解决 ‘CheckpointFrequency‘、‘BatchNormalizationStatistics‘等 is not an option for solver ‘sgdm/adam‘.问题


使用matlab深度学习时,设置选择优化器trainingOptions()出现'BatchNormalizationStatistics' is not an option for solver 'adam(sgdm)'





function opts = trainingOptions(solverName, varargin)
% trainingOptions   Options for training a neural network
%   options = trainingOptions(solverName) creates a set of training options
%   for the solver specified by solverName. Possible values for solverName
%   include:
%       'sgdm'    -   Stochastic gradient descent with momentum.
%       'adam'    -   Adaptive moment estimation (ADAM).
%       'rmsprop' -   Root mean square propagation (RMSProp).
%   options = trainingOptions(solverName, 'PARAM1', VAL1, 'PARAM2', VAL2, ...)
%   specifies optional parameter name/value pairs for creating the training
%   options:
%       'Momentum'            - This parameter only applies if the solver
%                               is 'sgdm'. The momentum determines the
%                               contribution of the gradient step from the
%                               previous iteration to the current
%                               iteration of training. It must be a value
%                               between 0 and 1, where 0 will give no
%                               contribution from the previous step, and 1
%                               will give a maximal contribution from the
%                               previous step. The default value is 0.9.
%       'GradientDecayFactor' - This parameter only applies if the solver
%                               is 'adam'. It specifies the exponential
%                               decay rate for the gradient moving average
%                               in solver 'adam'. It must be a value >= 0
%                               and < 1. This parameter is denoted by the
%                               symbol 'beta1' in the original paper on
%                               'adam'. The default value is 0.9.
%       'SquaredGradientDecayFactor'
%                             - This parameter only applies if the solver
%                               is 'adam' or 'rmsprop'. It specifies the
%                               exponential decay rate for the squared
%                               gradient moving average in solver 'adam'
%                               and 'rmsprop'. It must be a value >= 0 and
%                               < 1. This parameter is denoted by the
%                               symbol 'beta2' in the original paper on
%                               'adam'. The default value is 0.999 for
%                               'adam' and 0.9 for 'rmsprop'.
%       'Epsilon'             - This parameter only applies if the solver
%                               is 'adam' or 'rmsprop'. It specifies the
%                               offset to use in the denominator for the
%                               update in solver 'adam' and 'rmsprop'. It
%                               must be a value > 0. The default value is
%                               1e-8.
%       'InitialLearnRate'    - The initial learning rate that is used for
%                               training. If the learning rate is too low,
%                               training will take a long time, but if it
%                               is too high, the training is likely to get
%                               stuck at a suboptimal result. The default
%                               is 0.01 for solver 'sgdm' and 0.001 for
%                               solvers 'adam' and 'rmsprop'.
%       'LearnRateSchedule'   - This option allows the user to specify a
%                               method for lowering the global learning
%                               rate during training. Possible options
%                               include:
%                                 - 'none' - The learning rate does not
%                                   change and remains constant.
%                                 - 'piecewise' - The learning rate is
%                                   multiplied by a factor every time a
%                                   certain number of epochs has passed.
%                                   The multiplicative factor is controlled
%                                   by the parameter 'LearnRateDropFactor',
%                                   and the number of epochs between
%                                   multiplications is controlled by
%                                   'LearnRateDropPeriod'.
%                               The default is 'none'.
%       'LearnRateDropFactor' - This parameter only applies if the
%                               'LearnRateSchedule' is set to 'piecewise'.
%                               It is a multiplicative factor that is
%                               applied to the learning rate every time a
%                               certain number of epochs has passed.
%                               The default is 0.1.
%       'LearnRateDropPeriod' - This parameter only applies if the
%                               'LearnRateSchedule' is set to 'piecewise'.
%                               The learning rate drop factor will be
%                               applied to the global learning rate every
%                               time this number of epochs is passed. The
%                               default is 10.
%       'L2Regularization'    - The factor for the L2 regularizer. It
%                               should be noted that each set of parameters
%                               in a layer can specify a multiplier for
%                               this L2 regularizer. The default is 0.0001.
