


先验概率:根据以往经验和分析得到的概率,它往往作为“由因求果”问题中的“因”出现,如 q ( x t ∣ x t − 1 ) q(x_t|x_{t-1}) q(xtxt1)

后验概率:指在得到“结果”的信息后重新修正的概率,是“执果寻因”问题中的“因", 如 p ( x t − 1 ∣ x t ) p(x_{t-1}|x_t) p(xt1xt)

2、条件概率:设 A A A B B B为任意两个事件,若 P ( A ) > 0 P(A)>0 P(A)>0,称在已知事件 A A A发生的条件下,事件 B B B发生的概率为条件概率,记为 P ( B ∣ A ) P(B|A) P(BA)
P ( B ∣ A ) = P ( A , B ) P ( A ) P(B|A)=\frac{P(A,B)} {P(A)} P(BA)=P(A)P(A,B)

P ( A , B ) = P ( B ∣ A ) P ( A ) P(A,B)=P(B|A)P(A) P(A,B)=P(BA)P(A)

P ( A , B , C ) = P ( C ∣ B , A ) P ( B , A ) = P ( C ∣ B , A ) P ( B ∣ A ) P ( A ) P(A,B,C)=P(C|B,A)P(B,A)=P(C|B,A)P(B|A)P(A)\\ P(A,B,C)=P(CB,A)P(B,A)=P(CB,A)P(BA)P(A)

P ( A ∣ B ) = P ( B ∣ A ) P ( A ) P ( B ) P(A|B)=\frac{P(B|A)P(A)}{P(B)} P(AB)=P(B)P(BA)P(A)
P ( A ∣ B , C ) = P ( A , B , C ) P ( B , C ) = P ( B ∣ A , C ) P ( A , C ) P ( B , C ) = P ( B ∣ A , C ) P ( A ∣ C ) P ( C ) P ( B ∣ C ) P ( C ) = P ( B ∣ A , C ) P ( A ∣ C ) ) P ( B ∣ C ) P(A|B,C)=\frac{P(A,B,C)}{P(B,C)}=\frac{P(B|A,C)P(A,C)}{P(B,C)}=\frac{P(B|A,C)P(A|C)P(C)}{P(B|C)P(C)}=\frac{P(B|A,C)P(A|C))}{P(B|C)} P(AB,C)=P(B,C)P(A,B,C)=P(B,C)P(BA,C)P(A,C)=P(BC)P(C)P(BA,C)P(AC)P(C)=P(BC)P(BA,C)P(AC))

7、正态分布的叠加性:当有两个独立的正态分布变量 N 1 N_{1} N1 N 2 N_{2} N2,它们的均值和方差分别为 μ 1 \mu_{1} μ1, μ 2 \mu_{2} μ2 σ 1 2 \sigma_{1}^2 σ12, σ 2 2 \sigma_{2}^2 σ22它们的和为 N = a N 1 + b N 2 N=a N_{1}+b N_{2} N=aN1+bN2的均值和方差可以表示如下:
E ( N ) = E ( a N 1 + b N 2 ) = a μ 1 + b μ 2 V a r ( N ) = V a r ( a N 1 + b N 2 ) = a 2 σ 1 2 + b 2 σ 2 2 E(N)=E(aN_{1}+bN_{2})=a\mu_{1}+b\mu_{2}\\ Var(N)=Var(aN_{1}+bN_{2})=a^2\sigma_{1}^2+b^2\sigma_{2}^2 E(N)=E(aN1+bN2)=aμ1+bμ2Var(N)=Var(aN1+bN2)=a2σ12+b2σ22
E ( N ) = E ( a N 1 − b N 2 ) = a μ 1 − b μ 2 V a r ( N ) = V a r ( a N 1 − b N 2 ) = a 2 σ 1 2 + b 2 σ 2 2 E(N)=E(aN_{1}-bN_{2})=a\mu_{1}-b\mu_{2}\\ Var(N)=Var(aN_{1}-bN_{2})=a^2\sigma_{1}^2+b^2\sigma_{2}^2 E(N)=E(aN1bN2)=aμ1bμ2Var(N)=Var(aN1bN2)=a2σ12+b2σ22

