Unity Shaders and Effects Cookbook 4-4 在Cubemap 上使用 法线贴图 法


法线贴图 在之前学习过了,我们使用法线贴图在低分辨率的模型上 模拟 高分辨率的效果。

Unity中 通过 UnpackNormal 函数 来使用法线贴图。


                Unity Shaders and Effects Cookbook (2-5) 如何使用法线贴图                       

这一节讲的是 在Cubemap 上使用法线贴图。模拟凹凸效果。





创建材质 、Shader 。

复制上一节的 Shader 就行。然后修改成下面的内容。

Shader "CookBookShaders/Chapt4-4/Cubemap_NormalMap" { Properties  {  _MainTint("Diffuse Color",Color)=(1,1,1,1)  _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}  _NormalMap("Normal Map",2D) = "bump"{}  _Cubemap("Cubemap",CUBE)=""{}  _ReflAmount("Reflection Amount",Range(0,1))=0.5 } SubShader  {  Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }  LOD 200    CGPROGRAM  #pragma surface surf Lambert  float4 _MainTint;  sampler2D _MainTex;  sampler2D _NormalMap;  samplerCUBE _Cubemap;  float _ReflAmount;  struct Input   {   float2 uv_MainTex;   float2 uv_NormalMap;   float3 worldRefl;   INTERNAL_DATA  };  void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)   {   half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);   //从法线贴图中提取法线信息,UnpackNormal这个函数在 CGInclude 文件夹中的Lighting中。   float3 normals=UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap,IN.uv_NormalMap));   o.Normal=normals;   //上面使用法线贴图中的法线数据 替代了 原来的法线数据。   //法线被修改了,就不能 直接用原来的 内置属性 worldRefl 这个反射向量,而是要通过 WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)来获取。   //使用WorldReflectionVector 获得 基于法线贴图中的反射向量的 世界反射向量   o.Emission = texCUBE(_Cubemap,WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)).rgb * _ReflAmount;   o.Albedo = c.rgb * _MainTint;   o.Alpha = c.a;  }  ENDCG }  FallBack "Diffuse"}

和上一节的Shader 相比,修改了如下几处:

1、在 Properties 属性块中添加了法线贴图

_NormalMap("Normal Map",2D) = "bump"{}

然后在 SubShader 中添加对应的变量

sampler2D _NormalMap;

2、在 Input 中 添加了 法线贴图的UV,以及一个奇怪的字段 INTERNAL_DATA

  struct Input   {   float2 uv_MainTex;   float2 uv_NormalMap;   float3 worldRefl;   INTERNAL_DATA  };

uv_NormalMap 是用来读取 法线贴图数据的。

转自http://blog.csdn.net/huutu http://www.thisisgame.com.cn



A:通过在Input 中添加 INTERNAL_DATA ,我们就可以访问由法线贴图修改后的表面法线。

这个很奇怪,为什么要添加 INTERNAL_DATA,才可以访问由法线贴图修改后的表面法线?上次学习法线贴图的时候可没有这个东西。

习惯性到 CGIncludes 里面去查找,发现并没有 INTERNAL_DATA 。




If you want to do reflections that are affected by normal maps, it needs to be slightly more involved: INTERNAL_DATA needs to be added to the Input structure, and WorldReflectionVector function used to compute per-pixel reflection vector after you’ve written the Normal output.

