【北邮国院大三下】Software Engineering 软件工程 Week4



关于design pattern,可以参考此文章设计模式(Design Patterns) - 黄文博 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)


The Decorator Design pattern 装饰设计模式

The Decorator design pattern involves

  • A class which implements an interface 实现接口的类
  • Inside it a variable of the same interface type whose value is set in the constructor 在其内部是一个具有相同接口类型的变量,其值在构造函数中设置
  • Each method from the interface has code which calls the same method with the same arguments on that variable, plus some extra work 接口中的每个方法都有调用相同方法的代码,并在该变量上使用相同的参数,再加上一些额外的工作


class QuackCounter implements Quackable {
  private Quackable myQuacker;
  private int count;
  public QuackCounter(Quackable q) { 
  public int getCount() {
    return count;
  public void quack()
Quackable q1= new Duck("Donald");
Quackable q2= new QuackCounter(q1);
Value v = t.process(…,q2,…);
int quackcount = q2.getCount()
  • In this example, the extra work is to increase the value of the count by one 在本例中,额外的工作是将计数的值增加1
  • The effect is to “decorate” the methods of an object of the interface type with the code that does the extra work 其效果是用执行额外工作的代码“修饰”接口类型对象的方法

Wrapper design patterns 包装器设计模式

The Decorator design pattern is an example of a general sort of pattern called a wrapper pattern


A wrapper pattern is any pattern where an object (called the inner object) is referred to by a variable inside another object (the outer object), and each method call on the outer object results in a method call on the inner object


  • 相当于包装了一下,用外面的就相当于用里面的,可以保护里面的

In our example, QuackDecorator was the outer object wrapping an inner object which could be any object of type Quackable


In the Decorator pattern, the inner object and outer object must both be of a class which implements the same interface, in this case Quackable


Another wrapper pattern is the Adapter pattern, which involves an outer object which implements an interface wrapping an inner object which is of a class that does not implement the interface


The Adapter design pattern 适配器设计模式

The Adapter design pattern “adapts” an object of one class to fit into an interface when the object is not of a type which implements the interface


It works by “wrapping” the object as an inner object in an outer object which is of a class that does implement the interface


Each method in the interface has to be implemented by code which performs what is regarded as the “equivalent” in the class of the inner object



class Goose {
  private String myName;
  public Goose(String theName) {
  public void honk() {
    System.out.println(myName+": Honk! ");
  • 目的是让这里的honk()和上面的quack()等效

    class GooseAdapter implements Quackable {
    private Goose myGoose;
    public GooseAdapter(Goose aGoose) {
    public void quack() {

    interface Quackable {
    public void quack();

  • 这里的quack()看上去和上面的QuackCounter类差不多

    Goose g = new Goose(“Gertrude”);
    Quackable q3 = new GooseAdapter(g);
    Value v = t.process(…,q3,…);

  • 这样我们和上面的例子一样,用的都是Quackable的对象,很好的包装了实际的类(Duck/Goose)

Why not just change the code?

Other code may already make use of class Duck, class Goose, or method process, we cannot change the code for them without having to check whether the change causes that code to stop working properly (OCP - Open Closed Principle)


If we added code to count the number of calls to the method quack made in the call to the method process, we are making that method do two separate tasks. The QuackCounterwrapper separates out those two separate tasks (SRP - Single Responsibility Principle)


If we wanted to count the number of calls to the method quackmade in a call to another method which takes an argument of type Quackable, we can just use the wrapper we already have (DRY - Don’t Repeat Yourself)


We may not want to pass full access to Goose objects to other code, passing the GooseAdapter object passes only the abilityto call the method honk on a Goose object (DIP - The Dependency-Inversion Principle)


Another sort of Adapter (Adapter using Inheritance)

class QuackingGoose extends Goose implements Quackable{
  public QuackingGoose(String name) {
  public void quack() {
  • This is another sort of Adapter, this time using inheritance rather than delegation. Here a QuackingGoose object IS-A Goose object, whereas previously a GooseAdapter HAS-A Goose object 这是另一种适配器,这次使用继承而不是委托。这里的QuackingGoose对象 IS-A Goose对象,而之前的GooseAdapter HAS-A Goose对象

  • Passing a QuackingGoose object to other code passes access to all Goose methods, whereas passing a GooseAdapter object only passes access to honk called indirectly through quack. 将QuackingGoose对象传递给其他代码会传递对所有Goose方法的访问权,而传递GooseAdapter对象只会传递对通过quack间接调用的honk的访问权。

Design patterns

Design patterns solve a particular problem, here:

  • How can we add an additional task to an existing method without changing the code of that method? 如何在不更改现有方法代码的情况下向该方法添加额外的任务?
  • How can we fit a class into an interface which it is not declared as implementing without changing the code of that class? 在不改变类的代码的情况下,我们如何将类放入未声明为实现的接口中?

