[Convert.ToInt32(iRow)];
        public void SetColWidth(uint iCol, double dColWidth)
            if (m_listColWidth.Count == 0)
            if (iCol > m_listColWidth.Count - 1)
                CPPTtable._throw_assert("Argument Out of Range.");
            m_listColWidth[Convert.ToInt32(iCol)] = dColWidth;
        public double GetColWidth(uint iCol)
            if (iCol > m_listColWidth.Count - 1)
                CPPTtable._throw_assert("Argument Out of Range.");
                return 0.0;
            return m_listColWidth[Convert.ToInt32(iCol)];
        private void SetRowHeight(double dRowHeight)
            for (int iRow = 0; iRow < m_nRows; iRow++)
        private void SetColWidth(double dColWidth)
            for (int iCol = 0; iCol < m_nCols; iCol++)
        public void SetCell(uint iRow, uint iCol, CPPTtableCell tableCell)
            m_dictTableRow[iRow].Set(iCol, tableCell);
        public uint m_nRows { get; set; }
        public uint m_nCols { get; set; }
        public List<double> m_listRowHeight { get; set; }
        public List<double> m_listColWidth { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<uint, CTableGridRow> m_dictTableRow { get; set; }
        //private string style;
    // 表格行
    public class CTableGridRow
        public CTableGridRow()
            m_dictionaryCell = new Dictionary<uint, CPPTtableCell>();
        public void Set(uint iCol, CPPTtableCell cell)
            m_dictionaryCell[iCol] = cell;
        public CPPTtableCell Get(uint iCol)
            if (!m_dictionaryCell.ContainsKey(iCol))
                return null;
            return m_dictionaryCell[iCol];
        public Dictionary<uint, CPPTtableCell> m_dictionaryCell { get; set; }
    // 表格单元格
    public class CPPTtableCell
        public CPPTtableCell()
            m_text = new CPPTtext();
        public CPPTtableCell(CPPTtext text)
            m_text = new CPPTtext();
            m_text = text;
        public CPPTtext m_text { get; set; }
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