

-acle【n】物品 状态

-ad 【n】东西, 状态

-al, -ial 【adj】…的

-ant 【adj】 …的

ante-, anti- 前面,前

  • anti.cip.ate 预料 预期


-ate 【v】做 造成

com-; con-; co-

来自拉丁语介词com,表示‘与…一起(with together)’。

  • 部分单词前无意义,仅表强化作用。
  • 在元音字母和h前缩写为co-
  • 在bmp前使用原型com-
  • 在lr前col-,cor-
  • 在g前缩写为co-或con-
  • 在f前应使用con-,但由于历史原因,comfort例外



  • dis·tinct:dis+stinct刺→与众不同的→明显的,独特的clearly different or belonging to a different type
    • ~alleles /genetic backgrounds /genetic properties /patterns /populations /biochemical pathways /environments /characteristics /classes /groups /types
    • By late autumn, metabolic profiles were highly similar between the northern and central populations, whereas profiles for the southern popu- lation were relatively dis·tinct.
    • similar–distinct
    • A total of 189 distinct compounds were revealed in the GC-MS profiles of the foliar tissue, and quantified in all samples.
    • Yield overdominance from SFT heterozygosity is robust, occurring in distinct genetic backgrounds and environments.
    • The experimental population is one of two genetically distinct (no common parents) western larch seed orchards
  • distinguish
  • distinction
  • distinctive


du-, dub-, doub- =two

  • doub.le
  • doubt
  • du.al
  • dub.ious
  • du.plic.ate

-ence 【n】性质 状态

-ent 【adj】…的


  • hypo.thes.is

-ial 【adj】…的

-ible 【adj】能…的

-ic 【adj】…的

-ice 【n】 行为 状态

-ify, -fy 接在n、adj后 构成使…成, …化, 作成…的动词

-ion, -ation, -ition 【n】行为 动作 状态 过程 结果 物品

-ist 【n】信仰者 专家或从事某活动的人

-istic 【adj】有-ist+-ic构成 …的

-logy =science 学科,由表示说(-log)的词根引申而来;-logy表示…学;-logist表示…学家;-logical表示…学的

-ive, -ative, -itive【adj】

-ory, -atory 【adj】 …的

-ous, -itious, - eous, -ious, -uous 【adj】 …的 化学中表示亚酸的,低价的

per- 始终,完全,向前,贯穿

pro- 变体por- pur

suc-, suf-, sup-, sur-, sub在同辅音词根前表示在…下面

syn-, sym- 共同

-ular 【adj】 有…性质或形状

-ury 【n】


agri-, agro-, agr- =field land

  • agro.nom.y
  • agri.cult.ure


  • ambi.ent
  • ambi.ig.uous
  • amb.it.ion

ana- =1. upward 2.back 3. agian

  • ana.log.y
  • ana.lys.e
  • ana.tom.y

ann-, enn- =year

  • ann.als
  • anni.vers.ary
  • annu.al
  • bi.enn.ial
  • mill.enn.ium
  • per.enn.ial
  • sol.emn: emn- =enn=ann

apt-, ept- =fit, ability

  • ad.apt
  • apt.itude
  • att.itude

arm-, art-, arti-, arth-, arthr- =skill, joint, trick 技巧 关节 诡计

bacillo-, bact- 细菌

  • bachel.or
  • bacteria

cap-, capt-, cept-, ceiv-, cip-, cup- =take, hold, seize 拿 抓 握住

  • ac.cept
  • anti.cip.ate
  • cap.able
  • cap.acity
  • caps.ule
  • capt.ure
  • con.ceiv.e
  • dis.cip.l.ine
  • ex.cept
  • sus.cept.ible

cap-, cipit-, chiev- = head

  • a.chiev.e: a-= ad-, chieve = chief 头
  • cab.b.age: cab-=cap-, age- 表状态
  • capit.al
  • capt.ain
  • cattle 来自 capital
  • chapt.er
  • ex.cape 从斗篷里钻出来
  • mis.chiev.ous
  • pre.cipit.ate

