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原创 Daily | Training

CatalogueError1、RuntimeError: cublas runtime error : the GPU program failed to execute at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCBlas.cu:1162、tensorboard command not found3、RuntimeError:_thnn_conv2d_forward not supported on CUPType for Byte4、RuntimeError: CUDA error: in

2020-10-03 19:24:55 632

原创 RL | DQN

CatalogueDQN FrameworkApplication1.1 Cartpole Introduction1.2 CodeReferenceDQN FrameworkThe agent interacts with the environment to generate next state, reward and termination information, which will be stored in a replay buffer.Agent与环境交互,产生下一个状态、奖

2020-09-04 22:27:10 307

原创 OpenGL | Learn From Basic Examples - IndexBuffer-Uniforms

CatalogueExample 1 - Index Buffer1.1 Source Code1.2 NotesExample 1 - Index BufferReuse existing vertices.重用缓冲区的顶点1.1 Source Code // 顶点信息 float positions[] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, // 0 0.5f, 0.0f, // 1 -0.5f, 0.0f, // 2 0.0f,-1.0f // 3

2020-07-30 09:29:42 155

原创 Dataset | CIFAR-100

CatalogueDownload and Description1.1 official websiteLoaders1.1 code directory1.2 simply loader1.3 torch loader1.4 pickle loaderReferenceDownload and Description1.1 official websitelinkLoaders1.1 code directoryimages: output folder of the dataset

2020-07-27 09:48:27 682

原创 Daily | jupyter notebook

CatalogueInstall AnacondaJupyter NotebookInstall AnacondaJupyter Notebookconda activate [env]conda install jupyter notebook# set passwordjupyter notebook password# run jupyter notebook in the backgroundnohup jupyter notebook --port [port] > ./.j

2020-07-23 09:53:41 138

原创 OpenGL | Learn From Basic Examples - BasicShader

CatalogueBasic Knowledge1.1 OpenGL is a specification (API) or a library?1.2 OpenGL pipeline1.3 What's the difference between glfw, glew and glutDevelopment Environment1.1 Visual Studio1.2 OpenGL dependency libraries (e.g. glfw etc.)ResourceExample 1 - Cre

2020-07-16 14:08:24 250 2

原创 Math | Fourier Series & Fourier Transform

CatalogueBasic knowledge1.1 How to describe a waveBasic knowledge1.1 How to describe a wave[formula] x = Asin( ωt + φ )A means amplitude.ω represents angle rate.

2020-06-10 11:14:27 393

原创 Framework | Tensorrt Inference Server

CataloguePull the docker image1.1 download from domestic images sourcePull the docker image1.1 download from domestic images source

2020-02-25 17:55:28 592

原创 Daily | python & pip

CatalogueInstall python2 / python31.1 switch python versionInstall setuptoolsInstall pip1.1 installation1.2 alter pip sourceReferenceInstall python2 / python3alter apt-srouces to aliyunapt-get in...

2020-02-19 21:46:53 159

原创 Framework | Docker & Nvidia-Docker

CatalogueInstallation1.1 update apt sourceInstallation1.1 update apt source# add GPG secret keycurl -fsSL http://mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - # add ali_clou...

2020-02-16 15:25:08 179

原创 Daily | Ubuntu Environment Configure - Pingyin & Cuda10.1

CatalogueBackup the apt sources and alter to aliyun1.1 back up1.2 overwrite the content1.3 updateping-yin environment2.1 install ibus2.2 configureBackup the apt sources and alter to aliyun1.1 back u...

2020-02-15 12:19:11 150

原创 Framework | Kubernetes


2020-02-12 19:02:28 193

原创 Framework | REST

一、REST (Representational State Transfer)1.1 CharacteristicsThe resource is located by URL.The system is designed from the perspective of resource, rather than from the perspective of operation a...

2020-02-12 10:23:40 87

原创 Daily | Pytorch Installation

目录Pytorch Environment1.add source2.install components3.issuesPytorch Environment1.add sourceconda config --add channels https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/cloud/msys2/conda config --add...

2020-02-10 15:57:21 522

原创 Daily | 固态硬盘装Win,机械硬盘装Ubuntu

1、 TipsUEFI must correspond to GPT(Guid), Legacy must correspond to MBR, or may not install win10 in solid state hardwok.When using diskGenius part2、 Solid state hardwork installs win10

2020-01-31 12:05:33 146

原创 Leetcode_UnionFind(level_M)_200_547

CatalogueDescription_200_number-of-islandsDescription_547_friend-circlesThinkingCodeDescription_200_number-of-islandsDescription_547_friend-circlesThinkingSomething In CommonBoth of two questio...