8、重参数化:从 N ( μ , σ 2 ) N(\mu,\sigma^2) N(μ,σ2) 采样等价于从 N ( 0 , 1 ) N(0,1) N(0,1)采样一个 ϵ \epsilon ϵ, ϵ ⋅ σ + μ \epsilon\cdot\sigma+\mu ϵσ+μ

f ( x ) = 1 2 π σ e − ( x − μ ) 2 2 σ 2 f(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}\sigma}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}} f(x)=2π σ1e2σ2(xμ)2
K L ( p ∣ q ) = l o g σ 2 σ 1 + σ 2 + ( μ 1 − μ 2 ) 2 2 σ 2 2 − 1 2 KL(p|q)=log\frac{\sigma_2}{\sigma_1}+\frac{\sigma^2+(\mu_1-\mu_2)^2}{2\sigma_2^2}-\frac{1}{2} KL(pq)=logσ1σ2+2σ22σ2+(μ1μ2)221
a x 2 + b x = a ( x + b 2 a ) 2 + c ax^2+bx=a(x+\frac{b}{2a})^2+c ax2+bx=a(x+2ab)2+c
X X X是随机变量, Y = g ( X ) Y=g(X) Y=g(X),则:
E ( Y ) = E [ g ( X ) ] = { ∑ k = 1 ∞ g ( x k ) p k ∫ − ∞ ∞ g ( x ) p ( x ) d x E(Y)=E[g(X)]= \begin{cases} \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^\infty g(x_k)p_k\\ \displaystyle\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}g(x)p(x)dx \end{cases} E(Y)=E[g(X)]= k=1g(xk)pkg(x)p(x)dx

K L ( p ( x ) ∣ q ( x ) ) = E x ∼ p ( x ) [ p ( x ) q ( x ) ] = ∫ p ( x ) p ( x ) q ( x ) d x KL(p(x)|q(x))=E_{x \sim p(x)}[\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}]=\int p(x) \frac{p(x)}{q(x)}dx KL(p(x)q(x))=Exp(x)[q(x)p(x)]=p(x)q(x)p(x)dx


2020年Berkeley大学的学生提出的DDPM(Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models),简称扩散模型,是AIGC的核心算法,在生成图像的真实性和多样性方面均超越了GAN,而且训练过程稳定。








从原始数据集采样 x 0 ∼ q ( x 0 ) x_0\sim q(x_0) x0q(x0),按照预定义的noise schedule策略添加随机噪声,得到一系列噪声图像 x 1 , x 2 , … , x T x_1,x_2,\dots,x_T x1,x2,,xT,用概率表示为:
q ( x 1 : T ∣ x 0 ) = ∏ t = 1 T q ( x t ∣ x t − 1 ) q ( x t ∣ x t − 1 ) = N ( x t ; α t x t − 1 , β t I ) α t = 1 − β t \begin{aligned} q(x_{1:T}|x_{0})&=\prod_{t=1}^{T}q(x_t|x_{t-1}) \\q(x_{t}|x_{t-1})&=\mathcal{N}(x_t;\sqrt{\alpha_t}x_{t-1},\beta_{t}I)\\ \alpha_{t}&=1-\beta_{t} \end{aligned} q(x1:Tx0)q(xtxt1)αt=t=1Tq(xtxt1)=N(xt;αt xt1,βtI)=1βt
x t = α t x t − 1 + β t ϵ t      ϵ t ∼ N ( 0 , I ) \begin{aligned} x_{t}&=\sqrt{\alpha_{t}}x_{t-1}+\sqrt{\beta_{t}}\epsilon_{t} \space \space \space \space \epsilon_{t}\sim \mathcal{N}(0,I) \\ \end{aligned} xt=αt xt1+βt ϵt    ϵtN(0,I)