Design patterns are general, we can re-use the same pattern in many different circumstances


Design patterns go beyond what is provided directly in the programming language


Design patterns often involve a use of code which a novice programmer probably would not think of


Design patterns provide us with a “vocabulary”, here we can talk to other programmers about using a “decorator” or an “adapter” and they will know what we mean


The Composite Design Pattern 复合设计模式(可以放多个对象[利用ArrayList]的wrapper pattern)

Another example of a wrapper pattern, this time a collection of objects of a type is wrapped and given the behaviour of a single object of that type:


class QuackComposite implements Quackable {
  private List quackers;
  private int count;
  public QuackComposite() { 
    quackers = new ArrayList();
  public void addQuacker(Quackable q) {
  public void quack() {
    for(Quackable aQuacker : quackers)

Immutable View

We have seen previously how problems can be caused by aliasing: two different variables that refer to the same object,


A method call made on one of the variables that causes a change of state to the object it refers to means the object the other variable refers to also changes state as it is the same object


For example, exposing the representation was when a reference was passed that meant an internal variable of an object was aliased by another variable outside that object


This problem can be avoided by passing an “immutable view” of an object rather than a direct reference


This is another example of the general principle of a wrapper design pattern. It involves calling the same method on the inner object if it does not make a change, but for methods that do make changes throwing an exception instead


class ImmutableRectangle implements Rectangle { 
  private Rectangle myRectangle;
  public ImmutableRectangle(Rectangle r) { 
  public int getWidth() {
    return myRectangle.getWidth();
  public int getHeight() {
    return myRectangle.getHeight();
  public int area() {
    return myRectangle.area();
  public void setWidth(int w) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
  public void setHeight(int h) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


  • wrapper pattern (wp)包括decorator pattern (dp)和adapter pattern (ap),这个是主要的两大类,二者的不同之处在于:dp的构造器中,放的是和接口相同的类(quackable),ap的构造器里放的是和接口不同的类(goose)。但二者都要被包装成相同的类在main函数中被调用(quackable)
  • ap还可以利用继承
  • wp可以利用ArrayList进行复合,来一次处理多个对象(复合的类似于dp)
  • wp的另一种可以直接利用抛出异常来杜绝改变的可能(Immutable view)

The Observer Pattern 观察者模式

The Observer design pattern is intended to cover cases where there is a link between two classes such that an action on an object of one of the classes is “observed” by objects of the other class


Its most common use is to connect objects which store data or perform actions to other objects which deal with “input/output”


Here “input/output” could mean writing data to a file or database, or displaying on a graphical user interface



It is generally agreed that one of the most basic divisions of responsibility in a software system is between those aspects which interact with a human user - the “view” - and those aspects which deal with the details of what is happening internally - the “model”. The “controller” is the link between these two parts


For example, in a computer game, one part of the system will hold the details of the pieces and characters of the game, and make them change according to the rules of the game, another part will produce the screen picture that the human player of the game sees


If a single object held the internal details of characters in the game, and also dealt with displaying their representation on the screen, that would be breaking the Single Responsibility Principle


It would lead to code that is hard to understand and change


It would make it difficult to change the screen appearance of the game as the code that produces the screen appearance is mixed up with the code that deals with the other aspects of the game





  • setChanged:设置内部状态为已改变
  • notifyObservers(Object obj):通知观察者所发生的改变,参数obj是一些改变的信息.


public void addObserver(Observer o)

public void deleteObserver(Observer o)



  • update(Object obj):相应被观察者的改变,其中obj就是被观察者传递过来的信息,该方法会在notifyObservers被调用时自动调用


  • 创建一个被观察者,继承java.util.Observable
  • 创建一个观察者,实现java.util.Observer接口
  • 注册观察着,调用addObserver(Observer observer)
  • 在被观察者改变对象内部状态的地方,调用setChanged()方法,然后调notifyObservers(Object)方法,通知被观察者
  • 在观察者的update(Object)方法中,对改变做出响应。



  • 被观察者(继承Observable这个抽象类)

      protected int hungry,tired;
      private String name;
      public DogBot(String nm, int h, int t) {
      public boolean eat() {
        if(hungry>6) {
          return true;
          return false;
      public void rest() {
      public void play() {
      public String getName() {
        return name;
      public String noise() {
        if(hungry>8 && tired<11)
          return name+": whine ";
        else if(tired>7 && tired>hungry)
          return name+": snore ";
          return name+": woof ";
  • 接下来是观察者,implements Observer这个接口

      private String name;
      DogWatcher(String nm) {
      public void update(Observable obj, Object action) {
        if(obj instanceof DogBot) {
          DogBot dog = (DogBot) obj;
          System.out.print("** "+name+" observes ");
          System.out.println(dog.getName()+" "+action);
      public String toString() {
        return "Dog Watcher: "+name;
  • main里的代码实现过程