ced-,ceed-,cess- =go away, withdraw, yield 走开,撤退,屈服

  • pre.ced.e
  • an.cest.er
  • inter.ced.e

card-, cord- =heart

  • ac.cord
  • cour.age
  • re.cord

celebr- =honor

  • celebr.ate

cent-, hund- =hundred

  • cent.enn.ial
  • centi.grade
  • cent.ury
  • per.cent

cern-, cert-, cret-, crimin- =sure separate

  • cert.ain
  • certi.fic.ate
  • con.cern
  • dis.cern
  • dis.crete
  • dis.crimin.ate
  • ex.crete
  • se.cret.e

cid-, cis- =cut

  • ce.ment
  • con.cis.e
  • de.cid.e
  • ex.cis.e
  • herbi.cid.e
  • pesti.cide
  • pre.cise
  • sciss.or
  • sui.cid.e

clear-, clar-, clair =clear, bright

  • clar.ify
  • de.clar.e

clos-, clud-, clus-, =close

  • clos.e
  • con.clud.e
  • dis.clos.e
  • en.clos.e
  • ex.clud.e
  • in.clud.e
  • pre.clud.e

commod- 方便 复合词根 com-+mod-

  • ac.commod.ate
  • commod.ity

corp-, corpor- =body 身体,团体

  • corpor.ate
  • corpor.ation
  • in.corpor.ate
  • corpor.al


  • counter.act
  • counter.feit
  • counter.part
  • country 相对于他国的土地,相对于城市的土地
  • en.counter

contra- =against com-+tr-本意为放在一起比较

  • contra.dict
  • contra.ry
  • contra.st
  • cont.rol
  • contro.vers.y

cre-, creas- =grow, make 增长,产生

  • ac.cret.e
  • con.cret.e
  • cre.ate
  • in.creas.e
  • de.creas.e
  • in.cre.ment
  • re.cru.it

cumul- =heap 堆积

  • church 由堆积到膨胀到强大
  • ac.cumul.ate

cur-, curr-, curs-, cours- =run 跑,发生

  • con.cur
  • curr.ent
  • curr.iculum
  • cours.e
  • oc.cur

cur- =care

  • ac.cur.acy
  • curi.osity
  • cur.ious
  • se.cure

dict-, dic-, digim-, teach- =say, declare 说话,断言

  • ad.dict
  • con.dit.ion
  • de.dic.ate
  • in.dic.ate
  • para.digim 在旁边说-范例
  • pre.ach传道
  • pre.dict
  • ver.dict

dom-, domin-, tam- =house

  • danger
  • daunt
  • dom.ain
  • dom.est.ic
  • domin.ant
  • tame

dra- =to perform

  • drama
  • dramat.ic

duc-, duct- =to lead 引导,带来

  • con.duct
  • de.duce
  • e.duc.ate
  • in.duce
  • intro.duce
  • pro.duc.e
  • re.duce
  • sub.due

em-, empt-, ampl- =take, procure

  • ex.ampl.e
  • ex.empl.ify
  • pre.em.ium
  • pro.mpt
  • s.ampl.e

ent-, ess-, est- = to be

  • ab.sent
  • ent.ity
  • ess.ence
  • inter.est
  • poss.ess
  • pre.sent

equ-, equi- =equal even

  • ad.equ.ate
  • euq.al
  • equi.libr.ium
  • equi.val.ent
  • equi.vac.ate

esthet- ,aesthet- =feeling

  • aesthete

estim-, esteem- =value

  • estim.ate
  • esteem

fac-, fact-, fect-, fic-, fig- =make ,do 做,制作

  • af.fair
  • af.fect
  • arti.fact
  • bene.fic.ial
  • de.feat
  • de.fect
  • de.fic.i.ent
  • de.fic.it
  • dif.fic.ult
  • ef.fic.iency
  • fac.il.it.ate
  • fact.or
  • facult.y
  • fash.ion
  • feas.ible
  • fear.ure
  • fict.ion
  • fig.ure
  • in.fect
  • magni.fic.ent
  • manu.fact.ure
  • of.fice
  • per.fect
  • pro.fic.i.ent
  • pro.fit
  • sacr.i.fic.e
  • satis.fact.ory
  • sign.suf.fice
  • suf.fic.ant