x t = α t x t − 1 + β t ϵ t = α t ( α t − 1 x t − 2 + β t − 1 ϵ t − 1 ) + β t ϵ t = α t α t − 1 ( α t − 2 x t − 3 + β t − 2 ϵ t − 2 ) + α t β t − 1 ϵ t − 1 + β t ϵ t = ( α t … α 1 ) x 0 + ( α t … α 2 ) β 1 ϵ 1 + ( α t … α 3 ) β 2 ϵ 2 + ⋯ + α t β t − 1 ϵ t − 1 + β t ϵ t \begin{aligned} x_{t}&=\sqrt{\alpha_{t}} x_{t-1}+\sqrt{\beta_{t}}\epsilon_{t}\\ &=\sqrt{\alpha_{t}}(\sqrt{\alpha_{t-1}}x_{t-2}+\sqrt{\beta_{t-1}}\epsilon_{t-1})+\sqrt{\beta_{t}}\epsilon_{t}\\ &=\sqrt{\alpha_{t}\alpha_{t-1}}(\sqrt{\alpha_{t-2}}x_{t-3}+\sqrt{\beta_{t-2}}\epsilon_{t-2})+\sqrt{\alpha_{t}\beta_{t-1}}\epsilon_{t-1}+\sqrt{\beta_{t}}\epsilon_{t}\\ &=\sqrt{(\alpha_{t}\dots\alpha_{1})}x_{0}+\sqrt{(\alpha_{t}\dots\alpha_{2})\beta_{1}}\epsilon_{1}+\sqrt{(\alpha_{t}\dots\alpha_{3})\beta_{2}}\epsilon_{2}+\dots+\sqrt{\alpha_{t}\beta_{t-1}}\epsilon_{t-1}+\sqrt{\beta_{t}}\epsilon_{t} \end{aligned} xt=αt xt1+βt ϵt=αt (αt1 xt2+βt1 ϵt1)+βt ϵt=αtαt1 (αt2 xt3+βt2 ϵt2)+αtβt1 ϵt1+βt ϵt=(αtα1) x0+(αtα2)β1 ϵ1+(αtα3)β2 ϵ2++αtβt1 ϵt1+βt ϵt

设: α t ˉ = α 1 α 2 … α t \bar{\alpha_{t}}=\alpha_{1}\alpha_{2}\dots\alpha_{t} αtˉ=α1α2αt 根据正态分布的叠加性得到
μ = α t ˉ σ 2 = ( α t … α 2 ) β 1 + ( α t … α 3 ) β 2 + ⋯ + α t β t − 1 + β t = ( α t … α 2 ) ( 1 − α 1 ) + ( α t … α 3 ) ( 1 − α 2 ) + ⋯ + α t ( 1 − α t − 1 ) + 1 − α t = 1 − α t ˉ \begin{aligned} \mu&=\sqrt{\bar{\alpha_{t}}}\\ \sigma^2&=(\alpha_{t}\dots\alpha_{2})\beta_{1}+(\alpha_{t}\dots\alpha_{3})\beta_{2}+\dots+\alpha_{t}\beta_{t-1}+\beta_{t}\\ &=(\alpha_{t}\dots\alpha_{2})(1-\alpha_{1})+(\alpha_{t}\dots\alpha_{3})(1-\alpha_{2})+\dots+\alpha_{t}(1-\alpha_{t-1})+1-\alpha_{t}\\ &=1-\bar{\alpha_{t}} \end{aligned} μσ2=αtˉ =(αtα2)β1+(αtα3)β2++αtβt1+βt=(αtα2)(1α1)+(αtα3)(1α2)++αt(1αt1)+1αt=1αtˉ

x t = α t ˉ x 0 + 1 − α t ˉ ϵ     ϵ ∼ N ( 0 , I ) q ( x t ∣ x 0 ) = N ( x t ; α t ˉ x 0 , ( 1 − α t ˉ ) I ) \begin{aligned} x_{t}&=\sqrt{\bar{\alpha_{t}}}x_{0}+\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha_{t}}}\epsilon \space \space\space \epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(0,I)\\ q(x_{t}|x_{0})&=\mathcal{N}(x_{t};\sqrt{\bar{\alpha_{t}}}x_{0},(1-\bar{\alpha_{t}})I) \end{aligned} xtq(xtx0)=αtˉ x0+1αtˉ ϵ   ϵN(0,I)=N(xt;αtˉ x0,(1αtˉ)I)
这个公式表示任意步骤 t t t的噪声图像 x t x_t xt ,都可以通过 x 0 x_0 x0直接加噪得到,后面需要用到。