    DogBot rover = new DogBot("Rover",9,6);
    DogWatcher jim = new DogWatcher("Jim");
    DogWatcher fred = new DogWatcher("Fred");
    rover.addObserver(fred);  //fred是rover的observer
    patch.addObserver(jim);  //jim是patch的observer
    System.out.println("Patch plays");
    patch.play();  //调用了jim的update
    System.out.println("Rover plays");
    rover.play();  //调用了fred的update
    patch.play();  //调用了fred的update
    rover.play();  //调用了jim的update
    System.out.println(" Patch eats");
    System.out.println(" Patch decides not to eat");

Notes on Java’s Observer code

We do not have to write any code to maintain the list of observers, it is inherited from Observable


It is flexible, an Observable object can have any number of Observer objects, an Observer object can observe any number of Observable objects


The code for the Observable object passes whatever information it likes to the Observer objects (“push”)

Observable对象的代码将它喜欢的任何信息传递给Observer对象(" push ")

The code for the Observer object can get additional information by calling public methods on the Observable objects (“pull”)

Observer对象的代码可以通过调用Observable对象的公共方法来获取额外的信息(" pull ")

The code which extends Observable cannot access the Observer objects directly, an object of a class which extends Observable does not “know” what its observers are


DogBot例子与OCP(Open-Closed Principle)

We have not followed OCP here because we have modified the class DogBot in order to make DogBot objects observable


Also, we could not make DogBot extend Observable if it already extended another class, because classes can only extend one other class


We can get round this by using the Decorator pattern




  • 这样我们就做到了model和view的分离,具体代码看PPT Topic16 P28起,和上面的原理基本相同

Factory Methods 工厂方法

class PlainDogBot implements DogBot
class GreedyDogBot extends PlainDogBot


public static DogBot makeDogBot(String nm, int h, int t, boolean greedy) {
    return new GreedyDogBot(nm,h,t);
    return new PlainDogBot(nm,h,t);
  • Factory methods are normal methods which work like constructors, they return new objects 工厂方法是像构造函数一样工作的普通方法,它们返回新对象
  • Constructor calls are preceded by the word new, factory methods are called like any other method 构造函数调用前要加上new这个词,而工厂方法的调用方式与其他方法一样
  • Unlike constructors, factory methods can have an interface type as their return type 与构造函数不同,工厂方法可以将接口类型作为其返回类型
  • They are used when we want to determine the actual type of a new object at run time 当我们想要在运行时确定新对象的实际类型时,使用它们
  • They can be used to hide the actual type of the new object 它们可以用来隐藏新对象的实际类型

Factory Methods for Wrapping Objects

A factory method could produce a new wrapped object, or an object which puts a wrapper around an existing object


static Quackable makeCountedDuck(String name){
  Duck wrappedDuck = new Duck(name);
  return new GloballyCountedQuacker(wrappedDuck);
  • GloballyCountedQuacker就是很常规的wrapper

    • 在这里插入图片描述
  • The difference between GloballyCountedQuacker and the previous QuackCounter is that here there is just one count for all the calls of the method quack() on all the Quackable objects returned

  • GloballyCountedQuacker与之前的QuackCounter之间的区别在于,这里对所有返回的Quackable对象的方法quack()的所有调用只有一个计数

Factory objects

Factory methods may be static methods, or they may be called on objects


An object which is designed to have factory methods called on it is called a Factory Object


A factory object is used when we want to delegate the construction of new objects


Factory object enable us to write generalised code whose effects depend on the particular factory object passed into it


Some of the aspects of the objects created by a factory method may be stored in the factory object


A factory object may be used to hide the real type of the objects it returns



interface DogFactory {
  public DogBot makeDogBot(String name);

class PlainDogFactory implements DogFactory {
  private int hungry,tired;
  public PlainDogFactory(int h, int t) {
  public DogBot makeDogBot(String name) {
    return new PlainDogBot(name,hungry,tired);
  • This is a class of objects which make DogBots with fixed initial hungry and tired values 这是一类使DogBot具有固定初始饥饿和疲劳值的对象

    DogFactory factory = new PlainDogFactory(4,2);
    DogBot dog1 = factory.makeDogBot(“Patch”);
    DogBot dog2 = factory.makeDogBot(“Rover”);

Factory objects和observer结合

class SpyDogFactory extends PlainDogFactory {
  private Observer spy;
  public SpyDogFactory(int h, int t, Observer obs) {
  public DogBot makeDogBot(String name) {
    DogBot d1 = super.makeDog(name);
    DogBot d2 = new ObservableDogBot(d1);
    return d2;
  • This is a class of objects which make DogBots which are all observed by an Observer object set when the SpyDogFactory object is created 这是一个类对象,当SpyDogFactory对象被创建时,这些DogBot对象都被一个观察者对象所观察到

    Observer boss = new DogWatcher(“Matthew”);
    DogFactory factory = new SpyDogFactory(4,2,boss);
    DogBot dog1 = factory.makeDogBot(“Patch”);
    DogBot dog2 = factory.makeDogBot(“Rover”);

The Singleton Design Pattern 单例设计模式

Another reason for using factory methods is that a constructor must always return a new object, but factory methods can return an existing object instead of a new object.