2019-08-08 21:41:20 148

原创 Leetcode_DP(level_M)_413_ArithmeticSlices

CatalogueDescriptionThinkingCodeDescriptionThinkingViolent solutioni traverses from 1 to n while j traverses from i-1 to 0. When j+1 equal to i, the default equal difference is A[i] - A[j], and ...

2019-08-01 20:59:27 89

原创 Leetcode_DP(level_M)_712_MinimumASCIIDeleteSumForTwoStrings

CatalogueDescriptionThinkingCodeDescriptionThinkingTips: We will traverse both of two strings, if s1[i] != s2[j], we must delete one of them to minimize the ASCII.State: dp[i][j] denotes the mini...

2019-08-01 00:04:46 89

原创 Leetcode_DP(level_M)_647_PalindromicSubstrings

CatalogueDescriptionThinkingCodeDescriptionThinkingPlan A (Two-dimensional, from top to bottom)State: dp[i][j] denotes whether the substring whose indices from i to j is a palindrom.Transformati...

2019-07-31 21:32:07 95

原创 Leetcode_DP(level_M)_120_Triangle

CatalogueDescriptionThinkingDescriptionThinkingPlan A (Two-dimensional, from top to bottom)State: dp[i][j] denotes the minimum distance from top to triangle[i][j]Transformation equation : dp[i][...

2019-07-31 19:56:59 89

原创 Leetcode_DP(level_M)_877_StoneGame

CatalogueDescriptionThinkingCodeConclusionDescriptionThinkingSorry, I have no idea yet about how to solve this problem with a one-dimensional array right now. Maybe I’ll follow up at another time ...

2019-07-29 17:02:43 125

原创 Leetcode_DP_198_HouseRobber

CatalogureDescriptionThinkingCodeDescriptionThinkingInitial State: dp[0] = nums[0], dp[1] = nums[1];State Transformation Equation: dp[i] = max{dp[i-1], dp[i-2]+nums[i]};Codeclass Solution {pu...

2019-07-29 13:11:19 89

原创 Leetcode_DP_53_MaximumSubarray

CatalogueDescriptionThinkingState transformation equationCodeDescriptionThinkingState transformation equationdp[i] = max{num[i], dp[i-1]+dp[i-1]}Codeclass Solution {public: int maxSubArra...

2019-07-28 20:57:11 84

原创 Leetcode_DP_303_RangeSumQuery(Immutable)

CatalogueDescriptionThinkingCodeDescriptionThinkingViolent SolutionCreating a two-dimensional array dp where dp[i][j] denotes the sum of the elements between indices i and j.Dynamic Programmi...

2019-07-28 19:25:21 76

原创 Leetcode_DP_121_BestTimeToBuyAndSellStock

CatalogueDescriptionThinkingState: dp[i], dp[1] = false, dp[2] = true;Transformation equation:dp[i] = (N / j == 0 && dp[j]) ?? true : false;CodeDescriptionThinkingLet us assume a one-dimen...

2019-07-28 16:46:20 76

原创 Real-Sense-d435i configure

Reference :(document) https://github.com/IntelRealSense/librealsense/blob/master/doc/installation.md(csdn block) https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41839222/article/details/86503113Platform :cat /proc/ver...

2019-03-05 19:22:21 480

原创 Linux Kernel Clean (Free /boot space)

Reference :(csdn block)https://blog.csdn.net/iam333/article/details/37874683Platform :cat /proc/versionUbuntu 16.04 LSTNote :Install three kernels may use 180 MB (in /boot)Procedure :che...

2019-02-09 16:52:48 260

原创 Ceres_Pose Graph Example

一、问题背景个人理解觉得这是一个Bundle Adjustment的过程引用《视觉SLAM十四讲》的一句话“在SLAM中,通常的做法是先使用P3P/EPnP等方法估计相机位姿,然后构建最小二乘优化问题对估计值进行调整(Bundle Adjustment)”。 这里“对估计值进行调整”可以用g2o,也可以用ceres进行图优化。二、二维图优化二维状态包含位置 ppp (2维...

2018-06-01 15:23:48 875

原创 SLAM_李群李代数

一、群G=(A, ·) 一种集合(如旋转矩阵,A表示)加上一种运算(如乘法,·表示)的代数结构封闭性结合性幺元 ∃a0∈A,使得∀a∈A,a0⋅a=a⋅a0=a∃a0∈A,使得∀a∈A,a0·a=a·a0=a{\exists}a_0{\in}A,使得{\forall}a{\in}A, a_0·a=a·a_0=a例如 有理数(除零)的乘法G=(Q∗Q∗Q^{*}, +),...

