


/* rngLib.h - ring buffer subroutine library header */

/* Copyright 1984-1992 Wind River Systems, Inc. */

modification history
02b,22sep92,rrr  added support for c++
02a,04jul92,jcf  cleaned up.
01k,26may92,rrr  the tree shuffle
01j,04oct91,rrr  passed through the ansification filter
		  -changed VOID to void
		  -changed copyright notice
01i,06apr91,gae  added NOMANUAL to avoid fooling mangen.
01h,05oct90,shl  added ANSI function prototypes.
                 made #endif ANSI style.
                 added copyright notice.
01g,10aug90,dnw  added declaration of rngFlush().
01f,07aug90,shl  moved function declarations to end of file.
01e,22aug88,gae  removed incorrect comment about using 'shorts'
		 for optimization.
01d,30may88,dnw  changed to v4 names.
01c,10nov87,dnw  changed ring pointers from shorts to ints.
		 rings can now be > 32K bytes.
01b,15aug84,dnw  removed several macros, now routines in rngLib.cs;
		   only rngGetC and rngPutC remain as macros.
01a,06jun84,dnw  culled from old drvLib.h

#ifndef __INCrngLibh
#define __INCrngLibh

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* HIDDEN */

/* typedefs */

typedef struct		/* RING - ring buffer */
    int pToBuf;		/* offset from start of buffer where to write next */
    int pFromBuf;	/* offset from start of buffer where to read next */
    int bufSize;	/* size of ring in bytes */
    char *buf;		/* pointer to start of buffer */
    } RING;


typedef RING *RING_ID;

 * The following macros are designed to do various operations on
 * the RING object.  By using them, users can avoid having to know
 * the structure of RING.  However they are intended to be very
 * efficient and this is why they are macros in the first place.
 * In general the parameters to them should be register variables
 * for maximum efficiency.

* RNG_ELEM_GET - get one character from a ring buffer
* This macro gets a single character from the specified ring buffer.
* Must supply temporary variable (register int) 'fromP'.
* RETURNS: 1 if there was a char in the buffer to return, 0 otherwise

#define RNG_ELEM_GET(ringId, pCh, fromP)		\
    (						\
    fromP = (ringId)->pFromBuf,			\
    ((ringId)->pToBuf == fromP) ?		\
	0 					\
    :						\
	(					\
	*pCh = (ringId)->buf[fromP],		\
	(ringId)->pFromBuf = ((++fromP == (ringId)->bufSize) ? 0 : fromP), \
	1					\
	)					\

* RNG_ELEM_PUT - put one character into a ring buffer
* This macro puts a single character into the specified ring buffer.
* Must supply temporary variable (register int) 'toP'.
* RETURNS: 1 if there was room in the buffer for the char, 0 otherwise

#define RNG_ELEM_PUT(ringId, ch, toP)		\
    (						\
    toP = (ringId)->pToBuf,			\
    (toP == (ringId)->pFromBuf - 1) ?		\
	0 					\
    :						\
	(					\
    	(toP == (ringId)->bufSize - 1) ?	\
	    (					\
	    ((ringId)->pFromBuf == 0) ?		\
		0				\
	    :					\
		(				\
		(ringId)->buf[toP] = ch,	\
		(ringId)->pToBuf = 0,		\
		1				\
		)				\
	    )					\
	:					\
	    (					\
	    (ringId)->buf[toP] = ch,		\
	    (ringId)->pToBuf++,			\
	    1					\
	    )					\
	)					\

/* function declarations */

#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)

extern BOOL 	rngIsEmpty (RING_ID ringId);
extern BOOL 	rngIsFull (RING_ID ringId);
extern RING_ID 	rngCreate (int nbytes);
extern int 	rngBufGet (RING_ID rngId, char *buffer, int maxbytes);
extern int 	rngBufPut (RING_ID rngId, char *buffer, int nbytes);
extern int 	rngFreeBytes (RING_ID ringId);
extern int 	rngNBytes (RING_ID ringId);
extern void 	rngDelete (RING_ID ringId);
extern void 	rngFlush (RING_ID ringId);
extern void 	rngMoveAhead (RING_ID ringId, int n);
extern void 	rngPutAhead (RING_ID ringId, char byte, int offset);