The Object Pool Design Pattern 对象池设计模式

Object Pool (also called Intern), like Singleton, can returns an object that was created before


However, instead of one object it keeps a list of objects


It is used when the objects returned are immutable




The Strategy Design Pattern 策略设计模式

Suppose we want to call the various operations possible on a List of DogBots. Instead of writing a separate method for each we can generalise by using the idea of a function object, which is an object whose only job is to carry out an action.




Generalising code by turning an action into a parameter is called the Strategy Design Pattern




其他例子看PPT Topic16 P51-52

The State Design Pattern 状态设计模式

The State design pattern is used when we want to change the way we represent a type of object dynamically


Consider the idea of a set, it is a collection in which each possible element is either in the collection or it is not, there is no concept of elements occurring multiple numbers of times or having a position in the collection.



为了理解状态设计,我用个别的例子(来源:设计模式(Design Patterns) - 黄文博 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)



public class State {  
    private String value;  
    public String getValue() {  
        return value;  
    public void setValue(String value) {  
        this.value = value;  
    public void method1(){  
        System.out.println("execute the first opt!");  
    public void method2(){  
        System.out.println("execute the second opt!");  

public class Context {  
    private State state;  
    public Context(State state) {  
        this.state = state;  
    public State getState() {  
        return state;  
    public void setState(State state) {  
        this.state = state;  
    public void method() {  
        if (state.getValue().equals("state1")) {  
        } else if (state.getValue().equals("state2")) {  

The Bridge Design Pattern 桥接模式


【同样,PPT的例子还是很难理解,但还是建议去看看,Topic15 P57-58】


【来源:设计模式(Design Patterns) - 黄文博 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)

public interface Sourceable { 
  public void method();  
} //先定义接口
  • 分别定义两个实现类:

    public class SourceSub1 implements Sourceable {

      public void method() {  
          System.out.println("this is the first sub!");  


    public class SourceSub2 implements Sourceable {

      public void method() {  
          System.out.println("this is the second sub!");  


  • 定义一个桥,持有Sourceable的一个实例:

    public abstract class Bridge {
    private Sourceable source;

      public void method(){  
      public Sourceable getSource() {  
          return source;  
      public void setSource(Sourceable source) {  
          this.source = source;  


    public class MyBridge extends Bridge {
    public void method(){

  • 这样,就通过对Bridge类的调用,实现了对接口Sourceable的实现类SourceSub1和SourceSub2的调用。

The Flyweight Pattern 享元模式

The Flyweight design pattern is where objects have an immutable part which can be shared.


The ColouredRectangle example we saw previously would be an example of the Flyweight pattern if the Colour part of a ColouredRectangle was produced using a ColourMaker object as given previously:


class ColouredRectangle extends PlainRectangle { 
  private static ColourMaker maker = new ColourMaker();
  private Colour colour;
  public ColouredRectangle(int h, int w, int red, int green, int blue){
  public Colour getColour() {
    return colour;
  public void setColour(Colour c) {

Design pattern到这里结束,接下来是一些偏理论和记忆的东西了

Free Software

The word “free” in English has two meanings:

  • Available without requirement of payment 无需付款即可使用
  • Able to do whatever you want 可以做任何你想做的事

Conventional software is produced to meet a customer need, either it is produced for an individual customer who has asked for it, or it is built for open sale to customers who see it advertised and purchase it


Those who produce conventional software expect to get paid for it


  • In order to protect their income, they will impose restrictions on how it can be used, which will usually mean it cannot be passed on to anyone else, and that it cannot be modified in unauthorised ways 为了保护他们的收入,他们会对数据的使用方式施加限制,这通常意味着数据不能传递给其他人,也不能以未经授权的方式进行修改
  • As part of this protection, usually the source code is not made available, what is distributed is the machine executable code produced by compilers, which is difficult for humans to understand and modify 作为这种保护的一部分,通常源代码是不可用的,分发的是由编译器产生的机器可执行代码,这是人类难以理解和修改的

The phrase “open source” derives from the idea of the source code being publicly available, but the phrase “Open Source Software”(OSS) is usually used to mean software which is free of charge, and free of legal restrictions on how it can be used


Why work for free?