%       'GradientThresholdMethod'
%                             - Method used for gradient thresholding
%                               Possible options are:
%                                 - 'global-l2norm' - If the global L2 norm
%                                   of the gradients, considering all
%                                   learnable parameters, is larger than
%                                   GradientThreshold, then scale all
%                                   gradients by a factor of
%                                   GradientThreshold/L where L is the
%                                   global L2 norm.
%                                 - 'l2norm' - If the L2 norm of the
%                                   gradient of a learnable parameter is
%                                   larger than GradientThreshold, then
%                                   scale the gradient so that its norm
%                                   equals GradientThreshold.
%                                 - 'absolute-value' - If the absolute value
%                                   of the individual partial derivatives
%                                   in the gradient of a learnable
%                                   parameter are larger than
%                                   GradientThreshold, then scale them to
%                                   have absolute value equal to
%                                   GradientThreshold and retain its sign.
%                               The default is 'l2norm'.
%       'GradientThreshold'   - Positive threshold for the gradient. The
%                               default is Inf.
%       'MaxEpochs'           - The maximum number of epochs that will be
%                               used for training. The default is 30.
%       'MiniBatchSize'       - The size of the mini-batch used for each
%                               training iteration. The default is 128.
%       'Verbose'             - If this is set to true, information on
%                               training progress will be printed to the
%                               command window. The default is true.
%       'VerboseFrequency'    - This only has an effect if 'Verbose' is set
%                               to true. It specifies the number of
%                               iterations between printing to the command
%                               window. The default is 50.
%       'ValidationData'      - Data to use for validation during training.
%                               This can be:
%                                 - A datastore with categorical labels or
%                                   numeric responses
%                                 - A table, where the first column
%                                   contains either image paths or images
%                                 - A cell array {X, Y}, where X is a
%                                   numeric array with the input data and Y
%                                   is an array of responses
%       'ValidationFrequency' - Number of iterations between evaluations of
%                               validation metrics. This only has an effect
%                               if you also specify 'ValidationData'. The
%                               default is 50.
%       'ValidationPatience'  - Number of times that the validation loss is
%                               allowed to be larger than or equal to the
%                               previously smallest loss before network
%                               training is stopped, specified as a
%                               positive integer or Inf. The default is
%                               Inf.
%       'Shuffle'             - This controls if the training data is
%                               shuffled. The options are:
%                                 - 'never'- No shuffling is applied.
%                                 - 'once' - The data will be shuffled once
%                                   before training.
%                                 - 'every-epoch' - The data will be
%                                   shuffled before every training epoch.
%                               The default is 'once'.
%       'CheckpointPath'      - Path to save checkpoint networks, specified
%                               as a character vector or string scalar. If
%                               CheckPointPath is '', then the software
%                               does not save checkpoints.
%                               The default is ''.
%       'CheckpointFrequency' - Frequency of saving checkpoint networks,
%                               specified as a positive integer. To save
%                               checkpoint networks, specify a path using
%                               the 'CheckpointPath' training option.
%                               The default is 1.
%       'CheckpointFrequencyUnit' 
%                             - Unit of 'CheckpointFrequency', specified
%                               as one of the following:
%                                 - 'epoch'     - Save checkpoints every
%                                                 CheckpointFrequency
%                                                 epochs.
%                                 - 'iteration' - Save checkpoints every 
%                                                 CheckpointFrequency
%                                                 iterations.
%                               The default is 'epoch'.
%       'ExecutionEnvironment'
%                             - The execution environment for the
%                               network. This determines what hardware
%                               resources will be used to train the
%                               network. To use a GPU, you must have 
%                               Parallel Computing Toolbox(TM) and a 
%                               supported GPU device. To use a compute 
%                               cluster, you must have Parallel Computing 
%                               Toolbox.
%                                 - 'auto' - Use a GPU if it is
%                                   available, otherwise use the CPU.
%                                 - 'gpu' - Use the GPU.
%                                 - 'cpu' - Use the CPU.
%                                 - 'multi-gpu' - Use multiple GPUs on one
%                                   machine, using a local parallel pool.
%                                   If no pool is open, one is opened with
%                                   one worker per supported GPU device.
%                                 - 'parallel' - Use a compute cluster. If
%                                   no pool is open, one is opened using
%                                   the default cluster profile. If the
%                                   pool has access to GPUs then they will
%                                   be used and excess workers will be
%                                   idle. If the pool has no GPUs then
%                                   training will take place on all cluster
%                                   CPUs.