#else	/* __STDC__ */

extern BOOL 	rngIsEmpty ();
extern BOOL 	rngIsFull ();
extern RING_ID 	rngCreate ();
extern int 	rngBufGet ();
extern int 	rngBufPut ();
extern int 	rngFreeBytes ();
extern int 	rngNBytes ();
extern void 	rngDelete ();
extern void 	rngFlush ();
extern void 	rngMoveAhead ();
extern void 	rngPutAhead ();

#endif	/* __STDC__ */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __INCrngLibh */


/* rngLib.c - ring buffer subroutine library */

/* Copyright 1984-1995 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
#include "copyright_wrs.h"

modification history
01x,13feb95,jdi  doc tweaks.
01w,20jan93,jdi  documentation cleanup for 5.1.
01v,26may92,rrr  the tree shuffle
01u,11jan92,wmd  fix bug spr #1210, race condition based on updates of buf
		 pointers in more than 1 place in rngBufPut() and rngBufGet().
01t,13dec91,gae  ANSI cleanup.
01s,04oct91,rrr  passed through the ansification filter
                  -changed functions to ansi style
		  -changed VOID to void
		  -changed copyright notice
01r,05apr91,jdi	 documentation -- removed header parens and x-ref numbers;
		 doc review by dnw.
01q,11mar91,jaa	 documentation cleanup.
01p,11may90,yao  added missing modification history (01o) for the last checkin.
01o,09may90,yao  typecasted malloc to (char *).
01n,22mar89,dab  changed shorts to ints in rngBufGet, rngBufPut.
01m,03feb89,dab  added rngDelete to delete a ring buffer.
01l,20aug88,gae  documentation.
01k,07jul88,jcf  fixed malloc to match new declaration.
01j,30may88,dnw  changed to v4 names.
01i,03nov87,ecs  documentation.
01h,20oct87,gae  documentation.
01g,23mar87,jlf  documentation.
01f,21dec86,dnw  changed to not get include files from default directories.
01e,14apr86,rdc  changed memAllocates to mallocs.
01d,20jul85,jlf  documentation.
01c,09sep84,jlf  added comments and copyright.
01b,15aug84,dnw  changed rngBufCreate to allocate ring buffer one byte larger
		   than requested, because ring buffer algorithm always leaves
		   at least one empty byte in buffer.
		 added rngEmpty, rngFull, rngFreeBytes, rngNBytes, rngFlush,
		   rngPutAhead, rngMoveAhead, some of which used to be
		   macros in rngLib.h.
		 changed rngBufGet,rngBufPut to rngGetBuf,rngPutBuf.
		 changed rngBufCreate to rngCreate.
01a,06jun84,dnw  culled from old drvLib.c

This library provides routines for creating and using ring buffers, which
are first-in-first-out circular buffers.  The routines simply manipulate
the ring buffer data structure; no kernel functions are invoked.  In
particular, ring buffers by themselves provide no task synchronization or
mutual exclusion.

However, the ring buffer pointers are manipulated in such a way that a
reader task (invoking rngBufGet()) and a writer task (invoking
rngBufPut()) can access a ring simultaneously without requiring mutual
exclusion.  This is because readers only affect a \f2read\f1 pointer and
writers only affect a \f2write\f1 pointer in a ring buffer data structure.
However, access by multiple readers or writers \f2must\fP be interlocked
through a mutual exclusion mechanism (i.e., a mutual-exclusion semaphore
guarding a ring buffer).

This library also supplies two macros, RNG_ELEM_PUT and RNG_ELEM_GET,
for putting and getting single bytes from a ring buffer.  They are defined
in rngLib.h.
    int RNG_ELEM_GET (ringId, pch, fromP)
    int RNG_ELEM_PUT (ringId, ch, toP)
Both macros require a temporary variable <fromP> or <toP>, which
should be declared as `register int' for maximum efficiency.  RNG_ELEM_GET
returns 1 if there was a character available in the buffer; it returns 0
otherwise.  RNG_ELEM_PUT returns 1 if there was room in the buffer; it returns
0 otherwise.  These are somewhat faster than rngBufPut() and rngBufGet(),
which can put and get multi-byte buffers.



#include "vxWorks.h"
#include "memLib.h"
#include "rngLib.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"

* rngCreate - create an empty ring buffer
* This routine creates a ring buffer of size <nbytes>, and initializes
* it.  Memory for the buffer is allocated from the system memory partition.
* The ID of the ring buffer, or NULL if memory cannot be allocated.