Many people enjoy computer programming so much, they would do it as a hobby even if it wasn’t their job


Early OSS was sometimes hobby code


However, many complex software products in day-to-day use are OSS, it is not just a small-scale thing


Many of the early developers of OSS were people who had strong beliefs about personal freedom, and saw distributing their free software as a way of giving people freedom instead of being dependent on commercial companies


However, the success of OSS products has led many to support its use just because they see it as providing good reliable products


OSS is particularly common for software systems which are used to support software development, such as the Linux operating system and the Eclipse development environment, the Spring application framework


In some of these cases it is software produced for personal use that was spread more widely because it was found to be effective


OSS Business Strategies

Some who produce OSS may be motivated entirely through altruistic reasons


Some may like the fame that comes from producing a successful and widely used product, even if it doesn’t come with a fortune


However, others may see OSS as a “loss leader” (in business terms, a product sold at a low price to stimulate sales of more profitable goods or services)


There are companies which make profit from installation of OSS products, from offering training in the use of OSS products, and from providing consultancy advice to businesses about their use.


The Java programming language has many of the aspects of OSS, although it does not fully fit the definition because modification and redistribution of Java’s support code is banned by its developers (Sun Microsystems, now owned by Oracle Corporation)

Java编程语言具有OSS的许多方面,尽管它并不完全符合定义,因为Java的开发人员(Sun Microsystems,现在归Oracle公司所有)禁止修改和重新分发Java的支持代码。

One of the reasons for the success of Java was because it was distributed free of charge


OSS Development Methodology

Software produced by volunteers cannot be produced under the forms of management used for commercial software


Large scale OSS systems have to be produced by teams, like any other large scale software products


There needs to be an overall co-ordinator, but assignment of individual tasks is done through volunteering


A large scale OSS system will be developed by people working across the world, communicating electronically


It has some of the aspects of Agile software development, but the Agile methodology emphasises close personal interaction


With OSS systems there is typically no developer-customer distinction, the developers are also customers as they will make use of the system themselves


One of the pioneers of OSS, Eric S. Raymond, described the distinction between development of software by a central business organisation and by a community of volunteers as like that between “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”

OSS的先驱之一Eric S. Raymond将中央商业组织和志愿者社区开发软件的区别描述为“大教堂和集市”之间的区别。

  • A cathedral is a large building built to a single plan under close control, which typically takes a long time to build 大教堂是在严密控制下按照单一平面图建造的大型建筑,通常需要很长时间才能建成
  • A bazaar is an informal collection of stalls, which can change quickly and seems to have no central control, relying on stallholders co-operating, but each working to their own goals 集市是一个非正式的摊位集合,它可以快速变化,似乎没有中央控制,依靠摊主的合作,但每个人都为自己的目标而努力
  • Commercial software, and early OSS systems were developed like a cathedral 商业软件和早期的OSS系统的发展就像一座大教堂
  • Development as a bazaar means customers act as testers and debuggers, good quality stalls stay, bad quality stalls go through lack of business or are improved through customer suggestion 作为集市的开发意味着客户充当测试者和调试者,质量好的摊位留下来,质量差的摊位因缺乏业务而被淘汰或通过客户建议得到改进
  • A bazaar may have a co-ordinator who manages the recruitment of stall-holders, but does not have a strong overall plan and leaves the stall-holders free to work as they want 集市可能会有一个协调者负责管理摊贩的招聘,但没有一个强有力的整体计划,让摊贩自由地按照自己的意愿工作

Many Eyeballs Tame Complexity

In OSS systems, the developers are typically also users of the software


Users who are also developers can report bugs if they find them and suggest corrections based on being able to see the source code


The result is that there are a large number of users who also act as testers


As the software is source code rather than compiled machine executable code, it can easily be updated to correct a bug, it does not have to wait until a formal release of a new version


Typically, a large OSS system will be divided into many small parts, with correction of a bug in one part not having an impact on development of other parts


Open Source and Business Risk

If you run a company which needs a software product, you could develop your own, but this would be expensive to do and to maintain as your requirements change


You could purchase a product from a closed-source supplier, but then you are tied to that supplier: you are forced to carry on making use of them and paying what they ask for further development, because only they have knowledge and control of the code


If you use an OSS product, you have the source code, and there is likely to be several service companies who will help adapt it to your needs


So using an OSS product means there is no risk that a company supplying the software to you goes out of business, or makes unreasonable charges because it knows you have no choice but to carry on using it


Software Freedom

The strongest form of “free software” insists on the following four freedoms:


  • The freedom to run the program, for any purpose 出于任何目的而运行程序的自由
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish. Access to the source code is a precondition for this. 研究程序如何工作的自由,并改变它,使其按照您的意愿进行计算。访问源代码是实现这一目标的先决条件。
  • The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbour. 重新发布副本的自由,这样你就可以帮助你的邻居。
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this. 将修改后的版本分发给他人的自由。通过这样做,您可以让整个社区有机会从您的更改中受益。访问源代码是实现这一目标的先决条件