就是说计算世界反射向量的时候 使用了法线贴图就要加上 这个。

谷歌一下,发现网友说在 生成的代码中能看出来,然后就查看生成的代码

Shader "CookBookShaders/Chapt4-4/Cubemap_NormalMap" { Properties  {  _MainTint("Diffuse Color",Color)=(1,1,1,1)  _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}  _NormalMap("Normal Map",2D) = "bump"{}  _Cubemap("Cubemap",CUBE)=""{}  _ReflAmount("Reflection Amount",Range(0,1))=0.5 } SubShader  {  Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }  LOD 200     // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Surface shader code generated out of a CGPROGRAM block:  // ---- forward rendering base pass: Pass {  Name "FORWARD"  Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" }CGPROGRAM// compile directives#pragma vertex vert_surf#pragma fragment frag_surf#pragma multi_compile_fwdbase#include "HLSLSupport.cginc"#include "UnityShaderVariables.cginc"#define UNITY_PASS_FORWARDBASE#include "UnityCG.cginc"#include "Lighting.cginc"#include "AutoLight.cginc"#define INTERNAL_DATA half3 TtoW0; half3 TtoW1; half3 TtoW2;#define WorldReflectionVector(data,normal) reflect (data.worldRefl, half3(dot(data.TtoW0,normal), dot(data.TtoW1,normal), dot(data.TtoW2,normal)))#define WorldNormalVector(data,normal) fixed3(dot(data.TtoW0,normal), dot(data.TtoW1,normal), dot(data.TtoW2,normal))// Original surface shader snippet:#line 18 ""#ifdef DUMMY_PREPROCESSOR_TO_WORK_AROUND_HLSL_COMPILER_LINE_HANDLING#endif  //#pragma surface surf Lambert  float4 _MainTint;  sampler2D _MainTex;  sampler2D _NormalMap;  samplerCUBE _Cubemap;  float _ReflAmount;  struct Input   {   float2 uv_MainTex;   float2 uv_NormalMap;   float3 worldRefl;   INTERNAL_DATA  };  void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)   {   half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);   //从法线贴图中提取法线信息,UnpackNormal这个函数在 CGInclude 文件夹中的Lighting中。   float3 normals=UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap,IN.uv_NormalMap));   o.Normal=normals;   //上面使用法线贴图中的法线数据 替代了 原来的法线数据。   //法线被修改了,就不能 直接用原来的 内置属性 worldRefl 这个反射向量,而是要通过 WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)来获取。   //使用WorldReflectionVector 获得 基于法线贴图中的反射向量的 世界反射向量   o.Emission = texCUBE(_Cubemap,WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)).rgb * _ReflAmount;   o.Albedo = c.rgb * _MainTint;   o.Alpha = c.a;  }  // vertex-to-fragment interpolation data#ifdef LIGHTMAP_OFFstruct v2f_surf {  float4 pos : SV_POSITION;  float4 pack0 : TEXCOORD0;  fixed4 TtoW0 : TEXCOORD1;  fixed4 TtoW1 : TEXCOORD2;  fixed4 TtoW2 : TEXCOORD3;  fixed3 lightDir : TEXCOORD4;  fixed3 vlight : TEXCOORD5;  LIGHTING_COORDS(6,7)};#endif#ifndef LIGHTMAP_OFFstruct v2f_surf {  float4 pos : SV_POSITION;  float4 pack0 : TEXCOORD0;  fixed4 TtoW0 : TEXCOORD1;  fixed4 TtoW1 : TEXCOORD2;  fixed4 TtoW2 : TEXCOORD3;  float2 lmap : TEXCOORD4;  LIGHTING_COORDS(5,6)};#endif#ifndef LIGHTMAP_OFFfloat4 unity_LightmapST;#endiffloat4 _MainTex_ST;float4 _NormalMap_ST;// vertex shaderv2f_surf vert_surf (appdata_full v) {  v2f_surf o;  o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);  o.pack0.xy = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex);  o.pack0.zw = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _NormalMap);  float3 viewDir = -ObjSpaceViewDir(v.vertex);  float3 worldRefl = mul ((float3x3)_Object2World, viewDir);  TANGENT_SPACE_ROTATION;  o.TtoW0 = float4(mul(rotation, _Object2World[0].xyz), worldRefl.x)*unity_Scale.w;  o.TtoW1 = float4(mul(rotation, _Object2World[1].xyz), worldRefl.y)*unity_Scale.w;  o.TtoW2 = float4(mul(rotation, _Object2World[2].xyz), worldRefl.z)*unity_Scale.w;  #ifndef LIGHTMAP_OFF  o.lmap.xy = v.texcoord1.xy * unity_LightmapST.xy + unity_LightmapST.zw;  #endif  float3 worldN = mul((float3x3)_Object2World, SCALED_NORMAL);  float3 lightDir = mul (rotation, ObjSpaceLightDir(v.vertex));  #ifdef LIGHTMAP_OFF  o.lightDir = lightDir;  #endif  // SH/ambient and vertex lights  #ifdef LIGHTMAP_OFF  float3 shlight = ShadeSH9 (float4(worldN,1.0));  o.vlight = shlight;  #ifdef VERTEXLIGHT_ON  float3 worldPos = mul(_Object2World, v.vertex).xyz;  o.vlight += Shade4PointLights (    unity_4LightPosX0, unity_4LightPosY0, unity_4LightPosZ0,    unity_LightColor[0].rgb, unity_LightColor[1].rgb, unity_LightColor[2].rgb, unity_LightColor[3].rgb,    unity_4LightAtten0, worldPos, worldN );  #endif // VERTEXLIGHT_ON  #endif // LIGHTMAP_OFF  // pass lighting information to pixel shader  TRANSFER_VERTEX_TO_FRAGMENT(o);  return o;}#ifndef LIGHTMAP_OFFsampler2D unity_Lightmap;#ifndef DIRLIGHTMAP_OFFsampler2D unity_LightmapInd;#endif#endif// fragment shaderfixed4 frag_surf (v2f_surf IN) : SV_Target {  // prepare and unpack data  #ifdef UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL  Input surfIN = (Input)0;  #else  Input surfIN;  #endif  surfIN.uv_MainTex = IN.pack0.xy;  surfIN.uv_NormalMap = IN.pack0.zw;  surfIN.worldRefl = float3(IN.TtoW0.w, IN.TtoW1.w, IN.TtoW2.w);  surfIN.TtoW0 = IN.TtoW0.xyz;  surfIN.TtoW1 = IN.TtoW1.xyz;  surfIN.TtoW2 = IN.TtoW2.xyz;  #ifdef UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL  SurfaceOutput o = (SurfaceOutput)0;  #else  SurfaceOutput o;  #endif  o.Albedo = 0.0;  o.Emission = 0.0;  o.Specular = 0.0;  o.Alpha = 0.0;  o.Gloss = 0.0;  // call surface function  surf (surfIN, o);  // compute lighting & shadowing factor  fixed atten = LIGHT_ATTENUATION(IN);  fixed4 c = 0;  // realtime lighting: call lighting function  #ifdef LIGHTMAP_OFF  c = LightingLambert (o, IN.lightDir, atten);  #endif // LIGHTMAP_OFF || DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF  #ifdef LIGHTMAP_OFF  c.rgb += o.Albedo * IN.vlight;  #endif // LIGHTMAP_OFF  // lightmaps:  #ifndef LIGHTMAP_OFF    #ifndef DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF      // directional lightmaps      fixed4 lmtex = tex2D(unity_Lightmap, IN.lmap.xy);      fixed4 lmIndTex = tex2D(unity_LightmapInd, IN.lmap.xy);      half3 lm = LightingLambert_DirLightmap(o, lmtex, lmIndTex, 1).rgb;    #else // !DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF      // single lightmap      fixed4 lmtex = tex2D(unity_Lightmap, IN.lmap.xy);      fixed3 lm = DecodeLightmap (lmtex);    #endif // !DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF    // combine lightmaps with realtime shadows    #ifdef SHADOWS_SCREEN      #if defined(UNITY_NO_RGBM)      c.rgb += o.Albedo * min(lm, atten*2);      #else      c.rgb += o.Albedo * max(min(lm,(atten*2)*lmtex.rgb), lm*atten);      #endif    #else // SHADOWS_SCREEN      c.rgb += o.Albedo * lm;    #endif // SHADOWS_SCREEN  c.a = o.Alpha;  #endif // LIGHTMAP_OFF  c.rgb += o.Emission;  return c;}ENDCG} // ---- forward rendering additive lights pass: Pass {  Name "FORWARD"  Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardAdd" }  ZWrite Off Blend One One Fog { Color (0,0,0,0) }CGPROGRAM// compile directives#pragma vertex vert_surf#pragma fragment frag_surf#pragma multi_compile_fwdadd#include "HLSLSupport.cginc"#include "UnityShaderVariables.cginc"#define UNITY_PASS_FORWARDADD#include "UnityCG.cginc"#include "Lighting.cginc"#include "AutoLight.cginc"#define INTERNAL_DATA#define WorldReflectionVector(data,normal) data.worldRefl#define WorldNormalVector(data,normal) normal// Original surface shader snippet:#line 18 ""#ifdef DUMMY_PREPROCESSOR_TO_WORK_AROUND_HLSL_COMPILER_LINE_HANDLING#endif  //#pragma surface surf Lambert  float4 _MainTint;  sampler2D _MainTex;  sampler2D _NormalMap;  samplerCUBE _Cubemap;  float _ReflAmount;  struct Input   {   float2 uv_MainTex;   float2 uv_NormalMap;   float3 worldRefl;   INTERNAL_DATA  };  void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)   {   half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);   //从法线贴图中提取法线信息,UnpackNormal这个函数在 CGInclude 文件夹中的Lighting中。   