RING_ID rngCreate
    int nbytes          /* number of bytes in ring buffer */
    char *buffer;
    RING_ID ringId = (RING_ID) malloc (sizeof (RING));

    if (ringId == NULL)
	return (NULL);

    /* bump number of bytes requested because ring buffer algorithm
     * always leaves at least one empty byte in buffer */

    buffer = (char *) malloc ((unsigned) ++nbytes);

    if (buffer == NULL)
	free ((char *)ringId);
	return (NULL);

    ringId->bufSize = nbytes;
    ringId->buf	    = buffer;

    rngFlush (ringId);

    return (ringId);
* rngDelete - delete a ring buffer
* This routine deletes a specified ring buffer.
* Any data currently in the buffer will be lost.

void rngDelete
    FAST RING_ID ringId         /* ring buffer to delete */
    free (ringId->buf);
    free ((char *)ringId);
* rngFlush - make a ring buffer empty
* This routine initializes a specified ring buffer to be empty.
* Any data currently in the buffer will be lost.

void rngFlush
    FAST RING_ID ringId         /* ring buffer to initialize */
    ringId->pToBuf   = 0;
    ringId->pFromBuf = 0;
* rngBufGet - get characters from a ring buffer
* This routine copies bytes from the ring buffer <rngId> into <buffer>.
* It copies as many bytes as are available in the ring, up to <maxbytes>.
* The bytes copied will be removed from the ring.
* The number of bytes actually received from the ring buffer;
* it may be zero if the ring buffer is empty at the time of the call.

int rngBufGet
    FAST RING_ID rngId,         /* ring buffer to get data from      */
    char *buffer,               /* pointer to buffer to receive data */
    int maxbytes                /* maximum number of bytes to get    */
    FAST int bytesgot = 0;
    int pToBuf = rngId->pToBuf;
    int bytes2;
    int pRngTmp = 0;

    if (pToBuf >= rngId->pFromBuf)
	/* pToBuf has not wrapped around */

	bytesgot = min (maxbytes, pToBuf - rngId->pFromBuf);
	bcopy (&rngId->buf [rngId->pFromBuf], buffer, bytesgot);
	rngId->pFromBuf += bytesgot;
	/* pToBuf has wrapped around.  Grab chars up to the end of the
	 * buffer, then wrap around if we need to. */

	bytesgot = min (maxbytes, rngId->bufSize - rngId->pFromBuf);
	bcopy (&rngId->buf [rngId->pFromBuf], buffer, bytesgot);
	pRngTmp = rngId->pFromBuf + bytesgot;

	/* If pFromBuf is equal to bufSize, we've read the entire buffer,
	 * and need to wrap now.  If bytesgot < maxbytes, copy some more chars
	 * in now. */

	if (pRngTmp == rngId->bufSize)
	    bytes2 = min (maxbytes - bytesgot, pToBuf);
	    bcopy (rngId->buf, buffer + bytesgot, bytes2);
	    rngId->pFromBuf = bytes2;
	    bytesgot += bytes2;
	    rngId->pFromBuf = pRngTmp;
    return (bytesgot);
* rngBufPut - put bytes into a ring buffer
* This routine puts bytes from <buffer> into ring buffer <ringId>.  The
* specified number of bytes will be put into the ring, up to the number of
* bytes available in the ring.
* Always leaves at least one byte empty between pToBuf and pFromBuf, to
* eliminate ambiguities which could otherwise occur when the two pointers
* are equal.
* The number of bytes actually put into the ring buffer;
* it may be less than number requested, even zero,
* if there is insufficient room in the ring buffer at the time of the call.

int rngBufPut
    FAST RING_ID rngId,         /* ring buffer to put data into  */
    char *buffer,               /* buffer to get data from       */
    int nbytes                  /* number of bytes to try to put */
    FAST int bytesput = 0;
    int pFromBuf = rngId->pFromBuf;
    int bytes2;
    int pRngTmp = 0;

    if (pFromBuf > rngId->pToBuf)
	/* pFromBuf is ahead of pToBuf.  We can fill up to two bytes
	 * before it */

	bytesput = min (nbytes, pFromBuf - rngId->pToBuf - 1);
	bcopy (buffer, &rngId->buf [rngId->pToBuf], bytesput);
	rngId->pToBuf += bytesput;
    else if (pFromBuf == 0)
	/* pFromBuf is at the beginning of the buffer.  We can fill till
	 * the next-to-last element */