face- 说,与之相关的词根fess,说,profess宣称,本意是‘’在众人前面说‘’;dict说话,断言

  • pre·face前言
  • pre·dict

fer =bring, carry带来

  • circum.fer.ence
  • con.fer
  • coni.fer
  • de.fer延期
  • de.fer.ence遵从 顺从
  • fert.ile
  • in.fer
  • of.fer to bring
  • pre.fer
  • re.fer
  • suf.fer
  • trans.fer
  • voc-.fer.ous 喊叫的

fin- =end, boundary 表示结束,范围,限制

  • con.fin.e
  • de.fin.e
  • fin.al
  • fin.ance
  • fine
  • fni.ish
  • fin.ite
  • in.fin.ite
  • re.fine

flect-, flex- =bend

  • de.flect
  • flex.ible
  • re.flect

flu- =flow

  • af.flu.ent
  • flu.ent
  • super.flu.ous

found-, fund- =base

  • found
  • found.ation
  • pro.found

fract-, frag-, fric- =break

  • break
  • brick
  • bruise
  • fract.ion
  • frag.ile
  • frag.ment

funct- =perform 活动

  • funct.ion

gen-, gener-, genit-, -genesis, gn-, kin- =birht produce

  • beni.gn bene- 善 好
  • carcino.gen 致癌物质 carcino- 螃蟹 癌症
  • gen.der
  • gene
  • gen.ea.log.y研究出生的学科

gest-, gister- =carry bring

  • di.gest
  • gest.ure
  • re.gister
  • sug.gest

gn-, gnos-, gnor-, cun-, know =know

  • co.gn.itive
  • dia.gnose
  • i.gnore
  • pro.gnos.is
  • re.co.gn.ise
  • re.co.gn.ise

greg-, gor-, gyr- =group

  • ag.greg.ate
  • cat.egor.y
  • se.greg.ate

habit- =dwell

  • habit.at
  • habit.ual
  • in.habit

heir-, hered-, herit- =succession

  • herit.age
  • in.herit

hibit- =hold

  • ex.hibit
  • in.hibit
  • pro.hibit

hor- 边界 视野 范围

  • hor.izon

id-, ident-, it- =same

  • ident.ify
  • ident.ity

intergr- =whole, in- 不,tegr- 接触,不接触,保持完整

  • en.tir.e
  • in.tegr.al
  • in.tegr.ate

lap-, laps-, lab- =slip

  • col.lapse
  • e.lapse

lat- =bring out

  • re.lat.e
  • trans.lat.e

lect-, lig-, leg- =choose, gather

  • col.league
  • col.lect
  • di.lig.ent
  • e.lect
  • e.leg.ant
  • intel.lect
  • intel.lig.ent
  • intel.lig.ible
  • neg.lect
  • se.lect

lev-,liev- =raise, lighten

  • al.lev.i.ate
  • e.lev.ate
  • lev.el
  • re.lev.ant
  • re.lief

limin-, lim- =threshold

  • e.limin.ate
  • limit
  • limp
  • pre.limin.ary
  • sub.lim.e
  • sub.limin.al

line-, lign =line

  • a.lign
  • de.line.ate
  • line.age
  • line.ar

luc-, lust- =light,shine 光,照亮

  • il.lustr.ate
  • luc.id 透彻的
  • trans.luc.ent 半透明
  • e.luc.id.ate

man-, mani-, manu- = hand

  • main.tain
  • mani.fest: fest-=handle
  • mani.pul.ate: pul- = 多ple-
  • manu.fact.ure

ment-, mind- =mind 思考,神智

  • auto.mate
  • com.ment
  • ment.al

meth- 甲,一

  • meth.yl.ate: yl-基

mess-, mis-, miss-, mit- = send, cast

  • ad.mit
  • com.mit
  • de.mis.e
  • dis.miss
  • e.miss.ion
  • e.mit
  • mess.age
  • miss.ile
  • miss.ion
  • o.mit
  • pre.mis.e
  • pro.mis.e
  • per.mit
  • sub.mit
  • trans.mit

