v= (protocolversion)
o= (owner/creatorandsessionidentifier)
s= (sessionname)
u=* (URIofdescription)
c=* (connectioninformation-notrequiredifincludedinallmedia)
t= (timethesessionisactive)
m= (medianameandtransportaddress)
c=* (connectioninformation-optionalifincludedatsession-level)
b=* (bandwidthinformation)
a=* (zeroormoremediaattributelines)
<clockrate>[/<encodingparameters>] 中的<encodingname>,利用该属性携带编码器厂商名称(如:
企业1或企业2编码名称 DAHUA 或 HIKVISION)。该属性表明该流为某厂商编码器编码且是不符
u字段:u行应填写视音频文件的 URI。该 URI取值有两种方式:简捷方式和普通方式。简捷方式
数用“:”分隔;普通方式采用http://存储设备ID[/文件夹]* /文件名,[/文件夹]*为0-N 级文件夹。
m 字段:m 字段描述媒体的媒体类型、端口、传输层协议、负载类型等内容。媒体类型采用“video”
层协议为 RTPoverUDP,采用“TCP/RTP/AVP”标识传输层协议为 RTPoverTCP。
  “m=video6000RTP/AVP96”标识媒体类型为视频或视音频,传输端口为6000,采用 RTPover
  “m=video6000TCP/RTP/AVP96”标识媒体类型为视频或视音频,传输端口为6000,采用 RTP
2006的5.9,采用 UNIX时间戳,即从1970年1月1日开始的相对时间。开始时间和结束时间均为要
f字段:f= v/编码格式/分辨率/帧率/码率类型/码率大小a/编码格式/码率大小/采样率
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Connection Data

   c=<network type> <address type> <connection address>

   The "c=" field contains connection data.

   A session announcement must contain one "c=" field in each media
   description (see below) or a "c=" field at the session-level.  It may
   contain a session-level "c=" field and one additional "c=" field per
   media description, in which case the per-media values override the
   session-level settings for the relevant media.

   The first sub-field is the network type, which is a text string
   giving the type of network.  Initially "IN" is defined to have the
   meaning "Internet".

   The second sub-field is the address type.  This allows SDP to be used
   for sessions that are not IP based.  Currently only IP4 is defined.

   The third sub-field is the connection address.  Optional extra
   subfields may be added after the connection address depending on the
   value of the <address type> field.

   For IP4 addresses, the connection address is defined as follows:

   o Typically the connection address will be a class-D IP multicast

     group address.  If the session is not multicast, then the
     connection address contains the fully-qualified domain name or the
     unicast IP address of the expected data source or data relay or
     data sink as determined by additional attribute fields. It is not
     expected that fully-qualified domain names or unicast addresses

     will be given in a session description that is communicated by a
     multicast announcement, though this is not prohibited.  If a
     unicast data stream is to pass through a network address
     translator, the use of a fully-qualified domain name rather than an
     unicast IP address is RECOMMENDED.  In other cases, the use of an
     IP address to specify a particular interface on a multi-homed host
     might be required.  Thus this specification leaves the decision as
     to which to use up to the individual application, but all
     applications MUST be able to cope with receiving both formats.

   o Conferences using an IP multicast connection address must also have
     a time to live (TTL) value present in addition to the multicast
     address.  The TTL and the address together define the scope with
     which multicast packets sent in this conference will be sent. TTL
     values must be in the range 0-255.

     The TTL for the session is appended to the address using a slash as
     a separator.  An example is:

                           c=IN IP4

     Hierarchical or layered encoding schemes are data streams where the
     encoding from a single media source is split into a number of
     layers.  The receiver can choose the desired quality (and hence
     bandwidth) by only subscribing to a subset of these layers.  Such
     layered encodings are normally transmitted in multiple multicast
     groups to allow multicast pruning.  This technique keeps unwanted
     traffic from sites only requiring certain levels of the hierarchy.
     For applications requiring multiple multicast groups, we allow the
     following notation to be used for the connection address:

            <base multicast address>/<ttl>/<number of addresses>

     If the number of addresses is not given it is assumed to be one.
     Multicast addresses so assigned are contiguously allocated above
     the base address, so that, for example:

                          c=IN IP4

     would state that addresses, and are
     to be used at a ttl of 127.  This is semantically identical to
     including multiple "c=" lines in a media description:

                           c=IN IP4
                           c=IN IP4
                           c=IN IP4

     Multiple addresses or "c=" lines can only be specified on a per-
     media basis, and not for a session-level "c=" field.

     It is illegal for the slash notation described above to be used for
     IP unicast addresses.
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SSRC值由媒体流发送设备所在的SIP监控域产生,作为媒体流的标识使用。点播域内设备、点播外域设备 媒体流SSRC的处理方式分别说明如下:

a) 点播域内设备媒体流SSRC处理方式

点播域内设备媒体流时,SSRC值由本域监控系统产生并通过Invite请求发送给设备使用,设备在回复的 200OK 消息中携带此值,设备在发送的媒体流中使用此值作为 RTP的SSRC值。

GB28181 SDP定义和SSRC的使用_SDP

b) 点播外域设备媒体流SSRC处理方式

点播外域设备媒体流时,SSRC由被点播域产生并在被点播域回复的200OKSDP消息体中携带,被点播 域发送的 RTP码流使用该值作为SSRC值。

GB28181 SDP定义和SSRC的使用_SDP_02