2018-05-31 16:25:58 238

原创 Ceres_1

一、非线性最小二乘minx12∑ipi(||fi(xi1,...,xik)||2)s.t.lj≤xj≤ujminx12∑ipi(||fi(xi1,...,xik)||2)s.t.lj≤xj≤uj\underset{x}{\mathrm min} \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i} pi(||f_i(x_{i_1},...,x_{i_k})||^2)\\s.t. l_j\le x_j \le...

2018-05-31 11:47:26 815

原创 Spring MVC-数据增删改查、PDF报表生成

一、工程目录1、java源码目录com.commonTools MD5Encoding:MD5加密类,用于登录密码加密、解密com.controller LoginAction: 登录输入密码后跳转到的控制器,连接数据库并验证密码,验证成功进入查询界面RegisterAction:根据输入的信息注册(插入数据库)StuOptionController:处理查询、删除、修改、生成PDF报表

2017-11-26 15:14:29 336


1、文件目录:【第一级目录】 bin:放可执行文件,生成的可执行文件(类似于WINDOWS 下的EXE)都放在这include : 放头文件,有些程序员没有单独将头文件放在include下,而是将头文件与源文件一起放在src下src:源文件lib:链接文件,生成的一些(动态/静态)链接库(.so)都放这CMakeLists.txt:这个文件可以理解为写编译指令README.md:这个文件可

2017-10-20 09:38:08 276

原创 Ceres

ceres_p1.cpp#include <iostream>#include <ceres/ceres.h>using namespace std;struct CostFunction_model { template <class T> bool operator () (const T* const x, T* residual) const { // g

2017-07-04 21:40:09 1292

原创 Ubuntu16.04+Tensorflow+CUDA8.0

注:此篇为源码编译方式安装Tensorflow,不过也可以通过其他方法,比如Anaconda,我没试过:)一、参考资料:【http://blog.csdn.net/zhaoyu106/article/details/52793183/】二、事先装好Ubuntu16.04+CUDA8.0三、cuDNN v5:利用GPU加速卷积神经网络,提高整个网络训练速度。拷贝库文件: sudo cp cuda

2017-04-29 00:35:46 4654

原创 OpenGL

一、主要流程:变换\投影->光栅化->着色->纹理贴图->混合二、配置:附:【修改VS默认属性表】:http://blog.csdn.net/windows_nt/article/details/12676085相关库: glu:【OpenGL Utility Library】实用库glut:【OpenGL Utility Toolkit】实用工具箱glTools:包含用于操作矩阵和向量的3D

2017-04-13 09:31:45 443

原创 图像标定

<补充>(1)由于(u,v)(#像素坐标系#)只代表像素的列数和行数,还需建立以物理单位(如毫米)表示的(x,y)(#图像坐标系#)(2)1.内参: <资料>: http://blog.csdn.net/aptx704610875/article/details/48914043 http://www.cnblogs.com/haoxing990/p/4588566.html

2017-03-16 12:12:49 10185

原创 Android_QA

一、无法显示标题栏解决:需要继承AppCompatActivity;二、模拟器APP启动时闪退调大模拟器heap:Tools -> Android -> AVD manager -> 编辑 -> Show Advanced Settings -> VM heap调为400M检查空指针,注意findViewById找到的控件是否在当前页面

2017-03-12 13:55:38 224

原创 Swift-QA

1、 Warning: Attempt to present < UIAlertController: 0x17e8ed30> on < GitHubApp.ViewController: 0x17d69040 > whose view is not in the window hierarchy!该错误一般是由于在 viewDidLoad 里面调用引起的,解决办法是转移到 viewDidAp

2017-03-11 14:35:18 493

原创 视觉SLAM整理(1)

一、三个坐标系(世界坐标、相机坐标、图像坐标)1、一个定则(右手定则): 注:图片来源http://www.zybang.com/question/35583619443d2163d5dd731826c47f1a.html2、三个坐标系图解: 注:图片来源http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b364631a0101imw1.htm

2017-02-20 08:30:42 1187

原创 视觉SLAM整理(2)数学篇

一、正交矩阵概念:AAT=EAA^T = E性质: 各行/列是单位向量且两两正交二、变换矩阵1.包括:左上旋转、右上平移、左下缩放、右下为12.旋转向量-&amp;amp;gt;旋转矩阵:通过Rodrigues

2017-02-19 13:57:43 399





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