mol- =heap 堆

  • mol.ec.ec.ule

mut- =change

  • com.mon
  • com.mut.e
  • mut.ate
  • mut.ual

myri- 一万 无数

  • myri.ad

nect- = bind

  • con.nect

neg- =deny

  • de.ny
  • neg.lect
  • neg.lig.ible
  • neg.oti.ate

opt- =choose

  • ad.opt
  • opt.ion

organ- = instrument

  • organ.ize

ori-, orig-, ort- =rise,begin

  • ori.ent
  • orig.in
  • ab.ort流产

ortho- =right正,直

  • ortho.dox
  • ortho.log

pact-, pag-, pect- = fastened

  • com.pact
  • fast
  • im.pact
  • pro.pag.anda
  • pro.pag.ate

path- =feeling, suffering

  • sym.path.etic


par-, pear- =come in sight 看见

  • ap.par.ent
  • ap.pear
  • trans.par.ent

par- =equal

  • com.par.e

ped-, =foot

  • im·pede: im=in+ped=foot→把脚放进去→妨碍
    • Modeling epistasis in genomic selection is impeded by a high computational load.
    • In a progeny trial of P. pinaster seedlings, spatial heterogeneity and autocorrelation of neighbour mortality caused by A. ostoyae impeded proper analysis of the disease incidence.
    • the lack of a high-quality genome sequence has been an impediment to our understanding of its biology and evolution
    • Developing a predictive capacity that scales from genotype to phenotype is impeded by biological complexities associated with genetic controls, environmental effects and inter.act.ions among plant growth and development processes.
    • Similar efforts are made towards representation of space–time data, another important shortcoming of GIS that is impeding the integration of spatial and temporal processes in ecology

pel-, plus-, pol-, flit- = drive, push

  • ap.peal
  • com.pel
  • com.puls.ion
  • dis.pel
  • ex.pel
  • filt.er
  • im.pel
  • inter.pol.ate
  • puls.e
  • re.pel

pend- =hang 悬挂

  • de.pend
  • im.pend
  • in.dis.pens.able
  • sus.pend

per-, pir-, par-, peri- = try

  • ex.per.ience
  • em.pir.ic.al
  • ex.peri.ment
  • ex.pert
  • parl.ous
  • pir.ate

peri- 周围

  • peri.meter
  • peri.od
  • peri.pher.al

pet- =seek

  • ap.pet.ite
  • com.pet.e
  • im.pet.us
  • per.pet.u.ate
  • pet.ition
  • re.peat

phan-, phen-, phas-, fant-, fan- = show 显示

  • em.phas.is
  • fant.asy
  • phan.tom
  • phas.is
  • pheno.men.a
  • syco.phant奉承,拍马屁

pict-, pig-, panit =paint

  • de.pict
  • pict.ure
  • pig.ment

ple-, plen-, plet-, pli- = full, fill

  • ac.com.pli.sh
  • com.ple.ment
  • com.plete
  • com.pli.ment
  • plen.ty
  • sup.ply

plex-, plic-, pli-, ply- =fold 重叠 折叠

  • com.plex
  • im.plic.ate
  • du.plic.ate
  • ex.plic.it
  • com.plic.ate
  • im.ply
  • simple

plor- =cry, weep

  • ex.plor.e

popul-, publ- = people

  • people
  • popul.ar
  • publ.ic
  • publ.ish
  • re.publ.ic

pos-, posit- =put

  • ap.pos.ite
  • com.pos.e
  • de.posit
  • ex.pos.e
  • im.pos.e
  • op-pose
  • pos.ition
  • pos.itive
  • pro.pos.e
  • pur.pos.e
  • sup.pos.e
  • trans.pos.e

port-, ford- =harbor引申为门口、搬运

  • op. port.une
  • port.folio: folio-=leaf 文件夹、公文包
  • sup.port

poss-, pot- 有力的 powerful, capable of

  • poss·ess
  • poss·ible

prag-, pract-, prax- =deed 行为

  • pract.ice

prais-, preci-, pret-, pric- =value 价值 引申为买卖

  • ap.prais.e
  • ap.preci.able
  • ap.preci.ate
  • inter.pret
  • prec.ious

prehens-, prehend- =catch 来自pre+hend抓住

  • ap.prehens.ion
  • com.prehend

prim- =first chief

  • prim.ary
  • prin.cip.al

pris- =take

  • ap.pris.e
  • com.pris.e
  • enter.pris.e
  • entre.pren.eur
  • pris.on
  • re.prise
  • sur.prise