如果知道反向过程的每一步真实的条件分布 q ( x t − 1 ∣ x t ) q(x_{t-1}|x_t) q(xt1xt),那么从一个随机噪声开始,逐步采样就能生成一个真实的样本。但是真实的条件分布利用贝叶斯公式
q ( x t − 1 ∣ x t ) = q ( x t ∣ x t − 1 ) q ( x t − 1 ) q ( x t ) q(x_{t-1}|x_{t}) =\frac{q(x_{t}|x_{t-1})q(x_{t-1})}{q(x_{t})} q(xt1xt)=q(xt)q(xtxt1)q(xt1)
无法直接求解,原因是其中 q ( x t − 1 ) q(x_{t-1}) q(xt1) , q ( x t ) q(x_{t}) q(xt) 未知,因此无法从 x t x_{t} xt 推导到 x t − 1 {x_{t-1}} xt1,所以必须通过神经网络 p θ ( x t − 1 ∣ x t ) p_\theta(x_{t-1}|x_t) pθ(xt1xt)来近似。为了简化起见,将反向过程也定义为一个马尔卡夫链,且服从高斯分布,建模如下:

p θ ( x 0 : T ) = p ( x T ) ∏ t = 1 T p θ ( x t − 1 ∣ x t ) p θ ( x t − 1 ∣ x t ) = N ( x t − 1 ; μ θ ( x t , t ) , ∑ θ ( x t , t ) ) p_\theta(x_{0:T})=p(x_T)\prod_{t=1}^Tp_\theta(x_{t-1}|x_t)\\ p_\theta(x_{t-1}|x_t)=N(x_{t-1};\mu_\theta(x_t,t),\sum_\theta(x_t,t)) pθ(x0:T)=p(xT)t=1Tpθ(xt1xt)pθ(xt1xt)=N(xt1;μθ(xt,t),θ(xt,t))

虽然真实条件分布 q ( x t − 1 ∣ x t ) q(x_{t-1}|x_t) q(xt1xt)无法直接求解,但是加上已知条件 x 0 x_0 x0的后验分布$q(x_{t-1}|x_{t},x_{0}) $却可以通过贝叶斯公式求解,再结合前向马尔科夫性质可得
q ( x t − 1 ∣ x t , x 0 ) = q ( x t ∣ x t − 1 , x 0 ) q ( x t − 1 ∣ x 0 ) q ( x t ∣ x 0 ) = q ( x t ∣ x t − 1 ) q ( x t − 1 ∣ x 0 ) q ( x t ∣ x 0 ) q(x_{t-1}|x_{t},x_{0}) =\frac{q(x_{t}|x_{t-1},x_{0})q(x_{t-1}|x_{0})}{q(x_{t}|x_{0})}=\frac{q(x_{t}|x_{t-1})q(x_{t-1}|x_{0})}{q(x_{t}|x_{0})} q(xt1xt,x0)=q(xtx0)q(xtxt1,x0)q(xt1x0)=q(xtx0)q(xtxt1)q(xt1x0)
q ( x t − 1 ∣ x 0 ) = α ˉ t − 1 x 0 + 1 − α ˉ t − 1 ϵ ∼ N ( α ˉ t − 1 x 0 , ( 1 − α ˉ t − 1 ) I ) q ( x t ∣ x 0 ) = α ˉ t x 0 + 1 − α ˉ t ϵ ∼ N ( α ˉ t x 0 , ( 1 − α ˉ t ) I ) q ( x t ∣ x t − 1 ) = α t x t − 1 + β t ϵ ∼ N ( α t x t − 1 , β t I ) \begin{aligned} q(x_{t-1}|x_{0})&=\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}x_{0}+\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}\epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}x_{0},(1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1})I)\\ q(x_{t}|x_{0})&=\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t}}x_{0}+\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t}}\epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t}}x_{0},(1-\bar{\alpha}_{t})I)\\ q(x_{t}|x_{t-1})&=\sqrt{\alpha}_{t}x_{t-1}+\beta_{t}\epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(\sqrt{\alpha}_{t}x_{t-1},\beta_{t}I) \end{aligned} q(xt1x0)q(xtx0)q(xtxt1)=αˉt1 x0+1αˉt1 ϵN(αˉt1 x0,(1αˉt1)I)=αˉt x0+1αˉt ϵN(αˉt x0,(1αˉt)I)=α txt1+βtϵN(α txt1,βtI)
q ( x t − 1 ∣ x t , x 0 ) ∝ e x p ( − 1 2 ( ( x t − α t x t − 1 ) 2 β t ) + ( x t − 1 − α ˉ t − 1 x 0 ) 2 1 − α ˉ t − 1 − ( x t − α ˉ t x 0 ) 2 1 − α ˉ t ) = e x p ( − 1 2 ( α t β t + 1 1 − α ˉ t − 1 ) x t − 1 2 − ( 2 α t β t x t + 2 α t ˉ 1 − α t ˉ x 0 ) x t − 1 + C ( x t , x 0 ) ) \begin{aligned} q(x_{t-1}|x_{t},x_{0}) &\propto exp(-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{(x_{t}-\sqrt{\alpha_{t}}x_{t-1})^2}{\beta_{t}})+\frac{(x_{t-1}-\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}}_{t-1}x_{0})^2}{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}-\frac{(x_{t}-\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t}}x_{0})^2}{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t}})\\ &=exp(-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{\alpha_{t}}{\beta_{t}}+\frac{1}{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}})x_{t-1}^2-(\frac{2\sqrt{\alpha_{t}}}{\beta_{t}}x_{t}+\frac{2\sqrt{\bar{\alpha_{t}}}}{1-\bar{\alpha_{t}}}x_{0})x_{t-1}+C(x_{t},x_{0})) \end{aligned} q(xt1xt,x0)exp(21(βt(xtαt xt1)2)+1αˉt1(xt1αˉ t1x0)21αˉt(xtαˉt x0)2)=exp(21(βtαt+1αˉt11)xt12(βt2αt xt+1αtˉ2αtˉ x0)xt1+C(xt,x0))

β ~ t = 1 / ( α t β t + 1 1 − α ˉ t − 1 ) = 1 − α ˉ t − 1 1 − α ˉ t β t μ ~ t = ( α t β t x t + α ˉ t 1 − α t ˉ x 0 ) / ( α t β t + 1 1 − α ˉ t − 1 ) = α t ( 1 − α ˉ t − 1 ) 1 − α t ˉ x t + α ˉ t − 1 β t 1 − α ˉ t x 0 \widetilde{\beta}_t=1/(\frac{\alpha_{t}}{\beta_{t}}+\frac{1}{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}})=\frac{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t}}\beta_{t}\\ \widetilde{\mu}_t=(\frac{\sqrt\alpha_{t}}{\beta_{t}}x_{t}+\frac{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t}}}{1-\bar{\alpha_{t}}}x_{0})/(\frac{\alpha_{t}}{\beta_{t}}+\frac{1}{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}})=\frac{\sqrt{\alpha_{t}}(1-\bar{\alpha}_{t-1})}{1-\bar{\alpha_{t}}}x_{t}+\frac{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_{t-1}}\beta_{t}}{1-\bar{\alpha}_{t}}x_{0} β t=1/(βtαt+1αˉt11)=1αˉt1αˉt1βtμ t=(βtα txt+1αtˉαˉt x0)/(βtαt+1αˉt11)=1αtˉαt (1αˉt1)xt+1αˉtαˉt1 βtx0

