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原创 HDU 4282 A very hard mathematic problem

Problem DescriptionHaoren is very good at solving mathematic problems. Today he is working a problem like this:Find three positive integers X, Y and Z (X < Y, Z > 1) that holdsX^Z + Y^Z + XYZ...

2019-09-18 21:07:19 165

原创 Holy Grail

题目链接:https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/41305As the current heir of a wizarding family with a long history,unfortunately, you find yourself forced to participate in the cruel Holy Grail War which has a rei...

2019-09-02 16:54:50 159

原创 hdu 2680 Choose the best route(SPFA)

Problem DescriptionOne day , Kiki wants to visit one of her friends. As she is liable to carsickness , she wants to arrive at her friend’s home as soon as possible . Now give you a map of the city’s ...

2019-09-02 16:06:53 131

原创 hdu 4915 Parenthese sequence

Problem Descriptionbobo found an ancient string. The string contains only three charaters – “(”, “)” and “?”.bobo would like to replace each “?” with “(” or “)” so that the string is valid (defined ...

2019-08-27 10:58:43 102

原创 C - Censor KMP算法

Censorfrog is now a editor to censor so-called sensitive words (敏感词).She has a long text p. Her job is relatively simple – just to find the first occurence of sensitive word w and remove it.frog re...

2019-08-20 14:34:34 253

原创 HDU 2553 N皇后问题

Problem Description在N*N的方格棋盘放置了N个皇后,使得它们不相互攻击(即任意2个皇后不允许处在同一排,同一列,也不允许处在与棋盘边框成45角的斜线上。你的任务是,对于给定的N,求出有多少种合法的放置方法。Input共有若干行,每行一个正整数N≤10,表示棋盘和皇后的数量;如果N=0,表示结束。Output共有若干行,每行一个正整数,表示对应输入行的皇后的不同放置数...

2019-08-18 15:38:55 93

原创 HDU 2102 A计划

Problem Description可怜的公主在一次次被魔王掳走一次次被骑士们救回来之后,而今,不幸的她再一次面临生命的考验。魔王已经发出消息说将在T时刻吃掉公主,因为他听信谣言说吃公主的肉也能长生不老。年迈的国王正是心急如焚,告招天下勇士来拯救公主。不过公主早已习以为常,她深信智勇的骑士LJ肯定能将她救出。现据密探所报,公主被关在一个两层的迷宫里,迷宫的入口是S(0,0,0),公主的位置用...

2019-08-17 23:07:11 60

原创 HDU 2612 Find a way

Problem DescriptionPass a year learning in Hangzhou, yifenfei arrival hometown Ningbo at finally. Leave Ningbo one year, yifenfei have many people to meet. Especially a good friend Merceki.Yifenfei’...

2019-08-17 14:57:05 67

原创 hdu 1051 Wooden Sticks

Problem DescriptionThere is a pile of n wooden sticks. The length and weight of each stick are known in advance. The sticks are to be processed by a woodworking machine in one by one fashion. It nee...

2019-08-11 19:21:09 67

原创 hdu 1050 Moving Tables

Problem DescriptionThe famous ACM (Advanced Computer Maker) Company has rented a floor of a building whose shape is in the following figure.The floor has 200 rooms each on the north side and so...

2019-08-11 17:22:55 68

原创 hdu 1045 -Fire Net

Problem DescriptionSuppose that we have a square city with straight streets. A map of a city is a square board with n rows and n columns, each representing a street or a piece of wall.A blockhouse...

2019-08-11 15:19:43 80

原创 hdu 1233- kruskal+prime

Problem Description某省调查乡村交通状况,得到的统计表中列出了任意两村庄间的距离。省政府“畅通工程”的目标是使全省任何两个村庄间都可以实现公路交通(但不一定有直接的公路相连,只要能间接通过公路可达即可),并要求铺设的公路总长度为最小。请计算最小的公路总长度。Input测试输入包含若干测试用例。每个测试用例的第1行给出村庄数目N ( < 100 );随后的N(N-1)/...

