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原创 回文串-动态规划

Description回文串是一个正读和反读都一样的字符串,比如level或者noon等等就是回文串。给你一个长度为n( 3 比如字符串 “Ab3bd”可以转换成(“dAb3bAd” or “Adb3bdA”). 但需要插入最少两个字符Sample Input 5Ab3bdSample Output 2问题分析动态规划求解;设ch[1]..ch[n]表示

2017-03-31 21:20:08 1799 3

原创 A - New Bus Route

DescriptionThere are n cities situated along the main road of Berland. Cities are represented by their coordinates — integer numbers a1, a2, ..., an. All coordinates are pairwise distinct.It i

2017-03-29 21:05:38 645

原创 01:最长上升子序列

总时间限制: 2000ms 内存限制: 65536kB描述一个数的序列bi,当b1 你的任务,就是对于给定的序列,求出最长上升子序列的长度。输入输入的第一行是序列的长度N (1 输出最长上升子序列的长度。样例输入71 7 3 5 9 4 8样例输出4来源翻译自 Northeastern Europe 2002, Far-Eastern

2017-03-28 23:40:55 235

转载 数组的连续最大子段和

转至:博客园-Anker's Blog问题描述:输入是一个大小为n的整型数组,要求输出数组的任何连续子数组中的最大值。例如:输入的数组为array[10] = {31,-41,59,26,-53,58,97,-93,-23,84};输出最大连续子数组和为array[2...6]:187       算法1:对所有满足0算法1的伪代码描述如下:maxsofar = 0for(i=0

2017-03-28 23:04:14 308

原创 O - 螺旋方阵

Descriptionn×n的螺旋方阵当n=5和n=3时分别是如下的形式   请给出一个程序,对于任意的输入n(0<n<11),输出按照上面规律所获得的n×n的螺旋方阵。Input输入第一行为整数m(0<m<10),代表有m组输入; 接下来是m行数据,每行输入一个n(0<n<11)。Output按照输入的次序,依次输出

2017-03-28 20:53:09 393

原创 P - 二分查找

Description给出含有n个数的升序序列,保证序列中的数两两不相等,这n个数编号从1 到n。然后给出q次询问,每次询问给出一个数x,若x存在于此序列中,则输出其编号,否则输出-1。Input单组输入。首先输入一个整数n(1 再接下来的一行包含一个正整数q(1 再接下来的q行,每行包含一个正整数x。Output

2017-03-28 19:50:29 407

原创 L - 马拦过河卒


2017-03-27 23:21:26 254

原创 N - 青蛙过河

Description1)一条小溪尺寸不大,青蛙可以从左岸跳到右岸,在左岸有一石柱L,石柱L面积只容得下一只青蛙落脚,同样右岸也有一石柱R,石柱R面积也只容得下一只青蛙落脚。 2)有一队青蛙从小到大编号:1,2,…,n。 3)初始时:青蛙只能趴在左岸的石头 L 上,按编号一个落一个,小的落在大的上面-----不允许大的在小的上面。 4)在小溪中有S个石柱、有y片荷叶。 5)规定:溪中的每个

2017-03-25 18:26:39 394

原创 H - 三国佚事——巴蜀之危

Description话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。。。却道那魏蜀吴三国鼎力之时,多少英雄豪杰以热血谱写那千古之绝唱。古人诚不我欺,确是应了那句“一将功成万骨枯”。  是夜,明月高悬。诸葛丞相轻摇羽扇,一脸愁苦。原来是日前蜀国战事吃紧,丞相彻夜未眠,奋笔急书,于每个烽火台写下安排书信。可想,这战事多变,丞相运筹 帷幄,给诸多烽火台定下不同计策,却也实属不易。 谁成想这送信小厮竟

2017-03-25 16:27:53 341

原创 A - Jeff and Digits

DescriptionJeff's got n cards, each card contains either digit 0, or digit 5. Jeff can choose several cards and put them in a line so that he gets some number. What is the largest possible numbe

2017-03-25 15:28:26 235

转载 新手怎样学ACM


2017-03-24 08:23:35 695

原创 A - TL

DescriptionValera wanted to prepare a Codesecrof round. He's already got one problem and he wants to set a time limit (TL) on it.Valera has written n correct solutions. For each correct solution

2017-03-22 21:02:31 196

原创 D - 汉诺塔系列1


2017-03-22 20:54:52 338

原创 J - 数学黑洞


2017-03-22 19:00:46 304

原创 G - Fighting_小银考呀考不过四级


2017-03-21 20:05:25 281

原创 《ACM程序设计》书中题目-专题总结


2017-03-21 19:23:16 370

原创 M 数值分解

Description对一个自然数N ( 1 Input输入数据有多组,每组占一行,每行包含一个自然数N(1 Output对每组输入,输出有2行。第一行是N分解出的所有数字,以空格分隔,最后一个数字后也有空格;第二行是N分解出的所有数字的个数、乘积。Sample Input202428Sample Output3 3 3 3 3 3 27 1458

2017-03-20 18:36:38 286

原创 Z-26 Two names' abbreviations

DescriptionWhen a Little White meets another Little White:Little White A: (Surprised) !Little White B: ?Little White A: You Little White know "SHDC"? So unbelievable!Little White B: You are

2017-03-20 00:04:47 330

原创 Y-25 Number of every character

DescriptionThe look and say sequence is defined as follows. Start with any string of digits as the first element in the sequence. Each subsequent element is defined from the previous one by "verball

2017-03-19 23:23:39 241

原创 R-18 Semi-Prime Number

DescriptionPrime Number Definition An integer greater than one is called a prime number if its only positive divisors (factors) are one and itself. For instance, 2, 11, 67, 89 are prime numbers