prob-, prov- =test

  • ap.prov.e
  • dis.prove
  • im.prove
  • prob.able
  • prob.e
  • prob.ity

proli- =offspring

  • proli.fer.ate

prot-, proteo- 蛋白质

  • prot.ein: - ine 化学名词后缀

pur-, purg- =pure

  • im.pure
  • prug.e

put- =think

  • com.put.e
  • im.put.e
  • put.ative

quant- =amount

  • quant.ify
  • quant.it.ative
  • ac.quir.e
  • ac.quis.ition
  • con.quer
  • en.quir.e
  • in.quest
  • pre.re.quis.ite
  • quest.ion
  • re.quire
  • re.quis.ite

rang- =rank

  • ar.rang.e

rect-, rig- =straight, right

  • ad.dress: -dress同direct指导,导引
  • cor.rect
  • di.rect
  • rect.angle
  • rig.id
  • rig.or

reg- =rule 规则, 直 move in a straight line. rack &reach是同根词,由拉伸、垂直演变出来

  • rack
  • rail
  • reach
  • realm
  • reg.ime
  • reg.ion
  • reg.ular -ular形容词 有…性质或形状
  • reign
  • rich
  • royal
  • rule

riv- =stream

  • ar.riv.e
  • de.riv.e
  • riv.al

robor- =strength

  • cor.robor.ate
  • robust

scend-, scens-, scent- =climb

  • a.scent
  • de.scend
  • tran.scend

scrib-, script- =write

  • a.scrib.e 把…写上去——归因于
  • de.scribe
  • manu.script
  • pre.scribe
  • sub.scribe
  • sub.script 下标
  • trans.scrib.e

secut-, sequ-, su- =follow

  • con.secut.ive
  • con.sequ.ence
  • exec.ute
  • extrin.sic
  • intrin.sic
  • pre.secute
  • pro.secute
  • pur.sue
  • sub.sequ.ent

seri- =heavy

  • seri.ous

serv- =serve, keep

  • con.serv.e
  • de.serv.e
  • ob.serv.e
  • pre.serv.e
  • re.serv.e

sid-, sed-, sess- =sit

  • as.sess
  • re.side
  • sad.dle
  • sed.ent.ary
  • sedi.ment
  • sess.ion
  • situ.ate
  • super.sede

sider- =star

  • con.sider

simil-, simul-, sem-, sembl- =alike, same 相类似,一样

  • as.semble
  • as.simil.ate
  • re.semble
  • seem
  • simil.ar
  • simul.ate
  • simult.aneous

sist- =stand

  • as.sist
  • con.sist
  • ex.ist
  • per.sist
  • re.sist

sol-, solid-, sold- =firm, whole

  • con.solid.ate
  • soldi.er
  • solid

solv-, solu-, solut- =loosen

  • ab.solut.e
  • dis.solve
  • in.solv.ent
  • re.solute
  • re.solve
  • solut.ion
  • sovl.e

soph- =wise

  • philo.soph.er: philo- =love
  • sopho.ore

speci- =look kind 外观 种类

  • spec.ial
  • speci.es
  • speci.men
  • speci.ous

spect-, spic- =look,see

  • a.spect
  • con.spic.uous
  • de.spic.able
  • de.spise
  • ex.pect
  • in.spect
  • per.spect.ive
  • pro.spect
  • re.spect
  • retro.spect
  • spect.acle
  • spectr.um
  • specul.ate
  • sus.pect
  • sus.spic.ious

spond-, spons-, spous- =promise

  • e.spous.e
  • re.spond
  • re.sponse
  • spons.er
  • spont.aneous
  • spouse

soci-, socio- =companion 同伴 社会

  • as.soci.ate
  • soc.ial

sting-, stinct-, stimul- =prick 刺 刺激

  • di.stinct
  • di.stingu.ish
  • stimul.ate

strain-, strict-, string-, stress- =tighten 拉紧

st-, sta-, stat-, stan-, stand-, stin- =stand

  • circum.st.ance
  • con.stant
  • contra.st
  • co.st
  • de.stine
  • di.st.ance
  • ec.stas.y
  • epi.stat.ic epi- 在…上面 在…外面
  • e.stab.lish
  • e.state
  • in.st.ance
  • in.st.ant
  • in.stead
  • ob.st.acle
  • st.able
  • stad.ium
  • st.aff
  • st.age
  • stand
  • state
  • stat.ic
  • stat.ion
  • stat.ist.ics ics- 学科 学术
  • stat.ue
  • stat.ure
  • stay
  • steer
  • still
  • store
  • sub.st.ance
  • sub.stant.ial
  • sy.stem