x 0 = 1 α ˉ t ( x t − β t 1 − α ˉ t ϵ ) x_0= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\bar\alpha_t}}(x_t- \frac{\beta_t}{\sqrt{1-\bar \alpha_t} }\epsilon)\\ x0=αˉt 1(xt1αˉt βtϵ)
μ ~ t = 1 α t ( x t − β t ( 1 − α t ) ϵ ) \widetilde{\mu}_t=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha_t} }(x_t-\frac{\beta_t}{\sqrt{(1-\alpha_t)}}\epsilon) μ t=αt 1(xt(1αt) βtϵ)

这样我们就得到了后向过程 q ( x t − 1 ∣ x t , x 0 ) q(x_{t-1}|x_t,x_0) q(xt1xt,x0)的均值和方差的公式,为了让 p θ ( x t − 1 ∣ x t ) p_\theta(x_{t-1}|x_t) pθ(xt1xt)逼近 q ( x t − 1 ∣ x t , x 0 ) q(x_{t-1}|x_t,x_0) q(xt1xt,x0),我们固定住 ∑ θ ( x t , t ) = β t \sum_\theta(x_t,t)=\beta_t θ(xt,t)=βt或者 ∑ θ ( x t , t ) = β ~ t \sum_\theta(x_t,t)=\widetilde{\beta}_t θ(xt,t)=β t β t \beta_t βt β ~ t \widetilde{\beta}_t β t其实大小是差不多的,但其实用 β ~ t \widetilde{\beta}_t β t更好理解一点,因此只需要预测 μ θ ( x t , t ) \mu_\theta(x_t,t) μθ(xt,t) ,又因为这里面只有 ϵ \epsilon ϵ 是未知的,所以转而预测 ϵ \epsilon ϵ ,因此均值可以写成下面的式子:
μ θ ( x t , t ) = 1 α t ( x t − β t ( 1 − α t ) ϵ θ ( x t , t ) ) \mu_\theta(x_t,t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha_t} }(x_t-\frac{\beta_t}{\sqrt{(1-\alpha_t)}}\epsilon_\theta(x_t,t)) μθ(xt,t)=αt 1(xt(1αt) βtϵθ(xt,t))


p θ ( x t − 1 ∣ x t ) = N ( x t − 1 ; μ θ ( x t , t ) , ∑ θ ( x t , t ) ) x t − 1 = 1 α t ( x t − β t ( 1 − α t ) ϵ θ ( x t , t ) ) + β ~ t z      z ∼ N ( 0 , I ) p_\theta(x_{t-1}|x_t)=N(x_{t-1};\mu_\theta(x_t,t),\sum_\theta(x_t,t))\\ x_{t-1}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha_t} }(x_t-\frac{\beta_t}{\sqrt{(1-\alpha_t)}}\epsilon_\theta(x_t,t))+\sqrt{\widetilde{\beta}_t}z \space \space\space\space z\sim N(0,I) pθ(xt1xt)=N(xt1;μθ(xt,t),θ(xt,t))xt1=αt 1(xt(1αt) βtϵθ(xt,t))+β t z    zN(0,I)
这里用z是为了和之前的 ϵ \epsilon ϵ区别开,迭代1000次




import torch
import torchvision
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision import transforms
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
import numpy as np
from torch.optim import Adam
from torch import nn
import math
from torchvision.utils import save_image

def show_images(data, num_samples=20, cols=4):
    """ Plots some samples from the dataset """
    for i, img in enumerate(data):
        if i == num_samples:
        plt.subplot(int(num_samples/cols) + 1, cols, i + 1)

def linear_beta_schedule(timesteps, start=0.0001, end=0.02):
    return torch.linspace(start, end, timesteps)

def get_index_from_list(vals, t, x_shape):
    Returns a specific index t of a passed list of values vals
    while considering the batch dimension.
    batch_size = t.shape[0]
    out = vals.gather(-1, t.cpu())
    return out.reshape(batch_size, *((1,) * (len(x_shape) - 1))).to(t.device)