2017-03-19 19:28:25 480

原创 K-加强斐波那契

Description对于斐波那契数列想必各位已经见过了。这里给出一个加强版。F[i] = i (i F[i] = F[i-1] + F[i-2] + F[i-3](i >= 4);Input多组输入。每组输入一个整数n (1Output每组数据输出一个整数,代表F[n]。Sample Input

2017-03-19 17:31:44 274

原创 V-22 Sort the books

DescriptionJim is fond of reading books, and he has so many books that sometimes it's hard for him to manage them. So he is asking for your help to solve this problem.Only interest in the name,

2017-03-19 17:21:32 544

原创 W-23 Tom's Meadow

DescriptionTom's Meadow Tom has a meadow in his garden. He divides it into N * M squares. Initially all the squares were covered with grass. He mowed down the grass on some of the squares an

2017-03-19 16:23:50 357

原创 I-蟠桃记


2017-03-19 15:36:15 301

原创 F-计算组合数

Description计算组合数。C(n,m),表示从n个数中选择m个的组合数。计算公式如下:若:m=0,C(n,m)=1否则, 若 n=1,C(n,m)=1             否则,若m=n,C(n,m)=1                         否则 C(n,m) = C(n-1,m-1) + C(n-1,m). Inpu

2017-03-19 15:27:08 251

原创 E-养兔子

Description一对成熟的兔子每天能且只能产下一对小兔子,每次都生一公一母,每只小兔子的成熟期是一天。某人领养了一对小兔子,一公一母,请问第N天以后,他将会得到多少对兔子。Input测试数据包括多组,每组一行,为整数n(1≤n≤90)。 输入以0结束。Output对应输出第n天有几对兔子(假设没有兔子死亡现象,而且是一夫一妻

2017-03-19 15:22:49 1192

原创 C-递归的函数

Description给定一个函数 f(a, b, c):如果 a ≤ 0 或 b ≤ 0 或 c ≤ 0 返回值为 1;如果 a > 20 或 b > 20 或 c > 20 返回值为 f(20, 20, 20);如果 a 其它情况返回 f(a−1, b, c) + f(a−1, b−1, c) + f(a−1, b, c−1) − f(a-1, b-1, c-1)。

2017-03-19 15:15:51 279

原创 B-王小二切饼

Description王小二自夸刀工不错,有人放一张大的煎饼在砧板上,问他:“饼不许离开砧板,切n(1Input输入切的刀数n。Output输出为切n刀最多切的饼的块数。Sample Input100Sample Output5051 解题思路:

2017-03-19 15:07:30 1200

原创 A-母牛的故事

Description有一头母牛,它每年年初生一头小母牛。每头小母牛从第四个年头开始,每年年初也生一头小母牛。请编程实现在第n年的时候,共有多少头母牛?Input输入数据由多个测试实例组成,每个测试实例占一行,包括一个整数n(0Output对于每个测试实例,输出在第n年的时候母牛的数量。 每个输出占一行。Sampl

2017-03-19 14:58:03 480

原创 S-19 Message queue

DescriptionMessage queue is the basic fundamental of windows system. For each process, the system maintains a message queue. If something happens to this process, such as mouse click, text change,

2017-03-19 14:48:15 245

原创 Mafia

DescriptionOne day n friends gathered together to play "Mafia". During each round of the game some player must be the supervisor and other n - 1people take part in the game. For each person we k

2017-03-18 16:19:26 223

原创 Cinema Line

DescriptionThe new "Die Hard" movie has just been released! There are n people at the cinema box office standing in a huge line. Each of them has a single 100, 50 or 25 ruble bill. A "Die Hard"

2017-03-18 16:07:13 428

原创 Difference Row

题目:DescriptionYou want to arrange n integers a1, a2, ..., an in some order in a row. Let's define the value of an arrangement as the sum of differences between all pairs of adjacent integers.Mor

2017-03-15 22:58:52 314

原创 That the positive number which is dividable by 3 or 5

题目:DescriptionMike is very lucky, as he has two beautiful numbers, 3 and 5. But he is so greedy that he wants infinite beautiful numbers. So he declares that any positive number which is dividable

2017-03-15 22:43:08 268

原创 ind the integer A such that pow(A,N) is as close as possible to B

DescriptionGiven positive integers B and N, find an integer A such that AN is as close as possible to B. (The result A is an approximation to the Nth root of B.) Note that AN may be less than, equal

2017-03-15 20:51:00 474

原创 The most popular color of balloon

题目:DescriptionContest time again! How excited it is to see balloons floating around. But to tell you a secret, the judges' favorite time is guessing the most popular problem. When the contest is o

2017-03-15 18:23:27 271

原创 The reversed sum of two reversed numbers

题目:DescriptionThe Antique Comedians of Malidinesia prefer comedies to tragedies. Unfortunately, most of the ancient plays are tragedies. Therefore the dramatic advisor of ACM has decided to transf

2017-03-15 12:27:26 221

原创 How many items that are double some other item

题目:DescriptionAs part of an arithmetic competency program, your students will be given randomly generated lists of from 2 to 15 unique positive integers and asked to determine how many items in ea

2017-03-14 23:33:25 387

原创 sum of two 20-based number

题目:Description  In the 22nd Century, scientists have discovered intelligent residents live on the Mars. Martians are very fond of mathematics. Every year, they would hold an Arithmetic Contest on

2017-03-14 23:20:29 273

原创 FatMouse language translated to English

FatMouse language translated to English题目DescriptionWe all know that FatMouse doesn't speak English. But now he has to be prepared since our nation will join WTO soon. Thanks to Turing we have c

2017-03-14 22:59:38 419



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