	bytesput = min (nbytes, rngId->bufSize - rngId->pToBuf - 1);
	bcopy (buffer, &rngId->buf [rngId->pToBuf], bytesput);
	rngId->pToBuf += bytesput;
	/* pFromBuf has wrapped around, and its not 0, so we can fill
	 * at least to the end of the ring buffer.  Do so, then see if
	 * we need to wrap and put more at the beginning of the buffer. */

	bytesput = min (nbytes, rngId->bufSize - rngId->pToBuf);
	bcopy (buffer, &rngId->buf [rngId->pToBuf], bytesput);
	pRngTmp = rngId->pToBuf + bytesput;

	if (pRngTmp == rngId->bufSize)
	    /* We need to wrap, and perhaps put some more chars */

	    bytes2 = min (nbytes - bytesput, pFromBuf - 1);
	    bcopy (buffer + bytesput, rngId->buf, bytes2);
	    rngId->pToBuf = bytes2;
	    bytesput += bytes2;
	    rngId->pToBuf = pRngTmp;
    return (bytesput);
* rngIsEmpty - test if a ring buffer is empty
* This routine determines if a specified ring buffer is empty.
* TRUE if empty, FALSE if not.

BOOL rngIsEmpty
    RING_ID ringId      /* ring buffer to test */
    return (ringId->pToBuf == ringId->pFromBuf);
* rngIsFull - test if a ring buffer is full (no more room)
* This routine determines if a specified ring buffer is completely full.
* TRUE if full, FALSE if not.

BOOL rngIsFull
    FAST RING_ID ringId         /* ring buffer to test */
    int n = ringId->pToBuf - ringId->pFromBuf + 1;

    return ((n == 0) || (n == ringId->bufSize));
* rngFreeBytes - determine the number of free bytes in a ring buffer
* This routine determines the number of bytes currently unused in a specified
* ring buffer.
* RETURNS: The number of unused bytes in the ring buffer.

int rngFreeBytes
    FAST RING_ID ringId         /* ring buffer to examine */
    FAST int n = ringId->pFromBuf - ringId->pToBuf - 1;

    if (n < 0)
	n += ringId->bufSize;

    return (n);
* rngNBytes - determine the number of bytes in a ring buffer
* This routine determines the number of bytes currently in a specified
* ring buffer.
* RETURNS: The number of bytes filled in the ring buffer.

int rngNBytes
    FAST RING_ID ringId         /* ring buffer to be enumerated */
    FAST int n = ringId->pToBuf - ringId->pFromBuf;

    if (n < 0)
	n += ringId->bufSize;

    return (n);
* rngPutAhead - put a byte ahead in a ring buffer without moving ring pointers
* This routine writes a byte into the ring, but does not move the ring buffer
* pointers.  Thus the byte will not yet be available to rngBufGet() calls.
* The byte is written <offset> bytes ahead of the next input location in the
* ring.  Thus, an offset of 0 puts the byte in the same position as would
* RNG_ELEM_PUT would put a byte, except that the input pointer is not updated.
* Bytes written ahead in the ring buffer with this routine can be made available
* all at once by subsequently moving the ring buffer pointers with the routine
* rngMoveAhead().
* Before calling rngPutAhead(), the caller must verify that at least
* <offset> + 1 bytes are available in the ring buffer.

void rngPutAhead
    FAST RING_ID ringId,   /* ring buffer to put byte in    */
    char byte,             /* byte to be put in ring        */
    int offset             /* offset beyond next input byte where to put byte */
    FAST int n = ringId->pToBuf + offset;

    if (n >= ringId->bufSize)
	n -= ringId->bufSize;

    *(ringId->buf + n) = byte;
* rngMoveAhead - advance a ring pointer by <n> bytes
* This routine advances the ring buffer input pointer by <n> bytes.  This makes
* <n> bytes available in the ring buffer, after having been written ahead in
* the ring buffer with rngPutAhead().

void rngMoveAhead
    FAST RING_ID ringId,  /* ring buffer to be advanced                  */
    FAST int n            /* number of bytes ahead to move input pointer */
    n += ringId->pToBuf;

    if (n >= ringId->bufSize)
	n -= ringId->bufSize;

    ringId->pToBuf = n;






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