def forward_diffusion_sample(x_0, t, device="cpu"):
    Takes an image and a timestep as input and
    returns the noisy version of it
    noise = torch.randn_like(x_0)
    sqrt_alphas_cumprod_t = get_index_from_list(sqrt_alphas_cumprod, t, x_0.shape)
    sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod_t = get_index_from_list(
        sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x_0.shape
    # mean + variance
    return sqrt_alphas_cumprod_t.to(device) * x_0.to(device) \
    + sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod_t.to(device) * noise.to(device), noise.to(device)

def load_transformed_dataset(IMG_SIZE):
    data_transforms = [
        transforms.Resize((IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE)),
        transforms.ToTensor(), # Scales data into [0,1]
        transforms.Lambda(lambda t: (t * 2) - 1) # Scale between [-1, 1]
    data_transform = transforms.Compose(data_transforms)

    train = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root="./Data",transform=data_transform,train=True)
    test = torchvision.datasets.MNIST(root="./Data", transform=data_transform, train=False)

    return torch.utils.data.ConcatDataset([train, test])

def show_tensor_image(image):
    reverse_transforms = transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Lambda(lambda t: (t + 1) / 2),
        transforms.Lambda(lambda t: t.permute(1, 2, 0)), # CHW to HWC
        transforms.Lambda(lambda t: t * 255.),
        transforms.Lambda(lambda t: t.numpy().astype(np.uint8)),

    #Take first image of batch
    if len(image.shape) == 4:
        image = image[0, :, :, :]

class Block(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_ch, out_ch, time_emb_dim, up=False):
        self.time_mlp =  nn.Linear(time_emb_dim, out_ch)
        if up:
            self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(2*in_ch, out_ch, 3, padding=1)
            self.transform = nn.ConvTranspose2d(out_ch, out_ch, 4, 2, 1)
            self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_ch, out_ch, 3, padding=1)
            self.transform = nn.Conv2d(out_ch, out_ch, 4, 2, 1)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(out_ch, out_ch, 3, padding=1)
        self.bnorm1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_ch)
        self.bnorm2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_ch)
        self.relu  = nn.ReLU()

    def forward(self, x, t):
        # First Conv
        h = self.bnorm1(self.relu(self.conv1(x)))
        # Time embedding
        time_emb = self.relu(self.time_mlp(t))
        # Extend last 2 dimensions
        time_emb = time_emb[(..., ) + (None, ) * 2]
        # Add time channel
        h = h + time_emb
        # Second Conv
        h = self.bnorm2(self.relu(self.conv2(h)))
        # Down or Upsample
        return self.transform(h)

class SinusoidalPositionEmbeddings(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, dim):
        self.dim = dim

    def forward(self, time):
        device = time.device
        half_dim = self.dim // 2
        embeddings = math.log(10000) / (half_dim - 1)
        embeddings = torch.exp(torch.arange(half_dim, device=device) * -embeddings)
        embeddings = time[:, None] * embeddings[None, :]
        embeddings = torch.cat((embeddings.sin(), embeddings.cos()), dim=-1)
        # TODO: Double check the ordering here
        return embeddings

class SimpleUnet(nn.Module):
    A simplified variant of the Unet architecture.
    def __init__(self):
        image_channels =1   #灰度图为1,彩色图为3
        down_channels = (64, 128, 256, 512, 1024)
        up_channels = (1024, 512, 256, 128, 64)
        out_dim = 1   #灰度图为1 ,彩色图为3
        time_emb_dim = 32

        # Time embedding
        self.time_mlp = nn.Sequential(
                nn.Linear(time_emb_dim, time_emb_dim),

        # Initial projection
        self.conv0 = nn.Conv2d(image_channels, down_channels[0], 3, padding=1)

        # Downsample
        self.downs = nn.ModuleList([Block(down_channels[i], down_channels[i+1], \
                                    time_emb_dim) \
                    for i in range(len(down_channels)-1)])
        # Upsample
        self.ups = nn.ModuleList([Block(up_channels[i], up_channels[i+1], \
                                        time_emb_dim, up=True) \
                    for i in range(len(up_channels)-1)])