float3 normals=UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap,IN.uv_NormalMap));   o.Normal=normals;   //上面使用法线贴图中的法线数据 替代了 原来的法线数据。   //法线被修改了,就不能 直接用原来的 内置属性 worldRefl 这个反射向量,而是要通过 WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)来获取。   //使用WorldReflectionVector 获得 基于法线贴图中的反射向量的 世界反射向量   o.Emission = texCUBE(_Cubemap,WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)).rgb * _ReflAmount;   o.Albedo = c.rgb * _MainTint;   o.Alpha = c.a;  }  // vertex-to-fragment interpolation datastruct v2f_surf {  float4 pos : SV_POSITION;  float4 pack0 : TEXCOORD0;  half3 lightDir : TEXCOORD1;  LIGHTING_COORDS(2,3)};float4 _MainTex_ST;float4 _NormalMap_ST;// vertex shaderv2f_surf vert_surf (appdata_full v) {  v2f_surf o;  o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);  o.pack0.xy = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex);  o.pack0.zw = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _NormalMap);  TANGENT_SPACE_ROTATION;  float3 lightDir = mul (rotation, ObjSpaceLightDir(v.vertex));  o.lightDir = lightDir;  // pass lighting information to pixel shader  TRANSFER_VERTEX_TO_FRAGMENT(o);  return o;}// fragment shaderfixed4 frag_surf (v2f_surf IN) : SV_Target {  // prepare and unpack data  #ifdef UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL  Input surfIN = (Input)0;  #else  Input surfIN;  #endif  surfIN.uv_MainTex = IN.pack0.xy;  surfIN.uv_NormalMap = IN.pack0.zw;  #ifdef UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL  SurfaceOutput o = (SurfaceOutput)0;  #else  SurfaceOutput o;  #endif  o.Albedo = 0.0;  o.Emission = 0.0;  o.Specular = 0.0;  o.Alpha = 0.0;  o.Gloss = 0.0;  // call surface function  surf (surfIN, o);  #ifndef USING_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT  fixed3 lightDir = normalize(IN.lightDir);  #else  fixed3 lightDir = IN.lightDir;  #endif  fixed4 c = LightingLambert (o, lightDir, LIGHT_ATTENUATION(IN));  c.a = 0.0;  return c;}ENDCG} // ---- deferred lighting base geometry pass: Pass {  Name "PREPASS"  Tags { "LightMode" = "PrePassBase" }  Fog {Mode Off}CGPROGRAM// compile directives#pragma vertex vert_surf#pragma fragment frag_surf#pragma exclude_renderers flash#include "HLSLSupport.cginc"#include "UnityShaderVariables.cginc"#define UNITY_PASS_PREPASSBASE#include "UnityCG.cginc"#include "Lighting.cginc"#define INTERNAL_DATA#define WorldReflectionVector(data,normal) data.worldRefl#define WorldNormalVector(data,normal) normal// Original surface shader snippet:#line 18 ""#ifdef DUMMY_PREPROCESSOR_TO_WORK_AROUND_HLSL_COMPILER_LINE_HANDLING#endif  //#pragma surface surf Lambert  float4 _MainTint;  sampler2D _MainTex;  sampler2D _NormalMap;  samplerCUBE _Cubemap;  float _ReflAmount;  struct Input   {   float2 uv_MainTex;   float2 uv_NormalMap;   float3 worldRefl;   INTERNAL_DATA  };  void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)   {   half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);   //从法线贴图中提取法线信息,UnpackNormal这个函数在 CGInclude 文件夹中的Lighting中。   float3 normals=UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap,IN.uv_NormalMap));   o.Normal=normals;   //上面使用法线贴图中的法线数据 替代了 原来的法线数据。   //法线被修改了,就不能 直接用原来的 内置属性 worldRefl 这个反射向量,而是要通过 WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)来获取。   //使用WorldReflectionVector 获得 基于法线贴图中的反射向量的 世界反射向量   o.Emission = texCUBE(_Cubemap,WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)).rgb * _ReflAmount;   o.Albedo = c.rgb * _MainTint;   o.Alpha = c.a;  }  // vertex-to-fragment interpolation datastruct v2f_surf {  float4 pos : SV_POSITION;  float2 pack0 : TEXCOORD0;  float3 TtoW0 : TEXCOORD1;  float3 TtoW1 : TEXCOORD2;  float3 TtoW2 : TEXCOORD3;};float4 _NormalMap_ST;// vertex shaderv2f_surf vert_surf (appdata_full v) {  v2f_surf o;  o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);  o.pack0.xy = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _NormalMap);  TANGENT_SPACE_ROTATION;  o.TtoW0 = mul(rotation, ((float3x3)_Object2World)[0].xyz)*unity_Scale.w;  o.TtoW1 = mul(rotation, ((float3x3)_Object2World)[1].xyz)*unity_Scale.w;  o.TtoW2 = mul(rotation, ((float3x3)_Object2World)[2].xyz)*unity_Scale.w;  return o;}// fragment shaderfixed4 frag_surf (v2f_surf IN) : SV_Target {  // prepare and unpack data  #ifdef UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL  Input surfIN = (Input)0;  #else  Input surfIN;  #endif  surfIN.uv_NormalMap = IN.pack0.xy;  #ifdef UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL  SurfaceOutput o = (SurfaceOutput)0;  #else  SurfaceOutput o;  #endif  o.Albedo = 0.0;  o.Emission = 0.0;  o.Specular = 0.0;  o.Alpha = 0.0;  o.Gloss = 0.0;  // call surface function  surf (surfIN, o);  fixed3 worldN;  worldN.x = dot(IN.TtoW0, o.Normal);  worldN.y = dot(IN.TtoW1, o.Normal);  worldN.z = dot(IN.TtoW2, o.Normal);  o.Normal = worldN;  // output normal and specular  fixed4 res;  res.rgb = o.Normal * 0.5 + 0.5;  res.a = o.Specular;  return res;}ENDCG} // ---- deferred lighting final pass: Pass {  Name "PREPASS"  Tags { "LightMode" = "PrePassFinal" }  ZWrite OffCGPROGRAM// compile directives#pragma vertex vert_surf#pragma fragment frag_surf#pragma multi_compile_prepassfinal#pragma exclude_renderers flash#include "HLSLSupport.cginc"#include "UnityShaderVariables.cginc"#define UNITY_PASS_PREPASSFINAL#include "UnityCG.cginc"#include "Lighting.cginc"#define INTERNAL_DATA half3 TtoW0; half3 TtoW1; half3 TtoW2;#define WorldReflectionVector(data,normal) reflect (data.worldRefl, half3(dot(data.TtoW0,normal), dot(data.TtoW1,normal), dot(data.TtoW2,normal)))#define WorldNormalVector(data,normal) fixed3(dot(data.TtoW0,normal), dot(data.TtoW1,normal), dot(data.TtoW2,normal))// Original surface shader snippet:#line 18 ""#ifdef DUMMY_PREPROCESSOR_TO_WORK_AROUND_HLSL_COMPILER_LINE_HANDLING#endif  //#pragma surface surf Lambert  float4 _MainTint;  sampler2D _MainTex;  sampler2D _NormalMap;  samplerCUBE _Cubemap;  float _ReflAmount;  struct Input   {   float2 uv_MainTex;   float2 uv_NormalMap;   float3 worldRefl;   INTERNAL_DATA  };  void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o)   {   half4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex);   //从法线贴图中提取法线信息,UnpackNormal这个函数在 CGInclude 文件夹中的Lighting中。   float3 normals=UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap,IN.uv_NormalMap));   o.Normal=normals;   //上面使用法线贴图中的法线数据 替代了 原来的法线数据。   //法线被修改了,就不能 直接用原来的 内置属性 worldRefl 这个反射向量,而是要通过 WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)来获取。   //使用WorldReflectionVector 获得 基于法线贴图中的反射向量的 世界反射向量   o.Emission = texCUBE(_Cubemap,WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)).rgb * _ReflAmount;   o.Albedo = c.rgb * _MainTint;   o.Alpha = c.a;  }  // vertex-to-fragment interpolation datastruct v2f_surf {  float4 pos : SV_POSITION;  float4 pack0 : TEXCOORD0;  float4 screen : TEXCOORD1;  fixed4 TtoW0 : TEXCOORD2;  fixed4 TtoW1 : TEXCOORD3;  fixed4 TtoW2 : TEXCOORD4;#ifdef LIGHTMAP_OFF  float3 vlight : TEXCOORD5;#else  float2 lmap : TEXCOORD5;#ifdef DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF  