

ac,acr,acid sour 酸的
advance,advant old 古老
athl contest 竞赛
all,allo other,different 异
add to put to 加
arch,archy government,to rule 统治
ante,anti,ant before 前
aqua,aqu,aque,aqui water 水
aer,air,er,ar air 空气
ang,eng,ank,anch 弯曲
ahg to strangle 窒息
angula,angl corner,angle 角
andr(o) man,male 人,男人,雄性
anthrop(o) man,human 人类
aur,auri ear 耳朵
ard,ars 烧
ar,arthr,arthro 关节
arter,aterio,arteri 动脉
antho flower 花
am,em 拿
all,allo other 位置关系
alog(o) 痛
agro(o),agri 田地
agogue(ago) lead,leader 领导
aem,haenm(o),haemat(o),em,herm(o),hemat(o) 血
apt,ept,att fit 适当的
ali,al,alter,ulter,altru other 其他的,变更
ag,act,ig to dirve 驱使,做
alesc,esc,alit,olesc becoming 整/合
am,em,im,m to love,friendly 友爱
alt,haut high 高
avi,av bird 鸟
anim life,mind,breath 命
ambul,ambl to walk 行走
ann,enn year 年
aug,auct,aux to increase,tomake,to grow 增加,使产生
ax axis 轴
art skill 技巧,技术
acerb bitter,harsh 艰苦,严苛

brev,brevi,brief,bridg short 短的
brig hit 打,斗
biblio,bibli book 书
bi(o) life 生灵
blanc white 白
blast,blasto germ 胚,芽
beaut 类
bar,baro,bary 重,压
barb 胡须
bys end,bottom 末,底
bat to strike,beat 打
bol,bl,bal to throw 投递
body body 身体
bell beautriful,war 出色的
bib,bev to drink 饮
burs bag,sack,purse 袋子
bond,band to bind 捆绑
ban prohibition,control 禁令,抑制
bini 两两
bil strong 强壮

colon inhabit 栖息
contra,counter,contro against 反对
cyte,cue,cyto cell 细胞
civ,civil citizen 公民
corp,corpor body 身体,体
count to count 计算
cover cover 覆盖
chron time 时间
cosm 秩序,宇宙,装饰
crit,cris to judge 判断,区分
cyan(o) 蓝,青,氯
curv 弯曲
crypt,crypto 隐,秘密,隐藏
chrom(o),chromat(o) 色
clin 床
commod 便利,方便
corn 角
crani(o) 头颅,头盖
cry,cryo 冷冻
chrys 金
chlor,chloro 氯,绿
chiro,cheir 手
cart,chart 车,纸张
calor,cale 热
cav 空洞
cent(i) 百,百分之一
centr center 中心
cephal head 头
carp,carpo 果实
cept,cap,capt,ceiv,cleit,cip,cup to make,to seize 拿,抓
card,cardi 心
cap,capit 首
cand,cend,cens white 白色的,光亮的
camp field 旷野,原野
caco,ac 憎恶
calc,calcul lime,stone,to reckon 石灰,石头,计算
cel,celer swift 快速
cor,cord,cour heart 心
claim,clam to cry,to shout 喊
ced,cess,ceed,ceas to go 走
clim ladder,slope 趋高性
cert sure 确实,确信
cent,cant,chants,chans to sing,song 歌颂
cre,cru,cresc,cret to grow 生长
col,cul neck 脖子
cis,cas,chis,cide to cut 切
clud,clus,clos,clois,claus,clot to shut 关闭
cid,cad,cas to fall 落下,降临
coc,coct to cook,to mature 熟
crep to rattle 喋喋不休
cret,cern,creet,cre to observe,to sift 观察,筛选
cred,creed,cre to believe,to trust 相信
cur,curs,cor,cour,cours,coars to run 飘
croch,croach,crouch,cruth,crook hook,to bend 使屈服
com 酒肉宴会
cumb,cub, to lean,to lie 倾倒
clav key 关键
ciner ashes 灰烬
cit to call,to arouse 呼唤
calc(culc) to tread 灌输,踩踏
cel,cul,ceal cover 隐藏
cau,cur to take care 小心,注意
cliv to bend 倾向
cinct to bind,to gird 装订,束,围
cili eyelid 眼皮
cuss to strike,to shake 打击,晃动
culp fault,to blame 有罪
cens to assess 评估
cel sky,heaven 天堂
cruc,curis cross 十字,交叉
coloss(colis) great 大量的
chal warm,ardent 温暖,热情
comit to accompany 伴随
clar,clair clear 清晰,洞察
caust,caut to burn 烧灼
crat,cracy to govern,to rule,government 统治
caval,chival hosre 马,骑术
cast to throw 投掷
cast,cse,chast pure 纯洁
crastin tomorrow 次日

dyn,dynamo,dynam power,ability 力,力量
dec,décor fit,elegance 合适
du,dupl, two 二
dextr,dextro,dextra,dexter right 右
dic,dict say,assert,allot 言
dom house,to tame,to rule 驯服,统治
dei,divin god 神
deb,du to owe 负债
dent people 人民
draw 拉扯,牵引
ducc,duc,duct(du) to lead 引导
dign,dain,deign worthy 有价值的
dor 背后
divid,divis 分
derm,derma,dermat 皮
dens 密集,浓密
dendr(o) 树木
dactyl(o) 指,趾
dot,don,dow,dos,dat,dit to give 给
dol to grieve 使伤心
damn,demn,dam ourse,harm 损伤,伤害
dur to last 持续
dox,dogma opinion 意见
domin master,lord 主人,领主
dub,doubl uncertain 无把握的
doc to teach 教导
dig to need, to lack 需求,缺少
domit to tame 变得驯服,平淡
dorm to sleep 睡眠
dulg to yield 屈服,让步

esti,este value 价值
ev time,age 寿龄,年代
ed,es to eat 吃
eletr amber,electricity 琥珀,电
ego I,self 我,自己
eco(ecu,oce) house 家,房子
empt,em,eempt,m,anson,ampl to take,to buy 获取
enter 肠
entom(o) 昆虫
erg 工作
ethn(o) nation,people 人种,种族
emper,imper 命令
equ(iqu) equal,same 相同
(a)esthet,(a)esthes to feel 美感
err,arr to wander 漫游
est,ess,ent to be 存在
eng to deny 否认
eggr to bring,together 一同

freeze,fig,friger cold 冷的
fisc chest,money basket,treasury 国库
fug,bow,bog flee 逃跑,消失
fund,found,fus melt,pour 熔化,倾倒
flex,flect bend 弯曲
fest festival 节日,祝宴
fac,fact,fec,fect,fic,fict(feas,feit,feat,fit) do,wake 做,制作
fibr 纤维
fid,fiss break,spilt 裂开
fix to fasten 固定
flor(i),flour flower 花
foli 叶
frather brother 兄弟
frug,fruct fruit,enjoy 水果,享受
ferr(o) iron 铁
fend,fens,fest strike 打击
fem,femin 妇女
febr(i) 热
fasc 捆,束
fare to go 行走
fabric 制造
flu,flux to flow 流动
flict to stike 打击
fil childre

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