2019-08-11 11:25:17 106

原创 2018 ICPC Asia Singapore Regional Non-Prime Factors

题目In many programming competitions, we are asked to find (or count the number of) Prime Factors of an integer i. This is boring. This time, let’s count the number of Non-Prime Factors of an integer i...

2019-08-10 11:21:53 647

原创 Training Contest 5 - J - Jurassic Jigsaw

题目The famous Jurassic park biologist Dean O’Saur has discovered new samples of what he expects to be the DNA of a dinosaur. With the help of his assistant Petra Dactil, he managed to sequence the sam...

2019-08-08 13:19:16 283

原创 Training Contest 5 B - Bee Problem

题目You are a busy little bee, and you have a problem. After collecting nectar all day long, you are returning to the beehive with a large supply of honey. You would really like to take a nap now, but ...

2019-08-08 13:05:32 222

原创 Training Contest 5 H - H to O

题目C6H12O6+6O2→6CO2+6H2OProfessor Cesium has created a new process to transform some chemical product into another type of chemical with some residues. The process is simple: he just needs to input a...

2019-08-08 11:34:08 472

原创 Training Contest 4 J - Joyless Game

Playing games is the best way to improve flexibility, critical thinking and strategy.To become the best Pokenom player, Bash is playing some games with his Pokenom Chikapu.Bash writes down a string ...

2019-08-06 22:05:04 217

原创 Training Contest 4 D - Dreamer

Bash just woke up from his sweetest dream ever. In his dream, he became the best Pokenom trainer — like no one ever was. It was on the date …Unfortunately, Bash forgot the exact date. He only remembe...

2019-08-06 21:57:53 178

原创 HDU 1114

Problem DescriptionBefore ACM can do anything, a budget must be prepared and the necessary financial support obtained. The main income for this action comes from Irreversibly Bound Money (IBM). The i...

2019-08-06 21:49:45 52

原创 HDU 2602

Problem DescriptionMany years ago , in Teddy’s hometown there was a man who was called “Bone Collector”. This man like to collect varies of bones , such as dog’s , cow’s , also he went to the grave …...

2019-08-06 21:46:27 52

原创 HDU 3790 最短路径问题

题目给你n个点,m条无向边,每条边都有长度d和花费p,给你起点s终点t,要求输出起点到终点的最短距离及其花费,如果最短距离有多条路线,则输出花费最少的。Input输入n,m,点的编号是1~n,然后是m行,每行4个数 a,b,d,p,表示a和b之间有一条边,且其长度为d,花费为p。最后一行是两个数 s,t;起点s,终点。n和m为0时输入结束。 (1<n<=1000, 0<m&...

2019-07-30 17:41:59 115

原创 HDU 1874 畅通工程续

题目某省自从实行了很多年的畅通工程计划后,终于修建了很多路。不过路多了也不好,每次要从一个城镇到另一个城镇时,都有许多种道路方案可以选择,而某些方案要比另一些方案行走的距离要短很多。这让行人很困扰。现在,已知起点和终点,请你计算出要从起点到终点,最短需要行走多少距离。Input本题目包含多组数据,请处理到文件结束。 每组数据第一行包含两个正整数N和M(0<N<200,0<...

2019-07-30 17:27:09 63

原创 2018 ACM-ICPC Syrian Collegiate Programming Contest

Problem H: Bugged System思路来源**(https://blog.csdn.net/Mitsuha_/article/details/84455292)**Mr. Light is visiting a city with a “smart” metro system. Or so it seems …There are exactly n stations in a ...

2019-07-29 22:36:51 311

原创 POJ-2386-Lake_Counting

题目Total Submission(s) : 28 Accepted Submission(s) : 18Problem DescriptionDue to recent rains, water has pooled in various places in Farmer John’s field, which is represented by a rectangle of N x...

2019-07-29 08:28:09 74



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