float4 lmapFadePos : TEXCOORD6;#endif#endif};#ifndef LIGHTMAP_OFFfloat4 unity_LightmapST;#endiffloat4 _MainTex_ST;float4 _NormalMap_ST;// vertex shaderv2f_surf vert_surf (appdata_full v) {  v2f_surf o;  o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);  o.pack0.xy = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex);  o.pack0.zw = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _NormalMap);  float3 viewDir = -ObjSpaceViewDir(v.vertex);  float3 worldRefl = mul ((float3x3)_Object2World, viewDir);  TANGENT_SPACE_ROTATION;  o.TtoW0 = float4(mul(rotation, _Object2World[0].xyz), worldRefl.x)*unity_Scale.w;  o.TtoW1 = float4(mul(rotation, _Object2World[1].xyz), worldRefl.y)*unity_Scale.w;  o.TtoW2 = float4(mul(rotation, _Object2World[2].xyz), worldRefl.z)*unity_Scale.w;  o.screen = ComputeScreenPos (o.pos);#ifndef LIGHTMAP_OFF  o.lmap.xy = v.texcoord1.xy * unity_LightmapST.xy + unity_LightmapST.zw;  #ifdef DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF    o.lmapFadePos.xyz = (mul(_Object2World, v.vertex).xyz - unity_ShadowFadeCenterAndType.xyz) * unity_ShadowFadeCenterAndType.w;    o.lmapFadePos.w = (-mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MV, v.vertex).z) * (1.0 - unity_ShadowFadeCenterAndType.w);  #endif#else  float3 worldN = mul((float3x3)_Object2World, SCALED_NORMAL);  o.vlight = ShadeSH9 (float4(worldN,1.0));#endif  return o;}sampler2D _LightBuffer;#if defined (SHADER_API_XBOX360) && defined (HDR_LIGHT_PREPASS_ON)sampler2D _LightSpecBuffer;#endif#ifndef LIGHTMAP_OFFsampler2D unity_Lightmap;sampler2D unity_LightmapInd;float4 unity_LightmapFade;#endiffixed4 unity_Ambient;// fragment shaderfixed4 frag_surf (v2f_surf IN) : SV_Target {  // prepare and unpack data  #ifdef UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL  Input surfIN = (Input)0;  #else  Input surfIN;  #endif  surfIN.uv_MainTex = IN.pack0.xy;  surfIN.uv_NormalMap = IN.pack0.zw;  surfIN.worldRefl = float3(IN.TtoW0.w, IN.TtoW1.w, IN.TtoW2.w);  surfIN.TtoW0 = IN.TtoW0.xyz;  surfIN.TtoW1 = IN.TtoW1.xyz;  surfIN.TtoW2 = IN.TtoW2.xyz;  #ifdef UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL  SurfaceOutput o = (SurfaceOutput)0;  #else  SurfaceOutput o;  #endif  o.Albedo = 0.0;  o.Emission = 0.0;  o.Specular = 0.0;  o.Alpha = 0.0;  o.Gloss = 0.0;  // call surface function  surf (surfIN, o);  half4 light = tex2Dproj (_LightBuffer, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(IN.screen));#if defined (SHADER_API_MOBILE)  light = max(light, half4(0.001));#endif#ifndef HDR_LIGHT_PREPASS_ON  light = -log2(light);#endif#if defined (SHADER_API_XBOX360) && defined (HDR_LIGHT_PREPASS_ON)  light.w = tex2Dproj (_LightSpecBuffer, UNITY_PROJ_COORD(IN.screen)).r;#endif  // add lighting from lightmaps / vertex / ambient:  #ifndef LIGHTMAP_OFF    #ifdef DIRLIGHTMAP_OFF      // dual lightmaps      fixed4 lmtex = tex2D(unity_Lightmap, IN.lmap.xy);      fixed4 lmtex2 = tex2D(unity_LightmapInd, IN.lmap.xy);      half lmFade = length (IN.lmapFadePos) * unity_LightmapFade.z + unity_LightmapFade.w;      half3 lmFull = DecodeLightmap (lmtex);      half3 lmIndirect = DecodeLightmap (lmtex2);      half3 lm = lerp (lmIndirect, lmFull, saturate(lmFade));      light.rgb += lm;    #else      // directional lightmaps      fixed4 lmtex = tex2D(unity_Lightmap, IN.lmap.xy);      fixed4 lmIndTex = tex2D(unity_LightmapInd, IN.lmap.xy);      half4 lm = LightingLambert_DirLightmap(o, lmtex, lmIndTex, 1);      light += lm;    #endif  #else    light.rgb += IN.vlight;  #endif  half4 c = LightingLambert_PrePass (o, light);  c.rgb += o.Emission;  return c;}ENDCG} // ---- end of surface shader generated code#LINE 64 }  FallBack "Diffuse"}

