To be able to setup Wifi on Raspberry Pi 4 B+ 4GB on Ubuntu server 18 TLS, you first need to get the name of the wifi card by showing physical components using the following command:
$ sudo lshw
in my case it was wlan0
Then navigate to /etc/netplan/ using the cd command the hit Enter
$ cd /etc/netplan/
use the command lsto list the files and directories under the folder then you now have to edit the .yaml file:
$ sudo nano 50-cloud-init.yaml
finally add the following lines to the 50-cloud-init file:
optional: true
“MyWiFI ”:
password: “MyPass ”
dhcp4: true
NOTE: make sure not to use tab for space, use the spacebar to create the blank.
NOTE: make sure that you are a very careful person to input the above info with exact format as original file started, and all indents should be typed with spaces (4 spaces each level), NOT tabs, which is very important!
here is the final file code:
Change the MyWiFI and the MyPass they have to be in quotes.
Close and save the file using ctrl+x and yes by tipping the letter y
finally you need to do some debugs
$ sudo netplan –debug try
$ sudo netplan –debug generate
$ sudo netplan –debug apply
then reboot the pi
$ sudo reboot
Install Ubuntu desktop with the following command:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop