#+++ load libraries used in this vignette
file <- dir(path)
for(i in 1:length(file)){
EddyData <- fLoadTXTIntoDataframe(file[i])
#+++ Replace long runs of equal NEE values by NA
EddyData <- filterLongRuns(EddyData, "LE")
#+++ Add time stamp in POSIX time format and filter long runs of equal values
EddyDataWithPosix <- fConvertTimeToPosix(
EddyData, 'YDH',Year = 'Year',Day = 'DoY', Hour = 'Hour')
EProcMDS <- sEddyProc$new(
file[i], EddyDataWithPosix, c('LE', 'Rg', 'Tair', 'VPD'))
#Initialize 'NEE' as variable to fill
# Set variables and tolerance intervals
V1 = 'Rg'; T1 = 50 # Global radiation 'Rg' within +/-50 W m-2
V2 = 'VPD'; T2 = 5 # Vapour pressure deficit 'VPD' within 5 hPa
V3 = 'Tair'; T3 = 2.5 # Air temperature 'Tair' within +/-2.5 degC
# Step 1: Look-up table with window size +/-7 days
ResultStep1 <- EProcMDS$sFillLUT(7, V1, T1, V2, T2, V3, T3)
# Step 2: Look-up table with window size +/-14 days
ResultStep2 <- EProcMDS$sFillLUT(14, V1, T1, V2, T2, V3, T3)
# Step 3: Look-up table with window size +/-7 days, Rg only
ResultStep3 <- EProcMDS$sFillLUT(7, V1, T1)
# Step 4: Mean diurnal course with window size 0 (same day)
ResultStep4 <- EProcMDS$sFillMDC(0)
# Step 5: Mean diurnal course with window size +/-1, +/-2 days
ResultStep5a <- EProcMDS$sFillMDC(1)
ResultStep5b <- EProcMDS$sFillMDC(2)
# Step 6: Look-up table with window size +/-21, +/-28, ..., +/-70
for (WinDays in seq(21, 70, 7) )
ResultStep6 <- EProcMDS$sFillLUT(WinDays, V1, T1, V2, T2, V3, T3)
# Step 7: Look-up table with window size +/-14, +/-21, ..., +/-70, Rg only
for (WinDays in seq(14, 70, 7) )
ResultStep7 <- EProcMDS$sFillLUT(WinDays, V1, T1)
# Step 8: Mean diurnal course with window size +/-7, +/-14, ..., +/-210 days
for (WinDays in seq(7, 210, 7) )
ResultStep8 <- EProcMDS$sFillMDC(WinDays)
# Export results, columns are named 'VAR_'
FilledEddyData <- EProcMDS$sExportResults()
format(FilledEddyData, scientific = F)
fWriteDataframeToFile(format(FilledEddyData, scientific = F),paste(file[i]), outpath)
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