Copyleft 非盈利版权

The supporters of Free Software have developed a concept they call copyleft to mean using the copyright laws in a way that guarantees the freedom of others to copy and use their work rather than stopping unauthorised or unpaid copying


It involves a free software license, which is associated with free software, use of that software is granted only to those who agree to the terms of the free software license


The terms will generally state that users of the software may pass it on to others only if when it is passed on, those it is passed to also agree to the terms of the same license


The license will include the requirement that the source code is made available, and also state the extent to which the code may be modified and how the modifications should be acknowledged


There are many variations on this form of license, the most commonly used form is the GNU General Public License, developed by Richard Stallman

这种形式的许可证有许多变体,最常用的形式是由Richard Stallman开发的GNU通用公共许可证

If the terms of the license do not insist that copies and adaptions are passed on with the same license, it is not copyleft


Core and Community

In successful Open Source projects, there will generally be a small core of people (10-15) who are active in controlling the code base, and deciding on new functionality


A larger group of people will have some involvement in correcting defects in the software


A larger group than this will be actively involved in reporting problems with the software


Volunteers may submit code to implement proposed new features, the project may benefit from picking the best from several implementations


This system works best when, as with GNU/Linux, the overall product naturally divides into many semi-independent parts


A fork is when there is a split, and a separate group starts maintaining a separate version of the product


In most cases, developers will prefer to contribute to an established product rather than fork it and develop their own new version


So enabling volunteers to contribute to an OSS product helps maintain one standard product rather than seeing it split into many versions


Open Source Governance 开源治理

Proprietary software is owned by the organisation which produces it, and controlled by a business management structure


Open Source software development generally has a control structure which means an identifiable official version of the product exists


In some cases, this is a “benevolent dictatorship”, meaning the person who first proposed the project always retains the final say, examples include Linus Torvalds with Linux and Guido van Rossum with the Python programming language

在某些情况下,这是一种“仁慈的独裁”,意味着最初提出项目的人总是拥有最终决定权,例如Linux的Linus Torvalds和Python编程语言的Guido van Rossum

In others, there may be an committee structure involving some form of election, an example is the Apache Software Foundation, which is responsible for the Tomcat Java servlet system, the Struts Java web application framework, and many other projects

在其他情况下,可能会有一个委员会结构,涉及某种形式的选举,例如Apache软件基金会,它负责Tomcat Java servlet系统、Struts Java web应用程序框架和许多其他项目

The mobile device operating system Android is open-source, but controlled by the private company Google


The OSS nature of Android makes it easy to write applications for it, and has led to its widespread adoption, but Google have kept control by working internally on each new version, publishing the source code only when the version is released


Open Source Software: Summary

Open Source Software (OSS), has developed a long way from the time when it was seen as a few eccentrics putting together code as a hobby


Most standard software development tools are now OSS, and OSS is moving into other areas


The key to its success is that the community of users of the code also provides a community of testers and debuggers


OSS develops rapidly in requirement to need because anyone who wants to improve it can do so


OSS products avoid the risk of control of code that is vital for a business being in another business’s hands


OSS products maintain a single identity because it is in the interests of their users and developers to contribute to one standard product rather than “fork”


OSS products maintain their OSS nature through a use of copyright legislation to enforce free distribution rather than prevent it


Control of the development of OSS products (“governance”) may now be with companies operating on a commercial basis rather than individuals whose motivation is enjoyment of software and/or personal freedom


Microsoft’s Best Practices

The following is a list of “best practices” for software development projects which was put together by Microsoft:

  • Revision Control System 修订控制系统
  • Daily Builds 每日构建
  • Build Verification Tests 创建确认测试 / 识别小版本验证测试用例
  • Bug Database 缺陷库 / 缺陷跟踪管理系统
  • Code Reviews 代码复查
  • Coding and Engineering Guidelines 编码及工程指引
  • Code Analysis Tools 代码分析工具
  • Globalization and Localization 全球化和本土化

This is about adopting a disciplined approach to managing the code files andinformation of a large scale project. There will often be dedicated Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools for managing these practice


This lecture is based on Microsoft’s description of these best practices, with some additional comments noting further developments which have been promoted by the Extreme Programming movement


Revision Control System

A Revision Control System (also called “Version Control”) keeps a record of all the changes that are made to the software of a project


  • It will generally incorporate roll-back features, enabling a return to any previous version of the system 它通常包含回滚功能,允许返回到系统的任何先前版本
  • A check-out is when a developer obtains the current version of a file, to have a local copy to work with 签出是指开发人员获取文件的当前版本,以便有一个本地副本可以使用
  • A check-in (or “commit”) is when a developer enters a modified version of the file into the system to become the current version (“master copy”) of that file for the system 签入(或“提交”)是指开发人员将文件的修改版本输入到系统中,以成为该文件的当前版本(“主副本”)
  • A conflict is when two different developers are trying to make incompatible changes to the same file 冲突是指两个不同的开发人员试图对同一个文件进行不兼容的更改
  • A merge is an attempt to put together separate changes made by two or more developers 合并是将两个或多个开发人员所做的单独更改放在一起的尝试