果然,原来 INTERNAL_DATA 就是一个宏……

而且会发现在生成的代码中不止一个 INTERNAL_DATA。这是因为生成的代码中有多个PASS

forward rendering additive lights pass:deferred lighting base geometry pass:deferred lighting final pass:forward rendering base pass:

每个PASS 都有一个,所以有好几个。

那么,不使用  INTERNAL_DATA,而是直接使用 具体的内容,可以吗?来试一下。

首先,从Shader 中删掉 INTERNAL_DATA。

Unity 报了以下错误

Shader error in 'CookBookShaders/Chapt4-4/Cubemap_NormalMap': invalid subscript 'TtoW0' at line 59


o.Emission = texCUBE(_Cubemap,WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)).rgb * _ReflAmount;

因为从上面 Shader 编译后的代码看到,WorldReflectionVector 也是一个宏

#define WorldReflectionVector(data,normal) reflect (data.worldRefl, half3(dot(data.TtoW0,normal), dot(data.TtoW1,normal), dot(data.TtoW2,normal)))

其实就是说,在WorldReflectionVector 这个函数里找不到 TtoW0 这个参数了。

然后,在 Input 结构体中添加 INTERNAL_DATA 的具体内容看看

  struct Input   {   float2 uv_MainTex;   float2 uv_NormalMap;   float3 worldRefl;   half3 TtoW0; half3 TtoW1; half3 TtoW2;     };

法线 Shader 已经正常工作啦

B:在Input 中 添加 float3 worldRefl 和 INTERNAL_DATA ,给o.Normal 赋值的话,就可以 用 WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal) 获取到 法线贴图 计算后的 反射向量。


在Input 结构体中还有更多的内置函数,其中一部分如下:

float3 viewDir :Will contain view direction, for computing Parallax effects, rimlighting, and so on.float4 COLOR :Will contain interpolated per-vertex color.float4 screenPos:Will contain screen-space position for reflection effects. Used by WetStreet shader in Dark Unity, for example.float3 worldPos :Will contain world space position.float3 worldRefl :Will contain world reflection vector if Surface Shader does not write to o.Normal. See Reflect-Diffuse shader for example.float3 worldNormal :Will contain world normal vector if Surface Shader does not write to o.Normal.float3 worldRef;INTERNAL_DATA:Will contain world reflection vector if Surface Shader writes to o.Normal. To get the reflection vector based on per-pixel normal map, use WorldReflectionVector (IN,o.Normal). See Reflect-Bumped shader for example.float3 worldNormal;INTERNAL_DATA:Will contain world normal vector if Surface Shader writes to o.Normal. To get the normal vector based on per-pixel normal map, use WorldNormalVector (IN, o.Normal).

3、在 surf 函数中 添加了 读取 法线贴图的代码

//从法线贴图中提取法线信息,UnpackNormal这个函数在 CGInclude 文件夹中的Lighting中。   float3 normals=UnpackNormal(tex2D(_NormalMap,IN.uv_NormalMap));

4、上一节中直接使用 Input 中的 worldRefl 这个反射向量来获取立方图 采样。这一次需要使用上面说的 WorldReflectionVector 来计算世界反射向量。

//使用WorldReflectionVector 获得 基于法线贴图中的反射向量的 世界反射向量o.Emission = texCUBE(_Cubemap,WorldReflectionVector(IN,o.Normal)).rgb * _ReflAmount;





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