        # Edit: Corrected a bug found by Jakub C (see YouTube comment)
        self.output = nn.Conv2d(up_channels[-1], out_dim, 1)

    def forward(self, x, timestep):
        # Embedd time
        t = self.time_mlp(timestep)
        # Initial conv
        x = self.conv0(x)
        # Unet
        residual_inputs = []
        for down in self.downs:
            x = down(x, t)
        for up in self.ups:
            residual_x = residual_inputs.pop()
            # Add residual x as additional channels
            x = torch.cat((x, residual_x), dim=1)
            x = up(x, t)
        return self.output(x)

def get_loss(model, x_0, t):
    x_noisy, noise = forward_diffusion_sample(x_0, t, device)
    noise_pred = model(x_noisy, t)
    return F.l1_loss(noise, noise_pred)

def sample_timestep(x, t):
    Calls the model to predict the noise in the image and returns
    the denoised image.
    Applies noise to this image, if we are not in the last step yet.
    betas_t = get_index_from_list(betas, t, x.shape)
    sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod_t = get_index_from_list(
        sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x.shape

    sqrt_recip_alphas_t = get_index_from_list(sqrt_recip_alphas, t, x.shape)

    # Call model (current image - noise prediction)
    model_mean = sqrt_recip_alphas_t * (
        x - betas_t * model(x, t) / sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod_t

    posterior_variance_t = get_index_from_list(posterior_variance, t, x.shape)

    if t == 0:
        # As pointed out by Luis Pereira (see YouTube comment)
        # The t's are offset from the t's in the paper
        return model_mean
        noise = torch.randn_like(x)
        return model_mean + torch.sqrt(posterior_variance_t) * noise

def sample_plot_image(IMG_SIZE):
    # Sample noise
    img_size = IMG_SIZE
    img = torch.randn((1, 1, img_size, img_size), device=device)   #生成第T步的图片
    num_images = 10
    stepsize = int(T/num_images)

    for i in range(0,T)[::-1]:
        t = torch.full((1,), i, device=device, dtype=torch.long)
        img = sample_timestep(img, t)
        # Edit: This is to maintain the natural range of the distribution
        img = torch.clamp(img, -1.0, 1.0)
        if i % stepsize == 0:
            plt.subplot(1, num_images, int(i/stepsize)+1)

if __name__ =="__main__":

    # Define beta schedule
    T = 300
    betas = linear_beta_schedule(timesteps=T)

    # Pre-calculate different terms for closed form
    alphas = 1. - betas
    alphas_cumprod = torch.cumprod(alphas, axis=0)
    # print(alphas_cumprod.shape)
    alphas_cumprod_prev = F.pad(alphas_cumprod[:-1], (1, 0), value=1.0)
    # print(alphas_cumprod_prev)
    # print(alphas_cumprod_prev.shape)
    sqrt_recip_alphas = torch.sqrt(1.0 / alphas)
    sqrt_alphas_cumprod = torch.sqrt(alphas_cumprod)
    sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod = torch.sqrt(1. - alphas_cumprod)
    posterior_variance = betas * (1. - alphas_cumprod_prev) / (1. - alphas_cumprod)
    # print(posterior_variance.shape)

    IMG_SIZE = 32
    BATCH_SIZE = 16

    data = load_transformed_dataset(IMG_SIZE)
    dataloader = DataLoader(data, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, drop_last=True)

    model = SimpleUnet()
    print("Num params: ", sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()))

    device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
    optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
    epochs = 1 # Try more!

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for step, batch in enumerate(dataloader):  #由于batch 是包含标签的所以取batch[0]

            t = torch.randint(0, T, (BATCH_SIZE,), device=device).long()
            loss = get_loss(model, batch[0], t)

            if epoch % 1 == 0 and step %5== 0:
                print(f"Epoch {epoch} | step {step:03d} Loss: {loss.item()} ")






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