Conflicts could be avoided by allowing only one developer to work on any one file at one time (“locking” the file), but this is not always practical or efficient in large scale systems


Daily Build

A build is the process of producing a complete working version of the software for the whole system, compiling the source code files and linking them


For all but very small systems this can become complex, so it is good practice to use dedicated tools such for this, which will work with build files that give instruction for the build of a system


Having a daily build means having a practice of doing this once a day, usually overnight so the team starts work with the latest version of the software


A build will generally contain at least some verification tests for correct working, sometimes referred to as “smoke tests”


A build break is when the build or its tests fail, it should be considered a high priority problem that must be fixed immediately


Continuous Integration

The Extreme Programming movement recommends a complete build of the system for every check-in of a modified file


Extreme Programming also recommends test-driven development, so there is a full range of tests for every aspect of the system, and regression testing meaning the build incorporates all tests


This practice of builds involving full testing for every modification is called continuous integration


Developers will have their own copies of the system code for making and testing modifications, but cannot check-in their modifications unless they satisfy the tests in the build


With continuous integration it is recommended that developers check-in their work at least once a day


For this work pattern to be possible, automated build tools which incorporate testing are essential


A ten-minute build (build script that completes all building including testing in ten minutes) is recommended


Version Control and Build tools


Assert statements

An assert statement in source code is a statement involving an expression which is always meant to evaluate to true, if it does not an exception is thrown


Assert statements are used for testing software during development, compilers will have an option to ignore them when producing compiled code for release


Java has had assert statements since version 1.4


For example, suppose you had a variable of type int called age which you expected always to be set to a non-negative number, then you could put the following in your program:


assert age>=0;

It would alert you to any case where that variable was wrongly set to a negative number, which might not otherwise be spotted until it caused an error in output somewhere else


Unit testing

Extreme Programming recommends built-in testing incorporated into all elements of the code, this is called unit testing


JUnit is a commonly used framework (set of classes) which supports the development of automated tests using the idea of assertion, see http://junit.org


A unit test is meant to test an individual class or method, it should run very quickly in order to enable a “ten-minute build”


Unit tests may make use of mock objects, which are simple objects that replace the rest of the code that a objects of a class would interact with when it is incorporated into the whole system


The idea is that the extra work involved in developing automated tests is repaid by the way they ensure modifications made to the code cannot have unexpected effects on other parts of the code, because that would be shown up by an assertion test failing in the build


Bug Database

A bug database is a central record for bugs that have been identified in the system


The record for a particular bug will describe it, give tests that demonstrate it, give its status (active, resolved or closed), and who has been assigned to correct it


Tests that demonstrate a bug should say what is needed to get the bug to occur, what the system should do if there was no bug, and what is observed instead because of the bug


A bug should also be given a severity and priority rating


  • An active bug is one which has been reported but not corrected 一个活跃的bug是一个已经被报告但没有被纠正的bug
  • A resolved bug is one where a programmer has submitted a correction 已解决的bug是程序员提交了更正的bug
  • A closed bug is where the person who originally reported the bug agrees that the correction made has removed it 关闭的bug是指最初报告错误的人同意所做的更正已经删除了它

War Team and Bug Triage

Microsoft recommends the technique of a war team, which is a small team of senior managers who take control of a project when it is near completion


The war team has the task of ensuring the system is “good enough” for release


The war team will triage remaining bugs, meaning they analyse them and decide how serious they are


  • Some reported bugs may be duplicates of others 一些报告的错误可能是其他错误的重复
  • Some reported bugs may be “features” (agreed as acceptable according to the requirements of the system) 一些报告的bug可能是“特性”(根据系统的需求同意为可接受的)
  • Some reported bugs may be low priority and can be left to be resolved in a future release 一些报告的bug可能是低优先级的,可以留到将来的版本中解决

The war team identify responsibility for fixing bugs which it is agreed cannot be allowed to be shipped in the next release


Code reviews and coding guidelines

A* code review *is a systematic examination of source code, it may involve a formal meeting with a structured format to an informal agreement for team members to check over each other’s code


Microsoft recommends code reviews because:

  • “An extra pair of eyes can go a long way” “多一双眼睛会大有帮助”
  • It “disciplines new hires very quickly on coding style” 它“对新员工的编码风格进行快速训练”。

Note that the Extreme Programming practice of “pair programming” can be considered a continuous code review


There are software tools to help conduct and manage code reviews, enabling colleagues to view and comment on code