struct- build

  • con.struct
  • de.stroy
  • indu.stry
  • in.struct
  • in.stru.ment
  • ob.struct
  • struct.ure

sult- =leap

  • as.sault
  • in.sult
  • re.sult

sum-, sumpt- =take 复合词根 sub- + empt-(买)

  • as.sum.e
  • con.sum.e
  • pre.sum.e
  • re.sum.e
  • sub.sum.e

tact-, tag-, tig-, ting- =touch

  • con.tact
  • con.tag.ious
  • con.tig.uous
  • con.ting.ency
  • in.tang.ible
  • tang.ible

tail- =cut

  • de.tail
  • en.tail
  • re.tail
  • tail.or

tain-, ten- ,tin- =hold

  • at.tain
  • con.tain
  • con.tent
  • con.tin.ent一块未分割的土地
  • con.tin.ue
  • de.tain
  • enter.tain
  • main.tain
  • ob.tain
  • per.tain
  • per.tin.ent
  • re.tain
  • sus.tain
  • ten.able
  • tenure a tenured pro.fess.or

tect- =cover

  • de.tect
  • pro.tect

tend-, tent-, tens- =strech 伸展

  • at.tend
  • con.tend
  • ex.tend
  • ex.tent
  • hyper.tens.ion
  • in.tend
  • in.tent.ion
  • pre.tend

term-, termin- =limit 界限

  • de.termin.e
  • long.term
  • termin.al
  • termin.us


  • syn.thet.ic
  • hypo.thes.is
  • par.en.thes.is

trad-, treas- 移交 由trans-+don-组成

  • be.tray
  • tra.dit.ion: dit- 给予
  • trait.or

trag-, tract- =draw

  • ab.stract
  • at.tract
  • con.tract
  • ex.tract
  • in.tract.able
  • pro.tract
  • trig.g.er

trench-, trunc- =cut

  • en.trench
  • trunc.ate

tribut- 部落,引申为贡品,给予

  • con.tribut.e
  • at.tribut.e
  • dis.tribut.e

tric-, trig- =preety obstacle

  • in.tric.ate
  • in.trig.ue
  • trick

ubiqu- =everywhere到处

  • ubiqu.ty
  • ubiqu.it.ous

ultim- =last

  • ultim.ate

und- =wave

  • ab.o.und
  • red.und.ant
  • sur.ro.und

- ule 小…

  • caps.ule
  • mod.ule
  • mol.ec.ule

vail-, val- =strong worth 强壮 价值

  • ambi.val.ent
  • equi.val.ence
  • pre.vail
  • val.i.ant
  • val.id
  • val.ue

vel-, velop- =to cover 盖上;=veil膜

  • de.velop
  • en.velop
  • re.veal
  • re.vel.ation

vent-,ven-, =come

  • ad.vent
  • con.ven.e
  • con.ven.i.ent
  • in.vent
  • inter.vent.ion
  • re.ven.ue→回来的东西→收入

verg- = to turn, to bend

  • con.verg.e
  • di.verg.e

ver-, vert-,vers-, vir-, wr- =turn

  • ad.vers.e
  • ad.vert
  • anni.vers.ary
  • contro.vers.y
  • di.vers.e
  • wr.eck
  • wr.ench
  • wr.est
  • wr.ist

vestige- =foot, print, track

  • in.vestig.ate

vis-, vid-,hist-, view, g.uid =see

  • ad.vic.e
  • en.vis.age
  • e.vid.ent
  • dis.guise
  • guide
  • hist.roy
  • pro.vid.e
  • tele.vis.e
  • vis.ual

voc-, vok-, vouc-, vow-, voic- =call voice喊叫 声音

vol-,volv-,volut- =roll, turn卷 转

  • e.volut.ion
  • e.volv.e
  • in.volv.e
  • re.volut.ion
  • vol.ume
  • 6
  • 18
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