%                               The default is 'auto'.
%       'WorkerLoad'          - For the 'multi-gpu' and 'parallel'
%                               execution environments. Determines how to
%                               divide up computation between GPUs or CPUs,
%                               by specifying relative load on parallel
%                               workers. For MiniBatchable Datastore inputs
%                               to training, if the 'DispatchInBackground'
%                               value is set to true, then workers with a
%                               load of 0 prefetch data in the background.
%                               Specify as one of
%                                 - an integer specifying the number, or
%                                 fraction specifying the proportion, of
%                                 workers on each machine to use for
%                                 training computation. The remaining
%                                 workers perform background prefetch, if
%                                 enabled.
%                                 - a vector with one element per worker in
%                                 the parallel pool, specifying the load
%                                 for each worker. For a vector W, each
%                                 worker gets W/sum(W) of the work. A
%                                 worker with a WorkerLoad of 0 performs
%                                 background prefetch, if enabled.
%                               For GPU environments, the default is to use
%                               one worker per GPU for training
%                               computation, with the remaining available
%                               for background prefetch. For CPU
%                               environments, the default is to use all
%                               workers for computation, except when
%                               'DispatchInBackground' is enabled, in which
%                               case one worker on each machine is set
%                               aside for background prefetch.
%       'OutputFcn'           - Specifies one or more functions to be
%                               called during training at the end of each
%                               iteration. Typically, you might use an
%                               output function to display or plot progress
%                               information, or determine whether training
%                               should be terminated early. The function
%                               will be passed a struct containing
%                               information from the current iteration. It
%                               may also return true, which will trigger
%                               early termination.
%       'Plots'               - Plots to display during training, specified
%                               as 'training-progress' or 'none' (default)
%       'SequenceLength'      - Strategy to determine the length of the
%                               sequences used per mini-batch. Options are:
%                                 - 'longest' to pad all sequences in a
%                                   batch to the length of the longest
%                                   sequence.
%                                 - 'shortest' to truncate all sequences in
%                                   a batch to the length of the shortest
%                                   sequence.
%                                 - Positive integer - For each mini-batch,
%                                   pad the sequences to the nearest
%                                   multiple of the specified length that
%                                   is greater than the longest sequence
%                                   length in the mini-batch, and then
%                                   split the sequences into smaller
%                                   sequences of the specified length. If
%                                   splitting occurs, then the software
%                                   creates extra mini-batches.
%                                The default is 'longest'.
%       'SequencePaddingValue' - Scalar value used to pad sequences where
%                                necessary. The default is 0.
%       'SequencePaddingDirection'
%                              - Direction of padding or truncation,
%                                specified as:
%                                 - 'right' - Pad or truncate sequences
%                                 on the right.
%                                 - 'left' - Pad or truncate sequences on
%                                 the left.
%                                The default is 'right'.
%       'DispatchInBackground' - Scalar logical used to control whether
%                                asynchronous pre-fetch queueing is
%                                used when reading training data. The
%                                default is false. Requires Parallel
%                                Computing Toolbox.
%       'ResetInputNormalization'
%                              - Flag to reset input layer normalization,
%                                specified as one of the following:
%                                  - true - Clear the input layer statistics
%                                    and recalculate them during training.
%                                  - false - Do not clear existing input
%                                    layer statistics and calculate values
%                                    for empty statistics only.
%                                The default is true.
%       'BatchNormalizationStatistics' **增加项**
%                              - Mode to evaluate the statistics in batch
%                                normalization layers, specified as one of
%                                the following:
%                                  - 'population' - use the population
%                                    statistics. This requires a
%                                    finalization phase after training.
%                                  - 'moving' - approximate the statistics
%                                    using a running estimate accumulated
%                                    during training. To use this option,
%                                    'ExecutionEnviroment' must be 'auto',
%                                    'cpu', or 'gpu'.
%                                The default is 'population'.
%       'OutputNetwork'        - Network to return when training ends,
%                                specified as one of the following:
%                                  - 'last-iteration' - return the network
%                                    corresponding to the last training
%                                    iteration.
%                                  - 'best-validation-loss' - return the
%                                    network at the iteration corresponding
%                                    to the best validation loss. To use
%                                    this option, you must also specify
%                                    'ValidationData'.
%                                The default is 'last-iteration'.




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