《Discrete Mathematic with Applications》读书笔记三


Chapter3 Elementary Number Theory and Methods of proof

The underlying of this chapter is mainly about the question of how to determine the truth or falsity of a mathematical statement.

3.1 Direct Proof and Counterexample I: Introduction


Composite number: an integer exactly divisible by at least one number other than itself or 1

The two definition are negations of each other。

Proving Existential Statements

Constructive Proof of existence. Find a x in the domain to make the predicate true.

A nonconstructive proof of existence

Disproving Universal Statements by Counterexample

To disprove a statement means to show that it is false.(or the negation is true)

It is a sign of intelligence to make generalization. Frequently, after observing a property to hold in a large number of cases, you may guess that it holds in all cases. You may , however, run into difficulty when you try to prove your guess. Perhaps you just have not figured out the key to the proof. But perhaps you guess is false. Consequently, when you are having serious difficulty proving a general statement, you should interrupt your efforts to look for a counterexample.

Proving Universal Statements

The method for Exhaustion

In most cases in mathematics, the method of exhaustion  cannot be used.

Directions for Writing Proofs of Universal Statements

1. Copy the statement of the theorem to be proved on your paper.

2. Clearly mark the begining of your proof with the word Proof.

3. Make your proof self-contained.(自足,完备)

Declare of the variable.

4. Write your proof in complete setences.

5. Give a reason for each assertion you make in your proof.

(such as by hypothesis, by definition of, and by theorem...)

6. Include the "little word" that make the logic of your arguments clear.

(Then ,thus, so, hence or there for or it follows)

(Observe that, or Note that, or But ,or Now)

(define the new variable by Let ...)

Variations among Proof

Common Mistakes

1. Arguing from examples.

2. Using the same letter to mean two different things.

3. Jumping to a conclusion.

4. Begging the question.

5. Misuse of the word if.

Getting Proofs Started

V x , if P(x), then Q(x)

Starting Point: Support x is a [particular but arbitrarily chosen] XXX such that P(x) is true.

Conclusiont to Be Show: Q(x) is also true.

Showing That an Existential Statement Is False

It means to show that the negations of the existential statement(an universal statement) is true

Conjecture, Proof, and Disproof

3.2 Direct Proof and Counter Example II:

More On Generalizing from the Generic Particular

Proving Properties of Rational Numbers

Deriving New Mathematics from Old

In the future, when we ask you to prove something directly from the definitions, we will mean that you should restrict yourself to this approach. However, once a collection of statements has been proved directly from the difinitions, another method of proof becomes possible. The statements in the collection can be used to derive additional results.





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