Automated code review involves tools which analyse code to check for compliance with predefined sets of coding guideline rules or best practices


Static and dynamic analysis tools

A static analysis tool is a tool which examines the source code without running it, for example:


A** dynamic analysis tool** is a tool which examines what happens when source code is run


A profiler is a dynamic analysis tool which analyses the time and space usage of a program, in particular which parts of the program are most frequently used, or which parts are taking up the most memory – these are the parts where any code change to improve efficiency should be made, it is often hard to predict where they are without using such a tool. The VisualVM profiler for Java https://visualvm.github.io is an example

分析器是一种动态分析工具,它分析程序的时间和空间使用情况,特别是程序的哪些部分最常被使用,或者哪些部分占用了最多的内存——这些是应该进行任何代码更改以提高效率的部分,如果不使用这种工具,通常很难预测它们在哪里。Java的VisualVM分析器https://visualvm.github.io 就是一个例子


A debugger is a tool for assisting debugging


There are a variety of types of debugging tools, but typically a debugger will enable a programmer to run a program and cause it to suspend at times in the execution, it will have features which enable the programmer to investigate the dynamic state of the program execution when it is suspended, looking at the value of variables and possibly changing them


A debugger may run code step-by-step (suspending after every execution step) or may enable the programmer to set breakpoints at which it suspends


A simple way of debugging is to put statements at various points in your program which print out the value of variables when they are reached, if the value of a particular variable goes from an expected one to an unexpected one between two print statements, you can removed the other print statements and put more in between these two


Systematic use of a debugger enables you to do the same thing without having to make changes to the code


9 essential debugging rules

These were developed by Dave Agans: http://gipsysoft.com/articles/debug-rules

  • Understand the system – make sure you understand how any code you are re-using is meant to work 理解系统——确保你理解你重用的代码是如何工作的
  • Make it fail – find an example which consistently shows the bug happening 让它失败——找到一个始终显示bug发生的例子
  • Quit thinking and look – run the code using debugging tools to get information that will help you debug 停止思考,看看——使用调试工具运行代码,获取有助于调试的信息
  • Divide and conquer – narrow your search until you reach the exact place where the bug occurs 分而治之——缩小搜索范围,直到找到bug发生的确切位置
  • Change just one thing at a time – change just one thing which you think causes the bug, if the bug still happens, change it back to what it was 一次只改变一件事——只改变你认为导致错误的一件事,如果错误仍然发生,就把它改回原来的样子
  • Keep an audit – keep a record of the bug and what you have done to try to find and correct it 保持审计-保持一个记录的错误和你所做的努力,以找到和纠正它
  • Check the obvious first – for example, is the code you are looking at the same code you are running? 首先检查最明显的——例如,你正在查看的代码和你正在运行的代码是一样的吗?
  • Ask someone else – a fresh viewpoint can often help 问问别人——一个新的观点通常会有所帮助
  • If you didn’t fix it then it’s not fixed – make sure any changes you made did actually correct the bug 如果你没有修复它,那么它就没有修复-确保你所做的任何更改都确实纠正了错误

Globalisation and Localisation

Globalisation is the process of making your software work in different languages and cultures


Localisation is the actual translation work for individual languages


The idea is so that your software product can easily be used by different people across the world


Software needs to be written in a way where aspects to do with display of text and other issues where they may be differences in different countries are separated out so they can easily be modified without any changes having to be made to the rest of the code


Issues include:

  • Different languages 不同的语言
  • Different scripts 不同的脚本
  • Some languages read text right-to-left rather than left-to-right 有些语言从右到左读取文本,而不是从左到右
  • Some languages have complex rules for combining characters 有些语言有复杂的字符组合规则
  • Different formats for dates (UK and USA formats are different) 日期格式不同(英国和美国格式不同)
  • Different paper sizes (standard paper size in USA is 279x216mm, standard paper size in most of the rest of the world is 297x210mm, known as “A4”) 不同的纸张尺寸(美国的标准纸张尺寸为279x216mm,世界上大多数其他国家的标准纸张尺寸为297x210mm,称为“A4”)

“Eat your own dog food”

The phrase “eat your own dog food” originated from the idea that if you ran a company that sold food for dogs, but you kept dogs and you did not feed those dogs on the dog food you sold, it suggests you think the dog food you sell is poor quality


In general it means if you are manufacturing and/or selling a product, but you do not use that product yourself, instead when you need something of that sort you use another product, it suggests you do not think your product is of high quality


Making use of your own product also helps make sure you understand it, and an easily relate to any comments about it from your customers


The phrase originated from television advertisements for a brand of dog food, but achieved widespread usage within Microsoft, and from there came to be used in general for software products, after an internal campaign within Microsoft to encourage the use of Windows and other Microsoft products when developing Microsoft software






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